Would spark dataframe read from external source on every action? - caching

On a spark shell I use the below code to read from a csv file
val df = spark.read.format("org.apache.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED").csv("/opt/person.csv") //spark here is the spark session
Assuming this displays 10 rows. If I add a new row in the csv by editing it, would calling df.show() again show the new row? If so, does it mean that the dataframe reads from an external source (in this case a csv file) on every action?
Note that I am not caching the dataframe nor I am recreating the dataframe using the spark session

After each action spark forgets about the loaded data and any intermediate variables value you used in between.
So, if you invoke 4 actions one after another, it computes everything from beginning each time.
Reason is simple, spark works by building DAG, which lets it visualize path of operation from reading of data to action, and than it executes it.
That is the reason cache and broadcast variables are there. Onus is on developer to know and cache, if they know they are going to reuse that data or dataframe N number of times.

TL;DR DataFrame is not different than RDD. You can expect that the same rules apply.
With simple plan like this the answer is yes. It will read data for every show although, if action doesn't require all data (like here0 it won't read complete file.
In general case (complex execution plans) data can accessed from the shuffle files.


Hadoop importing data - right ETL approach

I'm started to learning Hadoop Stack for one of my projects (quite newbie in hadoop stack). I try to figure out what's the best approach for ETL process for putting data in HIVE. I have some working solution, but I suppose it's not optimal, and there are better options.
My Case:
I have a raw data in binary files generated by system. Before putting them on HDFS/HIVE I have to parse them using unix console program (quite complex) for text lines with data, and then place it to HIVE table.
My current solution:
System add a message to Kafka that there is a new binary file waiting for processing.
I have a python script on hadoop master node (at least for now):
A) recieveing Kafka messages
B) downloading the file.
C) executing the console program
D) Saving text output to CSV
E) Pushing CSV file to HDFS
F) Creating temporary table in HIVE from CSV File
G) INSERT data from temporary TABLE into seperate pernament table on ORC engine
H) Delete temporary table
My Questions:
Is this flow optimal? Maybe there is something which could be simplier?
It this possible to schedule/deploy/execute this python script (or other better technology?) automatically on every hadoop node?
Any clues about tools/options to make the whole process easy to maintenance, schedule, and efficient?
I assume your point 2 - > D has a constant layout for csv. In That
case , You may combine points F and H , rather than creating and
dropping table every-time , You can create a template temp-table and
overwrite data every next time.
For Eg :
create external table template
---- Your csv schema.
Next you may try following type of insert :
This will reduce some time in your processing.
I am not sure about java , but i have used lot of python and have implemented these similar requirements at my work. I never felt any challenges with python due to its diversity and different modules available.
If you are implementing this in UNIX box , you may either use cron or
oozie to schedule the whole automation.

Spark streaming get pre computed features

I am trying to use spark streaming to deal with some order stream, I have some previous computed features for maybe a buyer_id for order in the stream.
I need to get these features while the Spark Streaming is running.
Now, I stored the buyer_id features in a hive table and load it into and RDD and
val buyerfeatures = loadBuyerFeatures()
orderstream.transform(rdd => rdd.leftOuterJoin(buyerfeatures))
to get the pre-computed features.
another way to deal with this is maybe save the features in to a hbase table. and fire a get on every buyer_id.
which one is better ? or maybe I can solve this in another way.
From my short experience:
Loading the necessary data for the computation should be done BEFORE starting the streaming context:
If you are loading inside a DStream operation, this operation will be repeated at each Batch Inteverval time.
If you load each time from Hive, you should seriously consider overhead costs and possible problems during data transfer.
So, if your data is already computed and "small" enough, load it at the beginning of the program in a Broadcast variable or,even better, in a final variable. Either this, or create an RDD before the DStream and keep it as reference (which looks like what you are doing now), although remember to cache it (always if you have enough space).
If you actually do need to read it at streaming time (maybe you receive your query key from the stream), then try to do it once in a foreachPartition and save it in a local variable.

