matching on nested elastic search documents - elasticsearch

I have a nested field in elastic search with the following format,
cast = Nested(
'id': Integer(),
'name': String()
'type': String()
I want to construct an ES query that match on the name and return the specific inner document that matched with type, id and other information, (not just the full ES document). Are there any ES available options to retrieve the nested document separately or together with the full ES document.
I considered using the highlight feature of elastic search but highlights only returns the name which matched not the id and type in the document.
Is there a way to achieve this using highlights.
Thanks a lot !


Nested document full text query with filter capability

My index mappings and sample data as follows
I need full text search on these type of documents with following criteria:
country is one input of this search
If I search "Alex 4455" and country is "xxx" this document will be matched and return following document.
If I search "Landing" and country is "xxx" this document will be matched and return following document.
If I search "Martin 4455" and country is "xxx", result is null.
In the other hand, I need combined_field in nested document with filter capability!!!
I try combined_field and saw that is not good for nested document. Also I try query_string and found that not good for my needs!

ElasticSearch get only document ids, _id field, using search query on index

For a given query I want to get only the list of _id values without getting any other information (without _source, _index, _type, ...).
I noticed that by using _source and requesting non-existing fields it will return only minimal data but can I get even less data in return ?
Some answers suggest to use the hits part of the response, but I do not want the other info.
Better to use scroll and scan to get the result list so elasticsearch doesn't have to rank and sort the results.
With the elasticsearch-dsl python lib this can be accomplished by:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
es = Elasticsearch()
s = Search(using=es, index=ES_INDEX, doc_type=DOC_TYPE)
s = s.fields([]) # only get ids, otherwise `fields` takes a list of field names
ids = [ for h in s.scan()]
I suggest to use elasticsearch_dsl for python. They have a nice api.
from elasticsearch_dsl import Document
# don't return any fields, just the metadata
s = s.source(False)
results = list(s)
Afterwards you can get the the id with:
first_result: Document = results[0]
id: Union[str,int] =
Here is the official documentation to get some extra information:

Elasticsearch : Query on one of the fields given in the list

Elasticsearch has documents indexed with the following fields:
{"id":"1", "title":"test", "locale_1_title":"locale_test"}
Given a query, following behaviour is needed at each document level:
1) If locale_1_title field is not empty(""), search only on locale_1_title field. Do not search on title field.
2) If locale_1_title field is empty, search on title field.
What can be a simple elasticsearch query to get the above behaviour ?

Elastic search : Quesry not executing

Here is mapping of my elastic search
I want execute query like
propX:XYZ AND propY:ABC
The problem is if i do this
propX:XYZ AND propY:ABC
It return nothing, but this
return result. I think the problem is propX and propY are two different region thats why using both returns nothing.
Here is my JAVA code:
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch("MYAPP")
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.queryString("propX:XYZ AND propY:ABC")).execute()
According to your mapping, the propX and propY are located in different mapping types.
Assume you follow the index mapping. Each mapping type has it own document, in other word, all document inside type XX only have the propX field. And all document inside type YY only have the propY field.
So there is no document, that have the two fields in the same time and this is why you cannot find any document.

How to search fields with '-' characters in elastic search

I am new to elastic search. I have got following document where one of the field "eventId" has "-" in value.
When i try to search with complete value of eventId, i don't get any results.
Sample Document app/event
"tags": {}
"eventId": "cc98d57b-c6bc-424c-b54c-df1e3df0d942",
I haven't created any explicit settings for my index.
you should check if the tokenizer splits your value into multiple fields. Maybe your value is stored as 5 fields: "cc98d57b", "c6bc", "424c", "b54c" and "df1e3df0d942"
You can analyze that with the 'Kopf' Plugin (
If that is your problem you should change your field mapping, so that the value is not analyzed ("index" : "not_analyzed").
For an example how to set that mapping see here: Elasticsearch mapping settings 'not_analyzed' and grouping by field in Java
After that, you should be able to search for your specific value.
