Vuelidate: Conditionally adding validation models - validation

I recently made the switch with Vuelidate from Vee-Validate a few weeks ago for all our apps and have been loving its flexibility so far; however, I've run across an issue that I'm not quite sure how to solve...
I've added the (primitive) example, using my real data here:
From the fiddle:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
questions: [
message: '1. Do you expect to conduct cash transactions for this account? ',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
title: 'Cash In',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
title: 'Cash Out',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
message: '2. Will Electronic (ACH) transactions be processed on the account (excluding card transactions)?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
title: 'Electronic Deposits',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
title: 'Electronic Withdrawals',
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' },
{ label: 'Frequency', value: '' }
message: '3. Will Domestic Wires be sent or received from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Incoming Wires', value: '' }
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Outgoing Wires', value: '' },
message: '4. Will International Wires be sent or received from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Incoming Wires', value: '' }
fields: [
{ label: 'Frequency of Outgoing Wires', value: '' },
message: '5. Will Monetary Instruments (CC/MO) be issued from the account?',
value: false,
conditionalFields: [
fields: [
{ label: 'Total Amount', value: '' }
validations: {
questions: {
$each: {
conditionalFields: {
$each: {
fields: {
$each: {
value: { required }
The problem is - I'm conditionally rendering fields based on the user's input. If he or she selects "Yes" to any of the questions, a secondary fieldset will appear below it and ask for input. These fields are only required if yes is selected and they appear on the DOM (and will also have different validations, which I'm not sure how to address, either without hard-coding everything). I've tried looping through the data by making validations a function, but even though it seems to compile, it's not dynamically adding any validations based on the question[index].value being set to true.
I feel like there has to be a simple way to do this, but I'm definitely overthinking it at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


How to create custom resolvers for Gatsby page queries?

I have a Gatsby application pulling data from Sanity.
This is Sanity's schema for the course.js:
import video from './video'
export default {
// Computer name
name: `courses`,
// Visible title
title: `Courses`,
type: `document`,
fields: [
name: `title`,
title: `Course title`,
type: `string`,
description: `Name of the course`
name: `slug`,
title: `slug`,
type: `slug`,
options: {
source: `title`,
maxLength: 100,
name: `price`,
title: `Price`,
type: `number`
name: `thumbnail`,
title: `Thumbnail`,
type: `image`,
options: {
hotspot: true,
name: `playlist`,
title: `Playlist`,
type: `array`,
of: [
title: `Video`,
name: `video`,
type: `video`,
And this is Sanity's schema for video.js:
export default {
// Computer name
name: `video`,
// Visible title
title: `Video`,
type: `object`,
fields: [
{ name: `title`, type: `string`, title: `Video title` },
{ name: `url`, type: `url`, title: `URL` },
{ name: `public`, title: `public`, type: `boolean`, initialValue: false }
This Gatsby page query:
allSanityCourses {
nodes {
playlist {
Results in:
"data": {
"allSanityCourses": {
"nodes": [
"title": "Master VS Code",
"price": 149,
"playlist": [
"url": "",
"title": "Introduction",
"public": true
"url": "",
"title": "Philosophy",
"public": false
"url": "",
"title": "Tech and Tools",
"public": false
"url": "",
"title": "Integration",
"public": true
"url": "",
"title": "Extensions",
"public": false
"extensions": {}
To prevent the url field from being injected into the React component this Gatsby page query runs on (because these urls are paid for), I need to remove it, if the public field is set to false.
I've tried inserting this into gastby-node.js:
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions, schema }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = [
name: "SanityCourses",
fields: {
playlist: {
type: "[SanityVideo]",
url: {
type: "String",
resolve: (source) => "nope"
interfaces: ["Node"],
exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => {
const resolvers = {
SanityCourses: {
playlist: {
type: "[SanityVideo]",
url: {
type: "String",
resolve(source, args, context, info) {
return "nope"
But neither seems to work. The url field returns the url as always. The resolvers don't even seem to fire (I've tried putting console.log()'s in them).
Any help on how to remove the url field if the public field is set to false, or general direction to go in would be very appreciated.
Ditch the attempt in createSchemaCustomization since you don't need to customize the schema here (though I believe there is a way to achieve what you want using it, it is not expected that the data in it is sourced from existing nodes, and this undeclared dependency can create caching issues).
Then update your createResolvers function to something like this:
exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => {
SanityVideo: {
safeUrl: {
type: "String",
resolve: (source, args, context, info) => source.public ? source.url : null
I don't believe resolvers can replace schema-originated nodes (fields), hence using safeUrl instead of url
The type you are adding a field to is SanityVideo, and it doesn't matter what the parent node is—this will apply to all instances of SanityVideo in your data

