rails + heroku: point root in routes.rb file to app.rb file - ruby

I have a file called app.rb that runs a server when I run it on my local machine. I would like to deploy app.rb to Heroku so the server will run on Heroku. I think I need to make root in routes.rb point it to. How do I do this?
this is the config.ru:
require_relative 'config/environment'
require '/.app.rb'
run Rails.application
run Sinatra::Application
This is the web server code in app.rb, from codepath guides (https://guides.codepath.com/android/Google-Cloud-Messaging#step-3-setup-web-server):
require 'sinatra'
require 'rest-client'
require 'sequel'
# Create a SQLite3 database
DB = Sequel.connect('sqlite://gcm-test.db')
# Create a Device table if it doesn't exist
DB.create_table? :Device do
primary_key :reg_id
String :user_id
String :reg_token
String :os, :default => 'android'
Device = DB[:Device] # create the dataset
# Registration endpoint mapping reg_token to user_id
# POST /register?reg_token=abc&user_id=123
post '/register' do
if Device.filter(:reg_token => params[:reg_token]).count == 0
device = Device.insert(:reg_token => params[:reg_token], :user_id => params[:user_id], :os => 'android')
# Ennpoint for sending a message to a user
# POST /send?user_id=123&title=hello&body=message
post '/send' do
# Find devices with the corresponding reg_tokens
reg_tokens = Device.filter(:user_id => params[:user_id]).map(:reg_token).to_a
if reg_tokens.count != 0
send_gcm_message(params[:title], params[:body], reg_tokens)
# Sending logic
# send_gcm_message(["abc", "cdf"])
def send_gcm_message(title, body, reg_tokens)
# Construct JSON payload
post_args = {
# :to field can also be used if there is only 1 reg token to send
:registration_ids => reg_tokens,
:data => {
:title => title,
:body => body,
:anything => "foobar"
# Send the request with JSON args and headers
RestClient.post 'https://gcm-http.googleapis.com/gcm/send', post_args.to_json,
:Authorization => 'key=' + AUTHORIZE_KEY, :content_type => :json, :accept => :json
This is the procfile:
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
when I follow the getting started with Ruby on Heroku example, I can see the example webpage. However, if I edit the config.ru file with 'run Sinatra::Application', and deploy to heroku, it is not able to show the example webpage anymore, and just says "Not Found"

require '/.app.rb'
This should be ./app.rb instead.


Daemonizing Mailman app

Starting my mailman app by running rails runner lib/daemons/mailman_server.rb works fine.
When starting with my daemon script and command bundle exec rails runner script/daemon run mailman_server.rb, the script generates an error:
.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/gems/mailman-0.5.3/lib/mailman/route/conditions.rb:21:in `match': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
My code is as follows:
require 'mailman'
# Config Mailman
Mailman.config.ignore_stdin = false
Mailman.config.graceful_death = true
Mailman.config.poll_interval = 15
Mailman.config.logger = Logger.new File.expand_path("../../../log/mailman.log", __FILE__)
Mailman.config.pop3 = {
:username => 'alias#mygoogleapp.com',
:password => 'password',
:server => 'pop.gmail.com',
:port => 995,
:ssl => true
# Run the mailman
Mailman::Application.run do
from('%email%').to('alias+q%id%#mygoogleapp.com') do |email, id|
# Get message without headers to pass to add_answer_from_email
if message.multipart?
reply = message.text_part.body.decoded
reply = message.body.decoded
# Call upon the question to add answer to his set
Question.find(id).add_answer_from_email(email, reply)
rescue Exception => e
Mailman.logger.error "Exception occured while receiving message:\n#{message}"
Mailman.logger.error [e, *e.backtrace].join("\n")
and my script/daemon file is:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require "bundler/setup"
require 'daemons'
ENV["APP_ROOT"] ||= File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/..")
script = "#{ENV["APP_ROOT"]}/lib/daemons/#{ARGV[1]}"
Daemons.run(script, dir_mode: :normal, dir: "#{ENV["APP_ROOT"]}/tmp/pids")
Any insight as to why it fails as a daemon?

How do I use omniauth in rspec for sinatra?

