Character # in a :: literal - python-sphinx

I am trying to include in my source .rst file literal producing text like:
#reboot myscript
However #reboot appears in boldface. Did not find how to avoid it.

Very easy -- just precede with the following line:
.. highlight:: none
Otherwise Sphinx assumes it is Python code (default)!


Looking for an explanation of how to use PNGlitch

I have installed the Ruby environment manager rbenv, Ruby, RubyGems, and PNGlitch (on macOS). Now how do I use PNGlitch?
The best documentation I have been able to find is on this page, and here's an example of the syntax given:
How to use this library: The Simple Way
png = '/path/to/your/image.png'
png.glitch do |data|
data.gsub /\d/, 'x'
end '/path/to/broken/image.png'
Okay, great. When I insert my file paths, save that code as an .rb file, and open it, I just get:
test.rb: command not found
If I paste it directly into Terminal I get:
png = '/Users/username/Documents/testimage.png'
-bash: png: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ png.glitch do |data|
> data.gsub /\d/, 'x'
-bash: png.glitch: command not found
-bash: data: command not found
-bash: data.gsub: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ end
-bash: end: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ '/Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png'
-bash: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ png.close
I also tried the syntax given on this page and entered:
pnglitch /Users/username/Documents/testimage.png –filter=Sub /Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png
...this resulted in getting the following message:
tried to create Proc object without a block
pnglitch <infile> [--filter=<n>] <outfile>
-f, --filter=<n> Fix all filter types as passed value before glitching.
A number (0..4) or a type name (none|sub|up|average|paeth).
--version Show version.
-h, --help Show this screen.
↑ I guess this is the developer's idea of documentation. 🤣
Well, trying to follow that example I also did this:
pnglitch </Users/username/Documents/testimage.png> [--filter=<2>] </Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png>
...but that only resulted in:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token 2
(I chose 2 because apparently that corresponds to the "Sub" filter.)
I tried variants of this syntax as well, including omitting characters <> and [].
There must be some assumed knowledge here that I don't have. So what I would like to know is:
How can I actually use PNGlitch to glitch a PNG image?
How can I use PNGlitch to glitch all the PNG images in a folder?
Any additional advice on using different filters would also be appreciated.
Thank you.
There's a lot going on here that needs to be cleared up.
Ruby scripts need Ruby to run
You can't just paste these into bash and expect anything useful to happen.
The usual procedure is one of two variants. Either:
Create a .rb script, like example.rb
Run ruby example.rb where that's your script name at the end.
Or use the "hash-bang" method:
Create a script with #!/usr/bin/env ruby as the very first line.
Make this script executable with chmod +x example.rb
Run this script directly, ./example.rb or whatever path it has.
Note that example.rb by itself will not work unless it is in your path, hence the ./ is necessary.
Command line example syntax
Here <name> has special meaning, where it's just a way of saying name as if it had italics or special formatting. On a text-mode terminal it's not practical to add syntax like that, it's limited to ASCII in most cases, so this tradition evolved.
Within the POSIX shell > and < have special meaning, they're used to, respectively, redirect input to or from a file. For example, ls > ls.txt dumps the output of ls into a file called ls.txt, while cat < ls.txt reads in the contents of ls.txt and displays it.
Things like [name] mean optional arguments, like [--help] means the --help argument is optional.
Within the POSIX shell [ and ] have special meaning. They can be used in an if construct, but more commonly in file wildcards, like l[abc].txt means any of la.txt, lb.txt or lc.txt.
Putting this together it's possible to understand the notation used here:
pnglitch <infile> [--filter=<n>] <outfile>
Where that means infile is your "input file" argument, and outfile is your "output file" argument, and --filter is an optional argument taking n as an input.
So you call it like this:
pnglitch input.png output.png
Or with an option, like you did:
pnglitch testimage.png --filter=sub testimage_glitched.png
Though note I've used lower-case sub as that's precisely what's in the help output and following casing conventions usually matters.

Lauterbach cmm script fails to create a directory

From Lauterbach command console when I execute the following instruction then a directory is created. But when I include the same line in a cmm script, then it fails to create a directory:
os.command mkdir \\execution\v1.0\Test_logs\Shmoo\Modem_VU_New\&sn\VMIN
In PRACTICE scripts ("cmm scripts") all strings (or sub-strings) starting with a ampersand "&" are macros, which are replaced with the content of the macro. If the macro "&sn" hasn't been created before, it's occurence in any stringt will be replaced with an empty string.
To fix your command create a macro with the name "&sn" which contains the characters "&sn" by concatenating a "&" with "sn" (to prevent macro replacement).
You'll get the following code:
OS.Command mkdir \\execution\v1.0\Test_logs\Shmoo\Modem_VU_New\&sn\VMIN
By the way: I rather would use the build-in command MKDIR instead of OS.Command mkdir

