should angularFire2 access be through a service - angularfire2

The AngularFire2 example
is a single component which imports:
import { AngularFire, FirebaseListObservable } from 'angularfire2';
I'm assuming in a multi-component app, this would be done just once (in a service) and then all the Firebase access is through that service. Yes?
Or is there no overhead/duplication issues with having each component having direct access to Firebase ie. AngularFire manages that.

Ideally yes as far as I understand, you should '.map' the 'FirebaseObjectObservable' or 'FirebaseListObservable' into your own objects. 'FirebaseObjectObservable' should be mapped to 'Observable' so that components don't care about the fire base dependency.


Calls From External Web Components in PWAs [duplicate]

We are running 2 servers. Server 1 hosts a react application. Server 2 hosts a webcomponent exposed as a single javascript bundle along with some assets such as images. We are dynamically loading the webcomponent Javascript hosted on Server 2 in our react app hosted on Server 1. The fact that it is a webcomponent might or might not affect the issue.
What's happening is that the webcomponent makes uses of assets such as images that are located on Server 2. But when the react app loads the webcomponent, the images are not found as its looking for the images locally on Server 1.
We can fix this in many ways. I am looking for the simplest fix. Since Server 1 app and Server 2 apps are being developed by different teams both should be able to develop in the most natural way possible without making allowances for their app being potentially loaded by other apps.
The fixes that I could think of was:
Making use of absolute URLs to load assets - Need to know the deployed location in advance .
Adding a reverse proxy to Server 1 to redirect to Server 2 whenever a particular path is hit - Need to configure this. The React app could load hundreds of webcomponents, viz we need add a lot of reverse proxies.
Embed all assets into the single javascript on Server 2, like embed svgs into the javascript. - Too limiting. If the SVGs are huge and will make the bundle size bigger.
I was hoping to implement something like -
Since the react app knows where to hit Server 2, can't we write some clever javascript that will make the browser go to Server 2 whenever assets are requested by a Javascript loaded by Server 2.
If you download your Web Component via a classic script (<script> with default type="text/javascript") you can retrieve the URL of the loaded file by using document.currentScript.src.
If you download the file as a module script (<script> with type="module"), you can retrieve the URL by using import.meta.url.
Parse then the property to extract the base path to the Web Component.
Example of Web Component Javascript file:
( function ( path ) {
var base = path.slice( 0, path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) )
customElements.define( 'my-comp', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML = `<img src="${base}/image.png">`
} )
} ) ( document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : import.meta.url )
How about uploading all required assets to a 3rd location, or maybe an AWS S3 bucket, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.? That way those assets always have a unique, known URL, and both teams can access them independently. As long as the names remain the same, so will the URLs.

What is the best practice to implement custom Javascript code and where should I start working with Ember first?

I'm using Ember 2.7.0 of course with ember-cli.
I come from Rails, I used to put in "assets/application.js" all my javascript like, for example:
var ready = function () {
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function () {
Now with Ember where I have to put this code in my application?
I read on the web the use of:
ready: function () {
but I don't know how to put this code: in app.js maybe, but I already have:
App = Ember.Application.extend({
modulePrefix: config.modulePrefix,
podModulePrefix: config.podModulePrefix,
and if I create another file in the root, like for example "mycode.js" like this:
import {Ember} from 'ember';
let myCode;
myCode = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function () {
export default myCode;
and import it in application using ember-cli-build.js here:
it compile the big js with my code, but it doesn't work at all my ready function.
How to do?
I have to use Components? Maybe an application component?
Which is the best Ember way for top performances?
To start working with Ember is a must to know Ember's structure and the way Ember works, Simply you need to use Ember guideline to get the best performance. I will explain you some steps and example and I hope it will help you to understand more.
First of all check this image
1. Review Ember Guides and API Docs
In addition, it's a good to review this repository on Github as well. which will help developers to get used to Ember.
2. Install Ember-CLI
Ember-CLI is a command line interface which has been designed for creating Ember apps that strongly favor convention over configuration.
3. Install the Ember Inspector Extension
The Ember Inspector Extension is super-useful for debugging your Ember app.You may also find Chrome app on Google play.
4. Read “From Rails To Ember”
Since you know Ruby on Rails and you are a developer of that, it is essential that you read the tips compiled in From Rails To Ember.
5. Get to Know Ember.Component
A simple way to think of an Ember component is that it is a combination of controller and view, isolated and reusable:
You should pass in the state you need to the component.
Components should communicate with their parent scope (e.g, controller
or another component) by sending actions.
Parent scope (e.g., controller or another component) communicates with
the component by changing the data state that it has passed to the
As an example I am going to explain some part of your code.
You have this
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
and probably this is your HTML code
<a id="btn-fluid">Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div id="myPage" class="">dummy text </div>
However, in Ember what would be the best practice to use Actions in your Route or Controller to define your action function for example your code in Ember will be something like this :
myPage: null,
actions: {
clickOnbtnFliud() {
this.set('myPage', 'container');
and HTML in the same template for the controller would be like
<a {{action 'clickOnbtnFliud'}}>Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div class="{{myPage}}">dummy text </div>
In Summary,
You may use Components as you need which is the best practice for your Ember Application but you need to understand where you have to create that.
You rarely need to edit Ember-Cli-Build.js unless you want to insert extra plugins library or ... but I don't recommend you to insert your internal JS files as you can simply convert it to Ember Native codes. For instance you don't need to do this app.import('mycode.js'); but you can simply create your Route and add your custom code like I said as an example before to your Route or Controller or Components.
What I can assure you is if you user Ember in the way that you can find in Guidelines in Ember website, You don't need to worry about performance.Just try to user Ember Native way to implement your code.
Last word, As much as possible keep yourself motivated to use EmberAddons rather than thirdparty plugins and always choose the best updated addons not all of them. Search for best Addons and popular ones and use it.
Hope this guide help you.

