bash script: how to cd when uncertain of whole directory name? - bash

I'm trying to write a bash script to install the latest texlive on a server (part of provisioning in Vagrant). Texlive comes packaged as install-tl-unx.tar.gz, but when unpacked, the resulting directory name includes the date of the last upgrade, e.g. install-tl-20161129. Since I can't predict the date portion of the directory name, how can I cd into it? Is there a script equivalent of hitting tab? I searched but couldn't find anything applicable.

I suggest to use globbing:
cd install-tl-*
or to catch 8 digits with globbing:
cd install-tl-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]


How to change $PATH variable in bash_profile in OSX?

I am trying to install a 3rd party library from GitHub through terminal. Before this installed Anaconda Python distribution on my system and that has modified my root directory of my terminal to;
Vinos-MBP:~ Vino$
So when try to navigate to a particular directory to install the said library using
cd /Users/Vino/<install location>
The terminal prints the following message;
-bash: cd: /Users/Vino/Documents/My: No such file or directory
I know this problem is because Python has modified my bash_profile startup file. I tried various online methods to fix this issue, but nothing actually works. Whenever I restart my terminal and navigate using cd, I get the same error. How do I reset $PATH to $HOME (like as before installing Anaconda), so that I can navigate to any folder on my system?
This is not a problem with $PATH or $HOME -- it looks to me like you have a space in the folder name, and aren't properly quoting/escaping it. If they aren't quoted or escaped, spaces are taken as separators between arguments (e.g. folder paths) rather than part of the path. If the folder you're trying to cd to is "/Users/Vino/Documents/My Installation Location", you could use any of these:
cd "/Users/Vino/Documents/My Installation Location"
cd '/Users/Vino/Documents/My Installation Location'
cd /Users/Vino/Documents/My\ Installation\ Location
cd ~/Documents/My\ Installation\ Location
cd ~/"Documents/My Installation Location" # Note that the ~/ part must not be quoted
There are a number of other characters that're perfectly legal to have in filenames that will cause trouble when used on the command line without quotes or escapes (including the quote and escape characters themselves!). One way to avoid trouble is to drag-and-drop an item from the Finder into the Terminal window, and it'll fill in a (properly escaped) path to that item.

Running scripts without dot slash (Ubuntu vs Mac) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before executable or script name to run it in bash?
(9 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
In ubuntu scripts can be executed with following commands:
$ chmod +x
However in mac you need to use ./ in order to actually run the script, as follow:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
I would like to know what is exactly ./ (especially that both system use bash by default) and if there is a way to run scripts directly in mac?
It's because you (very sensibly) don't have . in your PATH environment variable. If you do, it becomes an attack vector for people to get you to execute their own code instead of real stuff.
For example, let's say your path is:
so that commands will first be searched for in your current directory, then in /usr/bin.
Then another user creates an executable script file ls in their home directory which changes to your home directory and deletes all your files. Then they tell you they've got something interesting in their home directory. You run ls to see what they have, and your files are deleted. All because it ran ls from your current directory first.
This is a particular favorite attack vector against naive system admins.
To be honest, on my home machines, I don't worry too much, since I'm the only user and I'm not prone to downloading stuff I don't trust. So I usually add . to my path for convenience, but usually at the end so it doesn't get in the way of my more regular commands.
When you are executing a command that file (script/binary) needs to be found by the system. That is done by putting directories where to look for scripts into the PATH environment variable. So if it works in ubuntu it means PATH includes '.' (the current directory). If you want the same behavior on mac then put something like export PATH="$PATH:." in your .bashrc (asuming you are using bash..)

