Wiki quotes API? - ruby

I would want to get a structured version of a Wikiquote page via JSON (basically I need all phrases)
I tried with:
but I get all HTML source code. I need each pharse as an element of an Array
How could I achieve that with DBPEDIA?

For one thing Iam not sure whether you can query wiki quotes using DBpedia and secondly, DBpedia gives you only info box data in a structured way, it does not in a any way the article content in a structured way. Instead with a little bit of trouble you can use the Media wiki api to get the data
The URI you are trying gives you a text so this will make things easier, but not completely.
Try this piece of code in your console:
require 'Nokogiri'
content = JSON.parse(open("").read)
data = content['parse']['text']['*']
xpath_data = Nokogiri::HTML data
xpath_data.xpath("//ul/li").map{|data_node| data_node.text}
This is the closest I have come to an answer, of course this is not completely right because you will get a lot on unnecessary data. But if you dig into Nokogiri and xpath and find out how to pin point the nodes you need you can get a solution which will give you correct quotes at least 90% of the time.

Just change the format to JSON. Look up the Wikipedia API for more details.


tool for extracting xpath query from speciifed/selected node

Normally, one would use an XPath query to obtain a certain value or node. In my case, I'm doing some web-scraping with google spreadsheets, using the importXML function to update automatically some values. Two examples are given below:
The problem is that the pages I'm scraping will change every now and then and I understand very little about XML/XPath, so it takes a lot of trial and error to get to a node. I was wondering if there is any tool I could use to point to an element (either in the page or in its code) that would provide an appropriate query.
For example, in the second case, I've noticed the info I wanted was in a span node (hence (//span)), so I printed all of them in a spreadsheet and used the line count to find the [32] index. This takes long to load, so it's pretty inconvenient. Also, I don't even remember how I've figured the //td[#class='xl7825385'] query. Thus why I'm wondering if there is more practical method of pointing to page elements.
Some clues :
Learning XPath basics is still useful. W3Schools is a good starting point.
Otherwise, built-in dev tools of your browser can help you to generate absolute XPath. Select an element, right-click on it then >Copy>Copy XPath.
Browser extensions like Chropath can generate absolute or relative XPath for you.

Confused about XPath Syntax

Problem Summary:
Hi, I'm trying to learn to use the Scrapy Framework for python (available at I'm following along with a tutorial I found here:, but I was going to use a different site for practice rather than just copy them on Alibaba. My goal is to get game data from
So I need to use Xpath to tell the spider which parts of the html to scrape, (I'm about halfway down on that tutorial page on the scrapehero site, at the "Construct Xpath selectors for the product list" section). Problem is I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what syntax should actually be to get the pieces I want? I've been going over xpath examples all morning trying to figure out the right syntax but I haven't been able to get it.
Background info:
So what I want is- from, I want an xpath() command which will return an array with all the games displayed.
Following along with the tutorial, what I understand about how to do this is I'd want to inspect the elements from the webpage, determine their class/id, and specific that in the xpath command.
I've tried a lot of variations to get the data but all are returning empty arrays.
I don't really have any training in XPath so I'm not sure if my syntax is just off somewhere or what, but I'd really appreciate any help on getting this command to return the objects I'm looking for. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Here are some of the attempts that didn't work:
response.xpath("//li[#class='mlb-scores__list-item mlb-scores__list-item--game']")
response.xpath("//div[#!data-game-pk-id > 0]")'
response.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'g5-component')]")
Expected Results and Actual Results
I want an XPath command that returns an array containing a selector object for each game on the page.
So far I've been able to get generic returns that aren't actually what I want (I can get a selector that returns the whole page by just leaving out the predicates, but whenever I try to specify I end up with an empty array).
So for all my attempts I either get the wrong objects or an empty array.
You need to always check HTML source code (Ctrl+U in a browser) for the data you need. For MLB page you'll find that content you are want to parse is loaded dynamically using JavaScript.
You can try to use Scrapy-Splash to get target content from your start_urls or you can find direct HTTP request used to get information you want (using Network tab of Chrome Developer Tools) and parse JSON:,51&date=2019-06-26&gameTypes=E,S,R,A,F,D,L,W&hydrate=team(leaders(showOnPreview(leaderCategories=[homeRuns,runsBattedIn,battingAverage],statGroup=[pitching,hitting]))),linescore(matchup,runners),flags,liveLookin,review,broadcasts(all),decisions,person,probablePitcher,stats,homeRuns,previousPlay,game(content(media(featured,epg),summary),tickets),seriesStatus(useOverride=true)&useLatestGames=false&language=en&leagueId=103,104,420

Can rapidminer extract xpaths from a list of URLS, instead of first saving the HTML pages?

