is final instance initiated and assigned before constructor? - java-7

public static Properties prop;
private static UnionAuthProperties unionAuthProperties;
private UnionAuthProperties() {
try {
prop = PropertiesUtil.getPropertiesFromClassPath("");
} catch (Exception e) {
public static synchronized UnionAuthProperties getInstance() {
if (unionAuthProperties == null) {
unionAuthProperties = new UnionAuthProperties(); #27
return unionAuthProperties;
private final String URL_REQUEST = prop.getProperty("url.request"); #32
The last statement URL_REQUEST causes:
threw exception
at UnionAuthProperties.<init>(
at UnionAuthProperties.getInstance(
at UnionAuthClient.<init>(
based on my knowledge, instance no matter final or not are initiated after constructor [1] while the final ones have to be assigned before the end of constructor [2]. So why prop is NULL when URL_REQUEST is initialized?
EDIT: If right after super() and this(...) complete, instances are initialized, then the final instance REDIRECT_URI should be initialized to null or blank. However this prints REDIRECT_URI as REDIRECT_URI:
public class Test {
private static Properties prop;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test a = new Test();
public Test() {
// The following code should run after private final String REDIRECT_URI;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
private final String REDIRECT_URI;
And I also tried to change the constructor like this:
private UnionAuthProperties() {
prop = new Properties();
still NPE.
Items 1-3 specify calling explicit or implicit variations of super() and this()
Item 4 says execute instance variable initializers from top to bottom.
That means all fields final and non-final that are not inside the constructor, just fields of the new instance are initialized now.
Item 5 says execute rest of the body of this constructor, where rest in your case starts with try { prop = .... Rest means "without super() or this()"
Hence prop.getProperty("url.request") is executed before prop is initialized in rest of the body of constructor.
I would move prop initialization to getInstance() function.
Here's the order in which your code executes (initializations and constructor code)
// 1. when class is loaded (because it is `static`) effectively same as public static Properties prop = null;
public static Properties prop;
// 2. when class is loaded; effectively same as unionAuthProperties = null
private static UnionAuthProperties unionAuthProperties;
private UnionAuthProperties() {
try {
// 5. executing constructor code
prop = PropertiesUtil.getPropertiesFromClassPath("");
} catch (Exception e) {
public static synchronized UnionAuthProperties getInstance() {
if (unionAuthProperties == null) {
// 3. creating new instance (first only constructor called, assignment is later)
unionAuthProperties = new UnionAuthProperties(); #27
return unionAuthProperties;
// 4. `execute instance variable initializers` in top to bottom order
// prop is null yet
private final String URL_REQUEST = prop.getProperty("url.request");


Spring Boot custom annotation design not working

I am following a tutorial by PacktPublishing where some annotations are used in an example,
but the code is from 2018 and there have probably been some changes.
Spring does not recognize the Annotation when creating a bean.
Specifically, here is an annotation design that just does not work for me locally:
Some important code snippets are:
public #interface ChannelHandler {
* Channel patter, alias of value()
String pattern() default "";
* The channel pattern that the handler will be mapped to by {#link WebSocketRequestDispatcher}
* using Spring's {#link org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher}
String value() default "";
public class BoardChannelHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BoardChannelHandler.class);
public void subscribe(RealTimeSession session, #ChannelValue String channel) {
log.debug("RealTimeSession[{}] Subscribe to channel `{}`",, channel);
SubscriptionHub.subscribe(session, channel);
public void unsubscribe(RealTimeSession session, #ChannelValue String channel) {
log.debug("RealTimeSession[{}] Unsubscribe from channel `{}`",, channel);
SubscriptionHub.unsubscribe(session, channel);
public #interface Action {
* The action pattern. It needs to be an exact match.
* <p>For example, "subscribe"
String value() default "";
Can you see what the issue is here? Is there some other annotation missing for newer versions
of Spring?
UPDATE - adding other necessary code.
public class ChannelHandlerInvoker {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChannelHandlerInvoker.class);
private static final AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
private String channelPattern;
private Object handler;
// Key is the action, value is the method to handle that action
private final Map<String, Method> actionMethods = new HashMap<>();
public ChannelHandlerInvoker(Object handler) {
Assert.notNull(handler, "Parameter `handler` must not be null");
Class<?> handlerClass = handler.getClass();
ChannelHandler handlerAnnotation = handlerClass.getAnnotation(ChannelHandler.class);
Assert.notNull(handlerAnnotation, "Parameter `handler` must have annotation #ChannelHandler");
Method[] methods = handlerClass.getMethods();
for (Method method : methods) {
Action actionAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Action.class);
if (actionAnnotation == null) {
String action = actionAnnotation.value();
actionMethods.put(action, method);
log.debug("Mapped action `{}` in channel handler `{}#{}`", action, handlerClass.getName(), method);
this.channelPattern = ChannelHandlers.getPattern(handlerAnnotation);
this.handler = handler;
public boolean supports(String action) {
return actionMethods.containsKey(action);
public void handle(IncomingMessage incomingMessage, RealTimeSession session) {
Assert.isTrue(antPathMatcher.match(channelPattern, incomingMessage.getChannel()), "Channel of the handler must match");
Method actionMethod = actionMethods.get(incomingMessage.getAction());
Assert.notNull(actionMethod, "Action method for `" + incomingMessage.getAction() + "` must exist");
// Find all required parameters
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = actionMethod.getParameterTypes();
// All the annotations for each parameter
Annotation[][] allParameterAnnotations = actionMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
// The arguments that will be passed to the action method
Object[] args = new Object[parameterTypes.length];
try {
// Populate arguments
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
Class<?> parameterType = parameterTypes[i];
Annotation[] parameterAnnotations = allParameterAnnotations[i];
// No annotation applied on this parameter
if (parameterAnnotations.length == 0) {
if (parameterType.isInstance(session)) {
args[i] = session;
} else {
args[i] = null;
// Only use the first annotation applied on the parameter
Annotation parameterAnnotation = parameterAnnotations[0];
if (parameterAnnotation instanceof Payload) {
Object arg = JsonUtils.toObject(incomingMessage.getPayload(), parameterType);
if (arg == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to instantiate parameter of type `" +
parameterType.getName() + "`.");
args[i] = arg;
} else if (parameterAnnotation instanceof ChannelValue) {
args[i] = incomingMessage.getChannel();
actionMethod.invoke(handler, args);
} catch (Exception e) {
String error = "Failed to invoker action method `" + incomingMessage.getAction() +
"` at channel `" + incomingMessage.getChannel() + "` ";
log.error(error, e);
public class ChannelHandlerResolver {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChannelHandlerResolver.class);
private static final AntPathMatcher antPathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
// The key is the channel ant-like path pattern, value is the corresponding invoker
private final Map<String, ChannelHandlerInvoker> invokers = new HashMap<>();
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public ChannelHandlerResolver(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
public ChannelHandlerInvoker findInvoker(IncomingMessage incomingMessage) {
ChannelHandlerInvoker invoker = null;
Set<String> pathPatterns = invokers.keySet();
for (String pathPattern : pathPatterns) {
if (antPathMatcher.match(pathPattern, incomingMessage.getChannel())) {
invoker = invokers.get(pathPattern);
if (invoker == null) {
return null;
return invoker.supports(incomingMessage.getAction()) ? invoker : null;
private void bootstrap() {"Bootstrapping channel handler resolver");
Map<String, Object> handlers = applicationContext.getBeansWithAnnotation(ChannelHandler.class);
for (String handlerName : handlers.keySet()) {
Object handler = handlers.get(handlerName);
Class<?> handlerClass = handler.getClass();
ChannelHandler handlerAnnotation = handlerClass.getAnnotation(ChannelHandler.class);
String channelPattern = ChannelHandlers.getPattern(handlerAnnotation);
if (invokers.containsKey(channelPattern)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicated handlers found for chanel pattern `" + channelPattern + "`.");
invokers.put(channelPattern, new ChannelHandlerInvoker(handler));
log.debug("Mapped channel `{}` to channel handler `{}`", channelPattern, handlerClass.getName());
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I have managed to make ChannelHandler and Action annotations work by adding #Inherited annotation and using AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation() which traverses its super methods if the annotation is not directly present on the given method itself.
However, I haven't managed to access custom annotation value of type parameter (ChannelValue)
Here, Annotation[][] allParameterAnnotations = actionMethod.getParameterAnnotations();
returns null value.
Just add #Aspect annotation to your ChannelHandler implementation (e.g.
Looks like bootstrap() method, that goes through all the #ChannelHandler annotated beans is executed too early - try to debug it to check if it detects any beans at this stage.
If not try calling bootstrap() after Spring context is ready (for example listen for ContextRefreshedEvent.

