Using "provided" classpath in tomcat7-maven-plugin goals - maven

I have some dependencies in my webapp that I've marked as provided because I expect them to be provided by an appserver (maybe a production environment provides these dependencies at the specified versions). How do I simulate that when I'm running tests or in development on my localhost using for example the tomcat7-maven-plugin goals like run?
I can't see any way to do it without manually copying jars around. I can see how to use the test classpath - is there something wrong with what I'm trying to do?

OK, I've found a way of getting this to work - it's reasonable but there's a duplication of dependency information and a magic profile... I feel that the tomcat7-maven-plugin should provide a means of making provided dependencies available in the container when running.
Add a profile that is activated when the tomcat plugin runs, and add the dependencies that have provided scope with compile scope to that profile, eg.
... in project pom ...
<!-- profile activated as cli param when tomcat7 plugin runs -->

I use, for example, this:
and then also include the dependency again later with provided.


Does maven dependecyManagement impact pluginManagement transitive dependencies?

I understand that <dependencyManagement> config impacts to <dependencies> and transitive dependencies there. But also affects plugins under <pluginManagement> or <plugins>?
I have a case where is not happening, but just want to confirm if is a general behavior or something is wrong in my config.
Let's say that I need to use the-plugin, that has as dependency dep-a:1.0.
But I need to make that the-plugin uses dep-a:1.1 instead.
Is the following pom correctly configured to achieve this?
I tested the above pom but is not working, I had to do the following to make it work as I need. Is this the correct configuration?
The dependencyManagement is intended for dependencies of your project and NOT for dependencies of plugins. These are two different things.
In other words the given dependencyManagement can not influence the dependency of a plugin.
If a plugin needs a different version there are the following options:
You have to give the dependency explicit as already shown.
You have to upgrade the plugin version which contains the needed (newer?) version
The plugin will handle that automatically and uses the version which is given via the dependencies of the project (which has a number of impacts).

Intellij is ignoring Maven settings [duplicate]

I am trying to run tests in Intellij which used to work earlier in spring boot 2.2.x. I recently upgraded to spring boot 2.3.9. When I try to run the test from Run Configurations, it doesn't run the test and throws the error:
'failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.6.3 intellij'.
However if I run the test in cli, it works fine.
It turns out that, junit5-platform-launcher dependency needs to be added in order for Junit5 tests to run in IntelliJ.
Add this dependency explicitly in pom.xml, and it will solve the issue.
I was facing same issue "failed to resolve junit platform launcher 1.8.1" intellij.
IntellJ version: 2021.3
I found answer here and it worked, no need to add any dependency to pom.
Go to settings >> HTTP Proxy >> choose auto-detect proxy settings
For IntelliJ Idea 2021.1, I fixed a similar problem with:
Maybe an even better fix is:
<!-- -->
Found the above solution on Jetbrains issue tracker
If you have no direct internet connection but a repository manager like artifactory, idea tries to resolve junit-platform-launcher from there. Make sure u have a mirror to maven central repository (virtual repository) configured and the artifactory url to this mirror is accessible WITHOUT authentication (in the settings for the repo "Force Authentication" should be unchecked).
Check also the idea proxy settings and if needed, configure an exception for the artifactory domain.
Check your proxy settings in IntelliJ Idea settings. I turned ON the proxy and it solved the problem.
Here's the official way to do this
Maven Surefire and Maven Failsafe can run JUnit 4 based tests
alongside Jupiter tests as long as you configure test scoped
dependencies on JUnit 4 and the JUnit Vintage TestEngine
implementation similar to the following.
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Maven project build fails in IntelliJ when annotation processors are used (google/auto-value)