Shortened version:
Using the omniauth gem for sinatra, I can't get rspec log in to work and keep my session for subsequent requests.
Based on suggestions from http://benprew.posterous.com/testing-sessions-with-sinatra, and turning off sessions, I've isolated the problem to this:
app.send(:set, :sessions, false) # From http://benprew.posterous.com/testing-sessions-with-sinatra
get '/auth/google_oauth2/callback', nil, {"omniauth.auth" => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2] }
# last_request.session => {"uid"=>"222222222222222222222", :flash=>{:success=>"Welcome"}}
# last_response.body => ""
# last_request.session => {:flash=>{}}
# last_response.body => Html for the homepage, which is what I want
How do I get rspec to follow the redirect and retain the session variables? Is this possible in Sinatra?
From http://benprew.posterous.com/testing-sessions-with-sinatra, it seems like I'd have to send the session variables on each get/post request that I require login for, but this wouldn't work in the case of redirects.
The details:
I'm trying to use the omniauth gem in sinatra with the following setup:
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test'
# Include web.rb file
require_relative '../web'
# Include factories.rb file
require_relative '../test/factories.rb'
require 'rspec'
require 'rack/test'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'ruby-debug'
# Include Rack::Test in all rspec tests
RSpec.configure do |conf|
conf.include Rack::Test::Methods
conf.mock_with :rspec
describe "Authentication:" do
before do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.add_mock(:google_oauth2, {
:uid => '222222222222222222222',
:info => {
:email => "someone#example.com",
:name => 'Someone'
describe "Logging in as a new user" do
it "should work" do
get '/auth/google_oauth2/'
last_response.body.should include("Welcome")
When trying to authenticate, I get a <h1>Not Found</h1> response. What am I missing?
On the Integration testing page of the omniauth docs, it mentions adding two environment variables:
before do
request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
request.env["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:twitter]
But seems to be for rails only, as I added
request.env["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]
to my before block in my spec and I get this error:
Failure/Error: request.env["omniauth.auth"] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Calling get with
get '/auth/google_oauth2/', nil, {"omniauth.auth" => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]}
seems to give me last_request.env["omniauth.auth"] equal to
{"provider"=>"google_oauth2", "uid"=>"222222222222222222222", "info"=>{"email"=>"someone#example.com", "name"=>"Someone"}}
which seems right, but last_response.body still returns
<h1>Not Found</h1>
A partial answer...
The callback url works better, with the added request environment variables:
get '/auth/google_oauth2/callback', nil, {"omniauth.auth" => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]}
last_response.body.should include("Welcome")
However, this doesn't work with sessions after the redirect, which is required for my app to know someone is logged in. Updated the question to reflect this.
Using this gist (originating from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3892401/111884) to store session data, I got my tests to store the session, allowing me to pass the session to further requests.
There might be an easier way though.
Setup code:
# Omniauth settings
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.add_mock(:google_oauth2, {
:uid => '222222222222222222222',
:info => {
:email => "someone#example.com",
:name => 'Someone'
# Based on https://gist.github.com/375973 (from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3892401/111884)
class SessionData
def initialize(cookies)
#cookies = cookies
#data = cookies['rack.session']
if #data
#data = #data.unpack("m*").first
#data = Marshal.load(#data)
#data = {}
def [](key)
def []=(key, value)
#data[key] = value
session_data = Marshal.dump(#data)
session_data = [session_data].pack("m*")
#cookies.merge("rack.session=#{Rack::Utils.escape(session_data)}", URI.parse("//example.org//"))
raise "session variable not set" unless #cookies['rack.session'] == session_data
def login!(session)
get '/auth/google_oauth2/callback', nil, { "omniauth.auth" => OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2] }
session['uid'] = last_request.session['uid']
# Logged in user should have the same uid as login credentials
session['uid'].should == OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google_oauth2]['uid']
# Based on Rack::Test::Session::follow_redirect!
def follow_redirect_with_session_login!(session)
unless last_response.redirect?
raise Error.new("Last response was not a redirect. Cannot follow_redirect!")
get(last_response["Location"], {}, { "HTTP_REFERER" => last_request.url, "rack.session" => {"uid" => session['uid']} })
def get_with_session_login(path)
get path, nil, {"rack.session" => {"uid" => session['uid']}}
Sample rspec code:
describe "Authentication:" do
def session
describe "Logging in as a new user" do
it "should create a new account with the user's name" do
last_request.session[:flash][:success].should include("Welcome")
get_with_session_login "/"
last_response.body.should include("Someone")

How do I set HTTParty configuration parameters on my class dynamically?