Spring XD Batch Job Incremental

I created a job batch to extract data from csv file to a jdbc using filejdbc module, it worked properly, but when I scheduled the batch to run every 5 minutes, it did not work with the incremental load concept, it loaded all the data again, Is there any feature to schedule the batch with incremental load?
Is the solution to run the batch once, and to create a stream to do the incremental load? Will the stream load all the data again, or it will just continue from a certain point.
Please explain how can I achieve the incremental load concept using spring XD?
I suppose what is missing is the concept of 'state'...the filejdbc module does not seem to know where the last import stopped. I do something similar but I use a custom batch job and I use a meta store to keep track of where the last load stopped - that is where the next incremental will pick up from, etc.
Since you're using a module that came with spring-xd itself, you may not have this flexibility but you may have to options:
a- your destination table can define unique fields that will prevent duplicates. That way, even if its trying to load ALL the data again, only new rows will get inserted. This assumes that the module is using 'insert ignore' (or something similar and not just basic insert (which will throw an error/exception). This, I must say, will end up being non-optimal pretty quickly, pretty soon.
b- If its an option, write a module that can delete the file after its uploaded into the db. You can construct a complex stream that will first do your data load and then file delete.

Bulk Update of Particular fields In Hbase

I have a scenario while was working on Hbase. Initially I have to bulkupload a csv file to Hbase table.Which I could do successfully by using Hbase bulkloading.
Now I want to update a particular field in hbase table by comparing to an new csv provided and if the value is updated have to maintain a flag which says the rowkey was updated. Any hint how I can do it easily.
Any help is really appreciated.
HBase maintains versions for each cell. As long as you have the row key with you, you get a handle of the row, and you can just use put to add the updated column. Internally it maintains the versions, and you can have access to history of the updated values too.
However, you need comparing too, as I can see. So after bulk loading the fastest you can do it, use a map reduce as have HBase as source and sink. Look here at 7.2.2 section.
The idea is have mapreduce perform the scan, do comparision in map, and write the new updated put in output. Its like a basic fetch, modify and update sequence. But we are using map reduce parallel feature as we are dealing with large amount of data

Running a MR Job on a portion of the HDFS file

Imagine you have a big file stored in hdtf which contains structured data. Now the goal is to process only a portion of data in the file like all the lines in the file where second column value is between so and so. Is it possible to launch the MR job such that hdfs only stream the relevant portion of the file versus streaming everything to the mappers.
The reason is that I want to expedite the job speed by only working on the portion that I need. Probably one approach is to run a MR job to get create a new file but I am wondering if one can avoid that?
Please note that the goal is to keep the data in HDFS and I do not want to read and write from database.
HDFS stores files as a bunch of bytes in blocks, and there is no indexing, and therefore no way to only read in a portion of your file (at least at the time of this writing). Furthermore, any given mapper may get the first block of the file or the 400th, and you don't get control over that.
That said, the whole point of MapReduce is to distribute the load over many machines. In our cluster, we run up to 28 mappers at a time (7 per node on 4 nodes), so if my input file is 1TB, each map slot may only end up reading 3% of the total file, or about 30GB. You just perform the filter that you want in the mapper, and only process the rows you are interested in.
If you really need filtered access, you might want to look at storing your data in HBase. It can act as a native source for MapReduce jobs, provides filtered reads, and stores its data on HDFS, so you are still in the distributed world.
One answer is looking at the way that hive solves this problem. The data is in "tables" which are really just meta data about files on disk. Hive allows you to set columns on which a table is partitioned. This creates a separate folder for each partition so if you were partitioning a file by date you would have:
Inside of the date directory would be you actual files. So if you then ran a query like:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE dt ='2011-12-01'
Only files in /mytable/2011-12-01 would be fed into the job.
Tho bottom line is that if you want functionality like this you either want to move to a higher level language (hive/pig) or you need to roll your own solutions.
Big part of the processing cost - is data parsing to produce Key-Values to the Mapper. We create there (usually) one java object per value + some container. It is costly both in terms of CPU and garbage collector pressure
I would suggest the solution "in the middle". You can write input format which will read the input stream and skip non-relevant data in the early stage (for example by looking into few first bytes of the string). As a result you will read all data, but actually parse and pass to the Mapper - only portion of it.
Another approach I would consider - is to use RCFile format (or other columnar format), and take care that relevant and non relevant data will sit in the different columns.
If the files that you want to process have some unique attribute about their filename (like extension or partial filename match), you can also use the setInputPathFilter method of FileInputFormat to ignore all but the ones you want for your MR job. Hadoop by default ignores all ".xxx" and _xxx" files/dirs, but you can extend with setInputPathFilter.
As others have noted above, you will likely get sub-optimal performance out of your cluster doing something like this which breaks the "one block per mapper" paradigm, but sometimes this is acceptable. Can sometimes take more to "do it right", esp if you're dealing with a small amount of data & the time to re-architect and/or re-dump into HBase would eclipse the extra time required to run your job sub-optimally.
