Elasticsearch exact match performance for very long string - elasticsearch

I have a usecase:
I need to extract pieces of information from a single url and save each piece as separate data units to be shown in different pages. When a user visits a data unit in a page, I wish to list all other data units from the same original url.
I intend to define the original url field as a not_analyzed string field and then use exact match to get all the pieces extracted from the original url.
My question is:
The original url could be very long. How efficient is elasticsearch to do exact matching for very long string? Does elasticsearch use some sort of hash algorithm such as git's for long string exact matching?
This usecase will be heavily used thus quite important for me to get an answer.
Thanks in advance.

To match exact documents in a not_analyzed filed You can use a term query which will :
Find documents that contain the exact term specified in the inverted
For example :
POST _search
"query": {
"term" : { "url" : "google.com" }
I can't really talk in terms of performance. But this query will match as it is , and it won't apply any transformation to the url as it will be not_analyzed.


Why does elastic search analyze a document 2 times?

From what I've understood, When I index a document say:
PUT <index>/_doc/1
"title":"black white fox cat"
Elastic search analyzes this via a standard analyzer and turns the title into an array of tokens.
But then when I search for this document let's say
POST <index>/_search
It analyzez again via the same analyzer, isn't that inefficient?
It's not efficient, its necessary step to provide the search results.
let me explain under the hood, how search and index process works.
Index tokenize the text based on data type, and configured analyzer and index the tokens into the inverted index.
Search terms again is tokenised based on the query type(no tokens in case of term family of queries), and search generated tokens into the inverted index created at index time(step-1).
Tokens match process(matching index time tokens in the inverted index to the tokens generated at the query time), is what finds the matches documents and provides the search results, normally this tokens match is a exact string match process, with the exception in some cases like (prefix query, wildcard query etc). and as its a exact string match, its very fast and optimized process.
There are various use-cases, like when you use the keywords data type, text is not analyzed and when you use term level queries search time analysis doesn't happen.
Now, important thing to not is that during search time also same analyzer used at index time, otherwise it would end up generating different token which not produce match in step-3 Described earlier.

How to query for alternative spellings and representations of words in elasticsearch?

I'm using elasticsearch to query on the theme field in documents. For example:
{ theme: 'landcover' },
{ theme: 'land cover' },
{ theme: 'land-cover' },
I would like to specify a search of the term landcover that matches all these documents. How do I do this?
So far I've tried using the fuzziness operator in a match search, and also a fuzzy query. However neither of these approaches seems to work, which surprised me because my understanding of fuzzy searches is that they would provide a means of inexact matching.
What am I missing? From the docs I see that fuzziness definitely looks for close approximations to a search term:
When querying text or keyword fields, fuzziness is interpreted as a Levenshtein Edit Distance — the number of one character changes that need to be made to one string to make it the same as another string.
I would consider 'landcover' and 'land cover' to be close. Is this not the case? (this is the first I have heard of Levenshtein Edit Distance so I don't know what extra/less characters mean in terms of this measurement).
An example of a match query that this doesn't seem to work:
query: {
match: {
'theme': {
query: 'landcover'
fuzziness: 'AUTO' // I've tried 2, '2', 6, '6', etc.
// When the term is 'land-cover' and fuzziness is auto, then 'land cover' is matched. But 'landcover' is not
And an example of a 'fuzzy' query that doesn't seem to work:
query: {
fuzzy: {
'theme': {
value: query,
fuzziness: 'AUTO', // Tried other values
// When the term is 'land-cover' and fuzziness is auto, then 'landcover' is matched. But 'land cover' is not. So works almost opposite to the match query in this regard
(NOTE - these queries are converted to JSON and do run and return sensible results, just the fuzziness doesn't seem to work as I would have expected)
Looking around StackOverflow, I see some questions that seem to indicate that querying an index is in some way related to how the index is created - i.e. that i cannot just run adhoc queries on any index that already exists and expect results. Is this correct? (sorry - I'm new to elasticsearch and I'm querying an index that already exists).
This answer seems related (how to find near matches for a search term): https://stackoverflow.com/a/55772800/3114742 - mentions that I should do something referred to as 'field mapping' prior to indexing data. but then the example query doesn't include the fuzziness operator. So in this case I'm confused as to what the point of the fuzziness operator is actually for.
Looking more into the documentation I've found the following:
Elasticsearch uses the concept of an 'index' rather than a database. But from the perspective of someone familiar with CouchDB and MongoDB, which are both JSON stores, there is definitely some similarity between a CouchDB database and an Elasticsearch index. Although the elasticsearch index is not an authoritative data storage in itself (it's 'built' from a source of data).
For a given index called, for example, my-index. you can insert JSON strings (documents) into my-index by PUTting to Elasticsearch:
PUT /... '{... json string ...}'
The JSON string can come directly from a JSON store (Mongo, Couch, etc.) or be cobbled together from a variety of sources. I guess.
Elasticsearch will process the document on insert and append to the inverted tree. For text fields this means K:V pairs will be created from JSON document text, with the keys being fragments of the text, and the values being references to where that text fragment is found in the source (the JSON document).
In other words, when inserting documents into an Elasticsearch index, the content is 'analyzed' to create K:V pairs that are added to the index.
I guess, then, that searching Elasticsearch means looking up search terms that are keys in the index, and comparing the values (the source of the key) to the source defined in the search (I think), and returning the source document where a search term is present for a particular field.
Text is analyzed on insertion to an index
Queries are analyzed (using the same analyzer that was used to create the index)
So in my case (as mentioned above) the default analyzer is good enough to create indices that allow for basic fuzzy matching (i.e. in the match query, "land-cover" is matched to "land cover", and in the fuzzy query, "land-cover" is matched to "landcover" - I have no idea why these match differently!)
But to improve on the search results, I think I need to adjust the analyzer / tokenizer both when inserting documents into an index, and for when parsing queries to apply to an index.
My understanding of the analysis/tokenization is that this is the configuration by which inverted indexes are built from source documents. i.e. defining what the keys of the inverted index will be. As far as I can tell there is no magic in searching the index. search terms have to match keys in the inverted index otherwise there will be no results.
I'm still not sure what fuzziness is actually doing in this context.
So in short, querying elasticsearch seems to require a 'holistic perspective' over both how source data is indexed, and how queries are designed.
As a disclaimer,though, I'm not exactly an authoritative answer on this subject with less than one day of elasticsearch experience, so a better answer would still be appreciated!

