Hadoop importing data - right ETL approach - hadoop

I'm started to learning Hadoop Stack for one of my projects (quite newbie in hadoop stack). I try to figure out what's the best approach for ETL process for putting data in HIVE. I have some working solution, but I suppose it's not optimal, and there are better options.
My Case:
I have a raw data in binary files generated by system. Before putting them on HDFS/HIVE I have to parse them using unix console program (quite complex) for text lines with data, and then place it to HIVE table.
My current solution:
System add a message to Kafka that there is a new binary file waiting for processing.
I have a python script on hadoop master node (at least for now):
A) recieveing Kafka messages
B) downloading the file.
C) executing the console program
D) Saving text output to CSV
E) Pushing CSV file to HDFS
F) Creating temporary table in HIVE from CSV File
G) INSERT data from temporary TABLE into seperate pernament table on ORC engine
H) Delete temporary table
My Questions:
Is this flow optimal? Maybe there is something which could be simplier?
It this possible to schedule/deploy/execute this python script (or other better technology?) automatically on every hadoop node?
Any clues about tools/options to make the whole process easy to maintenance, schedule, and efficient?

I assume your point 2 - > D has a constant layout for csv. In That
case , You may combine points F and H , rather than creating and
dropping table every-time , You can create a template temp-table and
overwrite data every next time.
For Eg :
create external table template
---- Your csv schema.
Next you may try following type of insert :
This will reduce some time in your processing.
I am not sure about java , but i have used lot of python and have implemented these similar requirements at my work. I never felt any challenges with python due to its diversity and different modules available.
If you are implementing this in UNIX box , you may either use cron or
oozie to schedule the whole automation.


How to efficiently update Impala tables whose files are modified very frequently

We have a Hadoop-based solution (CDH 5.15) where we are getting new files in HDFS in some directories. On top os those directories we have 4-5 Impala (2.1) tables. The process writing those files in HDFS is Spark Structured Streaming (2.3.1)
Right now, we are running some DDL queries as soon as we get the files written to HDFS:
ALTER TABLE table1 RECOVER PARTITONS to detect new partitions (and their HDFS directories and files) added to the table.
REFRESH table1 PARTITIONS (partition1=X, partition2=Y), using all the keys for each partition.
Right now, this DDL is taking a bit too long and they are getting queued in our system, damaging the data availability of the system.
So, my question is: Is there a way to do this data incorporation more efficiently?
We have considered:
Using the ALTER TABLE .. RECOVER PARTITONS but as per the documentation, it only refreshes new partitions.
Tried to use REFRESH .. PARTITON ... with multiple partitions at once, but the statement syntaxis does not allow to do that.
Tried batching the queries but the Hive JDBC drives does not support batching queries.
Shall we try to do those updates in parallel given that the system is already busy?
Any other way you are aware of?
Note: The way in which we know what partitions need refreshed is by using HDFS events as with Spark Structured Streaming we donĀ“t know exactly when the files are written.
Note #2: Also, the files written in HDFS are sometimes small, so it would be great if it could be possible to merge those files at the same time.
Since nobody seems to have the answer for my problem, I would like to share the approach we took to make this processing more efficient, comments are very welcome.
We discovered (doc. is not very clear on this) that some of the information stored in the Spark "checkpoints" in HDFS is a number of metadata files describing when each Parquet file was written and how big was it:
$hdfs dfs -ls -h hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata
w-r--r-- 3 hdfs 68K 2020-02-26 20:49 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3248
rw-r--r-- 3 hdfs 33.3M 2020-02-26 20:53 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3249.compact
w-r--r-- 3 hdfs 68K 2020-02-26 20:54 hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3250
$hdfs dfs -cat hdfs://...../my_spark_job/_spark_metadata/3250
So, what we did was:
Build a Spark Streaming Job polling that _spark_metadata folder.
We use a fileStream since it allow us to define the file filter to use.
Each entry in that stream is one of those JSON lines, which is parsed to extract the file path and size.
Group the files by the parent folder (which maps to each Impala partition) they belong to.
For each folder:
Read a dataframe loading only the targeted Parquet files (to avoid race conditions with the other job writing the files)
Calculate how many blocks to write (using the size field in the JSON and a target block size)
Coalesce the dataframe to the desired number of partitions and write it back to HDFS
Execute the DDL REFRESH TABLE myTable PARTITION ([partition keys derived from the new folder]
Finally, delete the source files
What we achieved is:
Limit the DDLs, by doing one refresh per partition and batch.
By having batch time and block size configurable, we are able to adapt our product to different deployment scenarios with bigger or smaller datasets.
The solution is quite flexible, since we can assign more or less resources to the Spark Streaming job (executors, cores, memory, etc.) and also we can start/stop it (using its own checkpointing system).
We are also studying the possibily of applying some data repartitioning, while doing this process, to have partitions as close as possible to the most optimum size.

