Using mvn aem-project-archetype in AEM 6.2 does not resolve the core bundle - javax.inject cannot be resolved - osgi

I'm trying to build a new project using mvn aem-project-archetype ( and on deploy the core bundle shows status as "Installed" but cannot be Active showing the error
javax.inject, version=[0.0,1) -- Cannot be resolved
I tried to add the dependencies as suggested here (
and also tried all solutions as listed here ( but they did not resolve.
Appreciate any help here.

Add Import-Package tag for "javax.inject" with version "0.0.0,*" under "org.apache.felix" plugin tag like below:
<!-- <Embed-Dependency>
</Embed-Dependency> -->
<!-- Import any version of javax.inject, to allow running on multiple versions of AEM -->

After some research here's some solutions for the above:
Comment "#Inject" in . This may not be ideal, but if you are not planning on using Sling Models, then this will work.
public class HelloWorldModel {
private SlingSettingsService settings;
//#Inject #Named("sling:resourceType") #Default(values="No resourceType")
protected String resourceType;
Use ACS's Lazybones AEM Template instead of Archetype 10 if you will be using AEM 6.1 or higher. This is the recommended template to use with AEM whihc is more sophisticated and up-to-date.

Try to sync your dependencies list with the following official sample project. In fact, it helped for me just after adding
to general pom.xml and
to its child ../core/pom.xml


Intellij is ignoring Maven settings [duplicate]

I am trying to run tests in Intellij which used to work earlier in spring boot 2.2.x. I recently upgraded to spring boot 2.3.9. When I try to run the test from Run Configurations, it doesn't run the test and throws the error:
'failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.6.3 intellij'.
However if I run the test in cli, it works fine.
It turns out that, junit5-platform-launcher dependency needs to be added in order for Junit5 tests to run in IntelliJ.
Add this dependency explicitly in pom.xml, and it will solve the issue.
I was facing same issue "failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.8.1" intellij.
IntellJ version: 2021.3
I found answer here and it worked, no need to add any dependency to pom.
Go to settings >> HTTP Proxy >> choose auto-detect proxy settings
For IntelliJ Idea 2021.1, I fixed a similar problem with:
Maybe an even better fix is:
<!-- -->
Found the above solution on Jetbrains issue tracker
If you have no direct internet connection but a repository manager like artifactory, idea tries to resolve junit-platform-launcher from there. Make sure u have a mirror to maven central repository (virtual repository) configured and the artifactory url to this mirror is accessible WITHOUT authentication (in the settings for the repo "Force Authentication" should be unchecked).
Check also the idea proxy settings and if needed, configure an exception for the artifactory domain.
Check your proxy settings in IntelliJ Idea settings. I turned ON the proxy and it solved the problem.
Here's the official way to do this
Maven Surefire and Maven Failsafe can run JUnit 4 based tests
alongside Jupiter tests as long as you configure test scoped
dependencies on JUnit 4 and the JUnit Vintage TestEngine
implementation similar to the following.
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Transitive Dependency: Using Elasticsearch Rest High Client problem in AEM

