RethinkDb: Has many query - rethinkdb

Have two table, Quiz and Questions
Quiz table store questions id and its display position.
Display position is different for every Quiz.
Quiz table:
id: '1'
name: 'Quiz 1'
questions: [
question_id: '1',
position: 4
question_id: '2',
position: 1
Question Table:
id: '1',
title: 'Question 1'
id: '2'
title: 'Question 2'
I want the the return result like this
id: '1',
name: 'Quiz 1',
questions: [
position: 4,
title: 'Question 1'
position: 1,
title: 'Question 2'
How can i get the desired result?

I got the desired result by using following query
.do((quiz) => {
return quiz.merge({'questions': quiz('questions').map((q) => {
return q.merge((r.db('database').table('questions').get(q('id')).without('id')))


elasticsearch 5: returning same document multiple times if multiple array items of one document fit condition

We are using elastic search 5 (yes I know it is EOL but it is what it is)
Elastic newbie here with a rather complicated task:
Let's imagine we have an event index filled with multiple event documents. Those event documents might have n speakers attached in a speakers object array. A speaker has a gender attribute.
How can I achieve the following query?
"return event for each speaker whose gender is x "
returning query result:
page: 1,
pageSize: 20,
total: 3
items: [
id: 1,
speakers: [
name: 'Sascha',
gender: 'x'
id: 1,
speakers: [
name: 'Leo',
gender: 'x'
id: 2,
speakers: [
name: 'Rue',
gender: 'x'
event index filled with three event documents
event 1
id: 1,
speakers: [
name: 'Sascha',
gender: 'x'
name: 'Leo',
gender: 'x'
event 2
id: 2,
speakers: [
name: 'Thomas',
gender: 'm'
name: 'Rue',
gender: 'x'
event 3
id: 2,
speakers: [
name: 'Nicole',
gender: 'f'
I didn't even start to code or write a query because I am not sure if elastic is built to give me a result like the one I want to achieve.
I don't even know how to articulate the type of query I am trying to achieve :/
Or do I have to create a new index which combines event and speaker index in a way I can work with?

Need help in ngx-graph links layout

I am trying to use ngx-graph in my project to draw a hierarchical graph. I have issue with links that connecting two nodes. I have tried all curve types, but not getting expected result.
Here is some code snippets:
<ng-template #nodeTemplate let-node>
<svg:g class="node">
<svg:rect [attr.width]="100" [attr.height]="50" fill ="#fff" stroke-width ="1" stroke = "#000" />
<svg:text alignment-baseline="central" [attr.x]="10" [attr.y]="node.dimension.height / 2">{{node.label}}</svg:text>
layoutSettings = {
orientation: 'TB'
nodes: Node[] = [
id: 'first',
label: 'Parent'
}, {
id: 'c1',
label: 'Child 1'
}, {
id: 'c2',
label: 'Child 2'
}, {
id: 'c3',
label: 'Child 3'
links: Edge[] = [
id: 'a',
source: 'first',
target: 'c1',
label: 'is parent of'
}, {
id: 'b',
source: 'first',
target: 'c2',
label: 'custom label'
}, {
id: 'c',
source: 'first',
target: 'c3',
label: 'custom label'
Output that I am getting is:
Expected output is:
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated Thank you.
I found answer for my own question. This can be achieved by custom layouts.
Here you can found a custom layout, which resolves my issue.

Vuelidate: Conditionally adding validation models

I recently made the switch with Vuelidate from Vee-Validate a few weeks ago for all our apps and have been loving its flexibility so far; however, I've run across an issue that I'm not quite sure how to solve...
I've added the (primitive) example, using my real data here:
From the fiddle:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
questions: [
message: '1. Do you expect to conduct cash transactions for this account? ',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
title: 'Cash In',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
title: 'Cash Out',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
message: '2. Will Electronic (ACH) transactions be processed on the account (excluding card transactions)?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
title: 'Electronic Deposits',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
title: 'Electronic Withdrawals',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
message: '3. Will Domestic Wires be sent or received from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Incoming Wires', value: '' }
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Outgoing Wires', value: '' },
message: '4. Will International Wires be sent or received from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Incoming Wires', value: '' }
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Outgoing Wires', value: '' },
message: '5. Will Monetary Instruments (CC/MO) be issued from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' }
validations: {
questions: {
$each: {
conditionalFields: {
$each: {
fields: {
$each: {
value: { required }
The problem is - I'm conditionally rendering fields based on the user's input. If he or she selects "Yes" to any of the questions, a secondary fieldset will appear below it and ask for input. These fields are only required if yes is selected and they appear on the DOM (and will also have different validations, which I'm not sure how to address, either without hard-coding everything). I've tried looping through the data by making validations a function, but even though it seems to compile, it's not dynamically adding any validations based on the question[index].value being set to true.
I feel like there has to be a simple way to do this, but I'm definitely overthinking it at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can an array be used as a d3 nest key?

I have a database of movies that I would like to nest by genre. The problem is that each movie can have multiple genres. So if I have several movies formatted like so
title : 'foo',
genres : ['Action', 'Comedy', 'Thriller']
title : 'bar',
genres : ['Action']
I'd like to nest them by each individual genre so that the result would be
key: 'Action',
values: [ { title: 'foo' }, { title: 'bar'} ]
key: 'Comedy',
values: [ { title: 'foo' } ]
key: 'Thriller',
values: [ { title: 'foo' } ]
not directly, but you can expand your array
For example:
jj = [{ genre: ['thriller', 'comedy'], title: 'foo'}, { genre: ['thriller', 'action'], title: 'papa'}]
to expand your array:
jj2 = []
jj.forEach(function(movie) { movie.genre.forEach( function(single_genre) { jj2.push({ language: movie.language, genre: single_genre, title: movie.title } ); } ); })
Then you can perform your nesting as normal:
d3.nest().key(function(d) { return d.genre; }).entries(jj2)

Normalizing a nested entity that shares the current schema

My goal is to normalize this object:
talks: [
id: 1755,
speakers: [
id: 1487,
name: 'John Doe',
related_talks: [{
id: 14,
speakers: [{
id: 125,
name: 'Jane Doe',
event: {
id: 181,
name: 'First Annual',
event: {
id: 180,
name: 'July Party',
into this result:
entities: {
events: {
181: {
id: 181,
name: 'First Annual'
180: {
id: 180,
name: 'July Party'
speakers: {
125: {
id: 125,
name: 'Jane Doe'
1487: {
id: 1487,
name: 'John Doe'
talks: {
1755: {
id: 1755,
event: 181,
speakers: [ 1487 ],
related_talks: [ 14 ],
14: {
id: 14,
speakers: [ 125 ],
event: 180,
result: {
talks: [ 1755, 14 ],
If you'll notice, the items in related_talks are treated the same as a talk.
My schemas follow the examples and are set up like this:
const speaker = new schema.Entity('speakers');
const event = new schema.Entity('events');
export const talk = new schema.Entity('talks', {
speakers: [speaker],
talk.define({ related_talks: [talk] });
No matter what I try, I can't get the items in related_talks to be added to the result.talks array. It is, however, in the entities object.
What is my schema configuration missing in order to accommodate this?
Unfortunately, if this is your requirement, Normalizr is not for you. Alternatively, if you're looking for a list of "talks" by ID, you can use Object.keys(data.entities.talks)