Spark read.parquet takes too much time

Hi I don't understand why this code takes too much time.
val newDataDF = sqlContext.read.parquet("hdfs://*/*")
It's supposed than no bytes are transferred to the driver program, isn't it? How does read.parquet works?
What I can see from the Spark web UI is that read.spark fires about 4000 tasks (there's a lot of parquet files inside that folder).
The issue most likely is the file indexing that has to occur as the first step of loading a DataFrame. You said the spark.read.parquet fires off 4000 tasks, so you probably have many partition folders? Spark will get an HDFS directory listing and recursively get the FileStatus (size and splits) of all files in each folder. For efficiency Spark indexes the files in parallel, so you want to ensure you have enough cores to make it as fast as possible. You can also be more explicit in the folders you wish to read or define a Parquet DataSource table over the data to avoid the partition discovery each time you load it.
create table mydata
using parquet
path 'hdfs://*/*'
spark.sql("msck repair table mydata")
From this point on, when you query the data it will no longer have to do the partition discovery, but it'll still have to get the FileStatus for the files within the folders you query. If you add new partitions you can either add the partition explicitly of force a full repair table again:
alter table mydata add partition(foo='bar')
location 'hdfs://'

Small files in hadoop

I am trying to combine small files on hdfs. This is simply for historical purposes, if needed the large file(s) would be disassembled and ran through the process to create the data for the hadoop table. Is there a way to achieve this simply? For example, day one receive 100 small files, combine into a file, then day two add/append more files into the previously created file, etc...
If the files are all the same "schema", let's say, like CSV or JSON. Then, you're welcome to write a very basic Pig / Spark job to read a whole folder of tiny files, then write it back out somewhere else, which will very likely merge all the files into larger sizes based on the HDFS block size.
You've also mentioned Hive, so use an external table for the small files, and use a CTAS query to create a separate table, thereby creating a MapReduce job, much the same as Pig would do.
IMO, if possible, the optimal solution is to setup a system "upstream" of Hadoop, which will batch your smaller files into larger files, and then dump them out to HDFS. Apache NiFi is a useful tool for this purpose.

Would spark dataframe read from external source on every action?

On a spark shell I use the below code to read from a csv file
val df = spark.read.format("org.apache.spark.csv").option("header", "true").option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED").csv("/opt/person.csv") //spark here is the spark session
Assuming this displays 10 rows. If I add a new row in the csv by editing it, would calling df.show() again show the new row? If so, does it mean that the dataframe reads from an external source (in this case a csv file) on every action?
Note that I am not caching the dataframe nor I am recreating the dataframe using the spark session
After each action spark forgets about the loaded data and any intermediate variables value you used in between.
So, if you invoke 4 actions one after another, it computes everything from beginning each time.
Reason is simple, spark works by building DAG, which lets it visualize path of operation from reading of data to action, and than it executes it.
That is the reason cache and broadcast variables are there. Onus is on developer to know and cache, if they know they are going to reuse that data or dataframe N number of times.
TL;DR DataFrame is not different than RDD. You can expect that the same rules apply.
With simple plan like this the answer is yes. It will read data for every show although, if action doesn't require all data (like here0 it won't read complete file.
In general case (complex execution plans) data can accessed from the shuffle files.

replace text in input file with hadoop MR

I am a newbie on the MR and Hadoop front.
I wrote an MR for finding missing's in csv file and it is working fine.
now I have an usecase where i need to parse a csv file and code it with the regarding category.
ex: "11,abc,xyz,51,61,78","11,adc,ryz,41,71,38",.............
now this has to be replaced as "1,abc,xyz,5,6,7","1,adc,ryz,4,7,3",.............
here i am doing a mod of 10 but there will be different cases of mod's.
data size is in gb's.
I want to know how to replace the content in-place for the input. Is this achievable with MR?
Basically i have not seen any file handling or writing based hadoop examples any where.
At this point i do not want to go to HBase or other db tools.
You can not replace data in place, since HDFS files are append only, and can not be edited.
I think simplest way to achiece your goal is to register your data in the Hive as external table, and write your trnasformation in HQL.
Hive is a system sitting aside of hadoop and translating your queries to MR Jobs.
Its usage is not serious infrastructure decision as HBASE usage