I use google/auto-value to create immutable value classes in a maven project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi=""
This works like a charm using the CLI (e.g. mvn clean test) but creates an error during IntelliJ project builds:
Error:java: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/auto/service/AutoService
Noteworthy: The correct sources are generated into generated-sources/annotations/... but the IntelliJ build fails after this step and does not create the generated test sources directory generated-test-sources/....
While the issue can be easily fixed by adding another annotation processor path to the maven-compiler-plugin
this fix has the downside of looking up and manually changing the auto-service version whenever the auto-value-dependency version changes. Is there an obvious mistake i made in my pom file or a setting in IntelliJ i don't know? As far as i can see a correct annotation processing profile is created when i import the project into IntelliJ.
I faced the same issue, and I fixed it without touching to the code. Here's what I did:
In the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S, go to Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Annotation Processors.
Select the default, or select your own application profile or create a new one (click "+" on the bottom of the page).
Make sure Enable annotation processing is selected
Change the radio button from Processor path to Obtain processors from the project classpath.
This looks like a bug in IntelliJ, if it builds with mvn but not from within IntelliJ. I see the same thing. There is an alternative way of configuring AutoValue which avoids the problem:
You don't need the <annotationProcessorPaths> stuff in this case. On the downside, there's apparently some risk of the AutoValue annotation processor (the auto-value artifact) or its dependencies finding their way into your built project.

Maven Not Compiling the java files

This is My Folder structure -
![Project explorer][1]
This is My Pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<name>SpringSecurity Custom Login Form XML</name>
<name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
<name>Yong Mook Kim</name>
<!-- Spring 3 dependencies -->
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- jstl for jsp page -->
While i am going to modify the code in java file or the controller those are not effecting while I am running the project. I think Maven is not compiling the Java code.
Is the folder structure is correct ?
Where the class files are generated in the project ?
Can any one suggest with explanation.
Based on your question and the comments below it I try to give you a answer:
is the folder structure correct?
Yes ist is. It follows the Maven standard directory structure described here:
It however misses a webapp-folder (see next point) which will not make your build fail but end in a war not containing a WEB-INF folder - hence it is not a standard webbapplication as defined by the Java EE standard (
Where are the class files generated in the project?
After maven runned the phase compile (mvn compile) of the default lifecycle ( the compiled class files will be placed under /target/classes.
If you continue to the phase package (mvn package) maven will build a war (jar is the default packaging type which was overwritten in your pom) containing your classes as well as your resources which is placed under /target
Note: If you are building a webapplication you place your website's content such as a deployment descriptor (web.xml) or HTML/JSP/JSF pages etc. under a folder src/main/webapp (the WEB-INF folder should be under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF).
Regarding the comments disscussion
If you expect to see changes in Java files on the fly Maven will not support you out of the box. Maven is a build tool - e.g. if you change something in your project you will request maven to build the project again to have the changes ready in a deployable form (e.g. you have a war file in your /target folder which you can then deploy).
If you want to see changes on the fly you should try a websearch for topics such as Hotdeployment, JRebel, embedded jetty since there are quite a few options available to archive this.
One general approach to have hotdeployment "out of the box" is to point the exploded directory of a hotdeploy-supported (web)(application) server to the exploded directory of your maven build. Right on the same level as you will find your spring-login-security-xml.war the is a folder spring-login-security-xml which contains the unpacked webapplication. This will however not spare you to have a build per change.
This is the first issue that popped up for me when my class files were not being generated. My fix does not apply to this question, but I'm mentioning it here in case it helps someone else.
I had a quick copy and paste setup with a single top level pom.xml. In it I had set
which caused the java files to be ignored. The fix was to remove the packaging tag, letting it default to jar.

maven profile question

I am new to Maven and I have very basic question. I have one J2EE app(EAR). When I build this app I want to ignore some dependency in lib folder of my war as this jars will be provided by my server like jboss(all hibernate stuff). But when I run this war project inside embedded jetty server then I need it to be inside my lib folder. I heard about the maven profile which can be used for similar purpose. Can somebody give me an example or some detail about it or is there some other way to achieve this task. I have an EAR which contains ejb module(jar) and web module(war).
Specify your library in a profile. Set <scope>provided</scope> for your library in a jboss profile. E.g.:
