How do I get Tcl's exec to run a command whose arguments have quoted strings with spaces? - shell

I want to use pgrep to find the pid of a process from its command-line. In the shell, this is done as so:
pgrep -u andrew -fx 'some_binary -c some_config.cfg'
But when I try this from Tcl, like this:
exec pgrep -u $user -fx $cmdLine
I get:
pgrep: invalid option -- 'c'
Which makes sense, because it's seeing this:
pgrep -u andrew -fx some_binary -c some_config.cfg
But it's the same when I add single quotes:
exec pgrep -u $user -fx '$cmdLine'
And that also makes sense, because single quotes aren't special to Tcl. I think it's consider 'some_binary an argument, then the -c, then the some_config.cfg'.
I've also tried:
exec pgrep -u $user -fx {$cmdLine}
set cmd "pgrep -u $user -fx '$cmdLine'"
eval exec $cmd
to no avail.
From my reading it seems the {*} feature in Tcl 8.5+ might help, but my company infrastructure runs Tcl 8.0.5.

The problem is partially that ' means nothing at all to Tcl, and partially that you're losing control of where the word boundaries are.
Firstly, double check that this actually works:
exec pgrep -u $user -fx "some_binary -c some_config.cfg"
or perhaps this (Tcl uses {…} like Unix shells use single quotes but with the added benefit of being nestable; that's what braces really do in Tcl):
exec pgrep -u $user -fx {some_binary -c some_config.cfg}
What ought to work is this:
set cmdLine "some_binary -c some_config.cfg"
exec pgrep -u $user -fx $cmdLine
where you have set cmdLine to exactly the characters that you want to have in it (check by printing out if you're unsure; what matters is the value in the variable, not the quoted version that you write in your script). I'll use the set cmdLine "…" form below, but really use whatever you need for things to work.
Now, if you are going to be passing this past eval, then you should use list to add in the extra quotes that you need to make things safe:
set cmdLine "some_binary -c some_config.cfg"
set cmd [list pgrep -u $user -fx $cmdLine]
eval exec $cmd
The list command produces lists, but it uses a canonical form that is also a script fragment that is guaranteed to lack “surprise” substitutions or word boundaries.
If you were on a more recent version of Tcl (specifically 8.5 or later), you'd be able to use expansion. That's designed to specifically work very well with list, and gets rid of the need to use eval in about 99% of all cases. That'd change the:
eval exec $cmd
exec {*}$cmd
The semantics are a bit different except when cmd is holding a canonical list, when they actually run the same operation. (The differences come when you deal with non-canonical lists, where eval would do all sorts of things — imagine the havoc with set cmd {ab [exit] cd}, which is a valid but non-canonical list — whereas expansion just forces things to be a list and uses the words in the list without further interpretation.)

Since you are on a old version, you have to make sure that what eval sees will be converted to a properly quoted Tcl string.
Single quotes do nothing. They are not used by exec, nor are they passed on. exec utilizes the underlying exec(3) system call, and no argument interpretation will take place unless you purposely use something like: /bin/sh -c "some-cmd some-arg" where the shell is invoked and will reinterpret the command line.
What you have to do is construct a string that eval will interpret as a quoted Tcl string. You can use "{part1 part2}" or "\"part1 part2\"" for these constructs.
First, a little test script to verify that the arguments are being passed correctly:
for i in "$#"; do
echo $i
Then the Tcl script:
exec ./ -u andrew -fx "some_binary -c some_config.cfg" ># stdout
eval exec ./ -u andrew -fx "{some_binary -c some_config.cfg}" \
># stdout
eval exec ./ -u andrew -fx "\"some_binary -c some_config.cfg\"" \
># stdout
# the list will be converted to a string that is already properly
# quoted for interpretation by eval.
set cmd [list ./ -u andrew -fx "some_binary -c some_config.cfg"]
eval exec $cmd ># stdout


