Xcode usability - Multiple screens - xcode

Is there a way to split Xcode interface when using multiple monitors?
I have 2 monitors but still haven't found an easy way to use it on more than 1 monitor (Storyboard on the left, code on the right) - Like you can do when using Intellij with Android - simple drag n drop of windows
Thanks for any tip,

Just right click on a file and Open in New Window

Go to File > New > Window
As detailed by Apple here

I actually found out just now after using XCode for several years.
You can configure how XCode responds to navigation/linked editors etc from the navigation tab in XCode Preferences.
I set "Optional Navigation" to "Uses Destination Chooser", which apparently was the missing link for using two monitors, since you can e.g. link the editor window with a storyboard view. I also set "Double click Navigation" to "Uses separate window". With these settings, the summary at the bottom looks like this:
- Click: Open in new window
- Option-click : Displays destination chooser
- Option-Shift-click: Opens in next editor
- Double-click: Open in new window


Xcode 12 - Project Navigator width is stuck/locked, can't resize

Every so often the project navigator/left panel is stuck at a fixed width. This is very annoying when I have extensions in separate files named MainViewController+<Extension name>, because the <Extension name> is truncated.
PhotoSlide... what???
Pressing the "Hide or show the Navigator" button doesn't do anything either.
Quitting Xcode and restarting works. But this takes time, and I lose my place. Is there any other way to fix the stuck width problem?
Please follow these steps if you don't want to reopen the Xcode everytime:
Right-click (or control-click) on any file
Select Open in New Window
And ta-da! You can now resize the project navigator freely!
Instead of opening a new window, just use a tab:
Open a new tab (⌘+T)
Close the old one
This also annoyed me....finally I clicked around and found the show/hide navigator icon on the very top left next to the os icons and clicked it...after that it could resize.
it is to the left of the play button fyi.
I have had success by re-sizing the entire Xcode window - make it smaller then larger and the navigator becomes resizable again.
Sad to say it, but restarting Xcode worked for me..
Here is another workaround. When the navigator gets stuck or locked, click on the "Debug" navigator (or View > Navigators > Debug menu item). Voilà, you now should have the ability to resize.
NOTE: You may have to do this a couple times by selecting another navigator or two and then re-selecting the debug navigator.
UPDATE: This doesn't work reliably. #Senseful has the best solution so far.

Show Assistant Editor missing in Xcode 11?

In Xcode 10, the toolbar had an inter-locking ring icon which showed the assistant editor, it's missing in Xcode 11.
In Xcode 10, the toolbar had an inter-locking ring icon which showed the assistant editor, it's missing in Xcode 11.
The interface has changed a little, but the functionality is still there. The top right corner of the editor pane has two buttons:
Clicking the left button, which looks like lines of text, displays the popup menu, where you can choose various editor configuration options. Clicking the right button just narrows the existing editor and adds another one next to it.
Some of the same options are also available in the Editor menu in the main menu bar.
Update: This is from the Xcode 11 beta release notes, and perhaps more fully explains why the UI was changed:
Editors can be added to any window without needing the Assistant Editor. Editors are added using the “Add Editor” button in the jump bar or the File > New > Editor command. Each editor can now be in one of three modes: “Editor Only”, “Editor and Assistant” or “Editor and Canvas”. The latter two modes automatically show relevant content when available. When using multiple editors, the View > Editor > Focus command can be used to temporarily expand the active editor to fill the entire window, hiding other editors. For source control support, the Code Review button in the Toolbar replaces the Comparison Editor. The “Show Authors” command is now available from the Source Editor’s Editor menu. The SCM Log is now in the Inspector Area. (43806898)
With multiple editors possible in a window, you need editor-specific controls for showing the ancillary views like the assistant editor, author view, etc.
From SMGreenfield's comment:
Sometimes I want to look at a different part of the same darn document. There has always been a way to do this, but it involved jumping through hoops.
Just add another editor: click the Add Editor button in the upper right corner of the editor, or choose File > New > Editor. The new editor will default to showing the same file you were working on in the existing editor.
If new editors show up on the right of the existing editor and you'd prefer them to stack vertically, you can choose View > Change Editor Orientation. If you want them to stack horizontally most of the time (the default) but just want one to show up below, choose File > New > Editor Below.
Shortcuts :
control + option + command + return : Show Assistant Editor
command + return : Show Editor only (hide Assistant Editor)
Using Editor on the Toolbar
It has moved, to show it click on icon with horizontal lines and select Assistant.
In Xcode 11 we now have multiple editor panes. You can summon a second pane, a third pane, as many as you like.
When you have a second pane, it does not have to be an automatic assistant. In other words, the editor pane itself either is an assistant or it is not. So if it is not, it is manual. And if it is, it is automatic.
To toggle between being an assistant and being an ordinary pane, choose Assistant from the Editor menu:
If Assistant is checked, this is an assistant and is automatic. What it displays depends automatically on some other pane.
If Assistant is unchecked, this is an ordinary editor pane and is manual. You can display anything you like in this editor.
In case you can't use Add Editor button just use shortcut:
Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Turn Assistant on by navigating to the following in Xcode 11:-
Xcode > Editor > Assistant
For Xcode 11.2.1
command + option + return
Main Menu -> Editor -> Line View
it is worth noting, that you can also open the assistant editor by alt-clicking the file

