--watch arg is unsupported on Windows - ruby

I'm new to jekyll so first I follow this tutorial Jekyll on Windows and setup jekyll 3.3.0.I got an error about the certificate this tutorial SSL CERTIFICATE UPDATES
and by using this cacert.pem certificate solve the problem.
However,when start jekyll server I get:
--watch arg is unsupported on Windows.
If you are on Windows Bash, please see: https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/216
I try to solve this problem using Let Jekyll --watch without any luck.
If I use jekyll 3.2.1 every things work okay but the problem with jekyll 3.3.0.
So how to solve this problem ?
I Solve my problem reading this and comment some code in the build.rb file at C:\tools\ruby23\lib\ruby\gems\2.3.0\gems\jekyll-3.3.0\lib\jekyll\commands
To enable autoregeration and now every things work okay.
def watch(site, options)
#if Utils::Platforms.windows?
# Jekyll.logger.warn "", "--watch arg is unsupported on Windows. "
# Jekyll.logger.warn "", "If you are on Windows Bash, please see: " \
# "https://github.com/Microsoft/BashOnWindows/issues/216"
# else
External.require_with_graceful_fail "jekyll-watch"
watch_method = Jekyll::Watcher.method(:watch)
if watch_method.parameters.size == 1
options, site
# end

I think you can just type jekyll serve.

It's windows bash error, Jekyll or Windows will fix it soon, till then you can use jekyll 3.2.1 version.
Here I commit my answer.

I solved the problem by installing Ruby 2.3.3, DevKit-mingw64 and jekyll 3.4.3


ddev get drud/ddev-platformsh configuration - error when generating needed environment variables on MacOS

I'm encountering an issue with undefined project variables following the installation steps outlined here: https://github.com/drud/ddev-platformsh#install
Steps 1-3 were smooth, with no issues.
On step 4 ddev get drud/ddev-platformsh, the script runs successfully until the 'Executing post-install actions:' section. Here is the output with a few preceding lines for context:
Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
Installing project-level components:
πŸ‘ web-build/Dockerfile.platformsh
πŸ‘ homeadditions/.bashrc.d/platformsh-environment.sh
πŸ‘ platformsh/.gitignore
πŸ‘ platformsh/generate_db_relationship.sh
πŸ‘ platformsh/generate_elasticsearch_relationship.sh
πŸ‘ platformsh/generate_memcached_relationship.sh
πŸ‘ platformsh/generate_redis_relationship.sh
Installing global components:
πŸ‘ commands/web/platform
Executing post-install actions:
πŸ‘ Support composer and python3 dependencies
BASE64_ENCODE=base64 -w 0
base64: illegal option -- w
base64: illegal option -- w
πŸ‘Ž Installing dependencies and generating needed environment variables
could not process post-install action (2) 'Installing dependencies and generating needed environment variables'
How do I address this? The issue could be that I'm running this on MacOS, which doesn't support the -w flag for BASE64 (based on this other SO issue).
Also, I see that Platform has these environment variables: https://docs.platform.sh/development/variables/use-variables.html#use-platformsh-provided-variables
...but I'm unclear how/where they should be integrated into the DDEV config files.
Also, after encountering the config error, I ran this command, which failed and further indicated that at least one project variable was missing:
$ ddev drush cr
In Config.php line 567:
The appDir variable is not defined. Are you sure you're running on Platform.sh?
Failed to run drush cr: exit status 1
Any advice wrt how to overcome this issue would be welcome. Thank you.
My environment:
DDEV: v1.21.4
OS: MacOS Ventura 13.1
CPU: Apple M1
I think you're on macOS and you have the homebrew version of base64 installed. Unfortunately, it's quite different in its behavior. Could you please uninstall the homebrew version? brew uninstall base64 && hash -r (hash -r just makes the changes in PATH immediately effective).
See https://github.com/drud/ddev-platformsh/issues/93

