Manually enter and execute javascript statement in Firefox debugger - firefox

Using Firebug, I can manually enter a javascript statement and the debugger will execute it. I can't find where/how to do so with Firefox debugger.
Can it be done?
(Sick and tired for Firebug quality going down the tubes. Used to be the best debugger out there and it's a pile of crap now).

Apparently, you type in commands in the console and if a javascript statement it will execute it.
About as intuitive as a football bat.


Firefox hangs when using developer tools

I am getting a little desperate here: Almost every time I try to use the Firefox browser tools (FF 66.0.3 on Mac, but has been the same in previous versions) to inspect an element, when selecting any page element to show its code in the inspector, the inspector switches to the javascript debugger, marks an error in the jquery.min.js file (complete first line of three) and causes the browser to hang, i.e. I can still scroll the window, but more or less nothing else (for example no reload, no clicking a link would work etc.)
The debugger shows Error: Permission denied to access property "nodeName". I am doing nothing special, I just use the inspector and try to select any element on the page.
The crazy thing is that this happens on most websites, even here on Stackoverflow, so I suppose some particular browser setting must cause this.
I know this is a vague description and therefore a bit off-topic, but I'd be very grateful for any hints how I could fix this.
You most probably have the "Pause on exceptions" and "Pause on caught exceptions" options set to on:
These will cause the debugger to pause javascript execution whenever an exception is thrown, even though the exception has been caught e.g by a try catch block, like many test codes use.
You can un-toggle these to enjoy a more natural experience or click the play icon to resume the javascript.

Selenium IDE - Wait for pop up right place

I run a Selenium IDE test on a website where lots of pop-up appear to explain the website. The process is
Popup (with same id) appears with specific text
Pop up move to the right place to explain an icon or another part of the website
Problem is that the "move to the right place" takes time. So my selenium IDE test continues without waiting. Then pop up conflicts appears and my test failed.
I can force it to "Pause" but this is not a clean solution. Does Selenium IDE have something like "WaitNoAjaxActionOnThePage"
I try "WaitForElementPresent" or "WaitSpecificText" but it does not resolve the problem with the previous logic.
Well I hope its clear,
Thanks a lot
Selenium IDE is not enough powerfull to deal with ajax ou CK editor. So I move to Selenium driver. There are more possibilities.

Firebug not stopping on exceptions or debugger statements

I can't remember the last time I had Firebug completely working, but I now have a strong need for it. I'm trying to catch some particularly deceptive JavaScript errors using console debugging and debugger; statements.
For one thing, both Chrome and IE are very easily able to stop upon any JavaScript error - either inside a try/catch, or not. With Firebug, in no unusual circumstances does it simply print the error to the console and continue on. The pause icon on the Console tab is already enabled (tried in both states).
Furthermore, the debugger; statement doesn't do a thing - Firebug completely ignores it in any circumstance.
I can add breakpoints to code files, though that doesn't help my situation. At the moment, even IE10's debugging tools are far more useful to me. I've tried reinstalling Firebug, resetting my settings, and even reverting back to Firebug version 1.11.1. Does anyone have any suggestions?

How do I know which part of JavaScript is executed when some event is occurred

How do I know which part of JavaScript that is executed when some event is occurred in Mozilla Firefox?
This is a very broad question but I'll take a shot. I was a bit curious about the now native debugger in Firefox so I looked into this for you. Firebug is still a nice tool but you don't need it for debugging if you're running Firefox 19 or later. Let me also suggest trying Chrome's DevTools, they are my personal favorite.
To use the native debugger in Firefox, there's two options you will need to configure. Go to about:config (paste that in the address bar). Proceed past the warning. Update the following settings to be true (search is your friend): true
devtools.debugger.remote-enabled: true
You need to do that so you can set breakpoints in the code. Now load the debugger, the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+S.
At this point you need to have some idea where to set your breakpoints. If you wrote the JavaScript, you shouldn't have much trouble. If you're inspecting 3rd party code, you might need to browse the source code to get an idea where to begin.
With the debugger loaded, select a source file in the dropdown. It could be a JavaScript file, or any other resource that has JavaScript. You should open whichever file you're interested in inspecting.
To add a breakpoint, click to the left of the line number. You can also right-click on a given line and select "Add breakpoint." If you are debugging something that happens on page load, refresh the page. If it's an event handler, interact with the page to fire the event.
Those are the basics you'll need to get started with debugging in Firefox. Here are some resources you might need to go further.
MDN article: Debugging JavaScript
YouTube video using FireBug: Firebug DebuggingIntro
Chrome DevTools: Breakpoints in Chrome
I hope that helps!

pausing execution javascript in code not in google chrome debugger

I am writing a Google Chrome extension. One of my content scripts has a little bug that I can't find and the Google Chrome debugger appears to be useless for this purpose. The code stops on an Uncaught typeError: Cannot set property 'value' of null. I can see this by opening the debugger and viewing the console after the code fails. But my content script does not appear in the list of scripts shown in the debugger at this point. There are a lot of scripts shown there, including a big block of scripts in light blue. But none named "profile.js" which is my content script.
I tried "location.reload(); but it simply returns "undefined." I'd love to step thru this code and find the problem but I can't figure out how to do it. I've set alerts to try to track the problem but once I click on the alert, the script continues with no opportunity to invoke the debugger. Based on the result of the alert experiment, it appears the code is failing at the very end. I presume the code is finished by the time the error is caught and the script is no longer available to the debugger.
I tried adding this line to the script: "debugger;" to try and force the debugger to open but there is no change whatever to the execution of the code. It fails as usual and as usual I can open the debugger, find the console message and the big list of scripts that does not include mine.
How can I pause execution of the code using a line in the code itself? I just want to stop execution of the code at the beginning, invoke the debugger, set up some breakpoints, resume execution and monitor some variables. That seems like a pretty simple and do-able request.
Any ideas?
