Bash Cut text from line with different delimiters - bash

I have a variable with value like:
#capability_ids type="list">[LOADBALANCER]</capability_ids>#
And need to extract from this string type of equipment ( LOADBALANCER ).
I've tried to use cut, but don't know how write cut command with different delimiters.
DeviceType=$( echo $DeviceTypeDirty | cut -d'[' -f1)
Can enywone help me with right solution on bash?

use awk with regular expression: awk -F '[\\[\\]]' '{print $2}'
$ echo '#capability_ids type="list">[L3SWITCH]/capability_ids>#'|awk -F '[\\[\\]]' '{print $2}'
$ DeviceType=$( echo "$DeviceTypeDirty" | awk -F '[\\[\\]]' '{print $2}')

I tried and got to extract "LOADBALANCER"
Administrators-MacBook-Pro:~$ echo "\"list\">[LOADBALANCER]
</capability_ids>#"|awk -F '[][]' '{print $2}'
Hope that helps!

Using cut:
DeviceTypeDirty="#capability_ids type="list">[LOADBALANCER]</capability_ids>#"
DeviceType="$(echo "$DeviceTypeDirty" | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1)"
echo "$DeviceType"


Using SED command to get values from absolute path

I'm new to shell scripting. I need to get the value "test" from the below absolute path and print it. How can this be achieved using SED command. Please help.
In my opinion awk performs better this task. Using -F you can use multiple delimiters such as "/" and "_":
echo /home/path/test_script/logs | awk -F'/|_' '{print $4}'
sed code to first remove the _ and what's to the right of it, then the /s and what's to the left of those, leaving only "test".
echo /home/path/test_script/logs | sed 's/[_].*//;s,.*/,,g'
You can try awk command:
echo /home/path/test_script/logs | awk -F"/" '{print $4}' | cut -c1-4
Your output should be 'test'.
You can also assign the 'test' value to a variable by doing the below:
var1=`echo /home/path/test_script/logs | awk -F"/" '{print $4}' | cut -c1-4`

Hide output of cat command

I have this line of code which I would like to hide its output.
Vrs=$(cat $(echo $line | awk -F"-" '{print "/var/AS-"$2"-"toupper($3)"-"$4}') | grep "YES" | cut -d":" -f5)
I have tried to include &> /dev/null at the end of the line but it doesn't work.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I am not exactly sure what you are trying to achieve, but your cat call looks redundant to me.
Vrs=$(echo "$line" | awk -F"-" '{print "/var/AS-"$2"-"toupper($3)"-"$4}' | grep "YES" | cut -d":" -f5)
You could rephrase the statement to
Vrs=$(echo "$line" | awk -F"-" '{print "/var/AS-"$2"-"toupper($3)"-"$4}' | grep "YES" | cut -d":" -f5)
This does the same thing. In the command is successful, you would get the result stored in Vrs. No output would be shown in the stdout. However, if you expect errors, you could do :
Vrs=$(echo "$line" | awk -F"-" '{print "/var/AS-"$2"-"toupper($3)"-"$4}' | grep "YES" | cut -d":" -f5 2>/dev/null)
This will suppress the errors and give you an empty $Vrs
I have double quoted $line to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Searching a pattern in linux

I have a file containing:
How to get only the numerical part?
You can try this sed
sed 's/.*=//g'
You could use cut,
echo abc=1234.121 | cut -f2 -d'='|cut -f1 -d'.'
Here are some awk version:
echo "abc=1234.121" | awk -F= '$0=$2'
echo "abc=1234.121" | awk -F= '{print $2}'

Print out onto same line with ":" separating variables

I have the following piece of code and would like to display HOST and RESULT side by side with a : separating them.
HOST=`grep pers results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`
RESULT=`grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/'`
echo ${HOST}${RESULT}
Please can anyone assist with the final command to display these, I am just getting all of hosts and then all of results.
You probably want this:
HOST=( `grep pers results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }'` ) #keep the output of the command in an array
RESULT=( `grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/'` )
for i in "${!HOST[#]}"; do
echo "${HOST[$i]}:${RESULT[$i]}"
A version that works without arrays, using an extra file handle to read from 2 sources at at time.
while read host; read result <&3; do
echo "$host:$result"
done < <( grep peers results.txt | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}' ) \
3< <( grep cleanup results.txt | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/K/000/' -'s/M/000000/')
It's still not quite POSIX, as it requires process substitution. You could instead use explicit fifes. (Also, an attempt to shorten the pipelines that produce the hosts and results. It's probably possible to combine this into a single awk command, since you can either do the substitution in awk, or pipe to sed from within awk. But this is all off-topic, so I leave it as an exercise to the reader.)
mkfifo hostsrc
mkfifo resultsrc
awk -F: '/peers/ {split($2, a, ' '); print a[1]}' results.txt > hostsrc &
awk -F: '/cleanup/ {split($2, a, ' '); print a[1]}' results.txt | sed -e 's/K/000' -e 's/M/000000/' > resultsrc &
while read host; read result <&3; do
echo "$host:$result"
done < hostsrc 3< resultsrc

Extract text from hostname

Using OS X, I need a one line bash script to look at a client mac hostname like:
Where the first 5 digits are an asset serial number, and the hyphens separate a business unit code from a department name followed by something like 'LT' to denote a laptop.
I guess I need to echo the hostname and use a combination of sed, awk and perhaps cut to strip characters out to leave me with:
"BA PreSchool"
Any help much appreciated. This is what I have so far:
echo $HOSTNAME | sed 's/...\(...\)//' | sed 's/.local//'
echo "12345-BA-PreSchool-LT.local" | cut -d'-' -f2,3 | sed -e 's/-/ /g'
(Not on OSX, so not sure if cut is defined)
I like to keep things simple :)
You could do it with just cut:
echo 12345-BA-PreSchool-LT.local | cut -d"-" -f2,3
If you want to remove the hyphen you can use tr
echo 12345-BA-PreSchool-LT.local | cut -d"-" -f2,3 | tr "-" " "
BA PreSchool
How about
echo $HOSTNAME | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "-" } ; { print $2, $3 }'
Awk can solve your question easily.
echo "12345-BA-PreSchool-LT.local" | awk -F'-' '$0=$2" "$3'
BA PreSchool
bash$ string="12345-BA-PreSchool-LT.local"
bash$ IFS="-"
bash$ set -- $string
bash$ echo $2-$3
