wxBoxSizer* bConstantsSizer;
bConstantsSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
m_propertyGrid1 = new wxPropertyGrid(m_scrolledWindowConstants,wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300, 300), wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE|wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL);
bConstantsSizer->Add( m_propertyGrid1, 0, wxALL, 5 );
I have hardcoded the size of my property grid to 300, 300, but how do it dynamically?
You need to set proportion to 1 and also set wxEXPAND flag for it, see sizeritem and sizeritembase properties. So the result should be
bConstantsSizer->Add( m_propertyGrid1, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
How to change QR Code size?
using (iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader _pdf_reader =
new iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfReader("tmp/example.pdf"))
using (iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument pdfDoc = new iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfDocument(_pdf_reader, new iText.Kernel.Pdf.PdfWriter("tmp/output.pdf").SetSmartMode(true)))
BarcodeQRCode qrc = new BarcodeQRCode("https://google.com");
PdfFormXObject xObject = qrc.CreateFormXObject(ColorConstants.BLACK, pdfDoc);
float _w = pdfDoc.GetPage(1).GetPageSize().GetWidth();
float _h = pdfDoc.GetPage(1).GetPageSize().GetHeight();
PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(pdfDoc.GetPage(1));
//canvas.Rectangle(_w - 90, _h - 90, 100, 100);
canvas.AddXObject(xObject, _w - qrc.GetBarcodeSize().GetWidth(), _h - qrc.GetBarcodeSize().GetHeight());
I try:
it returns 33
I try to set Height & Width to 100 like below:
and then check the size again, but it keeps returning 33, is it a bug? or Did I miss something?
please help
I try to set Height & Width to 100 like below:
Actually, you can`t change the QrCode side this way.
In fact, QRcode is an n*n grid where n depends on some parameters as a QR code version and the error correction level.
When generating, iText uses the smallest version that can fit the content. This is version 4 (33*33) in your case.
The easiest way to change the size of QrCode in a document is by using the version of the createFormXObject method which accepts the moduleSide parameter.
float moduleSize = 100/qrc.GetBarcodeSize().GetHeight();
qrc.createFormXObject(foreground, moduleSize, document)
Module size here is size of the barcode`s grid cell (1 by default).
iTxt 7 Qrcode size effected by three parameter in hints, example example for your reference.
//C# code
//Prepare all necessary properties to create the qrcode
IDictionary<EncodeHintType, Object> hints = new Dictionary<EncodeHintType, object>();
//default character set (ISO-8859-1)
hints[EncodeHintType.CHARACTER_SET] = "UTF-8";
//Qrcode Error correction level L,M,Q,H
//default ErrorCorrectionLevel.L
hints[EncodeHintType.ERROR_CORRECTION] = ErrorCorrectionLevel.L;
//Qrcode minimal version level
//default 4
hints[EncodeHintType.MIN_VERSION_NR] = 6;
string code = "Qrcode content here";
BarcodeQRCode qrcode = new BarcodeQRCode(code, hints);
As you can see in the pic below, only 50% of my last candle appears and I am having a hard time trying to figure out the settings which will make sure I can view the last candle in its entirety
If you look at the last candle in RED, you will see that the axis begins at midpoint of the last candle. If you compare this with below candle , you can fully view the last candle
Key and relevant chart componenets are as follows:
graph = new AmCharts.StockGraph();
graph.id = "Price";
graph.valueAxis = 'v1';
graph.showHandOnHover= true;
graph.proCandlesticks= false;
graph.labels = true;
graph.fillAlphas= 0.7;
graph.lineThickness= 1;
graph.fillColors= '#CC0000';
graph.lineColor= '#CC0000';
graph.negativeFillColors= '#000000';
graph.negativeLineColor= '#000000';
graph.negativeLineAlpha= 1;
graph.negativeFillAlphas= 0.7;
graph.proCandlesticks= false;
var categoryAxis = chart.categoryAxis;
categoryAxis.axisAlpha = 1;
categoryAxis.groupToPeriods = ["DD", "WW","MM"];
categoryAxis.equalSpacing = true;
categoryAxis.parseDates = true;
categoryAxis.startOnAxis = true;
categoryAxis.gridAlpha = 0.5;
categoryAxis.minorGridAlpha = 0.07;
categoryAxis.axisColor = "#000000";
categoryAxis.tickLength = 0;
categoryAxis.gridThickness = 0;
Other properties that I am using are as follows:
1. ValueAxesSettings
minorGridEnabled: false,
logarithmic: false,
treatZeroAs: 0,
axisAlpha: 1,
gridAlpha: 0,
fillAlpha: 0,
minorGridAlpha : 0.07,
gridColor: "#000000",
axisThickness: 1,
gridThickness : 1,
tickLength: 1,
minMaxMultiplier: 1
Please let me know if I have not been clear in articulating the pain point in visualizing the last candle in its entirety or have not provided enough details. Please ignore any syntax error in the code as I am using a different language compiler.
The reason why the last candle is cut off is that you have startOnAxis set to true, which means exactly that - I want my last and first categories to start and end in the middle. Set it to false.
