Popup orientation changes twice - appcelerator

Popup orientation changes twice once orientation of device is changed.
Please advise how to fix this issue in android Tab E device.
I have set popup - orientationModes:[Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT,Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT],

Issue is fixed. Removed orientation landscape from tiapp.xml


How to rotate from portrait to landscape in Xcode Assistant Editor Preview Mode

I am using the Preview Mode in Interface builder in Xcode 10 and cannot see how to rotate from portrait to landscape.
In previous versions you just moved the mouse pointer over the preview outline and got a rotation button. This isn't happening for me.
It is impossible to see in dark mode, but click right where the arrow is and you will be good to go.

Storyboard orientation Xcode 6.3

I need to design an app in landscape mode. I selected the ViewController and went to the attribute inspector and selected the orientation to Landscape but the controller view in storyboard doesn't become in the landscape mode. Please suggest what I am doing wrong. I am using Xcode 6.3
Since the size of view controller is freeform it doesn't rotate. If you can change the size of view controller, you can see it rotating.
Check this screenshot

Smartface IOS vertical orientation works, horizontal orientation blank

When the orientation changed for Xcode product of smartface project, black screen appears. For Android horizontal orientation works ok but IOS has problem.
Is there any more setting?
You are changing the orientation from Project Details right ?
Can you check the Orientation settings on XCode ?
Maybe the orientation doesn't send to xCode Project. Is it possible to share orientation settings which you made ?

iOS simulator not displaying labels from storyboard

iPhone simulator is not showing some of the labels properly. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know how to fix it? I also noticed that if I drag the buttons too quickly, xcode would crash randomly...
I have come across this issue recently and it was a weird bug. For whatever reason, the x/y axis was off in what I was seeing in Storyboard. So the UILabel and UITextfield I had were being displayed behind my NavigaionBar. I adjusted the x/y values in the size inspector on the right side pane of Xcode and it worked perfectly. Those value should be an accurate representation of the placement of storyboard objects.
Not sure about the quick dragging, sounds like an Xcode issue that may be fixed by now.

Xcode 4.5 "Apply retina 4 Form factor" toggle button not working properly

I'm trying to update an IOS app for IOS6 and iPhone 5, but I have a problem resizing some views from the main Storyboard.
When I click on the new "Apply Retina 4 Form Factor" button, some of the views included in the StoryBoard don´t resize. I´ve checked all the settings for every Scene and seem to be configured in the same way. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
You might have found your solution but I just had a similar problem. For future notice, I found the fix was in the show size inspector and instead of using layout rectangle, I used frame rectangle.
I was having the same problem, this answer worked for me and finally removed the letterbox:
So add a 640x1136 launch image called Default-568h#2x.png and set the "Retina (4-inch)" target setting to it. More info for the other sizes here:
Just in case it helps others, I had tried these links and none of them got rid of the letterbox, but they did at least enable the resize masks:
Resize of UIViewController in storyboard
Xcode 4.5: can't set root view autoresizingMask in Interface Builder
how do you resize (visually, not programmatically) the detail view of a UISplitViewController in a storyboard?
iphone 5 and storyboard setting autoresizing masks
