Camunda: Receive multiple, different messages at once - spring

I am currently developing a kinda complex workflow with camunda. The goal of this workflow is to orchestrate the execution of different external business processes. Which includes start, overwatch and synchronize these workflows. Everything besides the synchronization works as expected.
My example has one main workflow which starts multiple sub workflows. The main workflow has to be aware when all sub workflows are finished. Every sub workflow is triggered by a message and sends a message back to the main workflow at the end of execution. Therefore, all sub workflows should be synchronized in the main workflow.
Xml can be accessed on this site:
Unfortunately, this leads to numerous message correlation exceptions at the choke point in the main workflow (1st lane, after the first parallel gateway). I am using the following code to correlate the messages:
The whole workflow is executable and runs without errors, but only if one example_workflow at a time is executed. Starting multiple example_workflows quickly one after another results in this type of exception randomly for every message type:
ENGINE-16004 Exception while closing command context: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: Cannot correlate message 'PROCESS_B_FINISHED': No process definition or execution matches the parameters
at org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.cmd.CorrelateMessageCmd.execute( ~[camunda-engine-7.14.0.jar!/:7.14.0]
Currently, the correlation exceptions occur if a postgresql database is used. The same workflow runs much better, but not perfect, when we use a h2 file-based database. All receive tasks are not configured asynchronously, only send tasks are (async before + exclusive).
Is this already the best practice to synchronize multiple messages in one workflow?
What could be the reason for the correlation exceptions while using a postgresql database?
Used software:
spring boot application [Version:2.3.4]
camunda [Version:7.14.0]
h2 [Version:1.4.200]
postgresql [Version:42.2.22]

the process model seems to contain sequences where it can run into a deadlock (What if blue is followed directly by green? Or yellow?) or where you have race conditions. If the process has not reached a state where it is in a receiving state for the message, then the message delivery will fail (as indicated in the error message you shared)
(The reason you are observing the CorellationException more frequently on postgresql if the race condition. With this external database some operations take slightly more time, increasing the chance of the race condition occurring).
The process engine needs to be able to match a message to a unique receiver. If there are multiple potential receivers for the same message name, and no other correlation criteria creating a unique match is provided, then the delivery will also fail. You either need to use unique message names per instance or better use a businessKey or a process data which is unique per instance as additional correlation criteria. This is why it does not work when you run multiple process instances.

Modelling a workflow with this parallel message bottleneck leads to a race condition, as mentioned by #rob2universe's post.
To solve this problem, I had firstly to correlate the messages directly. I did this by adding a unique identifier to every message, which was not a big deal due to the fact that an item ID was defined within the payload of every message. Secondly, I had to remove all asynchronous and exclusive markers for every receive task and connected gateways. And thirdly, I had to reset the job executor properties to default values. Limiting the pool size and jobs per acquisition did not benefit the workflow execution.
After all these changes, my workflow now runs as expected with no errors. Unfortunately, due to the described bottleneck optimistic logging exceptions are common, but the workflow engine handles these exceptions without further errors.


Is it possible to define a single saga which will process many messages

My team is considering if we can use mass transit as a primary solution for sagas in RabbitMq (vs NServiceBus). I admit that our experience which solution like masstransit and nserviceBus are minimal and we have started to introduce messaging into our system. So I sorry if my question will be simple or even stupid.
However, when I reviewed the mass transit documentation I noticed that I am not sure if that is possible to solve one of our cases.
The case looks like:
One of our components will produce up to 100 messages which will be "sent" to queue. These messages are a result of a single operation in a system. All of the messages will have the same Correlated Id and our internal publication id (same too).
1) is it possible to define a single instance saga (by correlated id) which will wait until it receives all messages from a queue and then process them as a single batch?
2) otherwise, is there any solution to ensure all of the sent messages was processed? (Consistency batch?) I assume that correlated Id will serve as a way to found an existing saga instance (singleton). In the ideal case, I would like to complete an instance of a saga When the system will process every message which belongs to a single group (to one publication)
I look at CompositeEvent too but I do not sure if I could use it to "ensure" that every message was processed and then I would let to complete saga for specific correlated Id.
Can you explain how could it be achieved? And into what mechanism I should look at in order to correlated id a lot of messages with the same id to the single saga and then complete if all of msg will be consumed?
Thank you in advance for any response
What you describe is how correlation by id works. It is like that out of the box.
So, in short - when you configure correlation for your messages correctly, all messages with the same correlation id will be handled by the same saga instance.
Concerning the second question - unless you publish a separate event that would inform the saga about how messages it should expect, how would it know that? You can definitely schedule a long timeout, attempting and assuming that within the timeout all the messages will be received by the saga, but it's not reliable.
Composite events won't help here since they are for messages with different types to be handled as one when all of them arrive and it doesn't count for the number of messages of each type. It just waits for one message of each type.
The ability to receive a series of messages and then operate on them in a batch is a common case, so much so that there is a sample showing how to do just that:
Batch Sample
Each saga instance has a unique correlation identifier, and as long as those messages can be correlated to that single instance, MassTransit will manage the concurrency (either optimistic or pessimistic, and depending upon the saga storage engine).
I'd suggest reviewing the state machine in the sample, and seeing how that compares to your scenario.

