Best practices to handle errors in NIFI - apache-nifi

I'm using NIFI, and i have data flows where I use the following processos :
and two level process group like NIFI FLOW >>> Process group 1 >>> Process group 2, my question is how to handle errors in this case, I have created output port for each processor to output errors outside the process group and in the NIFI Flow I have done a funnel for each error type and then put all those errors catched in Hbase so i can do some reporting later on, and as you can imagine this add multiples relationships and my simple dataflow start to became less visible.
My questions are, what's the best practices to handle errors in processors, and what's the best approach to do some error reporting using NIFI ( Email or PDF )

It depends on the errors you routinely encounter. Some processors may fail to perform a task (an expected but not desired outcome), and route the failed flowfile to REL_FAILURE, a specific relationship which can be connected to a processor to handle these failures, or back to the same processor to be retried. Others (or the same processors in different scenarios) may encounter exceptions, which are unexpected occurrences which cannot be resolved by the processor.
An example of this is PutKafka vs. EncryptContent. If the remote Kafka system is temporarily unavailable, the processor would fail to send the flowfile content. However, retrying after some delay period could be successful if the remote system is once again available. However, decrypting cipher text with the wrong key will always throw an exception, no matter how many times it is attempted or how long the retry delay is.
Many users route the errors to PutEmail processor and report them to a specific user/group who can evaluate the errors and monitor the data flow if necessary. You can also use "Reporting Tasks" to monitor metrics or ingest provenance data as operational data and route that to email/offline storage, etc. to run analytics on it.


Camunda: Receive multiple, different messages at once

I am currently developing a kinda complex workflow with camunda. The goal of this workflow is to orchestrate the execution of different external business processes. Which includes start, overwatch and synchronize these workflows. Everything besides the synchronization works as expected.
My example has one main workflow which starts multiple sub workflows. The main workflow has to be aware when all sub workflows are finished. Every sub workflow is triggered by a message and sends a message back to the main workflow at the end of execution. Therefore, all sub workflows should be synchronized in the main workflow.
Xml can be accessed on this site:
Unfortunately, this leads to numerous message correlation exceptions at the choke point in the main workflow (1st lane, after the first parallel gateway). I am using the following code to correlate the messages:
The whole workflow is executable and runs without errors, but only if one example_workflow at a time is executed. Starting multiple example_workflows quickly one after another results in this type of exception randomly for every message type:
ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cmd.CorrelateMessageCmd.execute( ~[camunda-engine-7.14.0.jar!/:7.14.0]
Currently, the correlation exceptions occur if a postgresql database is used. The same workflow runs much better, but not perfect, when we use a h2 file-based database. All receive tasks are not configured asynchronously, only send tasks are (async before + exclusive).
Is this already the best practice to synchronize multiple messages in one workflow?
What could be the reason for the correlation exceptions while using a postgresql database?
Used software:
spring boot application [Version:2.3.4]
camunda [Version:7.14.0]
h2 [Version:1.4.200]
postgresql [Version:42.2.22]
the process model seems to contain sequences where it can run into a deadlock (What if blue is followed directly by green? Or yellow?) or where you have race conditions. If the process has not reached a state where it is in a receiving state for the message, then the message delivery will fail (as indicated in the error message you shared)
(The reason you are observing the CorellationException more frequently on postgresql if the race condition. With this external database some operations take slightly more time, increasing the chance of the race condition occurring).
The process engine needs to be able to match a message to a unique receiver. If there are multiple potential receivers for the same message name, and no other correlation criteria creating a unique match is provided, then the delivery will also fail. You either need to use unique message names per instance or better use a businessKey or a process data which is unique per instance as additional correlation criteria. This is why it does not work when you run multiple process instances.
Modelling a workflow with this parallel message bottleneck leads to a race condition, as mentioned by #rob2universe's post.
To solve this problem, I had firstly to correlate the messages directly. I did this by adding a unique identifier to every message, which was not a big deal due to the fact that an item ID was defined within the payload of every message. Secondly, I had to remove all asynchronous and exclusive markers for every receive task and connected gateways. And thirdly, I had to reset the job executor properties to default values. Limiting the pool size and jobs per acquisition did not benefit the workflow execution.
After all these changes, my workflow now runs as expected with no errors. Unfortunately, due to the described bottleneck optimistic logging exceptions are common, but the workflow engine handles these exceptions without further errors.

