Calls From External Web Components in PWAs [duplicate] - ajax

We are running 2 servers. Server 1 hosts a react application. Server 2 hosts a webcomponent exposed as a single javascript bundle along with some assets such as images. We are dynamically loading the webcomponent Javascript hosted on Server 2 in our react app hosted on Server 1. The fact that it is a webcomponent might or might not affect the issue.
What's happening is that the webcomponent makes uses of assets such as images that are located on Server 2. But when the react app loads the webcomponent, the images are not found as its looking for the images locally on Server 1.
We can fix this in many ways. I am looking for the simplest fix. Since Server 1 app and Server 2 apps are being developed by different teams both should be able to develop in the most natural way possible without making allowances for their app being potentially loaded by other apps.
The fixes that I could think of was:
Making use of absolute URLs to load assets - Need to know the deployed location in advance .
Adding a reverse proxy to Server 1 to redirect to Server 2 whenever a particular path is hit - Need to configure this. The React app could load hundreds of webcomponents, viz we need add a lot of reverse proxies.
Embed all assets into the single javascript on Server 2, like embed svgs into the javascript. - Too limiting. If the SVGs are huge and will make the bundle size bigger.
I was hoping to implement something like -
Since the react app knows where to hit Server 2, can't we write some clever javascript that will make the browser go to Server 2 whenever assets are requested by a Javascript loaded by Server 2.

If you download your Web Component via a classic script (<script> with default type="text/javascript") you can retrieve the URL of the loaded file by using document.currentScript.src.
If you download the file as a module script (<script> with type="module"), you can retrieve the URL by using import.meta.url.
Parse then the property to extract the base path to the Web Component.
Example of Web Component Javascript file:
( function ( path ) {
var base = path.slice( 0, path.lastIndexOf( '/' ) )
customElements.define( 'my-comp', class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } )
.innerHTML = `<img src="${base}/image.png">`
} )
} ) ( document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : import.meta.url )

How about uploading all required assets to a 3rd location, or maybe an AWS S3 bucket, Google Drive, Dropbox etc.? That way those assets always have a unique, known URL, and both teams can access them independently. As long as the names remain the same, so will the URLs.


How do I access BlockBlobClient in Azure Storage JavaScript client library for browsers?

I'm attempting to use BlockBlobClient in a browser page to upload a file using a server-supplied sastoken / URL, similar to this C# code:
var blob = new CloudBlockBlob(new Uri(assetUploadUrl));
blob.UploadFromFile(FilePath, null, new BlobRequestOptions {RetryPolicy = new ExponentialRetry()});
Although the docs suggest BlockBlobClient is available in #azure/storage-blob and should be able to upload browser data from an input[type=file] element using uploadBrowserData, I can find no reference to BlockBlobClient in the browser library source. I looked into modifying the browserify export scripts but I can't find any references in the main package source either. Also the example code suggests that using #azure/storage-blog gives you a BlobServiceClient by default:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
Is BlockBlobClient actually available in the JavaScript client library?
Okay I've figured this out, I need to use the Azure Storage client library for JavaScript, there's even a sample of doing exactly what I need to do. Now I just need to figure out how to bundle npm package files for use in Razor pages.

Import TNS Modules in the same typescript file of the angular web app

Nativescript Angular is well known for its code sharing properties. I am trying to simplify my design by using only 1 typescript file instead of splitting into the .ts and the .tns.ts file.
I was trying to import { Page } from "tns-core-modules/ui/page"; in the .ts. When running on Android, the code works flawlessly, but if I ng serve for the web app, it says Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tns-core-modules/ui/page'.
The reason why I wanted to import the page module is because of setting the action bar properties
constructor(private page: Page) {
if (isAndroid) {
console.log("This is Android"); = true;
I was hoping to import the tns-core-modules/ui/page and some other tns-core-modules in the same file as the angular web app. Is it possible to do so? Or is it a must to split into the .ts and the .tns.ts files?
You have to go with platform specific ts files, one for web and one for tns, Page won't be valid while running inside a browser (ng serve).
If you prefer to reuse most of your code, try writting a common / base ts component, extend platform specific ts files from the common / base ts component, inject Page only within the tns specific ts file.