The simple_client.rb file below works perfectly fine against my emulation cas server; however, the casport.rb file (main file of oa-casport OmniAuth strategy) is not setting or passing the headers / format properly. It needs to be dynamically assigned to the class to allow initializer options to be able to create them, but I'm not sure how else to do it besides how I've attempted to do it here. I was fairly certain I had this working at some point, but I can't see any other explanation for why this wouldn't be working given the simplicity of the client file.
Any help is greatly appreciated on figuring out how to best set the format and headers settings for HTTParty within my Casport class dynamically. As it is it just keeps returning the HTML view for that particular user.
### simple_client.rb - works properly w/ parsed XML response
### The cas.dev project is coming from this Github repo:
### https://github.com/stevenhaddox/oa-casport-server
require 'rubygems'
require 'httparty'
require 'awesome_print'
class Casport
include HTTParty
base_uri 'cas.dev/users'
format :xml
headers 'Accept' => 'application/xml'
def self.find_user(id)
user = Casport.find_user(1)
ap user
# lib/omniauth/strategies/casport.rb
require 'omniauth/core'
require 'httparty'
require 'redis'
require 'uri'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
# Authentication to CASPORT
# #example Basic Usage
# use OmniAuth::Strategies::Casport, {
# :setup => true
# }
# #example Full Options Usage
# use OmniAuth::Strategies::Casport, {
# :setup => true,
# :cas_server => 'http://cas.slkdemos.com/users/',
# :format => 'xml',
# :format_header => 'application/xml',
# :ssl_ca_file => 'path/to/ca_file.crt',
# :pem_cert => '/path/to/cert.pem',
# :pem_cert_pass => 'keep it secret, keep it safe.'
# }
class Casport
include OmniAuth::Strategy
include HTTParty
def initialize(app, options)
super(app, :casport)
#options = options
#options[:cas_server] ||= 'http://cas.dev/users'
#options[:format] ||= 'xml'
#options[:format_header] ||= 'application/xml'
def request_phase
def callback_phase
raise 'We seemed to have misplaced your credentials... O_o' if user.nil?
rescue => e
# fail!(:invalid_credentials, e)
def auth_hash
# store user in a local var to avoid new method calls for each attribute
# convert all Java camelCase keys to Ruby snake_case, it just feels right!
user_obj = user.inject({}){|memo, (k,v)| memo[k.gsub(/[A-Z]/){|c| '_'+c.downcase}] = v; memo}
user_obj = user_obj['userinfo']
rescue => e
fail!(:invalid_user, e)
OmniAuth::Utils.deep_merge(super, {
'uid' => user_obj['uid'],
'user_info' => {
'name' => user_obj['full_name'],
'email' => user_obj['email']
'extra' => {'user_hash' => user_obj}
# Set HTTParty params that we need to set after initialize is called
# These params come from #options within initialize and include the following:
# :ssl_ca_file - SSL CA File for SSL connections
# :format - 'json', 'xml', 'html', etc. || Defaults to 'xml'
# :format_header - :format Header string || Defaults to 'application/xml'
# :pem_cert - /path/to/a/pem_formatted_certificate.pem for SSL connections
# :pem_cert_pass - plaintext password, not recommended!
def self.setup_httparty(opts)
format opts[:format].to_sym
headers 'Accept' => opts[:format_header]
if opts[:ssl_ca_file]
ssl_ca_file opts[:ssl_ca_file]
if opts[:pem_cert_pass]
pem File.read(opts[:pem_cert]), opts[:pem_cert_pass]
pem File.read(opts[:pem_cert])
def user
# Can't get user data without a UID from the application
raise "No UID set in request.env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:uid]" if #options[:uid].nil?
#options[:uid] = #options[:uid].to_s
rescue => e
fail!(:uid_not_found, e)
url = URI.escape(#options[:cas_server] + '/' + #options[:uid])
# It appears the headers aren't going through properly to HTTParty...
# The URL + .xml works in the application & the url w/out .xml works in standalone file
# Which means somehow the setup with self.setup_httparty isn't kicking in properly :(
ap Casport.get(url+'.xml').parsed_response
cache = #options[:redis_options].nil? ? Redis.new : Redis.new(#options[:redis_options])
unless #user = (cache.get #options[:uid])
# User is not in the cache
# Retrieving the user data from CASPORT
# {'userinfo' => {{'uid' => UID}, {'fullName' => NAME},...}},
#user = Casport.get(url).parsed_response
cache.set #options[:uid], #user
# CASPORT expiration time for user (24 hours => 1440 seconds)
cache.expire #options[:uid], 1440
# If we can't connect to Redis...
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
#user ||= Casport.get(url).parsed_response
#user = nil if user_empty?
# Investigate user_obj to see if it's empty (or anti-pattern data)
def user_empty?
is_empty = false
is_empty = true if #user.nil?
is_empty = true if #user.empty?
# If it isn't empty yet, let's convert it into a Hash object for easy parsing via eval
unless #user.class == Hash
is_empty = true
raise "String returned when a Hash was expected."
is_empty == true ? true : nil
This was apparently working properly, what I failed to do was to provide the header for Content-Type:
def self.setup_httparty(opts)
format opts[:format].to_sym
headers 'Accept' => opts[:format_header]
headers 'Content-Type' => opts[:format_header]
Once I added that additional line everything kicked in properly.