Kendo Grid disable field during Edit mode

Using kendo grid edit event I want to disable field name and id during Edit mode. I manage to disable id by following this example here. But went I try to disable name seem it not working, any thought how to do this?
columns: [
{ field: "id" },
{ field: "name" },
{ field: "age" },
{ command: "edit" }
dataSource: {
data: [
{ id: 1, name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
{ id: 2, name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
"id": { type: "number" },
"name": { type: "string" }
editable: "inline",
edit: function(e) {
if (!e.model.isNew()) {
var numeric = e.container.find("input[name=id]").data("kendoNumericTextBox");
//var x = e.container.find("input[name=name]").data("kendoTextBox");
//$("input[name=name]").prop("disabled", true).addClass("k-state-disabled");
//$("input[name=name]").editable = false;
by using editable function i created this
function isEditable(e){
var dataSource = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
return ( == null || == '');
and add this into the grid > column
columns: [
{ field: "id", editable: isEditable },
{ field: "name", editable: isEditable },
{ field: "age" },
{ command: "edit" }
Full working demo is here

Insert a predefined text for Trumbowyg via dropdown button

I have created a custom dropdown for trumbowyg following this guide, but am stuck on how to really insert a text when a dropdown button is clicked.
btnsDef: {
tagSelect: {
fn: () => {
// how to insert test to cursor's position?
text: 'Name Tag',
hasIcon: false
detailsType: {
dropdown: [
title: 'Client Tag',
hasIcon: false
btns: [
I did this by using the plugin "mention".
Using that plugin it's as simple as this:
plugins: {
mention: {
source: [
{ mergetag: '[RECIPIENT_NAME]', name: 'Full name of the recipient' },
{ mergetag: '[RECIPIENT_NAME_FIRST]', name: 'First name of the recipient' },
{ mergetag: '[SENDER_NAME]', name: 'Name of sender' },
{ mergetag: '[SENDER_MAIL]', name: 'Sender email' },
{ mergetag: '[SIGNATURE]', name: 'Senders mailsignature' }
formatDropdownItem: function (item) {
return + ' ' + item.mergetag;
formatResult: function (item) {
return item.mergetag;
More info here:

Can an array be used as a d3 nest key?

I have a database of movies that I would like to nest by genre. The problem is that each movie can have multiple genres. So if I have several movies formatted like so
title : 'foo',
genres : ['Action', 'Comedy', 'Thriller']
title : 'bar',
genres : ['Action']
I'd like to nest them by each individual genre so that the result would be
key: 'Action',
values: [ { title: 'foo' }, { title: 'bar'} ]
key: 'Comedy',
values: [ { title: 'foo' } ]
key: 'Thriller',
values: [ { title: 'foo' } ]
not directly, but you can expand your array
For example:
jj = [{ genre: ['thriller', 'comedy'], title: 'foo'}, { genre: ['thriller', 'action'], title: 'papa'}]
to expand your array:
jj2 = []
jj.forEach(function(movie) { movie.genre.forEach( function(single_genre) { jj2.push({ language: movie.language, genre: single_genre, title: movie.title } ); } ); })
Then you can perform your nesting as normal:
d3.nest().key(function(d) { return d.genre; }).entries(jj2)

ng-repeat orderby of dynamic lenght of object

I have the following object that contains 2 fixed attributes (OrderId and Purchasedate, and an array of attribues. I try to to put this in ng-repeat with orderBy option. The first 2 attribute (OrderId and PurchaseDate) work OK when sorting is applied by clicking on the header. However I do not get it working on the 3 rd attribute and so on.
The rows shown on the table are correct.
The object looks like
{ OrderId: "P888291", PurchaseDate : "2016-12-02",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "New York"}, { Name: "Street", Value: "Broadway 5" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "USA" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "P334498", PurchaseDate : "2016-11-02",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "London" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "WestMinister 3" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "Great Brittain" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "G393383", PurchaseDate : "2016-11-28",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "Milan" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "Pizza 8" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "Italy" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "P978381", PurchaseDate : "2015-05-25",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "Seattle" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "Houston 9" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "US" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "P983394", PurchaseDate : "2015-06-05",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "Amsterdam" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "Damrak 5" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "Netherlands" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "G678994", PurchaseDate : "2015-04-01",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "The Hague" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "Markt 22" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "Netherlands" } ] } },
{ OrderId: "P128994", PurchaseDate : "2016-12-04",
Items: { elt : [ { Name: "City", Value: "The Hague" }, { Name: "Street", Value: "Plein 7" }, { Name: "Country", Value: "Netherlands" } ] } },
Please advise and the code is put in :
You can try with custom filter logic.( )
for example:
$scope.filterOrderFn = function(orderobj)
// Do
return _something_// this will be your sorted order according to your first condition
else if(...)
return _something_ // this will be your sorted order according to your second condition if require
return false; // otherwise it won't be within the orderlist
<article data-ng-repeat="order in orders | orderBy:filterOrderFn" class="order">
If you need a very specific ordering behaviour you could write your own filter (although orderBy should be enough for most uses cases). As you may know you can chain many filters together, so adding your custom filter function doesn't force you to remove the previous filter using the search object (they will work together seamlessly).
