Output the mysql query results in rmarkdown - rstudio

I am getting crazy because I have written a sql query under the RMySQL package in a rmarkdown document and I dont get the output of the query in the document, but yes in the code editor.
I want to know how to get the output in the my document.
I need help because I search much around the web and I found nothing.

You want to use the code chunk feature instead of inline code, as detailed in the documentation for rmarkdown here:
Code Chunks
This differs from inline code, in that the results can be put in the document as well as the query itself.


XPath query for importing web content

Can anyone please suggest how to import '500112' and 'SBIN' from https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/banks-public-sector/statebankindia/SBI in Google spreadsheet using importData or importXML functions?
Try using
=IMPORTXML(A1,"//ctag[#class='mob-hide']//span") #where A1 is the url
this should get you both.
adding, for example:
at the end should output just
Since the question was asked, the site started using dynamically loaded data which GS can't handle. Using the tools in your browser's Developer tab, you can find out that the target data is loaded from a different site (see below) and that it is in json format.
So you need to use GS's importJSON() function for that:
A1 = https://priceapi.moneycontrol.com/pricefeed/bse/equitycash/SBI
A2 =importJSON(A1)
Make sure there's enough space on the sheet to expand the output. Once you do, you'll find the two target items under the columns Data Bseid and Data Nseid, probably in columns AL and AM.

Getting a xPath from XML document

I am trying to get some values from an online XML document, but I cannot find the right xpath to navigate to those values. I want to import these values into a Google Spreadsheet document, which requires me to get the exact xpath.
The website is this one, and I am trying to get the information for "WillPay" information from MeetingInfo Venue=S1, Races RaceNo=1, Pools PoolInfo Pool=WIN, in OddsInfo.
For now, the value of "Number=1" should be 3350 (or something close to this, it changes quite often), and I would like to load all of these values onto the google spreadsheet document.
What I've tried is locating the xpath of all of it, and tried to my best attempt to get
but it doesn't work.
I've been stuck on this problem for months now and I've been avoiding it, but realised I can't anymore because it's hindering my work. Please help.
Try using this xpath expression:
An alternative :
//OddsInfo[#WillPay][ancestor::PoolInfo[#Pool='WIN'] and ancestor::RaceInfo[#RaceNo='1'] and ancestor::MeetingInfo[#Venue='S1']]

Confused about XPath Syntax

Problem Summary:
Hi, I'm trying to learn to use the Scrapy Framework for python (available at https://scrapy.org). I'm following along with a tutorial I found here: https://www.scrapehero.com/scrape-alibaba-using-scrapy/, but I was going to use a different site for practice rather than just copy them on Alibaba. My goal is to get game data from https://www.mlb.com/scores.
So I need to use Xpath to tell the spider which parts of the html to scrape, (I'm about halfway down on that tutorial page on the scrapehero site, at the "Construct Xpath selectors for the product list" section). Problem is I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what syntax should actually be to get the pieces I want? I've been going over xpath examples all morning trying to figure out the right syntax but I haven't been able to get it.
Background info:
So what I want is- from https://www.mlb.com/scores, I want an xpath() command which will return an array with all the games displayed.
Following along with the tutorial, what I understand about how to do this is I'd want to inspect the elements from the webpage, determine their class/id, and specific that in the xpath command.
I've tried a lot of variations to get the data but all are returning empty arrays.
I don't really have any training in XPath so I'm not sure if my syntax is just off somewhere or what, but I'd really appreciate any help on getting this command to return the objects I'm looking for. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Here are some of the attempts that didn't work:
response.xpath("//li[#class='mlb-scores__list-item mlb-scores__list-item--game']")
response.xpath("//div[#!data-game-pk-id > 0]")'
response.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'g5-component')]")
Expected Results and Actual Results
I want an XPath command that returns an array containing a selector object for each game on the mlb.com/scores page.
So far I've been able to get generic returns that aren't actually what I want (I can get a selector that returns the whole page by just leaving out the predicates, but whenever I try to specify I end up with an empty array).
So for all my attempts I either get the wrong objects or an empty array.
You need to always check HTML source code (Ctrl+U in a browser) for the data you need. For MLB page you'll find that content you are want to parse is loaded dynamically using JavaScript.
You can try to use Scrapy-Splash to get target content from your start_urls or you can find direct HTTP request used to get information you want (using Network tab of Chrome Developer Tools) and parse JSON:

Google spreadsheet ImportXML Error:"the XPath query did not return any data"

I continue to get this error when I try to run this XPath query
on this link (flight search from google)
I get something like this:
I verified and the XPath is correct (I get the answer wanted using XPath helper, the answer wanted are the data relative to the first flight selected).
I guess that it is a problem of syntax, but I tried more or less all the combinations of lower/uppercase, punctuation (replacing ; , ' ") and I tried to link the URI and the XPath query stored in cells, but nothing works.
Any help will be appreciated.
As a matter of fact, maybe it is a bug on the new google sheets or they have changed how the function works. I've activated mine and when I try to use the ImportXML it simply wont work. Since I have some old sheets here (on the old mechanism) they still work normally. If I copy and paste the script from the old to the new one it simply doesn't get any data.
Here a example:
=ImportXML("http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todayspaper/index.html";"//div[#class='columnGroup first']//h3")
If I run this on the old mechanism it works fine, but if I run the same on the new mechanism, first it will exchange my ";" for a "," and then it will bring a "#N/A" with a warning of "Error: Imported XML content cannot be parsed".
Edit (05/05/2015):
I am happy to say that I tested this function again today on the new spreadsheets and they've fixed it. I was checking that every two months and now finally they have solved this issue. The example I've added above is now returning information.
I'm sorry, but you won't be able to easily parse Google result pages. The reason your function throws an error is because the content of the page you see in your browser is generated by javascript, and Google spreadsheet doesn't execute js.
Your ImportXML has the right syntax, it doesn't return anything because the node you're looking for isn't there (importXML Parse Error).
You will have to find another source if you want these result in your spreadsheet. For info some libraries already parse the usual result page (http://www.seerinteractive.com/blog/google-scraper-in-google-docs-update for example, if it still works), but I doubt finding one for your special case will be easy.
This gives the answer (importXML Parse Error), but it's not entirely obvious.
ImportXML doesn't load Javascript. When you're building ImportXML queries on Google results, make sure you're testing against a version of the page that has Javascript turned off. You can do this using the Chrome DevTools.
(But I agree that ImportXML is fickle, idiosyncratic, and generally rage-inducing).

Wiki quotes API?

I would want to get a structured version of a Wikiquote page via JSON (basically I need all phrases)
Example: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Fight_Club_(film)
I tried with: http://en.wikiquote.org/w/api.php?format=xml&action=parse&page=Fight_Club_(film)&prop=text
but I get all HTML source code. I need each pharse as an element of an Array
How could I achieve that with DBPEDIA?
For one thing Iam not sure whether you can query wiki quotes using DBpedia and secondly, DBpedia gives you only info box data in a structured way, it does not in a any way the article content in a structured way. Instead with a little bit of trouble you can use the Media wiki api to get the data
The URI you are trying gives you a text so this will make things easier, but not completely.
Try this piece of code in your console:
require 'Nokogiri'
content = JSON.parse(open("http://en.wikiquote.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=parse&page=Fight_Club_%28film%29&prop=text").read)
data = content['parse']['text']['*']
xpath_data = Nokogiri::HTML data
xpath_data.xpath("//ul/li").map{|data_node| data_node.text}
This is the closest I have come to an answer, of course this is not completely right because you will get a lot on unnecessary data. But if you dig into Nokogiri and xpath and find out how to pin point the nodes you need you can get a solution which will give you correct quotes at least 90% of the time.
Just change the format to JSON. Look up the Wikipedia API for more details.