Xcode 6 - Main.storyboard only showing up as source code, Interface Builder missing

Somehow my Xcode settings got messed up as it would only show my Main.storyboard file as XML code. I've been told this can be fixed by selecting the Interface Builder from the "Open As" menu, but there is nothing under the menu (the only "selection" is a greyed-out "<None>"). I've cleared my Xcode caches, but this does not help. Other than that, my project still compiles properly.
How can this be resolved?
As so many people have pointed out, right-click on the file and hover over Open As and select Default - Interface Builder.
However, if this is not an option for you because Open As shows <None>, make sure you are in the standard editor and not the version editor. Go up to View in Xcode menu --> view --> hover over Standard Editor and select Show Standard Editor. Now repeat the steps others have suggested and you should get the results you're looking for.
Hide Code Review helped here (Xcode 12.2).
You might be in code review mode and Xcode thinks you want to compare the XMLs
change to Standard Editor by clicking 'Command + Enter' key . Then Main.storyboard may show as Interface Builder.
I had the same issue, where "Open As" wasn't an option on the main storyboard, and xibs were also showing as XML.
The solution that worked for me was to right click on an xib which did have the "Open as --> Interface Builder" option. Then, I went back to storyboard, and the main storyboard showed up properly.
Tap on the Arrows icon that are left and right, see image below:
If you go over to the project outline and control click on the storyboard file and hold down the cursor, you will see the option to open as, this will let you open the storyboard as a certain type. Click on that and choose open as story board. Good luck!
Sorry, I think I misread your post. I thought you were doing those steps from the menu bar. Not the outline. I am assuming you have restarted Xcode and your computer.
I had this issue with Xcode 8, no luck with Open As > menu... and the solution was as follow:
Make sure the Type is Default - Interface Builder in the Identity and Type right panel (see screenshot). In my case it was "Swift source code" selected :
Now, in the left pane, right-click on your storyboard, and magically then the option Open As > Interface Builder - Storyboard appeared !
I had "Main.storyboard.xml" in Xcode 9 folder but can not see "Default - Interface Builder" in the list of extensions proposed in "Identity and type".
I simply deleted the .xml extension in the name of "Identity and type" and then I can see again "Default - Interface Builder" in Open as.
This is just a quick fix/ long shot, and depending on the specifics of your situation it might not be helpful at all, but you can import and open storyboard files in other projects.
So, try importing your storyboard file in a new project and see if it displayed correctly there.
Has helped me in the past with misbehaving nib files.
Took some doing but I found how to fix this every time... When you click on the storyboard and it is showing as source, click on the icon that shows the utilities view on the righthand side.. Look for the identity type.. Type should be Default - Interface Builder.. Mine got switch to C Source Code.. Not sure how.. but...
I was stuck at (Hide Code Review helped here . You might be in code review mode and Xcode thinks you want to compare the XMLs)
left and right arrow icons is code review Mode

Xcode - open current file in a NEW window (a real challenge !)