Singleton, cannot go in the runnable task

I'm trying to run a task automatically (all the 30s).
For that, I built a singleton :
public class PortalSingleton {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PortalSingleton.class);
private static final int INITIAL_DELAY = 0;
private static final int DELAY = 30;
private static volatile ScheduledExecutorService instance;
private static HomepageView homeView = new HomepageView();
private PortalSingleton() {}
public static final void refreshGridHomePageAutomatically() {
Runnable task = () -> UI.getCurrent().access(() -> {
homeView.refreshGrid();"The grid has been refreshed Automatically");
getInstance().scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, INITIAL_DELAY, DELAY, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public final static ScheduledExecutorService getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (ScheduledExecutorService.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
return instance;
But, I didn't have any issue/error AND I didn't have my log msg and my grid hasn't been refreshed..
The behavior expected is :
my grid refresh
see the log msg
Even if I delete the line homeView.refreshGrid();, I don't have my log msg...
What did I do wrong?
EDIT : I call it by doing : PortalSingleton.refreshGridHomePageAutomatically();
EDIT2, thanks #Holger :
public class PortalSingleton {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PortalSingleton.class);
private static final int INITIAL_DELAY = 0;
private static final int DELAY = 30;
private static final ScheduledExecutorService instance = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
private static HomepageView homeView = new HomepageView();
private PortalSingleton() {
public static final void refreshGridHomePageAutomatically() {
Runnable task = () -> UI.getCurrent().access(() -> {
homeView.refreshGrid();"The grid has been refreshed Automatically");
try {
getInstance().scheduleWithFixedDelay(task, INITIAL_DELAY, DELAY, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("error" + e);
public final static ScheduledExecutorService getInstance() {
return instance;
When you schedule an action, you do not get a feedback when an exception occurs. Instead, it will just stop executing it:
…If any execution of the task encounters an exception, subsequent executions are suppressed.
Therefore, you will have to use a try … catch block in the action itself to report it, e.g. in the lambda expression defining your Runnable:
Runnable task = () -> {
try { UI.getCurrent().access(…); }
catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("error" + e); }
It looks suspicious to me that you are calling UI.getCurrent() from a non-UI thread which I suspect to return null causing a NullPointerException when trying to invoke a method on it.

Cucumber Guice / Injector seems not to be thread-safe (Parallel execution / ExecutorService)