Can't run "compgen -c" from perl script

I want to check if a command exists on my machine (RedHat) inside a perl script.
Im trying to check if compgen -c contains the desired command, but running it from inside a script just gives me an empty output. Other commands work fine.
my $x = `compgen -c`;
print $x;
# empty output
my $y = `ls -a`;
print $y;
# .
# ..
Are there possible solutions for this? Or is there a better way to check for commands on my machine?
First, Perl runs external commands using /bin/sh, which is nowadays a link to a shell that is a default-of-sorts on your system. Much of the time that is bash, but not always; on RedHat it is.
This compgen is a bash builtin. One way to discover that is to run man compgen (in bash) -- and the bash manual pops up. Another way is type as Dave shows.
To use builtins we generally need to run an explicit shell for them, and they have a varied behavior in regards to whether the shell is "interactive" or not.† I can't find a discussion of that in bash documentation for this builtin but experimentation reveals that you need
my #completions = qx(bash -c "compgen -c")
The quotes are needed so to pass a complete command to a shell that will be started.
Note that this way you don't catch any STDERR out of those commands. That will come out on the terminal, and it can get missed that way. Or, you can redirect that stream in the command, by adding 2>&1 (redirect to STDOUT) at the end of it.
This is one of the reasons to use one of a number of good libraries for running and managing external commands instead of the builtin "backticks" (the qx I use above is an operator form of it.)
† This can be facilitated with -i
my #output_lines = qx(bash -i -c "command with arguments")
It's because compgen is a bash built-in command, not an external command. And when you run a command using backticks, you get your system's default shell - which is probably going to be /bin/sh, not bash.
The solution is to explicitly run bash, using the -c command-line option to give it a command to run.
my $x = `bash -c compgen -c`;
From a bash prompt, you can use type to see how a command is implemented.
$ type ssh
ssh is /usr/bin/ssh
$ type compgen
compgen is a shell builtin

Pass all args to a command called in a new shell using bash -c

I've simplified my example to the following:
bash -c "./ $#"
echo "first $1"
echo "second $2"
I expect that if I call ./ a b to get:
first a
second b
but instead I get:
first a
In other words, my later arguments after the first one are not getting passed through to the command that I'm executing inside a new bash shell. I've tried many variations of removing and moving around the quotation marks in the file, but haven't got this to work.
Why is this happening, and how do I get the behavior I want?
(UPDATE - I realize it seems pointless that I'm calling bash -c in this example, my actual is a proxy script for a command that gets called locally to run in a docker container so it's actually docker exec -i mycontainer bash -c '')
Change to this with different quoting:
bash -c './ "$#"' - "$#"
- "$#" is passing hyphen to populate $0 and $# is being passed in to populate all other positional parameters in bash -c command line.
You can also make it:
bash -c './ "$#"' "$0" "$#"
However there is no real need to use bash -c here and you can just use:
./ "$#"

Bash: Execute command WITH ARGUMENTS in new terminal [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how do i start commands in new terminals in BASH script
(2 answers)
Closed 20 days ago.
So i want to open a new terminal in bash and execute a command with arguments.
As long as I only take something like ls as command it works fine, but when I take something like route -n , so a command with arguments, it doesnt work.
The code:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -e whoami #WORKS
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -e route -n #DOESNT WORK
I already tried putting "" around the command and all that but it still doesnt work
You can start a new terminal with a command using the following:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -- \
bash -c "<command>"
To continue the terminal with the normal bash profile, add exec bash:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -- \
bash -c "<command>; exec bash"
Here's how to create a Here document and pass it as the command:
cmd="$(printf '%s\n' 'wc -w <<-EOF
First line of Here document.
Second line.
The output of this command will be '15'.
EOF' 'exec bash')"
xterm -e bash -c "${cmd}"
To open a new terminal and run an initial command with a script, add the following in a script:
nohup xterm -e bash -c "$(printf '%s\nexec bash' "$*")" &>/dev/null &
When $* is quoted, it expands the arguments to a single word, with each separated by the first character of IFS. nohup and &>/dev/null & are used only to allow the terminal to run in the background.
Try this:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -e 'bash -c "route -n; read"'
The final read prevents the window from closing after execution of the previous commands. It will close when you press a key.
If you want to experience headaches, you can try with more quote nesting:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash \
-e 'bash -c "route -n; read -p '"'Press a key...'"'"'
(In the following examples there is no final read. Let’s suppose we fixed that in the profile.)
If you want to print an empty line and enjoy multi-level escaping too:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash \
-e 'bash -c "printf \\\\n; route -n"'
The same, with another quoting style:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash \
-e 'bash -c '\''printf "\n"; route -n'\'
Variables are expanded in double quotes, not single quotes, so if you want them expanded you need to ensure that the outermost quotes are double:
command='printf "\n"; route -n'
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash \
-e "bash -c '$command'"
Quoting can become really complex. When you need something more advanced that a simple couple of commands, it is advisable to write an independent shell script with all the readable, parametrized code you need, save it somewhere, say /home/user/bin/mycommand, and then invoke it simply as
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Bash -e /home/user/bin/mycommand

How to set $TERM to a value when running /bin/bash via command line?