Serial consumption between message types

I have a MassTransit system that will consume 2 message types, one for a batch process, the other for CRUD operations on a single entity. Whilst the batch process is running, the CRUD operations should not be de-queued.
Is this possible to achieve using MassTransit? It seems the exchange binding -> type name, would potentially make this behavior difficult.
A solution would be to use one message type to denote both operations and then interrogate the message contents to discern between single and batch but this feels like a code smell. Also, this would require concurrency configuration to ensure only one consumer is ever active.
Can anyone help with an alternative solution here? Essentially, we need to pause all message consumption whilst an event driven process is running.
Thanks in advance.
By pause, do you mean that you want the CRUD operations to be able to occur without being blocked by the batch process? Because if it's only a matter of not having the two separate messages get in the way of each other, the most logical solution is using two separate queues, one receive endpoint for the batch process and another for the CRUD operations.
Now, if you truly need to separate the batch process such that it doesn't happen during the CRUD operations, that will require more work. And what if you receive a CRUD operation while the batch process is already running?
I think the separate queues is your best solution, however.

How to handle side effects based on multiple events in a message driven microservice system?

we are currently working in a message driven Microservice environment and some of our messages/events are event sourced (using Apache Kafka). Now we are struggling with implementing more complex business requirements, were we have to take multiple events into account to create new events and side effects.
In the current situation we are working with devices that can produce errors and we already process them and have a single topic which contains ERROR_OCCURRED and ERROR_RESOLVED events (so they are in order). We also make sure, that all messages regarding a specific device always go onto the same partition. And both messages share an ID that identifies that specific error incident. We already have a projection that consumes those events and provides an API for our customers, s.t. they can see all occurred errors and their current state.
Now we have to deal with the following requirement:
Reporting Errors
We need a push system that reports errors of devices to our external partners, but only after 15 minutes and if they have not been resolved in that timeframe. Our first approach was to consume all ERROR_RESOLVED events, store the IDs and have another consumer that is handling the ERROR_OCCURRED events in a delayed fashion (e.g. by only consuming the next ERROR_OCCURRED event on the topic if its timestamp is at least 15 minutes old). We would then be able to know if that particular error has already been resolved and does not need to be reported (since they share a common ID with the corresponding ERROR_RESOLVED event). Otherwise we send an HTTP request to our external partner and create an ERROR_REPORTED event on a new topic. Is there any better approach for delayed and conditional message processing?
We also have to take the following special use cases into account:
Service restarts: currently we are planning to keep the list of resolved errors in memory, so if a service restarts, that list has to be created from scratch. We could just replay the ERROR_RESOLVED messages, but that may take some time and in that time no ERROR_OCCURRED events should be processed because that may result in reporting errors that have been resolved in less then 15 minutes, but we are just not aware of it. Are there any good practices regarding replay vs. "normal" processing?
Scaling: we may increase or decrease the number of instances of our service at any time, so the partition assignment may change during runtime. That should not be a problem if we create a consumer group for each service instance when consuming the ERROR_RESOLVED events, s.t. every instance knows all resolved errors while still only handling the ERROR_OCCURRED events of its assigned partitions (in another consumer group which is shared by all instances). Is there a better approach for handling partition reassignment and internal state?
Thanks in advance!
For side effects, I would record all "side" actions in the event store. In your particular example, when it is time to send a notification, I would call SEND_NOTIFICATION command that emit NOTIFICATION_SENT event. These events would be processed by some worker process that does actual HTTP request.
Actually I would elaborate this even furter, since notifications could fail, so I would have, say, two events NOTIFICATION_REQUIRED, and NORIFICATION_SENT, so we can retry failed notifications.
And finally your logic would be "if error was not resolved in 15 minutes and notification was not sent - send a notification (or just discard if it missed its timeframe)"

Best practices to handle errors in NIFI

I'm using NIFI, and i have data flows where I use the following processos :
and two level process group like NIFI FLOW >>> Process group 1 >>> Process group 2, my question is how to handle errors in this case, I have created output port for each processor to output errors outside the process group and in the NIFI Flow I have done a funnel for each error type and then put all those errors catched in Hbase so i can do some reporting later on, and as you can imagine this add multiples relationships and my simple dataflow start to became less visible.
My questions are, what's the best practices to handle errors in processors, and what's the best approach to do some error reporting using NIFI ( Email or PDF )
It depends on the errors you routinely encounter. Some processors may fail to perform a task (an expected but not desired outcome), and route the failed flowfile to REL_FAILURE, a specific relationship which can be connected to a processor to handle these failures, or back to the same processor to be retried. Others (or the same processors in different scenarios) may encounter exceptions, which are unexpected occurrences which cannot be resolved by the processor.
An example of this is PutKafka vs. EncryptContent. If the remote Kafka system is temporarily unavailable, the processor would fail to send the flowfile content. However, retrying after some delay period could be successful if the remote system is once again available. However, decrypting cipher text with the wrong key will always throw an exception, no matter how many times it is attempted or how long the retry delay is.
Many users route the errors to PutEmail processor and report them to a specific user/group who can evaluate the errors and monitor the data flow if necessary. You can also use "Reporting Tasks" to monitor metrics or ingest provenance data as operational data and route that to email/offline storage, etc. to run analytics on it.

Get the most out of high performance MDB

Application server creates a new transaction before calling MDB's onMessage method. Also I am processing database update in onMessage method. Transactions create additional overhead and processing several message in one transaction could increase performance.
Is it possible to make App server to use one transaction for several messages. Or maybe there are other approaches to this problem?
And, by the way, I can't use multiple instances, cause I need to preserve the sequence order.
I guess you can store the messages in a list and depending upon how many messages you want to process in one transaction you can check the size of the list and process the messages.
