Visual Studio 2015 Not Showing Images and CSS Files - visual-studio

I want to move from Visual Studio 2012 to VS 2015. In VS 2012 I don't have any problem, but in VS 2015, when I run my web site my image and my JavaScript code and styles are not loaded:in vs2012 when i click on website'images I see address //localhost:2323/template.... but in vs2015 localhost:2323 is omited and see //template...


Visual Studio 2019 Collection editor not working (Black window)

I've freshly installed Visual Studio 2019 Community to do some mobile development (Xamarin.Forms)
The problem is that the collection editor is shown as a black window as demonstrating in the image below :
Visual Studio 2019 - Collection Editor
I've restarted VS so many times, and changed the Theme hoping it's a problem with the theme, but no luck.

Missing "new web site" option in Visual Studio 2019

Why is that I can open a Web Site using Visual Studio 2019 Professional but I can't create one? I am using Visual Studio 2019 16.0.4. I can create a new site in VS 2015 and then open it in VS 2019, but there must be an easier way.
I have checked all the menu options but cannot find a way to create a new website like I can in Visual Studio 2015.

Creating a project with visual studio 2017

Ok, I am coming from visual studio 2015 where I could create a new site, add folders for HTML, CSS, and JS.
Switched to visual studio 2017 (Enterprise) to see what its all about and now I can not figure out how to do the same thing as 2015. I just want a blank project with the ability to add whatever file formats I want. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Visual Studio 2015 does not find System.Windows.Interactivity

Last week I've updated my windows from 8.1 to 10 and my Visual Studio from 2013 Ultimate to Enterprise 2015.
Yesterday I've implemented Load Tests via a Web Performance and Load Test Project. At this point I'd like to add an ILoadTestPlugin via the "Add Load Test Plug-In" option.
This does not work, as Visual Studio tells me it cannot find System.Windows.Interactivity assembly.
As this also happens in my Visual Studio 2013 installation, I think the problem is not Visual Studio 2015 related.
As the error comes from the Visual Studio IDE as an Visual Studio internal error, this is not a duplicate of "how to add System.Windows.Interactivity to my solution!

xaml editor not available in visual studio 2010

I was using VISUAL STUDIO 2012,2010 and 2005.
Later I uninstalled 2012 and 2005 and installed 2008.
Now I can not open xaml files in 2010.
When I give OpenWith option for xaml files it shows only a few options as below.
Do any one have any solution?
