Bookmark Directories In Terminal - macos

Looking for a solution to quickly navigate to long paths in a shell (particularly Max OS X
Say my path is ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently
Instead of cd ~/This/Is/A/....
I would like to be able to store favorites/bookmark directories so I could do "cd myPath"
Are there any binaries or tools available to do something like this?

I've found the packages 'Apparix' and 'Goto' which together make the stuff dreams are made of for us terminal junkies.
Naturally, I had trouble installing Apparix, but I figured it out in the end.
How To Install Apparix on Mac OS X:
Download the tarball from Apparix's homepage.
Unpack the tarball, cd to the unpacked folder.
Run this command ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local && make && make install.
Run man apparix, scroll down to the heading BASH-style functions, copy everything within that section (delimited with ---) and paste it into ~/.bash_profile.
That's it. You should now have Apparix up and running on OS X (further install info and usage is on Apparix's homepage).

Another solution is to use Bashmarks, which allows you to this
$ cd ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently
$ s shortname # save current path as `shortname`
$ cd /
$ g shortname # cd to ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently

You can use aliases (stick them in your ~/.bash_profile if you want them to always load)
alias cd_bmark1='cd ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently'
Then use by just typing
into the console

I know you already found an answer that worked for you, but a couple of more lightweight suggestions that might help others looking for similar things
If your directories are relatively fixed, just long and far away from each other, you can use the CDPATH environment variable to add directories to the search path when typing the "cd" command. If the directory name you try to cd to isn't in the current directory, the other entries in your CD path will also be looked at (and it's also tab complete aware, at least in bash and zsh).
Switching to zsh rather than bash and using the excellent directory stacks abilities. With it, you can maintain a history of directories that you've visited, view the history with the "dh" alias, and easily switch to a directory by using quick shortcuts (ex: cd -3 to switch to the 3rd directory in your history stack).

Why not having a symlink ?
ln -s ~/This/Is/A/Really/Long/Path/That/I/Would/Rather/Not/Type/Frequently bmark
cd bmark

I use daily to create and navigate bookmarked paths in bash. It supports tag autocompletion and the ability to easily add/remove bookmarks.
Full disclosure, I wrote this tool :)


Is it possible to use fzf (command line fuzzy finder) with windows 10 git-bash?

I downloaded the .exe file and placed it into my PATH variable. fzf seems to work in command prompt. But I would like to use it in git-bash. When i use fzf in git-bash it seems to start but nothing happens.
Any advice would be helpful. I'm trying to save myself some keystrokes.
Yes it is.
I just downloaded fzf.exe from fzf-bin, launched bash.exe, and typed ./fzf.exe
But for that, I use a simplified PATH first:
set PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
set GH=C:\path\to\git
set PATH=%GH%\bin;%GH%\usr\bin;%GH%\mingw64\bin;%GH%\mingw64\libexec\git-core;%PATH%
With that PATH, fzf just works.
I know this question was a while ago, but hopefully I can be of some use for any new readers trying to get fuzzy finder working, in git-bash
For whatever reason, I had tried the package from the GitHub repo #VonC shared and the new repo linked thereof and neither package executed in terminal as expected - Only thing could do was fzf --help
As you know git-bash is based on MSYS2, and they have pacman to install packages and a package list can also be found here including a fuzzy finder, however not fzf, but fzy
To get the Windows compatible file, go straight to 'File', not the upstream URL and within the downloaded compressed file you will find the .exe
Move that .exe to your git-bash /usr/bin and either rename fzy.exe to fzf.exe or bash alias fzf to execute fzy

Does usr/local/src on mac not exist?

