How to send email with Mailgun to Gmail with content - ruby

I'm using Mailgun to send email through SMTP.
It is working perfectly except that if I send two email with different content, Gmail stacks then in a list and the second one has no content. I don't understand why. In my Mailgun log it shows it was sent with content.
Should I change the subject?


How to upload copy of sent with smtp email

I use go-mail library to send emails with smtp. But I faced common issue that sent emails won't appear in sent folder. Googling I found that the only way to solve it is to upload sent email though imap.
The question is how do I obtain copy of sent email with smtp email?
The question is how do I obtain copy of sent email with smtp email?
You can't. SMTP is just for delivering mail. There is no concept of users mailboxes and specifically the Sent folder within SMTP.
We've implemented the following approach and it works for us:
Send email with smtp and bcc to own email.
Move/upload email with imap to sent folder.
For polling new messages use UID which is auto increment, so just remember the last processed and download all that is more than that.

Use multiple sender address in Laravel Email

How to use different sender address in sending emails in Laravel. What i want is to send some emails from one email id and some mails from second email id but gmail is picking up every time the configuration done in env not from mailable class.
You can't replace sender with Google SMTP service.
Google rewrites the From and Reply-To headers in messages you send via it's SMTP service to values which relate to your gmail account.
GMail does allow sending via different addresses or alias but this is for sending via the GMail web app, see Here
If you own the domain you are supposedly sending from, use the Gmail for Domains , and setup a "" account.
Or, use another SMTP provider

Lravel 5.6 : emails sent using mail facade go to junk for only hotmail and outlook addresses

i'm setting up automatic emails for events like user registration and change password etc. the problem is that the emails go to junk for Hotmail,outlook whereas work fine for gmail.
I have tested my email for junk content and gave me a score of 8.5/10 and i don't want to ask my recipients to manually add me to safe senders list
You need to verify your server and sender for it appear in inbox. Have a look at SPF and DKIM.
You can also use other email services such as mailchimp, amazon ses etc

Not able to send email to Slack Channel through a linux system using mailx

I have written a script that is sending emails as an attachment to several email ids but email is not only being sent to Slack channel email address. Although I am able to send the email to slack channel email address if I send it through outlook.
Do I need to do any additional settings or anything in Slack ?
It was because of some authorization issue by our ISP which was not allowing to send the email to Slack. It works fine if I tried to send email from my local to Slack.

Avoid emails to send in Junk/Spam

I my CI application I want to send email in inbox.
I checked my server IP on & it is not in any blacklist but if i send email to hatmail it goes to junk is there any way to by pass email to inbox?
I have tested both CI email lib as well as PHP mail function but both send email in junk/spam also just send with a text Hello from my gmail id.