Error when run jekyll server on windows 7

I'm trying run Jekyll server in my local machine, so when I run jekyll server in terminal, returning fallowing message:
$ jekyll serve
Configuration file: C:/xxx/Site/_config.yml
Source: C:/xxx/Site
Destination: C:/xxx/Site/_site
c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/posix-spawn-0.3.11/lib/posix/spawn.rb:164: warning: cannot close fd before spawn
'which' nΓ£o Γ© reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa operΓ‘vel ou um arquivo em lotes.
Liquid Exception: No such file or directory - python c:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/pygments.rb-0.6.0/lib/pygments/mentos.py in _posts/2015-06-02-welcome-to-j
Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes:
gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
Auto-regeneration: enabled for 'C:/xxx/Site'
Configuration file: C:/xxx/Site/_config.yml
Server address:
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
Cause I trying enter, is not happen, no error, no 404, only a empty page.
Where is problem?
Python does not appear to be installed, which is why you get a liquid exception when trying to use the code highlighter Pygments.
According to this tutorial, which is the suggested tutorial written by Julian Thilo on the Jekyll documentation, you need Python 2.7.x at time of writing. Here is a summary of what you need to do to get the Jekyll install and server up and running.
Step 1 : Get Python
Download the latest version of Python 2.7: here
Note: Make sure to add python.exe to Path and select β€œEntire feature will be installed on local hard drive. This is needed on Windows or else Jekyll will fail to build the website when trying to highlight code with Pygments.
Step 2: Install Pip
It's a Python package manager which you'll use to install Pygments. follow the official documentation for doing this.
Step 3: Get Pygments
Finally, Open up a command line and type in python -m pip install Pygments
Step 4 : Done
Run jekyll serve again.
Optional Step
Since Pygments is the default syntax highlighter, you don't have to explicitly define what highlighter you're using, but if you prefer to, add this line to your _config.yml file: highlighter : pygments
ALTERNATIVE 1: Don't want highlighters
If you won't be using a code highlighter just edit the markdown post you have 2015-06-02-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown and remove the Liquid tags like so:
{% highlight ruby %}
//Ruby code on the template you can ignore
{% endhighlight %}
ALTERNATIVE 2: Rouge, no need for Python
Rouge is a Ruby code highlighter, which while does not require Python and all that dependencies as it is written completely in Ruby (which you already have because Jekyll runs on Ruby). You'll need to edit the _config.yml to use rouge like so: highlighter : rouge, and run gem install rouge in the command line, as mentioned in same tutorial. Note that at time of writing Rouge has lesser language support compared to Pygments. (but still a whole lot)
Here's another tutorial on setting up Jekyll on Windows. And it would be a good idea to follow the excellent tutorial I've previously linked for installing Jekyll on Windows.

Error -60005 when install Cocos2d-iPhone v3 RC4

When I try to install Cocos2d-iphone 3.0.0 RC4, I got an error: (run without sudo)
Error -60005 occurred while executing script with privileges.
So, I try to show its package content and use terminal to do: cd ...Cocos2D Installer 3.0.0.app/Contents/MacOS
I try this command: (with sudo)
sudo ./Cocos2D\ Installer\ 3.0.0
It works but I got log with some errors:
[1m>>> Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 files (B[m
[1m>>> Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 templates (B[m
[4m[1mCocos2D Template Installer (Cocos2D-v3.0.0)(B[m
Error: [31mβœ–οΈŽ(B[m Script cannot be executed as root.
In order for it to work properly, please execute the script again without 'sudo'.
If you want to know more about how to use this script execute '/Users/viethung/Downloads/Cocos2D-v3.0.0/install.sh --help'.
[1m>>> Building/Installing Cocos2D-v3.0.0 documentation, this may take a minute.... (B[m
appledoc version: 2.2 (build 963)
Generation step 4/5 failed: GBDocSetInstallGenerator failed generating output, aborting!
Documentation set was installed, but couldn't reload documentation within Xcode.
Xcode got an error: No documentation set present at specified path.
[1m>>> Cocos2D-v3.0.0 installation complete! (B[m
Are there any way is better than this way?
I have same problem.
I think you installed old cocos2d-iphone and it caused this problem.
You should remove old cocos2d-iphone first. I removed:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/cocos2d v3.x
And install again. It works for me.
Hope it works for you :)