I am new to computers and using the terminal. Most tutorials I look at for downloading tell me to go to usr/local/src. However, I don't find this on mac. Should I just make a directory called src?
Or is this something specific only to linux users?
If someone could tell me how much difference it makes for this directory to exist or not that would be great. Can I complete my installations in usr/local itself?
Using the Finder, you can press Cmd-Shift-G and type /usr to display that folder. The /local folder is there by default, but not its /src subfolder. The Finder, of course, can easily create it for you.
As #cricket_007 mentioned, you need to be certain of what you're doing in this area of the system — that's why OS X doesn't display those folders by default. If you understand the risk and want to see everything in the Finder, you can issue the following Terminal command:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
... then type:
killall Finder
and it will look like this. The hidden folders have a slightly faded appearance, but you can navigate into them as desired:
Alternatively (for High Sierra and above)
You may simply use the key combination: " Cmd Shift > " to toggle on and off hidden file display.
It depends what you are doing. If you're messing about just create one in your home directory:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir src
If you building stuff via configure etc., and you want to install it into /usr/local (the default install prefix), then just do this:
$ cd ~/src/packagename
$ ./configure ... options ...
$ make
$ sudo make install

Windows - start git in given directory

I'm using git portable on windows. It's rather user friendly, but there is one thing that bothers me. Every time I run it I have to type the entire path to the project directory, which is quite long sometimes. Maybe it's not a serious problem, but it would be very nice to shorten it. I tried the following:
bash // cd in this file // nothing happens
create symbolic link it - it just copies the directory
create windows shortcut - can't open it within git console
Anybody managed to solve this?
You can right click on the Windows shortcut that launches Git Bash, edit its properties and modify the "Start in" path to your project path. Every time you launch this shortcut, it will cd into that project path.
Or you can add an alias to your ~/.bashrc like below:
alias proj="cd /path/to/project/"
This will allow you to cd into the project dir on demand by typing the alias name at the prompt.
If you run git-bash.bat from Portable git, it should work mostly as normal git installation. So, to work with a specific repository, just cd into it:
cd /c/code/MyRepo/
git whatever
I've added
cd /c/dev
echo cd /c/dev >> ~/.bashrc
But I'm running MSysGit the non-portable version. Hope this helps in some way anyway.

mac os x terminal problem faced

oh my god...i faced a big problem...i was created a .bash_profile in ~ folder and then set paths there...bust the big problem is after restarting my bash i see that none of my commands work like LS and RM and etc...
now i dont know how to fix it...some one help me...i need my terminal as soon as possible...
Make sure you are appending to the existing $PATH.
To prevent this happening in the future:
When I edit my environment files (including bashrc, profile, login, and others), I always try starting another shell before quitting my editing environment. This protects me from the possibility of breaking my environment so that I can't log in.
Make sure your PATH includes the usual bin directories: /bin and /usr/bin.
First I would rename ~/.bash_profile to ~/old.bash_profile.
Then open that up in TextEdit (as a plain text document) and verify how you have set your path.
If you would prefer to use vim/emacs/nano/whatever, the act of renaming the file will allow new terminal sessions to use default paths, so from the command line you should be mostly fine.
Then verify you haven't clobbered $PATH as suggested by #Mark Thalman, above.
If you are in a Terminal Window, simply add in the /bin and /usr/bin back in your PATH.
$ PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH"
That should allow all the basic Unix command to work once more. Or, you can use the full path name for commands:
$ PATH="" #Can't find nothin'
$ ls
bash: ls: command not found.
$ /bin/ls -a #This will work!
. .. .bash_profile foo bar
Don't Reset PATH in your .profile!
As you discovered, you should never reset PATH in your `.bash_profile. Instead, you should always append and prepend to it:
The first line will prepend /usr/local/bin to PATH which means if a command is in /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin, the /usr/local/bin version will be executed. Many system admins will put alternative base system commands in /usr/local/bin. For example, on Solaris, they might put VIM in /usr/local/bin/vi, so when you edit a file, you're using the improved VIM and not the base VI.
The second line appends your $HOME/bin to the end of $PATH. That means if there's a /bin/ls and you have ~/bin/ls, the /bin/ls will be executed first.
Never set PATH from scratch because each Unix system might have commands that you to access elsewhere in the system. For example, your site might require you to use X11, so you want /usr/X11/bin in your PATH, or you have GIT installed under the /opt/git directory, and you'll need /opt/git/bin in your path.
Sometimes, base utilities like ls might be replaced with upgraded versions of these utilities. On Solaris, you have the base vi and ls command, Most users like the GNU ls command because it uses color and prefer VIM to plain VI. I would included these utilities in /usr/local/bin and prepend that to my PATH.
And now a Word from a Sponsor
As you probably discovered, Finder doesn't list hidden files. That's why you can't see .bash_profile in Finder. You can use some hacks to change this, but it requires you to type them into the terminal window.
I use a Finder replacement called Path Finder. It contains a lot of neat Power User things such as allowing you to see hidden files, treat Packages such as apps as directories, and be able to view protected directories if you have Administrator access. There's a built in terminal and GUI Subversion client.
It's not cheap ($40), but you can download for free and try it out for 30 days.
BTW, I have absolutely no relationship to Cocoatech except as a customer, and I make no money from people buying Path Finder. It's just a tool I use.