Find Provenance Data For Flowfile Within a Processor

I am attempting to develop a NiFi processor that would extend the functionality of the built-in processor "Monitor Activity".
The problem I am attempting to solve is that in my application, I would have multiple flows entering the processor, with the processor alerting by email when no flowfiles arrive within a certain time period. However, if only one of the flows stop, no alert will be triggered.
I would like to modify the processor such that it would be able to distinguish between the different flows and alert accordingly.
In order to do this, I would need a way to deferentiate between flowfiles originating from one processor and another.
I am aware NiFi keeps detailed provenance records that can be easily accessed from within the GUI interface but I'm unable to find an easy way of accessing this information programmatically from within processor code.

QueryDNS stuck, how to get out of UnexpectedNamingException?

Using QueryDNS, some of my incoming flowfiles carry an "invalid" fully qualified domain name.
In this case the QueryDNS processor displays an ugly error message
Failed to process session due to Unexpected NamingException while processing records. Please review your configuration.: org.apache.nifi.processor.exception.ProcessException: Unexpected NamingException while processing records. Please review your configuration.
It returns the flowfile to the incoming queue and will loop indefinitely yielding and trying to process the flowfile. Meanwhile other incoming flowfiles are stuck in the incoming queue and will never get processed since there are only "found" or "not found" relationships available with the processor.
How is it possible to get rid of these flowfiles (in NiFi 1.9.2), for example passing them to a LogAttribute processor ?
QueryDNS stuck
The only way I found to get round this issue was to thoroughly clean/validate the hostnames/IPs I was looking up before it reached the processor.
If I'm honest the processor isn't really fit for purpose for any significant quantity of data. The problem you mention coupled with the lack of caching make it practically useless in production.
In the end we switched to using Logstash for our enrichment rather than NiFi, although, depending on your use case this may not be possible.

Apache NiFi instance hangs on the "Computing FlowFile lineage..." window

My Apache NiFi instance just hangs on the "Computing FlowFile lineage..." for a specific flow. Others work, but it won't show the lineage for this specific flow for any data files. The only error message in the log is related to an error in one of the processors, but I can't see how that would affect the lineage, or stop the page from loading.
This was related to two things...
1) I was using the older (but default) provenance repository, which didn't perform well, resulting in the lag in the UI. So I needed to change it...
2) Fixing #1 exposed the second issue, which was that the EnforceOrder processor was generating hundreds of provenance events per file, because I was ordering on a timestamp, which had large gaps between the values. This is apparently not a proper use case for the EnforceOrder processor. So I'll have to remove it and find another way to do the ordering.

How can NiFi handle burst data?

If the submitted data to NiFi are not coming in a steady flow (but on bursty) how can NiFi handle them? Does it use a message broker to buffer them? I haven't seen anything like this in its documentation.
NiFi connections (the links between processors) have the capability of buffering FlowFiles (the unit of data that NiFi handles, basically content + metadata about that content), and NiFi also has the feature of backpressure, the ability of a processor to "tell" the upstream flow that it cannot handle any more data at a particular time. The relevant discussion from User Guide is here.
Basically you can set up connection(s) to be as "wide" as you expect the burst to be, or if that is not prudent, you can set it to a more appropriate value, and NiFi will do sort of a "leaky bucket with notification" approach, where it will handle what data it can, and the framework will handle scheduling of upstream processors based on whether they would be able to do their job.
If you are getting data from a source system that does not buffer data, then you can suffer data loss when backpressure is applied; however that is because the source system must push data when NiFi can not prudently accept it, and thus the alterations should be made on the source system vs the NiFi flow.