Sending and receiving Websockets-like messages in React Native

Is it possible to use websockets (via etc.) in a React Native app for bidirectional communication with a custom backend rather that using the supported fetch() with polling etc.? For example, neccessary for a chat app with React Native.
Their website does not mention an API for this yet.
I have not tried it myself but it should be no problem to run for react-native app (it's. is pure javascript library without any HTML/CSS dependencies I believe, so simple
npm install --save
in your project should be enough to start using it.
Actually, it looks like someone did it before and managed to get working for react-native:
Here is a step by step of what needs to be done to get up and running in a react native app. Its very similar to Jarek Ptiuk's answer but has an example of what to do.
Is it possible to combine React Native with
the example:
import React from 'react-native';
// ... [other imports]
window.navigator.userAgent = 'react-native';
import io from '';
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.socket = io('localhost:3001', {jsonp: false});
// no you can use
// or any other functionality within!

Registering a Sitefinity Custom Membership provider

I am trying to implement a custom membership provider in Sitefinity, and have followed through the documentation at:
When I come to register the provider in the Sitefinity backend, I get the message The following required properties are not set: type
I have checked, double checked and checked again the namespace and class names, and can even declare a variable as the provider type in the code-behind, yet it just won't have it.
My provider is defined thus:
namespace SitefinityWebApp
public class WebsiteMembersProvider : MembershipDataProvider
public WebsiteMembersProvider()
//... etc
I am registering the provider in the SF backend as:
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider, SitefinityWebApp
And I can go into the code behind on one of my master pages and code:
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider MyTestProvider;
and indeed, the class appears in the intellisense offerings just fine.
and the project all compiles/runs fine - but SF won't let me use the custom provider! I have also tried adding the provider manually in the securityconfig.config file - similar result.
Any idea anyone?
I went through the tutorial to try it myself and ran into the same problem as you.
Are you sure that you're putting this
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider, SitefinityWebApp
in the ProviderType field (and not the 'Global resource class ID' field, which is what I initially did)? It seems like that error message shows up if I remove the text from that field and attempt to save (and also when it can't resolve that type).
Otherwise, I'm not sure what else it could be, aside from maybe recycling the app pool.

Multiple Facebook Canvas Applications within same web application - CanvasAuthorizeAttribute

I am having a problem with running multiple Facebook applications under a single Web application.
Similar to this problem:
Multiple facebook apps under one web application
I do like the solution suggested here, however the CanvasAuthorizeAttribute uses the FacebookApplication.Current internally and this is a static instance of the FB application within the Web application.
I can't call the .SetApplication method within the controller as I will have concurrency issues.
It would be nice if the FacebookApplication.Current called the Func that is passed into the .SetApplication instead of just calling inside of the .SetApplication.
That way I could pass a function that does my logic for retrieving the correct FB application.
Am I missing something that is already in the SDK?
You can always have your own logic at
private IFacebookApplication Current
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
var app = GetSettingsForUrl(url);
// put your custom logic here and return the appropriate IFacebookApplication
return app;
But you should do this during Application_Start where it is still running on a single thread and not in Controller.
