kubernetes, kubeconfig file structure - amazon-ec2

I have set up a kubernetes cluster a while ago using kube-up (I guess, I am not totally sure as it is really a while ago) and very recently I have set up another kubernetes cluster using coreOS and its tools. They both generated kubeconfig files and those files are working perfectly for each of them respectively. Although, there are some differences and this why this post. I want to understand those differences properly.
Here are the two files -
1.> One generate earlier (most likely using kube-up)
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: CERTIFICATE_AUTH_DATA
server: https://our.kube.server.1
name: aws_kubernetes
- context:
cluster: aws_kubernetes
user: aws_kubernetes
name: aws_kubernetes
current-context: aws_kubernetes
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: aws_kubernetes
client-certificate-data: SECRET_CERTIFICATE
client-key-data: SECRET_CLIENT_KEY
- name: aws_kubernetes-basic-auth
password: PASSWORD
username: USERNAME
2.> Second generated later with the coreOS tools
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
certificate-authority: path/to/ca.pem
server: https://our.kube-server.2
name: kube-aws-cluster-cluster
- context:
cluster: kube-aws-cluster-cluster
namespace: default
user: kube-aws-
name: kube-aws-cluster-context
- name: kube-aws-cluster-admin
client-certificate: path/to/admin.pem
client-key: path/to/admin-key.pem
current-context: kube-aws-cluster-context
As you can see there is difference of names of the keys and their values in between these two version; e.g. - certificate-authority-data vs certificate-authority and also one being a string and another being the relative path to a .pem file.
I was wondering -
1.> Are the names of the keys interchangeable, ex - certificate-authority-data can be certificate-authority or vice versa
2.> Are the types of values pre defined? What I mean is, if I copy the content of the .pem file and paste it against, say certificate-authority, will kubectl be able to authorize?
It will be great if I can have an idea about this.I am sorry if there is any confusion in my question. If so please ask me and I will try to make it clear as much as possible.
Thanks in advance
------------------ EDIT ----------------
I kind of made some experiments and I understand that they are not interchangeable. I have a different question now. Which is more straight forward -
Which among these two is a standard or latest version of kubeconfig file?

The *-data fields inline the content of the referenced files, base64-encoded. That allows the kubeconfig file to be self-contained, and able to be moved/copied/distributed without also carrying along referenced files on disk. Either format is valid, depending on your use case.


Spring Cloud Kubernetes is not loading secret keys with pattern like xx.yy

I am trying to learn about Spring Cloud Kubernetes for loading secrets and what I have observed is if a property has yml like structure, then it doesn't get loaded in app.
kind: Secret
name: activemq-secrets
broker: activemq
type: Opaque
amqusername: bXl1c2VyCg==
amq.password: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm
K8 Manifest
- name: secretvolume
secretName: activemq-secrets
- name: secretvolume
readOnly: true
mountPath: /etc/secrets/
jvm args:
Trying to load #Value("${amqusername}")works
But when I try to read this property with #Value("${amq.password}") I get error with placeholder not found. I have tried printing all spring configs and it doesn't show up. How can I fix this.
Try changing the variable name in the secret to amq_password
If you use environment variables rather than system properties, most operating systems disallow period-separated key names, but you can use underscores instead (e.g. SPRING_CONFIG_NAME instead of spring.config.name).

Understanding sourcing secrets in kubernetes spring boot app

I am following this guide to consume secrets: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-kubernetes/docs/current/reference/html/index.html#secrets-propertysource.
It says roughly.
save secrets
reference secrets in deployment.yml file
- env:
name: db-secret
key: username
name: db-secret
key: password
Then it says "You can select the Secrets to consume in a number of ways:" and gives 3 examples. However without doing any of these steps I can still see the secrets in my env perfectly. Futhermore the operations in step 1 and step 2 operate independently of spring boot(save and move secrets into environment variables)
My questions:
If I make the changes suggested in step 3 what changes/improvements does it make for my container/app/pod?
Is there no way to be able to avoid all the mapping in step 1 and put all secrets in an env?
they write -Dspring.cloud.kubernetes.secrets.paths=/etc/secrets to source all secrets, how is it they knew secrets were in a folder called /etc/
You can mount all env variables from secret in the following way:
- name: app
- secretRef:
name: db-secret
As for where Spring gets secrets from - I'm not an expert in Spring but it seems there is already an explanation in the link you provided:
When enabled, the Fabric8SecretsPropertySource looks up Kubernetes for
Secrets from the following sources:
Reading recursively from secrets mounts
Named after the application (as defined by spring.application.name)
Matching some labels
So it takes secrets from secrets mount (if you mount them as volumes). It also scans Kubernetes API for secrets (i guess in the same namespaces the app is running in). It can do it by utilizing Kubernetes serviceaccount token which by default is always mounted into the pod. It is up to what Kubernetes RBAC permissions are given to pod's serviceaccount.
So it tries to search secrets using Kubernetes API and match them against application name or application labels.