How to change directory under git bash

Could you tell me please how to change directory using git bash?
Exactly I want go to C:/Program Files
I type cd c:/ - move to c:/.
I type cd Program Files and I get message that "there is no such directory Program".
So the problem is how to go to the directory name of which consists of two words that are separated by whitespaces.
I'm using Windows 7 operating system.
cd gets just one argument, so if you say cd Program Files it does cd Program. So you need to quote Program Files if you want cd to it as just one argument:
cd "Program Files"
otherwise it is trying to find the directory Program.
You could also type the space as escape seqence:
cd /c/Program\ Files/Git/
Please find below to add windows path in git bash or in unix
export PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_221/bin:/c/Program\ Files/apache-maven-3.6.1/bin

Bookmark Directories In Terminal

Looking for a solution to quickly navigate to long paths in a shell (particularly Max OS X
Say my path is ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently
Instead of cd ~/This/Is/A/....
I would like to be able to store favorites/bookmark directories so I could do "cd myPath"
Are there any binaries or tools available to do something like this?
I've found the packages 'Apparix' and 'Goto' which together make the stuff dreams are made of for us terminal junkies.
Naturally, I had trouble installing Apparix, but I figured it out in the end.
How To Install Apparix on Mac OS X:
Download the tarball from Apparix's homepage.
Unpack the tarball, cd to the unpacked folder.
Run this command ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local && make && make install.
Run man apparix, scroll down to the heading BASH-style functions, copy everything within that section (delimited with ---) and paste it into ~/.bash_profile.
That's it. You should now have Apparix up and running on OS X (further install info and usage is on Apparix's homepage).
Another solution is to use Bashmarks, which allows you to this
$ cd ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently
$ s shortname # save current path as `shortname`
$ cd /
$ g shortname # cd to ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently
You can use aliases (stick them in your ~/.bash_profile if you want them to always load)
alias cd_bmark1='cd ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently'
Then use by just typing
into the console
I know you already found an answer that worked for you, but a couple of more lightweight suggestions that might help others looking for similar things
If your directories are relatively fixed, just long and far away from each other, you can use the CDPATH environment variable to add directories to the search path when typing the "cd" command. If the directory name you try to cd to isn't in the current directory, the other entries in your CD path will also be looked at (and it's also tab complete aware, at least in bash and zsh).
Switching to zsh rather than bash and using the excellent directory stacks abilities. With it, you can maintain a history of directories that you've visited, view the history with the "dh" alias, and easily switch to a directory by using quick shortcuts (ex: cd -3 to switch to the 3rd directory in your history stack).
Why not having a symlink ?
ln -s ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently bmark
cd bmark
I use daily to create and navigate bookmarked paths in bash. It supports tag autocompletion and the ability to easily add/remove bookmarks.
Full disclosure, I wrote this tool :)

Why can't Cygwin CVS read the CVS password file in a Ruby/Perl script?

On the Windows command line and cygwin bash I can execute the following without problems:
cvs login
cvs -Q log -N -rVersion_01_00
A ruby script in the same directory contains the following:
`cvs login`;
`cvs -Q log -N -rVersion_01_00`;
When I execute the ruby script on the Windows command line I get the following error:
cvs log: warning: failed to open /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/za100744/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
If I run the script in a cygwin bash shell I get the same output I would as when I type in the commands manually.
I have no idea as to what is going wrong. The path generated by the Ruby script is wrong since it is a cygwin path but it works correctly directly on the command line. I use cvs that came as part of cygwin:
which cvs
cvs is an external : C:\cygwin\bin\cvs.exe
Ruby is the one-click installer version:
which ruby
It seems like cvs under Ruby can not resolve /cygdrive/c to c: but works OK from the cmdline.
Perl gives me exactly the same problem.
my $str = "cvs -Q log -N -r$cvs_tag|";
open(CVS_STATUS, $str) or die "\n##ERROR##";
It looks like either CVS can't create the file, or your path is wrong. Does the file .cvspass exist? If not, this page suggests you try creating an empty .cvspass file and then run your command. e.g. do
touch ~/.cvspass
If this doesn't help, then the problem is probably path related. There are a few possibilities; $HOME not set correctly, your home dir not matching what's in \etc\passwd, etc. See this tutorial for some troubleshooting steps that should help pin down the problem.
Using a windows native compiled CVS solves the problem. It is not ideal since I have to send a cvs executable with the script for users that has cygwin CVS but its better than nothing.
We had several problems with unix-, mixed- and windows-style paths in cygwin based perl scripts and built-in tools such as rsync. E.g. rsync can't handle wind-style paths. Use the tool "cygpath.exe" to adjust them correctly. Maybe it's the cause.
