Long story short --->
While passing an ssh-key, which is retrieved from a secret in Openshift to apache-camel SFTP component its not able to connect the server; whereas if I directly pass a path of the actual ssh-key file w/o creating secret to the same component, it works just fine. The exception is, invalid key. I tried to read the key file in java and pass it as ByteArray as a privateKey parameter but no luck. Seems like passing the key as byte is not working as all possible means.
host: my.sftp.server
port: 22
fileDirectory: /to
fileName: /app/home/file.txt
username: sftp-user
privateKeyFilePath: /var/run/secret/secret-volume/ssh-privatekey **(Also tried privateKey param with byte array)**
knownHostsFile: resource:classpath:keys/known_hosts
binary: true
Application Detail:
I am using Openshift 3.11.
Developing Camel-SpringBoot Micro-Integration services configured with fabric8 and spring-cloud-kubernetes plugins for deployment.
I am creating the secret as,
oc secrets new-sshauth sshsecret --ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
I have tried to refer secret with deployment.yml and bootstrap.yml
Using as env variable with secret-key-ref->
- name: SSH_SECRET
name: sshsecret
key: ssh-privatekey
enabled: true
enableApi: true
name: sshsecret
Using as mounted volume->
- mountPath: /var/run/secret/secret-volume
name: secret-volume
- name: secret-volume
secretName: sshsecret
enabled: true
paths: /var/run/secret/secret-volume
Note: Once the service is deployed I can see the mounted volume is attached with the container and can even bash into the POD and go to the same directory and locate the private key, which completely intact.
Any help will be appreciated. Ask me all questions you need to know to solve this.
It was a very bad mistake from my side. I was using privateKeyUri in camel SFTP component instead of privateKeyFile. I didn't rectify this and always changing those SFTP parameters in config-map directly.
By the way, for those trying to implement similar usecase; use the second option which is, mounting the secret into a volume and then refer the volume path inside Camel. Don't use the secret as ENV variable, so you need not enable secret API inside bootstrap.yml.
Thanks anyway, cheers!
I have a mount volume has a file urls.txt with database source url, like
databasesource: mysql://xxxx
and in my springboot application which will be running as a container in a openshift pod, and in the application I need to change the SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL as mentioned in the file above, here is what I want to achieve in my template file
name: my-volume
key: databasesource
- name: my-volume
mountPath: /someDir
I know we can valueFrom configMap or secret, but I want to achieve via a volumeMount
if you can use below format in
as part of your container start you run
source /somedir/urls.txt
which will load the key & values in env. which can be further used.
The problem is resolved by a Springboot2.0 feature: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/features.html#features.external-config.files.importing-extensionless
I am trying to learn about Spring Cloud Kubernetes for loading secrets and what I have observed is if a property has yml like structure, then it doesn't get loaded in app.
kind: Secret
name: activemq-secrets
broker: activemq
type: Opaque
amqusername: bXl1c2VyCg==
amq.password: MWYyZDFlMmU2N2Rm
K8 Manifest
- name: secretvolume
secretName: activemq-secrets
- name: secretvolume
readOnly: true
mountPath: /etc/secrets/
jvm args:
Trying to load #Value("${amqusername}")works
But when I try to read this property with #Value("${amq.password}") I get error with placeholder not found. I have tried printing all spring configs and it doesn't show up. How can I fix this.
Try changing the variable name in the secret to amq_password
If you use environment variables rather than system properties, most operating systems disallow period-separated key names, but you can use underscores instead (e.g. SPRING_CONFIG_NAME instead of spring.config.name).
How to pass in the application.properties to the Spring boot application using configmaps. Since the application.yml file contains sensitive information, this requires to pass in secrets and configmaps. In this case what options do we have to pass in both the sensitive and non-sensitive configuration data to the Spring boot pod.
I am currently using Spring cloud config server and Spring cloud config server can encrypt the sensitive data using the encrypt.key and decrypt the key.
ConfigMaps as described by #paltaa would do the trick for non-sensitive information. For sensitive information I would use a sealedSecret.
Sealed Secrets is composed of two parts:
A cluster-side controller / operator
A client-side utility: kubeseal
The kubeseal utility uses asymmetric crypto to encrypt secrets that only the controller can decrypt.
These encrypted secrets are encoded in a SealedSecret resource, which you can see as a recipe for creating a secret.
Once installed you create your secret as normal and you can then:
kubeseal --format=yaml < secret.yaml > sealed-secret.yaml
You can safely push your sealedSecret to github etc.
This normal kubernetes secret will appear in the cluster after a few seconds and you can use it as you would use any secret that you would have created directly (e.g. reference it from a Pod).
You can mount Secret as volumes, the same as ConfigMaps. For example:
Create the secret.
kubectl create secret generic ssh-key-secret --from-file=application.properties
Then mount it as volume:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: secret-test-pod
name: secret-test
- name: secret-volume
secretName: ssh-key-secret
- name: ssh-test-container
image: mySshImage
- name: secret-volume
readOnly: true
mountPath: "/etc/secret-volume"
More information in https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/
I am following this guide to consume secrets: https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-kubernetes/docs/current/reference/html/index.html#secrets-propertysource.
