How can I open Solution from Visual Studio 2010 to 2013? - visual-studio

How can I open Solution from VS 2010 to VS 2013? I tried to open it in VS 2013 but one of the projects was incompatible.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.


Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio 2019

I want to upgrade from Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio 2019. Does anyone know a method to not lose my projects and settings?
You don't lose any files. your projects are saved on your computer not on a VS2017.
When you go and upgrade to Visual Studio 2019, you won't lose your files, it does it all for you.

Porting Solutions from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2017

Has anybody experiences on porting from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2017? Or are there some documents? I've only found documents on porting from 2013 to 2015.
Greetings Noran
After Porting some Projects, i can tell it's no problem. No fixes were needed.

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015?

Is there any reason to keep Visual Studio 2013 installed after installing Visual Studio 2015? If I'm collaborating with someone using VS2013, are there any known problems if I use VS2015?
I don't see any reason to keep VS 2013. VS 2015 opens the same projects without problem.
I worked on the same project from 2 computers, one had VS 2013, other 2015 and didn't have any problem.

Empty Property Dialog with Visual Studio 2013

I migrate my system from Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010) to Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) by installing VS2013 side by side to VS2010.
Then I opened a VS2010 project where I didn't convert it to VS2013 file format.
When I open the property dialog it is empty. And deleting the .suo files didn't fix the problem (See Visual Studio 2013 shows empty project properties when VS2008 is used as toolset).
I'm glad for hints,
I found a solution for this. The problem was VS 2010 German. I uninstalled VS 2010 and VS2013. And then I installed VS 2010 English with SP 1 and VS2013 with SP 4.
And now and forever the property dialog is no more empty :)
Thomas L.

how to use cvblobslib in Visual studio 2010

I'm trying to build the cvblobslib in Visual Studio 2010, which appears to be not that easy. can any body tell me how this works thanks in advance
