Looking for an explanation of how to use PNGlitch - ruby

I have installed the Ruby environment manager rbenv, Ruby, RubyGems, and PNGlitch (on macOS). Now how do I use PNGlitch?
The best documentation I have been able to find is on this page, and here's an example of the syntax given:
How to use this library: The Simple Way
png = PNGlitch.open '/path/to/your/image.png'
png.glitch do |data|
data.gsub /\d/, 'x'
png.save '/path/to/broken/image.png'
Okay, great. When I insert my file paths, save that code as an .rb file, and open it, I just get:
test.rb: command not found
If I paste it directly into Terminal I get:
png = PNGlitch.open '/Users/username/Documents/testimage.png'
-bash: png: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ png.glitch do |data|
> data.gsub /\d/, 'x'
-bash: png.glitch: command not found
-bash: data: command not found
-bash: data.gsub: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ end
-bash: end: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ png.save '/Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png'
-bash: png.save: command not found
ComputerName:~ username$ png.close
I also tried the syntax given on this page and entered:
pnglitch /Users/username/Documents/testimage.png –filter=Sub /Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png
...this resulted in getting the following message:
tried to create Proc object without a block
pnglitch <infile> [--filter=<n>] <outfile>
-f, --filter=<n> Fix all filter types as passed value before glitching.
A number (0..4) or a type name (none|sub|up|average|paeth).
--version Show version.
-h, --help Show this screen.
↑ I guess this is the developer's idea of documentation. 🤣
Well, trying to follow that example I also did this:
pnglitch </Users/username/Documents/testimage.png> [--filter=<2>] </Users/username/Documents/testimage_glitched.png>
...but that only resulted in:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token 2
(I chose 2 because apparently that corresponds to the "Sub" filter.)
I tried variants of this syntax as well, including omitting characters <> and [].
There must be some assumed knowledge here that I don't have. So what I would like to know is:
How can I actually use PNGlitch to glitch a PNG image?
How can I use PNGlitch to glitch all the PNG images in a folder?
Any additional advice on using different filters would also be appreciated.
Thank you.

There's a lot going on here that needs to be cleared up.
Ruby scripts need Ruby to run
You can't just paste these into bash and expect anything useful to happen.
The usual procedure is one of two variants. Either:
Create a .rb script, like example.rb
Run ruby example.rb where that's your script name at the end.
Or use the "hash-bang" method:
Create a script with #!/usr/bin/env ruby as the very first line.
Make this script executable with chmod +x example.rb
Run this script directly, ./example.rb or whatever path it has.
Note that example.rb by itself will not work unless it is in your path, hence the ./ is necessary.
Command line example syntax
Here <name> has special meaning, where it's just a way of saying name as if it had italics or special formatting. On a text-mode terminal it's not practical to add syntax like that, it's limited to ASCII in most cases, so this tradition evolved.
Within the POSIX shell > and < have special meaning, they're used to, respectively, redirect input to or from a file. For example, ls > ls.txt dumps the output of ls into a file called ls.txt, while cat < ls.txt reads in the contents of ls.txt and displays it.
Things like [name] mean optional arguments, like [--help] means the --help argument is optional.
Within the POSIX shell [ and ] have special meaning. They can be used in an if construct, but more commonly in file wildcards, like l[abc].txt means any of la.txt, lb.txt or lc.txt.
Putting this together it's possible to understand the notation used here:
pnglitch <infile> [--filter=<n>] <outfile>
Where that means infile is your "input file" argument, and outfile is your "output file" argument, and --filter is an optional argument taking n as an input.
So you call it like this:
pnglitch input.png output.png
Or with an option, like you did:
pnglitch testimage.png --filter=sub testimage_glitched.png
Though note I've used lower-case sub as that's precisely what's in the help output and following casing conventions usually matters.


How to separate out command with its arguments coming in format of string using ruby

