Laravel 5.3 inner join not working properly - laravel

I'm having two tables as 'jobs' and 'desired_skills'.
Table structure is as follows.
jobs table
jobs Table
desired_skills table
desired_skils table
where desired_skills.job_id refers to jobs.job id
In controller I have (I am getting $id as an argument from the url, and I can confirm the argument grabs the desired value)
$jobs = DB::table('jobs')->where(function ($query) use ($id) {
$query->Join('desired_skills', 'desired_skills.job_id', '=', 'jobs.job_id')
->where('jobs.employer_id', '=', $id);
when I dump and die $jobs it only returns values from jobs table.
but when I run the query
SELECT * FROM jobs INNER JOIN desired_skills ON desired_skills.job_id = jobs.job_id it returns the desired value set.
What am I doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I think it has to do with wrapping your join inside of a where clause. I don't think it's giving you your desired query with that there.
$jobs = DB::table('jobs')
->join('desired_skills', 'desired_skills.job_id', '=', 'jobs.job_id')
->where('jobs.employer_id', '=', $id)

The query SELECT * FROM jobs INNER JOIN desired_skills ON desired_skills.job_id = jobs.job_id
is not the same has what you are trying to do in the function. In this query there is not
mention of 'employer_id' in the table 'jobs'.
An alternative would be to use eloquent relationships, as refered in a comment.
You need 3 classes in models:
Between Employer and Job -> one-to-many relation (an employer can have multiple jobs).
Between DesiredSkill and Job -> one-to-one relation.
I'm not sure what you are trying to get from the join, but i think that if you implement
the methods that allow the relationships i believe you solve whatever.
class Job extends Model
public function employer()
return $this->hasOne('App\Job');
class Employer extends Model
public function jobs()
return $this->hasMany('App\Employer');
public function desiredSkill()
return $this->hasOne('App\DesiredSkill');
class DesiredSkill extends Model
public function job()
return $this->hasOne('App\DesiredSkill');

Try this:
$jobs = DB::table('jobs')
->join('desired_skills', 'desired_skills.job_id', '=', 'jobs.job_id')
->select('jobs.*', 'desired_skills.*')


laravel eloquent with pivot and another table

I have 4 table categories, initiatives, a pivot table for the "Many To Many" relationship category_initiative and initiativegroup table related with initiatives table with initiatives.initiativesgroup_id with one to many relation.
With pure sql I retrive the information I need with:
SELECT, categories.description,, initiatives.description,
FROM categories
LEFT JOIN category_initiative ON = category_initiative.category_id
LEFT JOIN initiatives ON category_initiative.initiative_id =
LEFT JOIN initiativegroups ON initiatives.initiativegroup_id =
WHERE = '40'
How can I use eloquent model to achieve same results?
Since you have such a specific query touching multiple tables, one possibility is to use query builder. That would preserve the precision of the query, retrieving only the data you specifically need. That would look something like this:
$categories = DB::table('categories')
->leftJoin('category_initiative', '', '=', 'category_initiative.category_id')
->leftJoin('initiatives', 'category_initiative.initiative_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('initiativegroups', 'initiatives.initiativegroup_id', '=', '')
->where('', '=', 40)
In your models define the relationships:
Category.php model
public function initiatives()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Initiative');
Initiative.php model (If has many categories change to belongs to many)
public function category()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Category');
Then maybe change your initiativegroup -> groups table, and then create a pivot table called group_initiative. Create model for group. Group.php and define the relationship:
public function initiatives()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Initiative');
Then you can also add the following relationship definition to the Initiative.php model
public function group()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Group');
That should get you started.
for the record..
with my original relationship, but changing table name as alex suggest, in my controller:
$inits = Category::with('')->find($id_cat);
simple and clean

Laravel eloquent get model property of current query

I'm trying to do where clause for fortune_code inside joindraw table, comparing with the lucky_fortune_code from product table. How can i access and do the check?
Product::where('status', StatusConstant::PT_ENDED_PUBLISHED)
->where('lucky_fortune_code', '<>', '')
->with(['joindraw' => function ($query){
$query->where('fortune_code', $this->lucky_fortune_code)
class Product extends Model
public function joindraw(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Joindraw');
class Joindraw extends Model
public function product(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Product', 'product_id');
What you can do is a join:
Product::where('status', StatusConstant::PT_ENDED_PUBLISHED)
->where('lucky_fortune_code', '!=', '')
->join('joindraws', 'joindraws.fortune_code', '=', 'products.lucky_fortune_code')->get();
By the way, you can also omit the second 'product_id' parameter in the belongsTo() relation, as this column name is already assumed by convention.
Also, there is no desc() method on the query builder. Use orderBy('lucky_fortune_code', 'desc') instead.
However, whenever you have to write joins in Laravel, you should think about your relationship structure, because there's probably something wrong.

Laravel Eloquent Accessor Strange Issue

Laravel Version: 5.6.39
PHP Version: 7.1.19
Database Driver & Version: mysql 5.6.43
When I chain where and orWhere in a model accessor to count related model , I get wrong result and here is my query. the count is returned strange result without filtering by the calling event id,
class Event extends Model
protected $table = 'events';
public function registrations()
return $this->hasMany('App\Components\Event\Models\Registration','event_id','id');
public function getSeatsBookedAttribute()
return $this->registrations()
Steps To Reproduce:
the following queries return me the expected results, however In my knowledge the first query should return the same result if i am not wrong, so i think this is a potential bug.
class Event extends Model
public function getSeatsBookedAttribute()
return $this->registrations()
->whereIn('reg_status', ['Confirmed', 'Reserved'])
class Event extends Model
public function getSeatsBookedAttribute()
return $this->registrations()
and here is the query dump,
here is the query when I donot explicit group it.
"select count(*) as aggregate from events_registration where (events_registration.event_id = ? and events_registration.event_id is not null and reg_status = ? or reg_status = ?) and events_registration.deleted_at is null "
and here is the query when i group it explicitly,
select count(*) as aggregate from events_registration where events_registration.event_id = ? and events_registration.event_id is not null and (reg_status = ? or reg_status = ?) and events_registration.deleted_at is null
The reason this happens is because you're chaining where() and orWhere(). What you don't see behind the scenes is a where event_id = :event_id applying to your query. You end up with a query that looks something like this:
select * from registrations where event_id = :event_id and reg_status = 'Confirmed' or reg_status = 'Reserved'
In normal SQL you'd want to put the last 2 conditions in parentheses. For Eloquent, you'd need to do something like this:
return $this->registrations()->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('reg_status', 'Confirmed')
->orWhere('reg_status', 'Reserved');
You can chain the toSql() method on these chains to see the difference. Note, that in this case, I believe whereIn() is the semantically correct thing to do.
Eloquent can handle this for you, though; scroll down to "Counting Related Models" in the Querying Relations part of the Eloquent Relationships docs:
$posts = App\Event::withCount([
'registrations as seats_booked_count' => function ($query) {

How to get relationship with union in eloquent?

How can I make relationship with union in laravel eloquent? I've already tried two different approaches.
User::with(['url' => function($query) use(&$some_property) {
$favouriteUrls = \DB::table('urls')
->join('favourite_urls', function($join) {
$join->on('favourite_urls.url_id', '=', '');
->where('some_condition', '=', $some_property);
$query = $query->union($favouriteUrls);
In the first attempt there wasn't any union in the query. Then I tried to move the logic to the model.
class User extends \Eloquent {
public function urls() {
$favouriteUrls = \DB::table('urls')
->join('favourite_urls', function($join) {
$join->on('favourite_urls.url_id', '=', '');
->where('some_condition', '=', $this->some_property);
return $this->belongsTo('Url')->union($favouriteUrls);
It has executed successfully but $this->some_property was set inside the query to the null value.
I can't create two separate relationship in this case. It has to be one with union. How can I fix it?
If you call that relation as User::with('urls') you will get that $this->some_property doesn't exists, because the object itself doesn't exists. But if you call the urls() method on an object, it should work. Something like this:
$user = User::find(1);
$user->urls; // here $this->some_property should have a value
Assuming you're calling the urls() method from a User object, the $this->some_property should give you the value. If for some reason you cannot access a property directly on an Eloquent model you can always refer to the attributes[] array inside of the model. For example
// calling
// should be the same as
Fetch all the users joining with the condition
Assuming users is the table for all the users, in your query you could change $this->some_property with 'users.some_property' and everything should work as expected, for each user it will query based on that property. Here is the code:
class User extends \Eloquent {
public function urls() {
$favouriteUrls = \DB::table('urls')
->join('favourite_urls', function($join) {
$join->on('favourite_urls.url_id', '=', '');
->where('some_condition', '=', 'users.some_property');
return $this->belongsTo('Url')->union($favouriteUrls);
And then just call the method like this:

Join query using eloquent model mapping

I am trying to do this
select, reservations.number from
JOIN reservations
ON notifications.reservation_id =
WHERE notifications.status = 1
using eloquent so I have this this
$await = Notification::with('Reservation')->
select('', 'reservations.number')
->where('notifications.status', '=', 1)->get();
return Response::json($awaitLists);
In my Notification model
public function Reservation() {
return $this->belongsTO('Reservation');
In my Reservation Model
public function notification() {
return $this->hasMany('Notification');
So notification belongs to reservation while reservation has a 1 to many relationship
My question is why can't what I have tried works. I keep getting Unknown column 'reservation.number' but i do have column called number in the reservations table. I know they is a way to use eloquent relationship mapper to do this.
This should do it:
$notifications = Notification::where('status','=',1)->get();
foreach($notifications as $notification) {
$id = $notification->id;
$num = $notification->reservation->number;
$await = [$id,$num];
The error you're seeing is because eager loading relationships doesn't actually perform a join. It uses two separate queries, and then the relationship fields are assigned after the queries are run.
So, when you do Notification::with('Reservation')->get(), it is running two SQL statements, approximately:
// select * from notifications;
// select * from reservations where id in (?, ?, ...);
You can see the actual queries run with a dd(DB::getQueryLog()), if you're interested.
How you move forward depends on what you need to do. If you need to duplicate your existing query exactly, then you'll need to manually perform the joins.
$notifications = Notification::select('', 'reservations.number')
->join('reservations', 'notifications.reservation_id', '=', '`)
->where('notifications.status', '=', 1)
foreach($notifications as $notification) {
Otherwise, you can just use the objects as they are built by Laravel:
$notifications = Notification::with('Reservation')->where('status', '=', 1)->get();
foreach($notifications as $notification) {