Elasticsearch - use a "tags" index to discover all tags in a given string

I have an elasticsearch v2.x cluster with a "tags" index that contains about 5000 tags: {tagName, tagID}. Given a string, is it possible to query the tags index to get all tags that are found in that string? Not only do I want exact matches, but I also want to be able to control for fuzzy matches without being too generous. By too generous, a tag should only match if all tokens in the tag are found within a certain proximity of each other (say 5 words).
For example, given the string:
Model 22340 Sound Spectrum Analyzer
The following tags should match:
sound analyzer sound spectrum analyzer
sound meter light spectrum chemical analyzer
I don't think it's possible to create an accurate elasticsearch query that will auto-tag a random string. That's basically a reverse query. The most accurate way to match a tag to a document is to construct a query for the tag, and then search the document. Obviously this would be terribly inefficient if you need to iterate over each tag to auto-tag a document.
To do a reverse query, you want to use the Elasticsearch Percolator API:
The API is very flexible and allows you to create fairly complex queries into documents with multiple fields.
The basic concept is this (assuming your tags have an app specific ID field):
For each tag, create a query for it, and register the query with the percolator (using the tag's ID field).
To auto-tag a string, pass your string (as a document) to the Percolator, which will match it against all registered queries.
Iterate over the matches. Each match includes the _id of the query. Use the _id to reference the tag.
This is also a good article to read: https://www.elastic.co/blog/percolator-redesign-blog-post
"query": {
"match": {
"tagName": {
"query": "Model 22340 Sound Spectrum Analyzer",
"fuzziness": "AUTO",
"operator": "or"
If you want an equal match so that "sound meter" will not match you will have to add another field for each tag containing the terms count in the tag name, add a script to count the terms in the query and add a comparison of the both in the match_query, see: Finding Multiple Exact Values.
Regarding the proximity issue: Since you require "Fuzzyness" you cannot control the proximity because the "match_phrase" query is not integrated with Fuzzyness, as stated by Elastic docs Fuzzy-match-query:
Fuzziness works only with the basic match and multi_match queries. It doesn’t work with phrase matching, common terms, or cross_fields matches.
so you need to decide: Fuzzyness vs. Proximity.
Of course you can. You can achieve what you want to get using only just match query with standard analyzer.
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/tags/_search?pretty" -d '{
"query": {
"match" : {
"tagName" : "Model 22340 Sound Spectrum Analyzer"

combine fields of different documents in same index

I have 2 fields type in my index;
now I need such a query that filter in same url field and returns fields both of documents:
The results given by elasticsearch are always per document, means that if there are multiple documents satisfying your query/filter, they would always appear as a different documents in the result and never merged into a single document. Hence merging them at client side is the one option which you can use. To avoid getting complete document and just to get the relevant fields, you can use "fields" in your query.
If this is not what you need and still needs narrowing down the result from the query itself, you can use top hit aggregations. It will give you the complete list of documents under a single bucket. But it would also have source field which would contain the complete documents itself.
Try giving a read to page:

Elasticsearch multi term search

I am using Elasticsearch to allow a user to type in a term to search. I have the following property 'name' I'd like to search, for instance:
'name': 'The car is black'
I'd like to have this document returned if the following is used to search black car or car black.
I've tried doing a bool must and doing multiple terms ['black', 'car'] but it seems like it only works if the entire string is a match.
So what I'd really like to do is more of a, does the term contain both words in any order.
Can someone please get me on the right track? I've been banging my head on this one for a while.
If it seems like it only works if the entire string is a match, first make sure that in index mapping your string property name is analysed, i.e. mapping for this property doesn't contain "index": "not_analyzed". If it isn't so, you'll need to reindex your index in order to be able to search for tokens rather than for the whole phrase only.
Once you're sure your strings are analysed you can use:
Terms query with "minimum_should_match" parameter equalling to the number of words entered.
Bool query with must clause containing term queries per each word.
Common terms query which has a nice clean syntax for this purpose (you don't need to break down input string and construct more complex query structure in your app like with previous two) in addition to taking a smarter approach to stopwords analysing.