Failed Prop Type Error in Fine Uploader

I'm trying to get Fine Uploader React to work but keep running into issues.
I'm getting the following errors:
Here's the URL:
Here's what I've done so far:
Downloaded the source on to my computer from
I then npm installed react-fine-uploader and fine-uploader as per instructions
I ran webpack to transpile and bundle the code
Added an entry point and index.html
Finally, I simply published the app to a new Azure app/website
Any idea what's causing the issue?
P.S. My goal is to use Fine Uploader to upload files to Azure Blob Storage. At this point, I'm simply trying to get Fine Uploader going. I do realize that I'll have to enter a few pieces of information about my blog storage endpoint, etc. but I don't think this error is related to any of that.
A Gallery (and every higher level component of that library) needs an "uploader" props as explained in the section
An uploader is one of the 3 classes avaiable in the fine-uploader-wrappers package
those are for upload to
Aws s3
or your enpoint
The uploader class need all the configuration endpoint, credentials, custom configuration, etc... (you can find a comprehensive list here in the api section
An example for s3 direct upload would be something like:
const uploader = new FineUploaderS3({
options: {
request: {
endpoint: "",
signature: {
endpoint: "/vendor/fineuploader/php-s3-server/endpoint.php"
and use that uploader in a gallery
<Gallery uploader={ uploader } />
There are many usefull option for customization: callbacks, onEventHandler, etc you can find them all in the docs of fineuploader
Edit: if im not mistaken react-transition-group is necessary even if it's not listed anywhere in the docs...

Firefox web extension - read local file (last downloaded file)

Im creating a web extension and porting from XUL. I used to be able to easily read files with
var dJsm = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Downloads.jsm").Downloads;
var tJsm = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm").Task;
var fuJsm = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm").FileUtils;
var nsiPromptService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
NetUtil.asyncFetch(file, function(inputStream, status) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
var data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available());
var data = window.btoa(data);
var encoded_data_to_send_via_xmlhttp = encodeURIComponent(data);
This above will be deprecated.
I can use the to know what was the last download but I can NOT read the file and then get the equivalent for encoded_data_to_send_via_xmlhttp
Also in Firefox 57 onwards, means that I have to try to fake a user action by a button click or something, or upload a file.
Access to file:// URLs or reading files without any explicit user input
isnt there an easy way to read the last downloaded file?
The WebExtension API won't allow extensions to read local files anymore. You could let the extension get CORS privilege and read the content directly from the URL via fetch() or XMLHttpRequest() as blob and store directly to IndexedDB or memory, then encode and send to server. This comes with many restrictions and limitations such as to which origin you can read from and so forth.
Also, this would add potentially many unneeded steps. If the purpose is, as it seem to be in the question at the moment, to share the downloaded file with a server, I would instead suggest that you obtain the last DownloadItem object, extract the URL (.url) from that object and send the URL back to server.
This way the server can load directly from that URL (and encode it on server if needed). The network load will be about the same (a little less actually since there is no Base64 encoding involved which adds 33% to the size), and much less load on the client. The server would read the data as a binary/byte data stream; about the same as if the data was sent directly from the extension.
To obtain the last downloaded file you would do the following from a privileged script:{
limit: 1,
orderBy: ["-startTime"]
function getLastDownload(downloads) {
if (downloads.length) {
var url = downloads[0].url;
// ... send url to the server and let server fetch the data from it directly
According to this support mozilla question.
(2) Local file security
Firefox limits access from pages on web servers to pages on local disk or UNC paths. [...]).
Which solution ?
Use local-filesystem-links firefox addon (not tested)
run a small local webserver on client side, supposing server was run with sufficient privileges, you may finally access any local content via http:// (but still cannot with file:///)

An app can’t load remote web content in the local context

working on cordova [ windows 8.1 app ] maps api is not loading with error [Error] An app can’t load remote web content in the local context.
causes of issue :
1) google maps loads asyncly
2) windows app doesn't allow dynamic script insertion
3) win app runs in local context and doesn't allow to load anything from web(remote context) see this comment [ ]
4) getting same error even in an iframe .
// return the gmaps namespace for brevity
progress solved :
4) able to load google map in i frame . now how can i pass google object to parent window ?
Update :
didn't find any solution for this issue
we switched to native app.
When you call a google maps api asynchronously You need put a callback in the end of the url, check this little example:
Now, you can play with google maps api with a callback trick defining before call asynchronously:
window["mycallback"] = function(){
return "hello I'm called when all API is loaded :D"
And then calling with that url
Try with that, I hope to help with that
