windows phone deployment error DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -2147009290 ‭ - visual-studio

Working on a Windows Phone 10 app and ran it from Visual Studio on my ARM (Lumia 950) device several times. Then an OS update came in for my 950 and it soon did a forced reboot; updating to 10.0.14393.576.
I may have had one or two successful deploys/debug launches from VS to the phone after that but then this error started and I am blocked.
DEP0001 : Unexpected Error: -2147009290
This comes after the app has apparently successfully deployed and is trying to launch the app.
I tried several battery-pull reboots of the phone and rebooting the PC. The app is not installed on the phone (in the app list.)
I went to the Store to install a few apps and uninstall a few to see if that un-jarred it.
But nothing worked. Trying to avoid a hard reset if possible.
I found one instance of this error here:
Error 80073cf6 while installing my app on windows phone 8.1
But that's pretty old and unresolved.
Any ideas?

Figured it out. I had deleted a splash screen image but left a reference to it in the package.manifest so it was looking for when launching on the phone. When I added back the splash screen it deployed and ran successfully.


Xamarin.Forms app, works in simulator, started hanging on iOS Devices: dynamic-codesigning entitlement Error

My app has started failing on devices seemingly out of the blue. When debugging it just hangs and sits there. Doesn't crash. I've found the following errors in the device log:
Error (0) / kernel(Sandbox): TUE.myiOSApp(629) System Policy: MAP_JIT requires the dynamic-codesigning entitlement
Error (222) / DTServiceHub(FrontBoardServices): [FBSSystemService][0x658f] Sending request to open "com.MyAppName”
Error (589) / SpringBoard(FrontBoard): [com.MyAppName] Provision violated for watchdog scene-create: <FBSProcessResourceProvision: 0x1c54fa400; allowance: <; FBSProcessResourceAllowance; type: realTime; timeValue: 18.57s>; violated: YES>
Error (589) / SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter): [<_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x1c4115720; PID 631: com.MyAppName <(null)>; hosting PIDs {(
Error (589) / SpringBoard(KeyboardArbiter): -[_UIKeyboardArbiter runOperations:onHandler:]_block_invoke Failed to access <_UIKeyboardArbiterHandle: 0x1c4115720; PID 631: com.MyAppName <(null)>; hosting PIDs {(
I noticed another line that mentioned the process wasn't killed by the OS because it was being debugged.
This started happening right after I added a new device to the developer profile at the Apple Developer portal. I redownloaded the profile and installed it in xCode and in Visual Studio for Mac. The first time I ran the app on the new device, it ran successfully and I could debug. After that it started freezing. It also freezes on the old device I had been debugging successfully on just moments prior.
I've tried cleaning the solution, deleting all bin/obj folders. Restarting the device. Rebooting my Mac, etc.. nothing works.
I've dug around a little bit regarding the MAP_JIT error, however, the only answers I've found is to ensure Xcode is up to date. I'm on Xcode 11.3.1 and the command line tools are installed.
I updated to the latest version of Visual Studio for Mac which did not solve the issue
Any ideas?

An error occured while attempting to download the container from application Xcode

While running my app on iPhone, I needed to view the database contents. So I selected Devices in Xcode and chose my device. Thereafter, i selected my app and clicked on the Settings button which shows 3 options: Show container, Download container and Remove container. On clicking the Download container option, I was asked where I want to store the container. After selecting the location, I am getting the following error: An error occured while attempting to download the container from application "MyApp".....
On selecting Show container option, a list opens up but there is no file inside it.
The same problem occurs with other apps too that I run using Xcode.
Any ideas as to why this happens and how to fix it?
I just rebooted my iPhone. That seems to fix it! Really weird, but works.
I have been having the issue every now and then especially after the phone has been connected to Mac and Xcode for about an hour.
Sometimes, just rebooting the phone isn't good enough, you'll also have to quit Xcode and start again after rebooting the phone!
I also had this problem yesterday, and the solution was a mismatched version of iOS 10 and Xcode 7. After I did the App Store upgrade to Xcode 8, I was able to download successfully.
In my case the issue was due to the fact that the version installed was a release version.
After installing the "Debug" version, the download worked fine.

