can't debug mobile native app with tizen studio ide - debugging

I have tizen studio ide v1.0.2 installed. I created a new project from one of the samples (sensors). It builds ok. But I can't debug or run it. When I start either run or debug, the emulator window shows up, and eventually it says "Starting the kernel". The ide shows "Launching Sensor Debug", and gets to 81%, then it times out making a connection to the emulator - an error box pops up. Closing it leaves the emulator window open and I have to use the task manager to end it the emulator.
Any pointers, etc. will be greatly appreciated.

Try This:
Open Emulator Manager (alt+shift+e) under Tools. Check HD Mobile (assuming that is your platform), Click Edit, Under device uncheck all the sensors that you DON'T NEED.
Click Confirm.
Now LAUNCH EMULATOR...... WAIT! I have an i7, 16 gb or RAM, SSD Hard drive, nothing else running except Tizen Studio AND it still takes A LONG TIME to load the emulator (like 30 + seconds).
Wait until you see the Tizen Home screen
THEN, Go to Build Project
THEN, Right click on Project File (Left/Top in Project Explorer window) and choose "Run As" Tizen Native Application.
Works every time for me. Ignore error that says cant open emulator because it is already running.
Hope this helps.


After VS 2022 launches a web app in browser, I am unable to switch between desktop windows via clicking icons on Windows taskbar

I am battling with this issue since months, begin just after I installed VS 2022...
If I start my web app (either with debug or without debug) from VS, the browser windows launches, and after that I am unable to switch desktop windows by clicking the icon on the Windows taskbar. This applies to all running application icons on the taskbar
It seems, that VS brings the browser window to the top, with some way what fools Windows.
it is not just VS and the launched browser, say I had open a console window, after the web app launch I am unable to switch to the console window by clicking its icons on the Windows taskbar.
after I switch to other windows with other method, say alt + tab, the window handling still remains fooled, it does not work.
Configuring VS to use Edge or Chrome does not matter, both case produces the issue
Exiting VS, closing the browser window resolves the weird behavior, of course next time I launch a web app with VS the issue is back.
Using Windows 11, but no other app exhibited the issue, it is just VS when launching the browser.
This is a real productivity killer for me, breaks my work hundred times a day. Does anyone experience this issue, if yes, has anyone workaround for it?
Currently I found only this workaround:
Options/Debugging/General: turn off 'Enable Diagnostic Tools while debugging'

Android studio takes too long to open

When I click the android studio icon on my desktop, its takes more than 5-10 minutes or even more to open android studio window.
Then the Gradle build also takes too long to refresh although I have set offline mode 'on'. and if i sync the project it takes way too long again
I have i5 processor with 6gb RAM running windows 10 and I use Genymotion as online device to debug and run my application.
Please help, it takes way too long and a lot of time is wasted
This is happening in Android Studio 2.0 or > 2.1. As mentioned in this answer you need to uncheck the Instant Run option.
Settings/Preferences(Mac) → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Instant Run

Application freezes when I do resuming - Windows 10 Mobile - C#

When I open the app (Universal app Windows 10 / windows 10 Mobile), this work perfect but when Go Back using native hardware back key until exit application, the application freeze when i do resuming (long press back key and select the app exit before).
I have the build 10572. The same app, in PC version, works perfect.
It will problem with build mobile, since it is still preview? Or the problem are using native hardware back key to exit application?
The strange thing is that when I "Run" through Visual Studio, the application does not freeze, but when I run out of VS application has this problem!
Someone can help me?

Intel Galileo IoT Visual Studio Issue

I haven't any other working ways of communication with WindowsOnDevices community (given on site so I'm trying to ask here.
I got Intel Galileo from Microsoft IoT program, connection is working, I can ping it, watch files on SD card, do something via Telnet, etc. Microsoft gives SDK for Galileo in Visual Studio Express 2013. I installed it and configure as they told on, so I wanted to launch "Hello world" blinking LED app from their site, debugging over ethernet. I press F5 or click Debug in Visual Studio, it writes me "Operation is taking longer than expected" so I waited for 5, 10 and 15 minutes but nothing happend. Only in console "1>------ Deploy started: Project: Blink, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------"
I turned off all firewalls, it doesn't helped. When I kill remote debugger app (msvsmon.exe) on Galileo, it doesn't starts, so it can see this app on device. What could be wrong?
If you didn't use the default name for your Galileo ("mygalileo"), you'll have to enter your board's name in the Project Properties.

Debugging Win Mobile 6 App with Visual Studio 2008

When I go in to debug the app, it asks me to choose where I would like to deploy it. When I select Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional Emulator and click the Deploy button, it starts to work and throws up a command line and then it goes away and Visual Studio doesn't appear to be in debug mode.
I have the Device Emulator open, Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional Emulator loaded and cradled. Can someone help me figure out why it will not let me debug this project?
Brad, I downloaded the code and just unpacked the zip to D:\boxoffice_mobile (a local drive partition). Then I started VisualStudio 2008 and opened the solution file. I get a warning message that the project is not loaded from a trusted location ( As I do not use a network drive, I ignored the warning two times and the projects load all fine.
BTW: I found a great tool to manage these 'security' warnings: The message had nothing to do with a remote file access.
Then I just looked at the solution configuration to ensure that only the needed projects are build and did no change, as only BoxOfficeMobile and WebserviceTest are set to build and only BoxOfficeMobile is set to deploy.
Then closed solution configuration manager and just pressed F5 to start debugging to see what happens.
The startup project BoxOfficeMobile was build and deployed to "Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional Emulator". The emulator started and the files were deployed and the project was stopped by a breakpoint inside the code:
Here is another screen shot with the emulator set to 'Display: Always on top':
So, as you can see, the project is fine and the debug issue on your site is caused by a different setup.
Do you load the project from a network drive share? Try moving it to a local drive and run it from there.
Did you change Device settings in the VS2008 Tools:Options menu? Here is my setup (as coming as default, I did not change anything):
and the details:
The additional settings available via the buttons are empty (Configure) or unchanged (Emulator Options).
I am very interested in seeing what you changed to be not able to debug the project.
before you start developing for Windows Mobile 6.5 Prof, you need to setup your development environment.
First, install Visual Studio 2008 (no express version)
Download and install either ActiveSync (host OS <= Windows XP) or Windows Mobile Device Center / WMDC (Windows Vista/7)
[optional] Download and install Device Emulator Manager
Then download and install Windows Mobile 6.5 DTK (
Now, you can start a new C# project inside Visual Studio 2008:
Follow the wizard:
The list of Target Platforms depend on the Mobile/CE SDKs you have installed!
Select either .Net Compact Framework 2.0 or 3.5. The choose depends on what is installed on your PC and what is available on the device. If the device comes with 2.0 pre-installed, I would choose 2.0 except for I need something only available in 3.5 (ie Mobile.Status namespace).
Now you get an empty form:
You can change the target device in the project properties:
If you want to change the target platform, look at "Change Target Platform" in Project menu or just right click the project in solution explorer and select Change Target Platform:
The above has nothing to do with Device Emulator Manager or the installed Emulator Images!
You can run a WM5 targeting project on a Windows Mobile 6.5 device if you want.
To start debugging and SmartDevice application inside an emulator. Just Select an Emulator entry from the target device list in Project properties or just in the SmartDevice toolbar. Then click Debug and "Start Debugging". VS will start an emulator with the specified emulator image and deploys your project application files and start remote devugging.
You may also start an emulator image using DeviceEmulatorManager and then cradle the running Emulator image. To use the running and cradled (ActiveSync or WMDC connected!) emulator do NOT select an emulator inside VS but a Device. VS does not see the difference and uses the WMDC connected device, regardless of being an emulator or real device.
VS uses DMA to communicate with the emulator, not USB or Serial as with a real device.
Now start your development.
First of all clean your project.Then freshly start the emulator.Right click the project and select build.Then Debug the project.Your project will be started in Emulator (Don't Open the application from your Emulator at this time).
Just check your Emulator Start>File Explorer>My Device>Program Files whether the project has been previously installed.If so uninstall from the Settings> System > Remove Programs. And try re-building application and deploy it.