I've recently discovered RapidMiner, and I'm very excited about it's capabilities. However I'm still unsure if the program can help me with my specific needs. I want the program to scrape xpath matches from an URL list I've generated with another program. (it has more options then the 'crawl web' operator in RapidMiner)
I've seen the following tutorials from Neil Mcguigan: But the websites I try to scrape have thousands of pages, and I don't want to store them all on my pc. And the web crawler simply lacks critical features so I'm unable to use it for my purposes. Is there a way I can just make it read the URLS, and scrape the xpath's from each of those URLS?
I've also looked at other tools for extracting html from pages, but I've been unable to figure out how they work (or even install) since I'm not a programmer. Rapidminer on the other hand is easy to install, the operator descriptions make sense but I've been unable to connect them in the right order.
I need to have some input to keep the motivation going. I would like to know what operator I could use instead of 'process documents from files.' I've looked at 'process documents from web' but it doesn't have an input, and it still needs to crawl. Any help is much appreciated.
Looking forward to your replies.
Web scraping without saving the html pages internally using RapidMiner is a two step process:
Step 1 Follow the video at by Neil McGuigan with the following difference:
instead of Crawl Web operator use the Process Documents from Web
operator. There will not be an option to specify the output
directory, because the results will be loaded into the ExampleSet.
ExampleSet will contain links matching the crawling rules.
Step 2 Follow the video at but only from 7:40 with the following difference:
put the Extract Information subprocess inside the Process Documents from Web which has been created previously.
ExampleSet will contain the links and the attributes matching the XPath queries.
I have quite the same problem than you and maybe these posts from RapidMiner's forum will help you a little :,2753.0.html
See ya ;)

How do I extract a HTML topic heading from a web page?

Given a page like "What popular startup advice is plain wrong?", I'd like to be able to extract the first topic under the topic heading on the upper right hand side, in this case, "Common Misconceptions".
What's the best way for me to do this in Ruby? Is it with Nokogiri or a regex? Presumably I need to do some HTML parsing?
First, you almost never, ever, want to use regular expressions to parse/extract/fold/spindle/mutilate XML or HTML. There are too many ways it can go wrong. Regular expressions are great for some jobs, but XML/HTML extractions are not a good fit.
That said, here's what I'd do using Nokogiri:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(''))
topic ='span a.topic_name span').content
puts topic
Running that outputs:
Common Misconceptions
The code is taking a couple shortcuts, that should work consistently:
Using Ruby's OpenURI allows easy accessing of Internet resources. It's my go-to for most simple to average apps. There are more powerful tools but none as convenient. tells Nokogiri to traverse the document, and find the first occurrence of the CSS accessor 'span a.topic_name span', which should be consistent in that page as the first entry.
Note that Nokogiri supports some variants of searching for a node: at vs. search. at and % and things like css_at find the first occurrence and return a Node, which is an individual tag or text or comment. search, /, and those variants return a NodeSet which is like an array of Nodes. You'll have to walk that list or extract the individual nodes you want using some sort of Array accessor. In the above code I could have said to get the node I wanted.
Nokogiri also supports using XPath accessors, but for most things I'll usually go with CSS. It's simpler, and easier to read, but your mileage might vary.

find repeat patterns in webpages in ruby

I am trying to find a way of finding repeat patterns in webpages so that i can extract the content into my database.
EDIT : I don't know what the repeat pattern is before hand so i can't just search for a given pattern via a regex or something.
For example if you have 10 sites selling cars but the sites are all different, looking on each site the cars are listed in html in a repeated way down the page for this site.
The other sites will be listed in a different way but each with a repeated pattern.
Does anyone know how, or have any experience of this sort of thing?
i love ruby so was hoping to do it in ruby if any one has or knows of any libs / gems that may help me out ?
Rick, machine pattern matching is a complicated topic, and not something that you'll find a good library for out of the box on Ruby.
Kyle's answer was a start, once you get the page with Ruby, the typical techology for this would be xpath or "The XML Path Language".
Using Xpath you can write simple selectors that will extract every item matching a pattern, for instance, every link on an HTML document might be //a, every h1 would be //h1, and every image directly inside a div, where the image has the class "car" would be something like: //div/image[class="car"].
The result of the XPath is an enumerable list of each item, you can then query for sub-elements, get the content() of the elements, and build relationships to extract the data you need.
The go-to library for Ruby is called Nokogiri, and is avaiable as a gem - the direct documentation is a little weak, but it's all covered there if you know what to look for.
Some libraries for Ruby combine the crawling, with an easy way to access the underlying HTML/XML as a Nokogiri document, one such example is Anemone which is a "framework for building web spiders in Ruby" - and I can recomment it very highly.
In Ruby, if you want to get the text of a webpage all you have to do is use the Net::HTTP namespace. The get method returns a string representation of the webpage.
Net::HTTP.get '', '/target-page.html'
You're probably going to want to use some sort of XML Parser after that to make a model of the page and navigate over it. I've heard good things about Hpricot.