Removing an optional / (directory separator) in Bash

I have a Bash script that takes in a directory as a parameter, and after some processing will do some output based on the files in that directory.
The command would be like the following, where dir is a directory with the following structure inside
> myscript ~/files/stuff/dir
After some processing, I'd like the output to be something like this
The code I have to remove the path passed in is the following:
shopt -s extglob
for file in $files ; do
This gets me to the following, but for some reason the optional / is not being taken care of. Thus, my output looks like this:
The reason I'm making it optional is because if the user runs the command
> myscript ~/files/stuff/dir/
I want it to still work. And, as it stands, if I run that command with the trailing slash, it outputs as desired.
So, why does my ?(/) not work? Based on everything I've read, that should be the right syntax, and I've tried a few other variations as well, all to no avail.
that other guy's helpful answer solves your immediate problem, but there are two things worth nothing:
enumerating filenames with an unquoted string variable (for file in $files) is ill-advised, as sjsam's helpful answer points out: it will break with filenames with embedded spaces and filenames that look like globs; as stated, storing filenames in an array is the robust choice.
there is no strict need to change global shell option shopt -s extglob: parameter expansions can be nested, so the following would work without changing shell options:
# Sample values:
set -- 'dir/' # set $1; value 'dir' would have the same effect.
filename=${file#${1%/}} # -> '/sub-dir/joe'
The inner parameter expansion, ${1%/}, removes a trailing (%) / from $1, if any.
I suggested you change files to an array which is a possible workaround for non-standard filenames that may contain spaces.
files=("dir/A/B" "dir/B" "dir/C")
for filename in "${files[#]}"
echo ${filename##dir/} #replace dir/ with your param.
Here's the documentation from man bash under "Parameter Expansion":
Remove matching prefix pattern. The word is
expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname
expansion. If the pattern matches the beginning of
the value of parameter, then the result of the
expansion is the expanded value of parameter with
the shortest matching pattern (the ``#'' case) or
the longest matching pattern (the ``##'' case)
Since # tries to delete the shortest match, it will never include any trailing optional parts.
You can just use ## instead:
Depending on what your script does and how it works, you can also just rewrite it to cd to the directory to always work with paths relative to .

Some symbols don't effect cmd commands while others do

I noticed that cmd seems to accept some characters at the ends of commands. for example all of the following function correctly:
and these do not:
Does anybody know why this happens?
Thanks in advance.
It depends on the batch parser.
;,= are general batch delimiters, so you can append/prepend them to the most commands without effect.
;,,= ,=; echo hello
The . dot can be appended to the most commands, as the parser will try to find a file named cls (without extension) cls.exe cls.bat, and when nothing is found then it takes the internal command.
The opening bracket is also a special charcter that the parser removes without error.
The \ backslash is used as path delimiter, so sometimes it works but sometimes you could change even the command.

How to workaround doskey's special character, like $L

I got a useful tip from this post: , but plagued by doskey's special characters.
(env: Windows 7 and Windows XP)
Using Visual C++ command line, we have env-vars INCLUDE and LIB. So with this doskey macro,
doskey whichinclude=for %i in ($1) do #echo.%~$INCLUDE:i
we can easily findout which .h is found first in which INCLUDE directory, really convenient.
However, this trick fails for LIB. I just CANNOT simply code a macro like:
doskey whichlib=for %i in ($1) do #echo.%~$LIB:i
Call whichlib winsock32.lib, it spouts The system cannot find the file specified.
I launch Procmon to know what happens, it reveals:
So I realize $L has special meaning for doskey, it is replaced with current drive letter when run.
Try double dollar( #echo.%~$$LIB:i ), still not working, Procmon report CMD accessing C:\echo .
Counld someone kindly help me out?
My doskey book mark:
I agree with Michael Burr's comment - you may be better off with a batch file. I generally do not use DOSKEY macros because they do not work within batch files, so it seems kind of pointless. In my mind, if a command works on the command line, it should also work within a batch file.
But... it is possible to do what you want :)
The $ only has special meaning if it is followed by a character that has special meaning to DOSKEY. The $L is interpreted as the < character (input redirection). The MS documentation implies that $$L should give a $L literal, but the documentation is not correct, as you have discovered.
The DOSKEY $ substitution happens before the normal command line parsing. The trick to embed a literal $L in your macro definition is to put an intervening character between $ and L that is not treated as special by DOSKEY, but that disappears during the normal command line parsing - The ^ works perfectly. $^ has no special meaning to DOSKEY, and ^L simply becomes L during command line parsing.
You can list the definition of your DOSKEY macros by using DOSKEY /M.
The full definition you require is whichlib=for %i in ($1) do #echo(%~$^LIB:i.
The ^ must be escaped when you define the macro. So the complete line to define the macro becomes:
doskey whichlib=for %i in ($1) do #echo(%~$^^LIB:i