I am trying to use Java High Level Rest Client in Adobe Experience Manager to finish project of comparison between Lucene, Solr and Elasticsearch search engines.
I am having some problems with elasticsearh implementation.
Here is the code:
Dependency in the parent pom.xml (the same is defined in core pom.xml)
<!-- Elasticseach dependencies -->
The only line of code that I am using that is from dependencies above
try (RestHighLevelClient client = new
RestHighLevelClient(RestClient.builder(new HttpHost(server, port,
new HttpHost(server, secondPort, protocol)));)
catch (ElasticsearchException e)
LOG.error("Exception: " + e);
protocol = "http", server = "localhost", port = 9200, secondPort =
Dependencies from IntelliJ
I know that there is usually problem with dependencies versions, but all are 7.4.0 in this case. Also elasticsearch 7.4.0v is running locally on 3 nodes.
This project is done on We.Retail project so it is easy to replicate. Also all the code with this error is available here:
AEM 6.4v.
Any info or idea is appreciated.
I tried with adding the following to embed these dependencies externally since they are not OSGi dependencies:
<Embed-Dependency>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.solr-solrj, log4j, noggit, zookeeper,
The error remains. I also tried adding it to the "export-package", but nothing helps.
And by Elasticsearch documentation, all I need to use Elasticsearch is
but then NoClassDefFoundErrors occurs. It seems like a problem with transitive dependencies maybe. Not sure, but any idea is appreciated.
Some other suggestions can be found here:
I have also tried adding it's transitive dependencies like org.elasticsearch and org.elasticsearch.client, but it does not work. The same error, just other class.
AEM version 6.4, Java version: jdk1.8.0_191.jdk
So my guess was right, transitive dependencies were not included altho <Embed-Transitive>true</Embed-Transitive> exists.
The following is necessary when running elasticsearch as a search engine on AEM the problem:
I have added all transitive dependencies in pom.xml (versions are defined in parent/pom.xml):
<!-- Elasticsearch -->
It is important to add all third-party dependencies as <Embed-Dependency> inside maven-bundle-plugin like this:
<Embed-Dependency>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.solr-solrj, noggit,
<_fixupmessages>"Classes found in the wrong directory";is:=warning</_fixupmessages>
Important to notice:
All third-party dependencies (the ones outside of OSGi) must be included in the "Embed-Dependency"
"Embed-Transitive" must be set to true to include transitive dependencies
"Import-Package" must include "*;resolution:=optional" to exclude all dependencies that could not be resolved so that the program can run
For some reason, there was an error in compile time when "elasticsearch" dependency was added which is not important for this
task, so I've decided to ignore it this way:
<_fixupmessages>"Classes found in the wrong directory";is:=warning</_fixupmessages>
Though challenging, I finally resolved it. There are many similar or the same problems on Google, so I hope this will help someone. Thanks to everyone that tried to help.

In Maven, including dependency via <dependency> OR importing the package inside <Import-Package>. Which one of the two should be used?

In my project core pom.xml, there is Import-Package javax.inject;version=0.0.0 and also following maven dependency. I am not clear why both are being used? I mean, if we are already including the dependency via below-mentioned method, then why do we need to use the same inside Import-Package?
Above mentioned packages are duplicated in below dependencies
The same scenario is happening in my project. My project A is dependent on project B, there also I have noticed that package path has been added in Import-Package and dependency has been added for project B in core/pom.xml of Project A. why both? Somebody, please clarify this.

ClassNotFoundException on spring beans inside jboss fuse camel application

I'm trying to create a spring-based fuse integration making external soap calls.
Using the code in a standalone java apps works fine but when importing it in my Fuse Integration project, I have the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean not found by org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-ws-core [439]
I don't know where to start to debug this.
Here are relevant part of my pom:
<Bundle-Name>Empty Camel Spring Example [myBundle]</Bundle-Name>
I also double-checked that spring components are loaded in fuse:
At this point, I just don't know what to do to get this working!
Many thanks for your help !
Checking by bundles imports shows:
Which tends to confirm that
is loaded !
In fact it's the following bug here: which is already fixed and will be made available through 6.3.0 R4 (which is due to be released these days).
Since you are using Fuse 6.3 187 I'd highly recommend to follow their patch cycle and apply the updates regularly (schedule can be seen here:
If you are brave, you can also play around with the internal builds (, however these versions won't be supported unless they are part of an official patch release.

Using "provided" classpath in tomcat7-maven-plugin goals

I have some dependencies in my webapp that I've marked as provided because I expect them to be provided by an appserver (maybe a production environment provides these dependencies at the specified versions). How do I simulate that when I'm running tests or in development on my localhost using for example the tomcat7-maven-plugin goals like run?
I can't see any way to do it without manually copying jars around. I can see how to use the test classpath - is there something wrong with what I'm trying to do?
OK, I've found a way of getting this to work - it's reasonable but there's a duplication of dependency information and a magic profile... I feel that the tomcat7-maven-plugin should provide a means of making provided dependencies available in the container when running.
Add a profile that is activated when the tomcat plugin runs, and add the dependencies that have provided scope with compile scope to that profile, eg.
... in project pom ...
<!-- profile activated as cli param when tomcat7 plugin runs -->
I use, for example, this:
and then also include the dependency again later with provided.