Receiving errors when saving Tweets to a database using Sinatra

I'm using Sinatra, EventMachine, DataMapper, SQLite3 and the Twitter Stream API to capture and save tweets. When I run the application from my command line, it seems to continually fail at tweet 50. If I'm not saving the tweets, it can run seemingly forever.
Below is the app code to capture tweets with 'oscar' in them, which provided a very quick stream. Just enter your twitter username and password and run at the command line.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'em-http'
require 'json'
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-migrations'
USERNAME = '<your twitter username>'
PASSWORD = '<your secret password>'
STREAMING_URL = 'http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json'
DataMapper.setup(:default, ENV['DATABASE_URL'] || "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/db/development.db")
class Tweet
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :tweet_id, String
property :username, String
property :avatar_url, String
property :text, Text
get '/' do
#tweets = Tweet.all
erb :index
def rip_tweet(line)
#count += 1
tweet = Tweet.new :tweet_id => line['id'],
:username => line['user']['screen_name'],
:avatar_url => line['user']['profile_image_url'],
:text => line['text']
if tweet.save
puts #count
puts "F"
EM.schedule do
#count = 0
http = EM::HttpRequest.new(STREAMING_URL).get({
:head => {
'Authorization' => [ USERNAME, PASSWORD]
:query => {
'track' => 'oscars'
buffer = ""
http.stream do |chunk|
buffer += chunk
while line = buffer.slice!(/.+\r?\n/)
rip_tweet JSON.parse(line)
helpers do
alias_method :h, :escape_html
I'm not sure you can safely mix EM and Sinatra in the same process. You might want to try splitting the Sinatra viewer and the EventMachine downloader into separate programs and processes.

Ruby Rack - mounting a simple web server that reads index.html as default

I'm trying to get some information from this tutorial: http://m.onkey.org/2008/11/18/ruby-on-rack-2-rack-builder
basically I want to have a file config.ru that tell rack to read the current directory so I can access all the files just like a simple apache server and also read the default root with the index.html file...is there any way to do it?
my current config.ru looks like this:
run Rack::Directory.new('')
#this would read the directory but it doesn't set the root to index.html
map '/' do
file = File.read('index.html')
run Proc.new {|env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, file] }
#using this reads the index.html mapped as the root but ignores the other files in the directory
So I don't know how to proceed from here...
I've also tried this following the tutorials example but thin doesn't starts properly.
builder = Rack::Builder.new do
run Rack::Directory.new('')
map '/' do
file = File.read('index.html')
run Proc.new {|env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, file] }
Rack::Handler::Thin.run builder, :port => 3000
Thanks in advance
I think that you are missing the the rackup command. Here is how it is used:
rackup config.ru
This is going to run your rack app on port 9292 using webrick. You can read "rackup --help" for more info how you can change these defaults.
About the app that you want to create. Here is how I think it should look like:
# This is the root of our app
#root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
run Proc.new { |env|
# Extract the requested path from the request
path = Rack::Utils.unescape(env['PATH_INFO'])
index_file = #root + "#{path}/index.html"
if File.exists?(index_file)
# Return the index
[200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, File.read(index_file)]
# NOTE: using Ruby >= 1.9, third argument needs to respond to :each
# [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, [File.read(index_file)]]
# Pass the request to the directory app
I ended up on this page looking for a one liner...
If all you want is to serve the current directory for a few one-off tasks, this is all you need:
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 5000
Details on how it works: http://www.benjaminoakes.com/2013/09/13/ruby-simple-http-server-minimalist-rake/
You can do this using Rack::Static
map "/foo" do
use Rack::Static,
:urls => [""], :root => File.expand_path('bar'), :index => 'index.html'
run lambda {|*|}
For me, using Ruby 2.0 and Rack 1.5.2, sinm solution worked for serving the index page (both as default page for root and loaded explicitly), but for other files I obtained errors similar to the following:
Rack::Lint::LintError: Status must be >=100 seen as integer
I combined sinm solution with this SO answer and the snippet found on Heroku documentation to obtain the desired behavior (assuming that the entire site is contained in a folder called public):
use Rack::Static,
:urls => ["/images", "/js", "/css"],
:root => "public",
:index => 'index.html'
run Rack::File.new("public")
My example for doing the exact same below:
module Rack
class DirectoryIndex
def initialize(app)
#app = app
def call(env)
index_path = ::File.join($documentRoot, Rack::Request.new(env).path.split('/'), 'index.html')
if ::File.exists?(index_path)
return [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, [::File.read(index_path)]]
require 'rack_directory_index.rb'
$documentRoot = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'build'))
Capybara.app = Rack::Builder.new do |builder|
puts "Creating static rack server serving #{$documentRoot}"
use Rack::DirectoryIndex
run Rack::Directory.new($documentRoot)
Capybara.configure do |config|
config.run_server = true
The solution is mostly a copy and paste from different answers but it works fine. You can find it as a gist here aswell, good luck