Navigating to Commonly/Recently Used Dirs, in Terminal (Unix/OS X)

Would it be possible to save certain locations that I've used recently/commonly (like /folder/folder/folder/) so that I don't have to manually navigate through each dir between my current and destination dir?
Sort of like alt-tab, but for paths. I'm on OS X, but perhaps this can be done using basic Unix skills?
If you set up your shell to save commands history, using Ctrl+R hotkey may save you some time, which performs search of previously executed commands as you type. Another good thing to know is that most shells provide you with file/directory name completion if you press Tab key once/twice, which is also of great help.
EDIT: you can also make some symbolic links inside single (e.g. home) directory to quickly access directories. Use ln -s <path to target file/directory> <path to link> command. Target paths could either be relative or absolute.
One way that works in most shells (but is slightly different for different shells) is the directory stack. You can use pushd to push a directory, popd to pop the top directory from the stack, and dirs to move directories around and switch to directories in the middle of the stack. I just checked, and the man page for pushd on Mac OS X is useless; use the man page for your shell (likely bash) and search for pushd, etc. there.
In Bash, you can add directories to the CDPATH variable. If you try to cd to a directory that doesn't begin with a slash then the directories listed in CDPATH are searched for a matching destination.
In zsh there are a few options.
A shell can keep a stack of the most recent few directories you've cd'ed into if you use setopt AUTO_PUSHD. With completion set up (autoload -U compinit; compinit), type cd + and press tab, then you'll get a numbered list:
~% cd /Library
/Library% cd /System/Library
/System/Library% cd +
1 -- /Library
2 -- /Users/nicholas
So the most recent directory is +1, etc. (You can reverse this, as I do, with setopt PUSHD_MINUS so you use - instead of + and the most recent directory is -1).
Another option is directory hashing; you can create pseudo-"home directories" (~whatever). Some of mine, for example:
hash -d v=/Volumes
hash -d a=/Volumes/BanjoArchive
hash -d pep=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
hash -d sp=$(print /Library/Python/*/site-packages(On[1]))
So I can just type cd ~pep or cd pep (if unambiguous) or even pep (if AUTO_CD is set). In situations other than cd, you can use the directory stack with ~ as well, e.g. ~+1 or ~-1.
zsh can even replace shell variables after a ~ with the AUTO_NAME_DIRS option, though I don't use it because it would clutter the variable list. Nevertheless, here's an example:
~%cd ~v
zsh also supports cdpath as one of the other answers mentions. For example, I have:
cdpath=($HOME /Volumes)
so I can just use the name of a mounted volume or directory in my home directory to cd to it.
I stumbled upon Z and it has solved all of my dir-navigating issues.
Either an alias (via placing it into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile depending on setup):
alias godocs='cd /home/me/my_docs`
or pushd/popd as #Jeremiah suggests.
Take a look at "Cd Deluxe" for a greatly improved "change directory" command:
