Unfortunately, Launcher3 has stopped - visual-studio

I get this error in Visual Studio, when I run my Xamarin application in built-in simulator.
Unfortunately, Launcher3 has stopped
And I wanted to write the solution that I found
for people who are searching the same problem:

The problem has solved when I wait or re-launched the application.
The reason of this error is this :
The simulator is not opened on the first run, and it gets this error.


Xamarin 'hello world' app won't run, emulatpr too big

Decided to give Xamarin a shot. Installed xamarin, launched Visual Studio, created a new blank android project, ran it, created an account, checked the 'business trial' option.
First time I ran it I got a popup saying could not contact device.
Second time I ran it I got an error saying Could not connect to logcat.
Third time I ran it the emulator appeared and showed me this:
I waited a while but nothing happened.
I tried stopping it and running it again, I got the first error again.
In between these steps, I have made no changes, just stopped and started.
Any idea why it's being so useless? I can't seem to do anything with the emulator because stuff is too big to click. Any advice welcome, it's a bit off putting that this is my first experience with Xamarin!
You really want to try running the latest Xamarin Android Player. You can find the downloads for both Windows and Mac here: https://xamarin.com/android-player
The instructions are pretty precise, should you have any issues during the installation: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/getting_started/installation/android-player/

XcodeServer only one simulated device may be used at a time error

I setup a bot to build the project then test on all the simulators. This has been working, but today the integration had 28 errors. Each said the same thing (but for each simulator device name):
Xcode cannot launch apps on the simulated device “Resizable iPad”, as
it is currently running an app on “iPhone 5s”. Only one simulated
device may be used at a time...
After manually running the bot I received no warnings. What could cause this? (I enjoy the success streak)
I only had one project running and had the same issue. Control Quit out of xcode and start it back up.
I had this same problem. I had multiple projects open and a different one still had
'Running appName on deviceName' displayed
Currently open projects can be accessed from the Window section on the toolbar on top. Pressing the Stop button (or the command from the Product Menu) on any projects that were still 'running' freed that particular device for other projects.
Alternatively, Rebooting Xcode works as it closes all projects.
See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22267017/5172836
I encountered the same error today with the simulator.
The only way i've find is to reboot Xcode. After that the error disappeared and the application launch corectely in the simulator.
I don't know how the error has been originally produce, but Xcode is not a reliability model, so...

(Xamarin) WinPhone app won't start

I'm working on a project using Xamarin to build an app for WinPhone and Android.
On the Android device, it works fine.
When I try to run the app on the WinPhone device, the app starts opening and then it closes. On the console I see "TaskHost.exe has exited with code 0."
I don't see any error.
A guy that was working on it before, was using the WinPhone device without problems.
When I started working on it, the only thing I needed to change was the SQLite.WP80 version. He was using and my VS only provided
Has anyone faced a similar problem?
Or how can I see what is wrong? In the console output there is no errors.
I've added a breakpoint in the begining of WinPhone, but it doesnt't arrive there.
Thanks in advance!
Have you changed your namespace? Check if the startup object in the project setup is set accordingly.
Finally I found the problem.
By returning the code revision, I found one where the WinPhone project was working on phone.
Then, I started looking for differences.
Someone renamed AppWP.xaml to AppWinPhone.xaml.
Then, on project properties > startup object, it was blank.
I just set the object back and it worked.
(Why not an error message saying what is wrong...)

Couldn't register "Application" with the bootstrap server [duplicate]

I keep getting this error when launching my app on the iOS Simulator:
Couldn't register com.mycompany.MyApp with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.
I've read other reports of this error and it seems there is no obvious fix for it (restarting the iOS Simulator, restarting Xcode etc..)
At this point here's a list of things I've tried:
Restarting the Simulator
Restarting Xcode
Rebooting my machine
Deleting my app's Derived Data, and Cleaning
Deleting the iOS Simulator App Support directory
Reverting to a 2 weeks old version of the app (which was working 2 weeks ago)
Deleting the application in the Simulator (by clicking-holding on it and hitting the X button)
Upgrading Xcode form 4.1 to 4.2, and running the app both in iOS Simulator 4.3 and 5.0
Nothing worked, I still get the same bootstrap error.. Any (and at this point I really do mean ANY) suggestion would be appreciated.
Edit: Just wanted to add that the app runs fine on a device. I only get this error on the simulator...
As the GDB said:
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger
So find out it and kill it. ;)
I restarted the mac, and it run successfully.
Tip: Well, this may be not work sometimes, so I strongly suggest that you press cmd+. to make sure that you do have stopped the simulator (or device). I find that in most cases the simulator (or device) will not stop exactly when it crashes. I rarely met this issue again with pressing the cmd+. every time it crashes or even just normal exit. Hope this will be helpful. :)
I just closed my xcode & restart my device(ipad2) and it works for me :)
You can try this :: Couldn't register with the bootstrap Server
Another solution, go to clear the memory of the iphone simulator
Simulator > recovery content and setting
then run the program again.
i just change the identifier and the app can work again.
I had to change my bundle identifier finally
No matter you reboot all devices and cleanup all , it gets stuck hard in the debugger..
don't know how to clear it..
As I experienced, device (or simulator) restart does solve the issue,
BUT it would be better not to couse it.
Also my experience is that:
You can find the place of crash by cousing it. In such time developers usually press "STOP the running scheme" this could cause zombie process stuck in device.
if you press "COUNTINUE program execution", debugger will terminate the process, it will not become a zombie.
I had this error too and I noticed that it works for me if you close the simulator and stop the program and then change your company name.
I don't know why but it works for me.
I opened Activity Monitor and searched for my app name, and found another instance of it listed. I used Activity Monitor to quit that instance, and the problem went away for me.

Error: in Windows phone7 Emulator

Suddenly when I start running the windows phone7 emulator it started giving me the following error, that I have showed below in the screenshot. It worked properly previousely and also didn't change any of the settings. I am using VisualStudio Express 2010 version that introduced for phone development(The IDE). I re-started the machine and checked again, but not yet any difference. Have anyone previousely experinced the same issue.
Somebody else had the same Problem ;) You have to delete the File. It is also explained in this Thread Error launching emulator of the windows phone 7 Mango RC
Like the message says, just delete the file (or rename it, just in case!) and the problem should go away!
go to run and type below
c:\ ProgramData\Microsoft\Xda
click enter ant delete file(which guid error give in error message).
after then its work fine.
