error:Your Native API Key is INVALID for Bundle ID:
why did this error happened?
I have already input the correct ID from the website...
Sorry,I just find my Framework Version is 1.4.It needs another API License Key.
It is"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".
We’re starting to use Fastlane for automated deployment, and it’s a very impressive toolset.
One mystery, though:
When submitting a BETA build to Apple’s TestFlight, how do you pass in the Demo Account credentials (username and password)? The docs don’t seem to say.
There seem to be a couple of clues here:
And there does seem to be a way to pass in this info for actual App Store submissions: [see app_review_information]
... but not for TestFlight betas.
How do you do the equivalent for BETA uploads?
Thank you very much!
You need to use Appfile, pilot use it like deliver
Here is the doc.
My Appfile for ex. is:
app_identifier ENV["app_identifierEnterprise"] # The bundle identifier of your app
apple_id ENV["accountAppleId"] # Your Apple email address
team_name ENV["teamNameEnterprise"]
team_id ENV["teamIdEnterprise"]
for_platform :ios do
for_lane :releaseBeta do
app_identifier ENV["app_identifier"]
apple_id ENV["accountAppleId"]
team_name ENV["teamName"]
team_id ENV["teamId"]
I use .env (a file to set this variables), but you just need to replace ENV[""] with "ValueYouWant"
Hope this helps.
My steps are:
update gem gem update instagram to instagram-1.1.6
add config.client_ips = "" to the code (hide real ip)
check checkbox Enforce signed requests in developer page, click save
But I still get following error:
#<Hashie::Mash code=403 error_message="Invalid signed-request: Missing required parameter 'sig'" error_type="OAuthForbiddenException">
When I try to get posts or create like.
What's going wrong? What additional action needs to be done?
You use older types of signatures
On September 1, instagram only accepts new type
I am making an application for the Apple Watch.
I successfully linked my watch extension to parse. However, I can't access parse data stored on the phone.(In my case PFUser.currentuser() )
What would be the best way to get my current user?
Parse SDK 1.7.2 is out right now and I feel this is exactly what you are looking for.
It brings full support for sharing data with App Extensions and Apple Watch Apps.
Read more in this blog post
Or in the docs on how to set it up:
My App is named 'This & That'. Well, that's not my App's real name. 'This' and 'That' stand in for the two actual words I'm using.
In Xcode > Targets > General > Identity > Bundle Identifier shows:
So, it looks like Xcode replaced the two spaces and the ampersand in my App name with hyphens in order to generate a bundle ID it liked.
Over in iTunes Connect under App Information > Identifiers, the Bundle ID shows:
I think that's wrong. This was due to a misunderstanding on my part when I entered the data. I believe I should have entered 'com.domain.This---That'
I discovered this issue when I made an Archive of my App in the Organizer and submitted it for Validation.
The Validation failed with one fault and I got the following back:
"The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value, 'This---That'. If you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new application in iTunes Connect."
Maybe I'm being too literal here but when it says,
" will need to create a new application in iTunes Connect."
it seems to me that before I can do that, I will need to delete the application I have in iTunes Connect now (the one with the wrong bundle ID).
I read about how to delete an App in iTunes Connect and says that if I do that, I cannot reuse the SKU or the App name in the same organization.
That could be a real problem for me because I really like the App name I have now. The two words I've chosen work really well for what I'm doing. So if I can avoid it, I do not want to do anything here to fix my problem that will preclude me from using the App name I've chosen.
Any suggestions on how I might sort this problem out?
Do you need to have ruby installed on your server to run Sparkle Framework? From what I understand, the framework just looks for the xml RSS feed on the server and that's it. Am I correct?
From the documentation:
Sign your update (unless you’re hosting your update over SSL):
Sparkle includes a script to help you sign your update.
(from the Sparkle distribution root):
ruby "Extras/Signing Tools/sign_update.rb" path_to_your_dsa_priv.pem
The string outputted is your update’s DSA signature; you’ll add this as an attribute to your enclosure in the next step.
So, the only reason you would need Ruby is to use the included signing script if you are not distributing your update through a secure connection.