ElasticSearch get only document ids, _id field, using search query on index - elasticsearch

For a given query I want to get only the list of _id values without getting any other information (without _source, _index, _type, ...).
I noticed that by using _source and requesting non-existing fields it will return only minimal data but can I get even less data in return ?
Some answers suggest to use the hits part of the response, but I do not want the other info.

Better to use scroll and scan to get the result list so elasticsearch doesn't have to rank and sort the results.
With the elasticsearch-dsl python lib this can be accomplished by:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Search
es = Elasticsearch()
s = Search(using=es, index=ES_INDEX, doc_type=DOC_TYPE)
s = s.fields([]) # only get ids, otherwise `fields` takes a list of field names
ids = [h.meta.id for h in s.scan()]

I suggest to use elasticsearch_dsl for python. They have a nice api.
from elasticsearch_dsl import Document
# don't return any fields, just the metadata
s = s.source(False)
results = list(s)
Afterwards you can get the the id with:
first_result: Document = results[0]
id: Union[str,int] = first_result.meta.id
Here is the official documentation to get some extra information: https://elasticsearch-dsl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/search_dsl.html#extra-properties-and-parameters


python elasticsearch get field from given doc_id

My input is <index_name>, <doc_id>, <field_name>, i want the value of the field
I am looking for python-client equivalent of
GET <index_name>/_doc/<doc_id>/?_source_includes=<field_name>
I figured it out
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
result = es.get(

Elastic Search - Tokenization and Multi Match query

I need to perform tokenization and multi match in a single query in Elastic Search.
1)I am using the analyzer to get the tokens like below
String text = // 4 line log data;
List<AnalyzeToken> analyzeTokenList = new ArrayList<AnalyzeToken>();
AnalyzeRequestBuilder analyzeRequestBuilder = this.client.admin().indices().prepareAnalyze();
for (String newIndex : newIndexes) {
Response analyzeResponse = analyzeRequestBuilder.get();
then, I will iterate through the AnalyzeToken and get the list of tokens,
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AnalyzeToken token : tokens)
tokens.addAll(token.getTerm().replaceAll("\\s+"," "));
then use the tokens and frame the multi-match query like below,
String query = "";
for(string data : tokens) {
query = query + data;
MultiMatchQueryBuilder multiMatchQueryBuilder = new MultiMatchQueryBuilder(query, "abstract", "title");
Iterable<Document> result = documentRepository.search(multiMatchQueryBuilder);
Based on the result, I am checking whether similar data exists in the database.
Is it possible to combine as single query - the analyze and multi match query as single query?
Any help is appreciated!
Problem Statement : Say I have 90 entries in one index, In which each 10 entries in that index are identical (not exactly but will have 70% match) so I will have 9 pairs.
I need to process only one entry in each pair, so I went in the following approach (which is not the good way - but as of now I end up with this approach)
Approach :
Get each entry from the 90 entries in the index
Tokenize using the analyzer (this removes the unwanted keywords)
Search in the same index (It checks whether the same kind of data is there in the index) and also filters the flag as processed. --> this flag will be updated after the first log gets processed.
If there is no flag available as processed for the similar kind of data (70% match) then I will process these logs and update the current log flag as processed.
If any data already exist with the flag as processed then I will consider this data is already processed and I will continue with the next one.
So Ideal goal is to, process only one data in the 10 unique entries.
Multi-match queries internally uses the match queries which are analyzed means they apply the same analyzer which is defined in the fields mapping(standard) if there is no analyzer defined.
From the multi-match query doc
The multi_match query builds on the match query to allow multi-field
Also, accepts analyzer, boost, operator, minimum_should_match,
fuzziness, lenient, as explained in match query.
So what you are trying to do is overkill, even if you want to change the analyzer(need different tokens during search time) then you can use the search analyzer instead of creating tokens and then using them in multi-match query.

How can I find the true score from Elasticsearch query string with a wildcard?

My ElasticSearch 2.x NEST query string search contains a wildcard:
Using NEST in C#:
var results = _client.Search<IEntity>(s => s
.Query(qs => qs
.QueryString(qsq => qsq.Query("Micro*")))
Comes up with something like this:
$ curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_all/_search?q=Micro*'
This code was derived from the ElasticSearch page on using Co-variants. The results are co-variant; they are of mixed type coming from multiple indices. The problem I am having is that all of the hits come back with a score of 1.
This is regardless of type or boosting. Can I boost by type or, alternatively, is there a way to reveal or "explain" the search result so I can order by score?
Multi term queries like wildcard query are given a constant score equal to the boosting by default. You can change this behaviour using .Rewrite().
var results = client.Search<IEntity>(s => s
.Query(qs => qs
.QueryString(qsq => qsq
With RewriteMultiTerm.ScoringBoolean, the rewrite method first translates each term into a should clause in a bool query and keeps the scores as computed by the query.
Note that this can be CPU intensive and there is a default limit of 1024 bool query clauses that can be easily hit for a large document corpus; running your query on the complete StackOverflow data set (questions, answers and users) for example, hits the clause limit for questions. You may want to analyze some text with an analyzer that uses an edgengram token filter.
Wildcard searches will always return a score of 1.
You can boost by a particular type. See this:
How to boost index type in elasticsearch?

Group By Elasticsearch

I have document A, B, C in the same document type. All 3 has a property is_type = 'Normal', is_type = 'Normal', is_type = 'AbNormal'. I want to get search Response in one single query and then just use Search Response API to get the list of Documents which were having type as normal and abnormal. I know aggregation will not help in getting the document as it's just aggregation. Any help would be appreciated.

How to do facet search with mpdreamz Nest

does anybody know how to do facet search with Nest?
My index is https://gist.github.com/3606852
would like to search for some keyword in 'NumberEvent' and dispaly the result if the keyword exist.Please help me !!!
This is using the assumption that the MyPoco class exists and maps to your elasticsearch document. If it doesn't you can use dynamic but you'l have to swap the lambda based field selectors with strings.
var result = client.Search<MyPoco>(s=>s
.Term(f=>f.Categories.Types.Events.First().NumberEvent.event, "keyword")
result.Documents now holds your documents
result.Facet<TermFacet>(f => f.Categories.Types.Facets.First().Person.First().entity); now holds your facets
Your document seems a bit strange though in the sense that it already has Facets with counts in them.