Try to port intall gcc47, Error: Dependency 'ld64' not found

Try to install gcc47 on osx 10.6.8 but got the following error:
sudo port install gcc47
---> Computing dependencies for gcc47
Error: Dependency 'ld64' not found.
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
To report a bug, see <http://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets>
Did I miss anything?
I think it's still there at /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/tarballs/ports/devel/ld64 However, the Portfile seems so buggy that port index can't parse it. I installed llvm-3.0 first and then edited the Portfile, commenting out the following lines
#if {![variant_isset llvm29] && ![variant_isset llvm30] && ![variant_isset llvm31]} {
# default_variants +llvm30
#set llvm_version {}
#variant llvm29 conflicts llvm30 llvm31 description {Use llvm-2.9 for libLTO} {
# set llvm_version 2.9
# depends_lib-append port:llvm-${llvm_version}
#variant llvm30 conflicts llvm29 llvm31 description {Use llvm-3.0 for libLTO} {
set llvm_version 3.0
# depends_lib-append port:llvm-${llvm_version}
#variant llvm31 conflicts llvm29 llvm30 description {Use llvm-3.1 for libLTO} {
# set llvm_version 3.1
# depends_lib-append port:llvm-${llvm_version}
After this, running "sudo portindex" cleared the issue. Finally I was able to install ld64 and gcc47.
The following commands solved my problem. Since the error was only for ld64 and cctools ports in my case.
sudo port clean ld64 cctools
sudo port install gcc47
The ld64 package has been pulled from macports as of today:
It was still available yesterday though.
However, the package did not build correctly when I tried it yesterday because of build errors with llvm-3.0.
The ld64 package is back on the index but it fails to build :-(
First there is a xcodebuild issue with the license agreement. I fixed it with the tip from 1. But now there's a build failure because of an undeclared identifier.
Run the following command; seems working for now.
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gcc47
I do not know how you get this problem. I am also encountering this problem after I upgrade my system to Mavericks. After check the main.log file, I found that the error is because the build cannot find . Then, I install the newest version Xcode Command Line Tools , it works! Hope my experience is helpful to you.

Zend Framework: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND'

As you may have known that I switched from ubuntu to windows from my previous questions. I was working on Zend Framework on ubuntu and now working on same project in windows. Because of this switching I am facing some problems in windows which was not occurred in ubuntu.
Now I have the following error in firebug console when I go to login page:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Undefined class constant 'MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' in <b>C:\wamp\www\vcred\library\Zend\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql.php</b> on line <b>93</b><br />
Do you people know that what type of error is this and what is the solution?
I have the following configuration for database.
resources.db.adapter = "Pdo_Mysql"
resources.db.params.host = "localhost"
resources.db.params.username = "root"
resources.db.params.password = ""
resources.db.params.dbname = "test"
resources.db.params.charset = "utf8"
I just had the same error with PHP 5.2.6, and all I had to do is to open php.ini (e.g. on Windows: C:\Windows\php.ini, or on Ubuntu: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini or sg. like this) in a text editor, and remove the semicolon from the following line:
So as a result it would look like this in php.ini:
That solved my problem.
This looks related to this bug on PHP's bugtracker : Bug #47224 MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND is no longer available
It seems it's been fixed in SVN -- but maybe not in the version of PHP you are using ?
Quoting one of the comments :
[2009-07-02 06:43 UTC] mg at artigo
dot pl A temporary solution is to
use INT value (1002) instead of
This might be a temporary solution, until you install a new version of PHP, in which the bug is fixed ?
Looks like a Windows bug in PHP 5.3 that was fixed in SVN a while ago. You might want to try updating to the latest PHP release to see if the issue still exists.
I got the same error, on debian6, when I had not yet installed php-mysql so, I simply installed this, like this
apt-get install php5-mysql
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
I just add it here, in case other have same problem, to save them them a few minutes of research.