Appcelerator doesn't work with genymotion

I cannot get appcelrator to work with Genymotion.
Everytime i "run" - that is, hit the green run button in the top-left - i get [ERROR] : Failed to install apk on ""
[ERROR] : Error: device not found
This isn't useful nor is it helpful.
I can manually drag the created .apk file into genymotion and it will run it (although, irritatinly, it immediately crashes as I'm upgrading an old app to whatever new style appcelerator have decided on).
All the posts on this are from 2014 and not very useful - I also cannot get appcelerator running genymotion on a blank new project.
I installed genymotion to a different directory, but appcelerator seems to find it and start it - i can see genymotion start up.
What am i missing?
Sometimes I have seen the Appcelerator emulator wait startup timeout before Appcelerator can send the APK. What I have done is start the emulator first independent of the 'run' command in Appcelerator, then select the emulator from Appcelerator and then Run. If the emulator has started, then it will send it without having to drag/drop the apk manually.

Xamarin 'hello world' app won't run, emulatpr too big

Decided to give Xamarin a shot. Installed xamarin, launched Visual Studio, created a new blank android project, ran it, created an account, checked the 'business trial' option.
First time I ran it I got a popup saying could not contact device.
Second time I ran it I got an error saying Could not connect to logcat.
Third time I ran it the emulator appeared and showed me this:
I waited a while but nothing happened.
I tried stopping it and running it again, I got the first error again.
In between these steps, I have made no changes, just stopped and started.
Any idea why it's being so useless? I can't seem to do anything with the emulator because stuff is too big to click. Any advice welcome, it's a bit off putting that this is my first experience with Xamarin!
You really want to try running the latest Xamarin Android Player. You can find the downloads for both Windows and Mac here:
The instructions are pretty precise, should you have any issues during the installation:

Proper way to debug watchos2 app in XCode7

I'm rewriting my watch app to work in watchos2 but have problems debugging on the actual watch (XCode7). What is the correct way how to do this?
1) Obvious (but naive) approach - connect your phone with paired watch, in XCode select Extension scheme to run on Phone + Watch. Click play and it should work, right? This seems to work only just after fresh pairing and breaks very quickly (after few debug runs). See issues and behaviour below
2) Run phone app first then add run of extension - this approach worked for me longer but eventually broke as well.
3) Unpair and pair again - more than painful experience, time consuming and not practical at all. Will help for a while though.
Main problems:
phone app not communicating - I've seen not reachable or messages just time out
watch app stops running - XCode is saying it's running but it's not - won't even attach. If I run it manually on watch most of the times it will attach but then the phone app is not reachable
watch app won't even install - I suspect when the XCode is saying it's running it in fact it doesn't because when I remove the app from watch and then run XCode goes through the whole install process and "running" but the icon doesn't even appear on the main screen
phone stops reacting when I use option 2) and try to run something else while app is attached
phone seems to be blocked, selecting other apps (even going back to my app) won't work until I kill the session
Setup: The phone and watch is paired correctly, phone can see watch, watch can see phone, other apps are working. Watch "trusts" the computer as well, app is "shown on apple watch". Phone is 5s 9.0.1.
I've tried various restart combinations (phone|watch|xcode|mac), shuffled cables, disconnect, reconnect, etc. but that didn't help either.
Did anybody find a usable way how to debug watchos2 app from XCode? Nobody else seems to be complaining about this with released XCode7 though I've seen lots of similar issues in beta builds.
Use Apple watch recharging cable, connect your watch to developing Mac that runs Xcode.
It provides much more successful and fast debugging.
I have been dealing with the same issue this last days, I just updated to iOS 9.2, watchOS 2.1 and XCode 7.2, and now everything works.
After update XCode to 7.2, iOS9.2 my phone and WatchOS2.1 my Apple Watch the debug process is better. I suggest to update all your devices.