I have to pass a command with its arguments in a scheduled task, while separating the arguments from the command. I used:
to do this, but it won't work when the argument is not passed as -arg format.
Example of commands can be passed in format:
"ping http://www.google.com" here url is argument
"abc-abc -V"
"abc-abc -L c:\\folder name\\test.log"
'"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe" -arg1 -arg2'
"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe"
To make this more clear these commands are not passed as command line argument which can get in ARGV
The command gets set in command property which accepts input in string format
command '"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe" -arg1 -arg2'
Use Shellwords.split, from the standard library:
Shellwords.split("ping http:\\www.google.com here url is argument")
#=> ["ping", "http:www.google.com", "here", "url", "is", "argument"]
Shellwords.split("abc-abc -V")
#=> ["abc-abc", "-V"]
Shellwords.split("abc-abc -L c:\\folder name\\test.log")
#=> ["abc-abc", "-L", "c:folder", "nametest.log"]
Shellwords.split('"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe" -arg1 -arg2')
#=> ["C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe", "-arg1", "-arg2"]
Shellwords.split('"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe"')
#=> ["C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe"]
No need to reinvent the wheel with a custom regex/splitter, or an external system call.
It seems to me that if there's no consistent pattern to your command syntax, then any regex based approach will inevitably fail. It seems better instead to solve this problem the way a human would, i.e. with some knowledge of context.
In a *nix terminal, you can use the compgen command to list available commands. This Ruby script invokes that command to print the first 5 options from that list:
list = `cd ~ && compgen -c`
list_arr = list.split("\n")
list_arr[0,6].each{|x| puts x }
(The cd in the first line seems to be needed because of the context in which my Ruby is running with rvm.) For Windows, you may find this thread a useful starting point.
I'd match against the elements of this list to identify my commands, and take it from there.
Tom Lord's answer is far better than this one.
You probably want to look at OptionParser or GetOptLong if you need parsing of command line arguments provided to a ruby program.
If you are interested in parsing some strings that may or may not be commands with arguments, here's a quick-and-dirty:
I'd use scan instead of split with the following regex: /(".*"|[\w\:\:\.\-\\]+)/.
Best results come from: 'some string'.scan(/(".*"|[\w\:\:\.\-\\]+)/).flatten:
["ping", "http:\\www.google.com"]
["abc-abc", "-V"]
["abc-abc", "-L", "c:\\folder\\", "name\\test.log"]
# Technically, this is wrong, but so is the non-escaped whitespace.
["\"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe\"", "-arg1", "-arg2"]
["\"C:\\Program Files\\example\\program.exe\""]

'no such file or directory' on a file that isn't accessed

I'm writing a small Ruby script that does a statistical analysis on a list of names generated by another script of mine.
When I run it with this command:
ruby [first script] [args] | ruby -- [second script] _
it throws this error:
./name_gen_test.rb:15:in `gets': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - _ (Errno:ENOENT)
from .name_gen_test.rb:15:in `gets'
from .name_gen_test.rb:15:in `<main>'
(Apologies for typos; Powershell wouldn't let me copy/paste)
This is line 15:
until (cur_line = gets).nil?
Then there's the body of a loop, the rest of the code, etc. However, if I put this line:
as the very first line, I get the same error. In fact, if I totally empty the file and have nothing but a call to gets, I get the error that the file '_' cannot be found.
How can I make it understand that '_' is a command line argument and not a file to be... read from, I guess? Why doesn't gets work like I expect it to (i.e. reading from the standard input)?
I'm running it with Powershell, if that makes a difference.
Sorry if this is a duplicate; simply Googling the error message leads to a dozen different issues and a dozen different solutions, none of which apply, and I couldn't figure out how to put this problem into a Google query.
STDIN.gets will do what you want. By default, gets is (pretty much) equivalent to ARGF.gets. ARGF reads from standard input if there are no ARGS, and from files that correspond to ARGS if there are.

How to get Aruba to expand wildcards

I'm writing a simple command line gem.
The library that does the actual work was developed with rspec and so far that works.
I'm trying to test the command line portion with Aruba/Cucumber, but I've come across some strange behaviour.
Just to test this, I've got a the binary file to puts ARGV, and I've got test files in tmp/aruba
When I run bundle exec gem_name tmp/aruba/*.* I am presented with the list of shell expanded file names.
Now my features file has:
Given files to work on # I set up files in tmp/aruba in this step
When I run `gem_name *.*` # standard step
Then the output should contain "Wibble"
The last step is obviously going to fail, but it shows me a diff between what it expects and the actual output. Rather than seeing a list of shell expanded filenames, all I get is "*.*"
So I'm left in the position of having an app that actually works as expected, but I can't get the tests to pass. I could take the "." and generate the list of files from there, but then I'm writing extra production code just to get the app to work under test - which I don't think is the correct way to go about it. And all because shell expansion isn't happening.
If you look at my profile, you'll see that Ruby isn't my main bag, feel free to point me at any resources that I may have missed about this, but is this just me missing something, or expected behaviour that somebody knows how to work around?
After a little digging in the Aruba source I figured out that the When I run step ends up in a code block like this:
def run!(&block)
#process = ChildProcess.build(*shellwords(#cmd))
Further digging into ChildProcess ends up here:
def launch_process
And therein lies the problem. exec does not do shell expansion when the argument list is split into multiple array elements:
If exec is given a single argument, that argument is
taken as a line that is subject to shell expansion before being
executed. If multiple arguments are given, the second and
subsequent arguments are passed as parameters to command with no
shell expansion.
However playing with shellwords a bit we find:
Shellwords.shellwords('gem_name *.*')
=> ["gem_name", "*.*"] # No good
Shellwords.shellwords('"gem_name *.*"')
=> ["gem_name *.*"] # Aha!
Therefore the solution might be as simple as:
When I run `"gem_name *.*"`
If that doesn't work then you are pretty much out of luck. I would suggest you expand the file names manually since you're not really testing shell expansion here - we know that works: you are testing multiple arguments.
Therefore you should instead do:
When I run `gem_name your_file1 your_file2 your_file3`