[long description warning]
I'm running some cucumber tests which have to be executed intercalated a defined server - for instance:
a.feature -> JBoss Server 1 | b.feature -> JBoss Serv. 2 | c.feature -> JB1 | etc.
For that, I created a hypothetical ExecutorService like this:
final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); //numberOfServers
for (Runnable task : tasks) {
try {
executorService.awaitTermination(1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
The way that I manage about how will be the server chosen as liable to execute is:
inside of my Runnable class created for the executorService, I pass as a parameter a instanceId to a TestNG (XmlTest class) as below:
public void run() {
private TestNG setupTest() {
TestNG testNG = new TestNG();
XmlSuite xmlSuite = new XmlSuite();
XmlTest xmlTest = new XmlTest(xmlSuite);
xmlTest.addParameter("instanceId", String.valueOf(instanceId));
return testNG;
Then, I get this just fine in a class that extends TestNgCucumberAdaptor:
public void setInstanceId(#Optional("") String instanceId) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(instanceId)) {
this.instanceId = Integer.valueOf(instanceId);
And inside a #BeforeClass I'm populating a Pojo with this instanceId and setting the Pojo in a threadLocal attribute of another class. So far, so good.
public class CurrentPojoContext {
private static final ThreadLocal<PojoContext> TEST_CONTEXT = new ThreadLocal<PojoContext>();
public static PojoContext getContext(){
Now the problem really starts - I'm using Guice (Cucumber guice as well) in a 3rd class, injecting this pojo object that contains the instanceId. The example follows:
public class Environment {
protected final PojoContext pojoContext;
public Environment() {
this.pojoContext = CurrentPojoContext.getContext();
public void foo() {
print(pojoContext.instanceId); // output: 1
class Another{
public String doSomething(PojoContext p){
print(p.instanceId); // output: 2
Here it is not every time like this the outputs (1 and 2) but from time to time, I realized that the execution of different threads is messing with the attribute pojoContext. I know that is a little confusing, but my guess is that the Guice Injector is not thread-safe for this scenario - it might be a long shot, but I'd appreciate if someone else takes a guess.
Well, just in order to provide a solution for someone else, my solution was the following:
Create a class that maintains a Map with an identifier (unique and thread-safe one) as the key and a Guice Injector as value;
Inside my instantiation of Guice injector, I created my own module
Guice.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION, MyOwnModules.SCENARIO, new RandomModule());
and for this module:
public class MyOwnModules {
public static final Module SCENARIO = new ScenarioModule(MyOwnCucumberScopes.SCENARIO);
the scope defined here provides the following:
public class MyOwnCucumberScopes {
public static final ScenarioScope SCENARIO = new ParallelScenarioScope();
To sum up, the thread-safe will be in the ParallelScenarioScope:
public class ParallelScenarioScope implements ScenarioScope {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ParallelScenarioScope.class);
private final ThreadLocal<Map<Key<?>, Object>> threadLocalMap = new ThreadLocal<Map<Key<?>, Object>>();
public <T> Provider<T> scope(final Key<T> key, final Provider<T> unscoped) {
return new Provider<T>() {
public T get() {
Map<Key<?>, Object> scopedObjects = getScopedObjectMap(key);
T current = (T) scopedObjects.get(key);
if (current == null && !scopedObjects.containsKey(key)) {
current = unscoped.get();
scopedObjects.put(key, current);
return current;
protected <T> Map<Key<?>, Object> getScopedObjectMap(Key<T> key) {
Map<Key<?>, Object> map = threadLocalMap.get();
if (map == null) {
throw new OutOfScopeException("Cannot access " + key + " outside of a scoping block");
return map;
public void enterScope() {
checkState(threadLocalMap.get() == null, "A scoping block is already in progress");
threadLocalMap.set(new ConcurrentHashMap<Key<?>, Object>());
public void exitScope() {
checkState(threadLocalMap.get() != null, "No scoping block in progress");
private void checkState(boolean expression, String errorMessage) {
if (!expression) {"M=checkState, Will throw exception: " + errorMessage);
throw new IllegalStateException(errorMessage);
Now the gotcha is just to be careful regarding the #ScenarioScoped and the code will work as expected.