Please note that on date-based category axis, this setting will work only if equalSpacing is set to true. (disabling equalSpacing if you don't actually need it would disable cutting off of candles as well)
As a side note, looking at your code, it seems you are mixing Serial and Stock Chart config together. ValueAxesSettings is a feature of Stock Chart and would be ignored on Serial chart. The same goes for groupToPeriods, maxSeries, etc.
let nameBox = UILabel(x: 0, y: 0, w: sideSize, h: sideSize*2/4)
nameBox.text = skillName
nameBox.textAlignment = .Center
nameBox.numberOfLines = 0
nameBox.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
nameBox.addBorderLeft(size: 1, color: UIColor.blackColor())
nameBox.addBorderTop(size: 1, color: UIColor.blackColor())
nameBox.addBorderRight(size: 1, color: UIColor.blackColor())
This is the code I have and its output is below.
As you can see it has modified everything perfectly except for Communication & Lumberjack. Why is it, and how can I solve it?
Looks like you need to set the lineBreakMode of the label to .ByWordWrapping.
Another thought is that you really want the font to be smaller. Perhaps this is prevented by the minimumScaleFactor property.
From the docs for adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:
The default value for this property is false. If you change it to true, you should also set an appropriate minimum font size by modifying the minimumFontSize property.
This seems to be a documentation bug. minimumFontSize is deprecated.
I try to create game options but got problem with cell size adjustment.For option "First move" I use names of users. I want to increase cell if name is too long. Or decrease font size if it easier.
Style for cells:
mCellStyle = new GUIStyle();//style for cells
mCellStyle.normal.background = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/button_up_9patch");
mCellStyle.onNormal.background = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Textures/button_down_9patch");
mCellStyle.focused.background = mButtonStyle.active.background;
mCellStyle.fontSize = GUIUtils.GetKegel() - GUIUtils.GetKegel() / 5;
mCellStyle.border = new RectOffset(7, 7, 7, 7);
mCellStyle.padding = new RectOffset(20, 20, 20, 20);
mCellStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
mCellStyle.wordWrap = true;
My code:
GUIStyle lBackStyle = new GUIStyle(mCellStyle);
lBackStyle.fontSize = GUIUtils.GetKegel();
lBackStyle.active.background = null;
lBackStyle.focused.background = null;
GUIStyle lStyle = new GUIStyle(lBackStyle);
lStyle.normal.background = null;
//create contents and calculate height
GUIContent lContent1 = new GUIContent(LanguageManager.GetText("FirstMove"));
float lElemH1 = lStyle.CalcHeight(lContent1, lMaxWidht);
GUIContent[] lArrayContent2 = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent(MainScript.Logic.UserName), new GUIContent(MainScript.Logic.NurslingName) };
float lElemH2 = mCellStyle.CalcHeight(lArrayContent2[0], lMaxWidht);
GUIContent lContent3 = new GUIContent(LanguageManager.GetText("Difficulty"));
float lElemH3 = lStyle.CalcHeight(lContent3, lMaxWidht);
GUIContent[] lArrayContent4 = new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent(LanguageManager.GetText("Easy")), new GUIContent(LanguageManager.GetText("Hard")) };
float lElemH4 = mCellStyle.CalcHeight(lArrayContent4[0], lMaxWidht);
float lTotalH = lElemH1 + lElemH2 + lElemH3 /*+ 100*/;//reserve 100 for paddings
GUILayout.BeginVertical(lBackStyle, GUILayout.Height(lTotalH));
GUILayout.Label(lContent1, lStyle);
GamePreferences.setAIMakesFirstMove(GUILayout.SelectionGrid(GamePreferences.getAIMakesFirstMove(), lArrayContent2, 2, mCellStyle));
GUILayout.Label(lContent3, lStyle);
GamePreferences.setDifficulty(GUILayout.SelectionGrid(GamePreferences.getDifficulty(), lArrayContent4, 2, mCellStyle));
ADDED: I just want to set height of cell in Selection Grid. Is it possible?
Ok, I found that I can pass GUILayoutOption as last parameter to set the height of cells:
GUILayout.SelectionGrid(GamePreferences.getFirstMove(), lArrayContent2, 2, mCellStyle, GUILayout.Height(lCellHeight))
But I still have no idea how I can fit cell size to it content.
float lElemH2 = mCellStyle.CalcHeight(lArrayContent2[0], lMaxWidht);
mCellStyle.CalcHeight ignores lenght of content and in lElemH2 I got height for single line text.
My fault, I sent wrong parameters to CalcHeight. Correct version:
float lElemH2 = mCellStyle.CalcHeight(lArrayContent2[0], lMaxWidht / cellsCount);
Good day all! I have a very tricky for me question.
In my application I have button with image inside. All properties of this button:
Me.cmdSelectAll.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control
Me.cmdSelectAll.Image = CType(resources.GetObject("cmdSelectAll.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image)
Me.cmdSelectAll.ImageAlign = Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomRight
Me.cmdSelectAll.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default
Me.cmdSelectAll.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 8.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Me.cmdSelectAll.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText
Me.cmdSelectAll.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 282)
Me.cmdSelectAll.Name = "cmdSelectAll"
Me.cmdSelectAll.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 0, 0, 0)
Me.cmdSelectAll.RightToLeft = System.Windows.Forms.RightToLeft.No
Me.cmdSelectAll.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(22, 22)
Me.cmdSelectAll.TabIndex = 11
Me.cmdSelectAll.TabStop = False
Me.ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Me.cmdSelectAll, "Select All Channels")
Me.cmdSelectAll.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
When I run it with default text size of win7, the image appears in the center, it's all ok. But when I set some custom value of text size (115%) my image suddenly goes more right and down. It occurs with all of my button's images. Could you please answer me why does this happen and how can i fix this issue? Thanks