It says roughly.
save secrets
reference secrets in deployment.yml file
- env:
name: db-secret
key: username
name: db-secret
key: password
Then it says "You can select the Secrets to consume in a number of ways:" and gives 3 examples. However without doing any of these steps I can still see the secrets in my env perfectly. Futhermore the operations in step 1 and step 2 operate independently of spring boot(save and move secrets into environment variables)
My questions:
If I make the changes suggested in step 3 what changes/improvements does it make for my container/app/pod?
Is there no way to be able to avoid all the mapping in step 1 and put all secrets in an env?
they write -Dspring.cloud.kubernetes.secrets.paths=/etc/secrets to source all secrets, how is it they knew secrets were in a folder called /etc/
You can mount all env variables from secret in the following way:
- name: app
- secretRef:
name: db-secret
As for where Spring gets secrets from - I'm not an expert in Spring but it seems there is already an explanation in the link you provided:
When enabled, the Fabric8SecretsPropertySource looks up Kubernetes for
Secrets from the following sources:
Reading recursively from secrets mounts
Named after the application (as defined by spring.application.name)
Matching some labels
So it takes secrets from secrets mount (if you mount them as volumes). It also scans Kubernetes API for secrets (i guess in the same namespaces the app is running in). It can do it by utilizing Kubernetes serviceaccount token which by default is always mounted into the pod. It is up to what Kubernetes RBAC permissions are given to pod's serviceaccount.
So it tries to search secrets using Kubernetes API and match them against application name or application labels.
For the life of Bryan, how do I do this?
Terraform is used to create an SQL Server instance in GCP.
Root password and user passwords are randomly generated, then put into the Google Secret Manager.
The DB's IP is exposed via private DNS zone.
How can I now get the username and password to access the DB into my K8s cluster? Running a Spring Boot app here.
This was one option I thought of:
In my deployment I add an initContainer:
- name: secrets
image: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk
- echo "DB_PASSWORD=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=\"$NAME_OF_SECRET\")" >> super_secret.env
Okay, what now? How do I get it into my application container from here?
There are also options like bitnami/sealed-secrets, which I don't like since the setup is using Terraform already and saving the secrets in GCP. When using sealed-secrets I could skip using the secrets manager. Same with Vault IMO.
On top of the other answers and suggestion in the comments I would like to suggest two tools that you might find interesting.
First one is secret-init:
secrets-init is a minimalistic init system designed to run as PID 1
inside container environments and it`s integrated with
multiple secrets manager services, e.x. Google Secret Manager
Second one is kube-secrets-init:
The kube-secrets-init is a Kubernetes mutating admission webhook,
that mutates any K8s Pod that is using specially prefixed environment
variables, directly or from Kubernetes as Secret or ConfigMap.
It`s also support integration with Google Secret Manager:
User can put Google secret name (prefixed with gcp:secretmanager:) as environment variable value. The secrets-init will resolve any environment value, using specified name, to referenced secret value.
Here`s a good article about how it works.
How do I get it into my application container from here?
You could use a volume to store the secret and mount the same volume in both init container and main container to share the secret with the main container from the init container.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: my-app
- name: my-app
image: my-app:latest
- name: config-data
mountPath: /data
- name: secrets
image: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk
- echo "DB_PASSWORD=$(gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret=\"$NAME_OF_SECRET\")" >> super_secret.env
- name: config-data
mountPath: /data
- name: config-data
emptyDir: {}
You can use spring-cloud-gcp-starter-secretmanager to load secrets from Spring application itself.
Documentation - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-gcp/reference/html/#secret-manager
Using volumes of emptyDir with medium: Memory to guarantee that the secret will not be persisted.
- name: scratch
medium: Memory
sizeLimit: "1Gi"
If one has control over the image, it's possible to change the entry point and use berglas.
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:jdk8u242-b08-ubuntu # or whatever you need
# Install berglas, see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/berglas
RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
ADD https://storage.googleapis.com/berglas/main/linux_amd64/berglas /usr/local/bin/berglas
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/berglas
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/berglas", "exec", "--"]
Now we build the container and test it:
docker build -t image-with-berglas-and-your-app .
docker run \
-v /host/path/to/credentials_dir:/root/credentials \
--env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/root/credentials/your-service-account-that-can-access-the-secret.json \
--env SECRET_TO_RESOLVE=sm://your-google-project/your-secret \
-ti image-with-berglas-and-your-app env
This should print the environment variables with the sm:// substituted by the actual secret value.
In K8s we run it with Workload Identity, so the K8s service account on behalf of which the pod is scheduled needs to be bound to a Google service account that has the right to access the secret.
In the end your pod description would be something like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: your-app
- name: your-app
image: image-with-berglas-and-your-app
command: [start-sql-server]
value: sm://your-google-project/your-secret