Customize SLF4J Logger

I'm trying to find a nice way to add a prefix to my logs without passing it on every calls, without instanciate Logger again.
The purpose is to trace Rest calls individually.
(The prefix would be re-generated on each call using UUID)
This would be like
class MyClass {
//Here the prefix is initialise once
//default value is X
Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);
void methodA() {
void methodB() {
with this output
[...] [prefix X] foo
[...] [prefix B] bar
As you've said you're using Logback, here's a couple options to do the kind of thing you're trying to do:
Each log entry can have a "marker" established for it. (The best documentation I've seen for it is in the SLF4J FAQ.) Something like:
class MyClass {
Marker methodBMarker = MarkerFactory.getMarker("B");
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);
void methodB() {
logger.debug(methodBMarker, "bar");
You would need to update all log entries in each method to use the appropriate marker. You can then put %marker in your layout to put the log entry's marker into the log.
The other option is to use the "Mapped Diagnostic Context" functionality to specify the current "context" for each log entry.
class MyClass {
Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);
void methodB() {
MDC.put("method", "b");
try {
} finally {
You would then use %mdc{method} in your layout to output that particular MDC value. Note that MDC is really intended to be used for per-thread values like something web-connection-specific, so it's important to ensure that it's cleared out of what you don't want when you're leaving the context you want the value logged in.
Please see for an example of how to use the MDC. You do not have to use the EventLogger. Once you set things in the MDC they are present in every log record.
A Marker does not meet your criteria since it has to be specified on every call.
Here's my MDC implementation explained to share my experiments with MDC.
//In this abstract class i'm defining initLogData methods to set MDC context
//It would be inherited by Controller and other classes who needs logging with traced transactions
public abstract class AbstractService {
protected LogData initLogData() {
return LogData.init();
protected LogData initLogData(String tName) {
return LogData.init(tName);
//LogData holds the MDC logic
public class LogData {
private final static int nRandom = 8;
//this keys are defined in logback pattern (see below)
private final static String tIdKey = "TID";
private final static String tNameKey = "TNAME";
//Transaction id
private String tId;
//Transaction name
private String tName;
public String getTId() {
return tId;
public void setTId(String tId) {
this.tId = tId;
public String gettName() {
return tName;
public void settName(String tName) {
this.tName = tName;
//random transaction id
//I'm not using uuid since its too longs and perfect unicity is not critical here
public String createTId(){
Random r = new Random();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while(sb.length() < nRandom){
return sb.toString().substring(0, nRandom);
//private constructors (use init() methods to set LogData)
private LogData(String tId, String tName) {
this.tId = tId;
this.tName = tName;
private LogData(String tName) {
this.tId = createTId();
this.tName = tName;
private LogData() {
this.tId = createTId();
//init MDC with cascading calls processing (using same id/name within same context
//even if init() is called again)
public static LogData init(String tName) {
String previousTId = MDC.get(tIdKey);
String previousTName = MDC.get(tNameKey);
LogData logData = null;
if(previousTId != null) {
logData = new LogData(previousTId, previousTName);
} else {
logData = new LogData(tName);
MDC.put(tIdKey, logData.getTId());
MDC.put(tNameKey, logData.gettName());
return logData;
//init MDC without cascading calls management (new keys are generated for each init() call)
public static LogData init() {
LogData logData = new LogData();
MDC.put(tIdKey, logData.getTId());
return logData;
//logback.xml : values to include in log pattern
[%X{TID}] [%X{TNAME}]
public class RestControllerTest extends AbstractRestService {
private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceRestEntrypointStatus.class);
public void testA() {
LOG.debug("This is A");
public void testB() {
LOG.debug("This is B");
public void testC() {
LOG.debug("This is C");
Calling RestControllerTest mapped /test/testA produces :
[fdb5d310] [testA] This is A
Calling /test/testC produces (id and name are kept even if initLogData is called in sub methods):
[c7b0af53] [testC] This is C
[c7b0af53] [testC] This is A
[c7b0af53] [testC] This is B

Spring Mvc with Thread

Hi My thread class is showing null pointer exception please help me to resolve
public class AlertsToProfile extends Thread {
public final Map<Integer, List<String>> userMessages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>());
ProfileDAO profileDAO;
private String categoryType;
private String dataMessage;
public String getCategoryType() {
return categoryType;
public void setCategoryType(String categoryType) {
this.categoryType = categoryType;
public String getDataMessage() {
return dataMessage;
public void setDataMessage(String dataMessage) {
this.dataMessage = dataMessage;
public void run() {
String category=getCategoryType();
String data= getDataMessage();
List<Profile> all = profileDAO.findAll();
if (all != null) {
if (category == "All" || category.equalsIgnoreCase("All")) {
for (Profile profile : all) {
List<String> list = userMessages.get(profile.getId());
if (list == null ) {
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
userMessages.put(profile.getId(), strings);
} else {
and my service method is as follows
public class NoteManager
#Autowired AlertsToProfile alertsToProfile;
public void addNote(String type, String message, String category) {
String data = type + "," + message;
System.out.println("addNotes is done");
But when i call start() method am getting null pointer exception please help me. I am new to spring with thread concept
It pretty obvious: you instantiate your thread directly, as opposed to letting spring create AlertsToProfile and auto wire your instance.
To fix this, create a Runnable around your run() method and embed that into a method, something like this:
public void startThread() {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// your code in here
you will want to bind the Thread instance to a field in AlertsToProfile in order to avoid leaks and stop the thread when you're done.