Connect to dynamically create new cluster on GKE

I am using the cloud.google.com/go SDK to programmatically provision the GKE clusters with the required configuration.
I set the ClientCertificateConfig.IssueClientCertificate = true (see https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/container/v1?tab=doc#ClientCertificateConfig).
After the cluster is provisioned, I use the ca_certificate, client_key, client_secret returned for the same cluster (see https://pkg.go.dev/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/container/v1?tab=doc#MasterAuth). Now that I have the above 3 attributes, I try to generate the kubeconfig for this cluster (to be later used by helm)
Roughly, my kubeconfig looks something like this:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <base64_encoded_data>
server: https://X.X.X.X
name: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
- context:
cluster: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
user: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
name: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
current-context: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: gke_<project>_<location>_<name>
client-certificate-data: <base64_encoded_data>
client-key-data: <base64_encoded_data>
On running kubectl get nodes with above config I get the error:
Error from server (Forbidden): serviceaccounts is forbidden: User "client" cannot list resource "serviceaccounts" in API group "" at the cluster scope
Interestingly if I use the config generated by gcloud, the only change is in the user section:
cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
cmd-path: /Users/ishankhare/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
name: gcp
This configuration seems to work just fine. But as soon as I add client cert and client key data to it, it breaks:
cmd-args: config config-helper --format=json
cmd-path: /Users/ishankhare/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
expiry-key: '{.credential.token_expiry}'
token-key: '{.credential.access_token}'
name: gcp
client-certificate-data: <base64_encoded_data>
client-key-data: <base64_encoded_data>
I believe I'm missing some details related to RBAC but I'm not sure what. Will you be able to provide me with some info here?
Also reffering to this question I've tried to only rely on Username - Password combination first, using that to apply a new clusterrolebinding in the cluster. But I'm unable to use just the username password approach. I get the following error:
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

Openshift/Kubernetes ssh Secret doesn't work with Camel SFTP component

Long story short --->
While passing an ssh-key, which is retrieved from a secret in Openshift to apache-camel SFTP component its not able to connect the server; whereas if I directly pass a path of the actual ssh-key file w/o creating secret to the same component, it works just fine. The exception is, invalid key. I tried to read the key file in java and pass it as ByteArray as a privateKey parameter but no luck. Seems like passing the key as byte is not working as all possible means.
host: my.sftp.server
port: 22
fileDirectory: /to
fileName: /app/home/file.txt
username: sftp-user
privateKeyFilePath: /var/run/secret/secret-volume/ssh-privatekey **(Also tried privateKey param with byte array)**
knownHostsFile: resource:classpath:keys/known_hosts
binary: true
Application Detail:
I am using Openshift 3.11.
Developing Camel-SpringBoot Micro-Integration services configured with fabric8 and spring-cloud-kubernetes plugins for deployment.
I am creating the secret as,
oc secrets new-sshauth sshsecret --ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
I have tried to refer secret with deployment.yml and bootstrap.yml
Using as env variable with secret-key-ref->
- name: SSH_SECRET
name: sshsecret
key: ssh-privatekey
enabled: true
enableApi: true
name: sshsecret
Using as mounted volume->
- mountPath: /var/run/secret/secret-volume
name: secret-volume
- name: secret-volume
secretName: sshsecret
enabled: true
paths: /var/run/secret/secret-volume
Note: Once the service is deployed I can see the mounted volume is attached with the container and can even bash into the POD and go to the same directory and locate the private key, which completely intact.
Any help will be appreciated. Ask me all questions you need to know to solve this.
It was a very bad mistake from my side. I was using privateKeyUri in camel SFTP component instead of privateKeyFile. I didn't rectify this and always changing those SFTP parameters in config-map directly.
By the way, for those trying to implement similar usecase; use the second option which is, mounting the secret into a volume and then refer the volume path inside Camel. Don't use the secret as ENV variable, so you need not enable secret API inside bootstrap.yml.
Thanks anyway, cheers!