Say you have File.m showing in the blue area above.
I want File.m to open in a new separate window.
How to do this??
Note that - of course - IF you have the ProjectNavigator showing and IF you can see the filename "File.m", then double-click on the filename and it will open in a new window.
What I want to do is open ANOTHER copy of the "CURRENT" file (the one in the primaryEditor) in a NEW WINDOW - without touching the ProjectNavigator.
Any ideas? Cheers
Note that ... (an excellent page here)
if you click on whatever file is in the current primaryEditor, then shift option apple comma that will indeed open the following "freaky little-known Xcode popup" ...
you can then, indeed, choose to open a new window. (So to be clear, that is exactly what I want to do.)
So, I want to be able to do that in one step. Cheers!
In XCode's Preferences you can change the following:
And then right-click within the primary editor and click "Open in Separate Window"
Instead of right clicking in the primary editor you can simply type command+option+, (comma)
Open the file what you want to open in the NEW window.
Command + Shift + t
Open the file what you want to open in the separated window.
Command + Option + ,
I wrote a new automator service that does the following steps in Xcode:
Execute the default shortcut for the "Open in..." menu item (Command-O)
(if this isn't your current "Open in" shortcut, the workflow will not work. If you still want to test it, just changed your default shortcut :) )
Go all the way to the left in the weird "Open in" view
hit Enter
Current file opened in new window
The only thing you need to do is install the service on osx and map a shortcut to it.
Here a download to the service:
1.Place Service file in folder ~/Library/Services
2. Open "System preferences"
3. > Keyboard
4. > Tab "ShortCuts" > "Service" > "General"
5. > Set your own shortcut for the service
6. Go to XCode and test the service by using your very own shortcut
Tested on OS X Mavericks, Xcode 5.0.1
In XCode 4 you can have a split window via View -> Show Assistant Editor. Then choose the same file which you have already opened in the Primary editor by the small right arrows on top of Assistant Editor.
in the ProjectNavigator. If you see the file name: Double click on the file name. It will open in a new window.

Xcode 4 shortcut for swapping focus between editor and assistant editor

In Xcode, I am big fan of the assitant editor that shows me the corresponding .h or .m for the file that I am editing.
Is there a shortcut that allows me to swap focus between this two windows? I frequently switch between the two and using the mouse every time is annoying.
New answer:
Move Focus To Editor — commandj followed by ←/↑/↓/→ and return
This goes nicely together with commandshiftj which is Reveal in Project Navigator.
Old answer:
Use optioncommand` keyboard shortcut.
It can be remapped in Preferences - Keyboard Bindings - Move Focus To Next Area.
Edit: Removed XVim recommendation.
#Oneiros: Not quite what the OP was asking for..
I don't know of a 'short' shortcut but there's Cmd-J showing a popup where you can choose what to focus.
I made this to help answer another question... Does it help?
Xcode 8+
This is the easiest option:
^` - Move Focus to Next Editor
When using multiple assistant editors, ⇧^` moves focus to previous editor.
Xcode 4+
⌥⌘` - Move Focus to Next Area
⇧⌥⌘` - Move Focus to Previous Area
Using this option you can switch between Project Navigator (left pane), Primary Editor, Assistant Editors, Utility Area (right pane), Debug Area, etc.
⌘J - Move Focus to Editor...
Using this option you can choose where to move the focus using graphical navigation chooser.
For Xcode 4.4:
Use Cmd+Option+` (left to number 1) to Move Focus to Next Area, and use Cmd+Option+Shift+` to Move Focus to Previous Area
For Xcode 4.3:
If you only have the Editor and Assistant open, use Cmd+Option+. to switch between them (Navigator>Move Focus to next area)
Also, if you want to open a different file in the right pane, like the .xib or any other, press
Command ⌘shift ⇧o
The open quickly window will appear, search the file, use capital letters to filter through camel case notation, then press
Alt ⌥enter ↵
The file will be opened in the assistant window
Switching between .h and .m:
Control ^Command ⌘Up Arrow ↑
You can do this:
Assume you have Standart(S) and Assistance(A) editor opened and you want swap them.
1) Double tap with holded Alt to line in navigation bar of S editor with file name (look screenshot). This file will open in A editor.
2) In A editor tap Go Back and do 1. File from A editor will be opened in S editor.
3) In A editor tap Go Forward.