shell scripting quotation

I have written a small script with which I take the name of a File.
echo "objectname"
read ON
Can't get simpler.
I do some processing with the file I get.
gpg -c --no-use-agent "$ON"
For example if I have a file a.exe --> It will encrypt it and give me a file with a different md5 and an extension. Now, the file looks this way a.exe.gpg
Now, if I give it a bind the name of the file directly.
like this for example:
Taken from : this link
# This works
md5sum=$(md5sum ${fileName})
echo $md5sum
it returns it properly.
What if I want to do it dynamically.
This is what I tried:
#does not work
gpg -c --no-use-agent "$ON"
fileName= `$ON.gpg`
md5sum= $(md5sum ${fileName})
echo $md5sum
I get this bug here: upload.sh: 1: upload.sh: Fire.exe.gpg: not found and the program does not exit.
May I ask where exactly is the mistake I am doing?
The error is here:
fileName= `$ON.gpg`
There should be no space after =. (Also look at the next line.)
You used back-quotes, which execute $ON.gpg rather than simply evaluating it. Back-quotes are the same as $(...) but less elegant. Use double-quotes for this.
Read Greg's wiki entry on quotes for an ultra-detailed explanation with opinionated commentary. :-)
Be careful when making assignments in shell script. Don't use spaces in any sides of the operator=. Try the following:
md5sum=$(md5sum ${fileName})
Note that the variable and the assignment operator= are together with no space.
Also, when you use backticks as `expression`, it will be executed by shell like using $(expression), as pointed by user ghoti.
You goofed on fixing the filename.

ls command in UNIX

I have to ls command to get the details of certain types of files. The file name has a specific format. The first two words followed by the date on which the file was generated
Word summary can also come in place of report.
Hence in my shell script I put these line of codes
DATE=`date +%m%d%y`
file=`ls ${Model}_execution_*${DATE}_*.pdf`
But the value of Model always gets resolved to 'REPORT' and hence I get:
ls: cannot access REPORT_execution_*032916_*.pdf: No such file or directory
I am stuck at how the resolution of Model is happening here.
I can't reproduce the exact code here. Hence I have changed some variable names. Initially I had used the variable name type instead of Model. But Model is the on which I use in my actual code
You've changed your script to use Model=Report and ${Model} and you've said you have typeset -u Model in your script. The -u option to the typeset command (instead of declare — they're synonyms) means "convert the strings assigned to all upper-case".
-u When the variable is assigned a value, all lower-case characters are converted to upper-case. The lower-case attribute is disabled.
That explains the upper-case REPORT in the variable expansion. You can demonstrate by writing:
echo "Model=[${Model}]"
It would echo Model=[REPORT] because of the typeset -u Model.
Don't use the -u option if you don't want it.
You should probably fix your glob expression too:
file=$(ls ${Model}_execution_*${DATE}*.pdf)
Using $(…) instead of backticks is generally a good idea.
And, as a general point, learn how to Debug a Bash Script and always provide an MCVE (How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example?) so that we can see what your problem is more easily.
Some things to look at:
type is usually a reserved word, though it won't break your script, I suggest you to change that variable name to something else.
You are missing an $ before {DATE}, and you have an extra _ after it. If the date is the last part of the name, then there's no point in having an * at the end either. The file definition should be:
file=`ls ${type}_execution_*${DATE}.pdf`
Try debugging your code by parts: instead of doing an ls, do an echo of each variable, see what comes out, and trace the problem back to its origin.
As #DevSolar pointed out you may have problems parsing the output of ls.
As a workaround
ls | grep `date +%m%d%y` | grep "_execution_" | grep -E 'Report|Summary'
filters the ls output afterwards.
touch 'Summary_execution_032916.pdf'
DATE=`date +%m%d%y`
file=`ls ${Model}_execution_*${DATE}*.pdf`
worked just fine on
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Part of question:
But the value of Model always gets resolved to 'REPORT' and hence I get:
This is due to the fact that in your script you have exported Model=Report
Part of question:
ls: cannot access REPORT_execution_*032916_*.pdf: No such file or directory
No such file our directory issue is due to the additional "_" and additional "*"s that you have put in your 3rd line.
Remove it and the error will be gone. Though, Model will still resolve to Report
Original 3rd line :
file=`ls ${Model}_execution_*${DATE}_*.pdf`
Change it to
file=`ls ${Model}_execution_${DATE}.pdf`
Above change will resolve the could not found issue.
Part of question
I am stuck at how the resolution of Model is happening here.
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve, but if you are trying to populate the file parameter with file name with anything_exection_someDate.pdf, then you can write your script as
DATE=`date +%m%d%y`
file=`ls *_execution_${DATE}.pdf`
If you echo the value of file you will get
Report_execution_032916.pdf Summary_execution_032916.pdf
as the answer
There were some other scripts which were invoked before the control reaches the line of codes which I mentioned in the question. In one such script there is a code
typeset -u Model
This sets the value of the variable model always to uppercase which was the reason this error was thrown
ls: cannot access REPORT_execution_032916_.pdf: No such file or directory
I am sorry that
i couldn't provide a minimal,complete and verifiable code