config-map kubernetes multiple environments

I am trying to deploy a Spring Boot application using configuration data from Kubernetes cluster. I have a simple RestController that prints a message by reading from a Kubernetes cluster.
private String message = "Message not coming from Kubernetes config map";
#RequestMapping(value="/echo", method=GET)
public String printKubeConfig() {
return message;
Specified the name of the config map in my application.yml
name: echo-configmap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: echo-configmap
application.properties: |-
message=Hello from dev Kubernetes Configmap
application_qa.properties: |-
message=Hello from qa Kubernetes Configmap
I have several environments like qa, int, test etc
What's the best way to specify environment specific properties in the config map? And how to access them in Spring boot application?
Ex: if the application is deployed in qa, my service should return the message "Hello from qa Kubernetes Configmap"
We also have plans to read these configuration files from GIT in future. How to handle that usecase?
Let me try and provide an answer which I think gives you what you need, without using any tools beyond what you'll have installed on most boxes. Maybe try this first, and if you find the approach becomes difficult to manage and scale, move onto something more sophisticated.
Step 1: Version control configmaps per environment
Create a folder like k8s/configmaps or something, and create one configmap per environment:
Each configmap should contain your environment specific settings.
Step 2: Have a namespace per environment
Create a k8s namespace per environment, such as:
Step 3: Create the configmap per environment
A little bash will help here:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# apply-configmaps.sh
for configmap in ./k8s/configmaps/*.${ENVIRONMENT}.yml; do
echo "Processing ConfigMap $configmap"
kubectl apply -n ${namespace} -f $configmap
Now all you need to do to create or update configmaps for any environment is:
ENVIRONMENT=dev ./update-configmaps.sh
Step 4: Finish the job with CI/CD
Now you can create a CI/CD pipeline - if your configmap source changes just run the command shown above.
Based on primitive commands and no special tools you can:
Version control config
Manage config per environment
Update or create config when the config code changes
Easily apply the same approach in a CI/CD pipeline if needed
I would strongly recommend you follow this basic 'first principles' approach before jumping into more sophisticated tools to solve the same problems, in many cases you can do it yourself without much effort, learn the key concepts and save the more sophisticated tooling till later if you really need it.
Hope that helps!
This sounds like a good use case for Helm. You could deploy your application as a Helm Chart, which would basically allow you to generate your Kubernetes resources (like ConfigMaps, Deployments, and whatever else you need) from templates.
You can use the documentation on Helm Charts to get started with Helm. After having created a Chart with helm create, you will get a templates/ directory, in which you might place the following YAML template for your ConfigMap:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name .Chart.Name }}
app: {{ .Chart.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }}
chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
release: {{ .Release.Name }}
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
application.properties: |-
message={{ .Values.properties.message }}
You can add a second YAML template for your Deployment object (actually, helm create will already create a sensible default deployment). Simply add your ConfigMap as volume, there:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
# [...]
- name: property-volume
mountPath: /etc/your-app/properties
- name: property-volume
name: {{ printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name .Chart.Name }}
Each Helm chart has a values.yaml file, in which you can define default values that are then used to fill in your templates. This default file might look like this (remember that the ConfigMap template above contained a {{ .Values.properties.message }} expression):
replicaCount: 1
repository: your-docker-image
tag: your-docker-tag
message: Hello!
Next, use this Helm chart and the helm install command to deploy your application as many times as you want with different configurations. You can supply different YAML files in which you override specific values from your values.yaml file, or override individual values using --set:
$ helm install --name dev --set image.tag=latest --set replicaCount=1 path/to/chart
$ helm install --name prod --set image.tag=stable --set replicaCount=3 --set properties.message="Hello from prod" path/to/chart
As to your second question: Of course you should put your Helm Chart into version control. You can then use the helm upgrade command to apply changes to an already deployed application.
I would use this tool for each of your git projects for non secret data.
In the meta data you can filter your pods
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: mycomponent
env: dev
tier: backend
name: mycomponent
namespace: myapplication
kubectl get pods -n myapplication -l env=dev,tier=backend,app=mycomponent
Typically you want that applications running on qa don't interfere with applications running on production. Using Kubernetes, you can get this kind of isolation using different namespaces for different environments.
That way, objects on the prod namespace are different from objects on the qa namespace. Another, more expensive approach would be to use different k8s clusters for different environments.
Having this setup, you would deploy your application in the namespace for the specific environment where you want to deploy to, creating the Deployment object on that namespace.
This Deployment would make use of a ConfigMap object containing your Spring Boot properties. Let's call this ConfigMap echo-properties for example.
That way, every namespace would have a unique copy of the echo-properties ConfigMap. Each containing the specific configuration for the environment where it belongs.
The Deployment object consumes the ConfigMap properties by either using environment variables or reading files. The important bit here is that if you change the echo-properties ConfigMap data, your application won't see those new values, by default. Kubernetes doesn't have this feature so far. You can't compare ConfigMaps to Spring Cloud Config, which is a dynamic configuration solution.
An approach that would get you a similar behaviour (but not quite the same) would be using the fabric8 ConfigMap Controller on your cluster. This controller is a process that runs on your cluster, and it would restart your application whenever the ConfigMap changes, so that it reads the new configuration values.
If you don't want to restart your application whenever a configuration changes, you should probably stick to Spring Cloud Config for values that will potentially change, and use ConfigMaps for other properties that won't change, like application name or port.
Your use case sounds very much like you should take look at spring-cloud-config - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/
The config-server is an infrastructure component that serves configuration that could be located in a git repository.
A config-client application would connect to config-server at startup and loads the configuration applicable to the current profiles.
You could have different branches for different environments - or use profiles per environment. In your kubernetes deployment manifest you could set the profile by setting SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable.