When I run the /bin/bash process with 2 parameters -c and SomeUserInput,
where SomeUserInput is echo $TERM
The output is
Is there a way I can set the value of $TERM via a command line parameter to /bin/bash so the above invokation of echo $TERM would print something else that I specify?
(Yes, I've done a lot of digging in man bash and searching elsewhere, but couldn't find the answer; although I think it's likely there.)
First of all, since you used double quotes, that prints the value of TERM in your current shell, not the bash you invoke. To do that, use /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM'.
To set the value of TERM, you can export TERM=linux before running that command, set it only for that shell with either TERM=linux /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM' (shell expression), or /usr/bin/env TERM=linux /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM' (execve compatible (as for find -exec)).
As for your edit of only using command line parameters to /bin/bash, you can do that without modifying your input like this:
/bin/bash -c 'TERM=something; eval "$1"' -- 'SomeUserInput'
Well, you can either set the variable on your .bashrc file, or simply set with the bash invocation:
/bin/bash -c "TERM=something-else; echo $TERM"

How to change argv0 in bash so command shows up with different name in ps?

In a C program I can write argv[0] and the new name shows up in a ps listing.
How can I do this in bash?
You can do it when running a new program via exec -a <newname>.
Just for the record, even though it does not exactly answer the original poster's question, this is something trivial to do with zsh:
ARGV0=emacs nethack
I've had a chance to go through the source for bash and it does not look like there is any support for writing to argv[0].
I'm assuming you've got a shell script that you wish to execute such that the script process itself has a new argv[0]. For example (I've only tested this in bash, so i'm using that, but this may work elsewhere).
echo "process $$ here, first arg was $1"
ps -p $$
The output will be something like this:
$ ./script arg1
process 70637 here, first arg was arg1
70637 ttys003 0:00.00 /bin/bash ./script arg1
So ps shows the shell, /bin/bash in this case. Now try your interactive shell's exec -a, but in a subshell so you don't blow away the interactive shell:
$ (exec -a MyScript ./script arg1)
process 70936 here, first arg was arg1
70936 ttys008 0:00.00 /bin/bash /path/to/script arg1
Woops, still showing /bin/bash. what happened? The exec -a probably did set argv[0], but then a new instance of bash started because the operating system read #!/bin/bash at the top of your script. Ok, what if we perform the exec'ing inside the script somehow? First, we need some way of detecting whether this is the "first" execution of the script, or the second, execed instance, otherwise the second instance will exec again, and on and on in an infinite loop. Next, we need the executable to not be a file with a #!/bin/bash line at the top, to prevent the OS from changing our desired argv[0]. Here's my attempt:
$ cat ./script
[[ -z ${!__second_instance} ]] && {
declare -x "__second_instance_$$=true"
exec -a MyScript "$SHELL" "$0" "$#"
echo "process $$ here, first arg was $1"
ps -p $$
Thanks to this answer, I first test for the environment variable __second_instance_$$, based on the PID (which does not change through exec) so that it won't collide with other scripts using this technique. If it's empty, I assume this is the first instance, and I export that environment variable, then exec. But, importantly, I do not exec this script, but I exec the shell binary directly, with this script ($0) as an argument, passing along all the other arguments as well ($#). The environment variable is a bit of a hack.
Now the output is this:
$ ./script arg1
process 71143 here, first arg was arg1
71143 ttys008 0:00.01 MyScript ./script arg1
That's almost there. The argv[0] is MyScript like I want, but there's that extra arg ./script in there which is a consequence of executing the shell directly (rather than via the OS's #! processing). Unfortunately, I don't know how to get any better than this.
Update for Bash 5.0
Looks like Bash 5.0 adds support for writing to special variable BASH_ARGV0, so this should become far simpler to accomplish.
(see release announcement)
( exec -a foo bash -c 'echo $0' )
ps and others inspect two things, none of which is argv0: /proc/PID/comm (for the "process name") and /proc/PID/cmdline (for the command-line). Assigning to argv0 will not change what ps shows in the CMD column, but it will change what the process usually sees as its own name (in output messages, for example).
To change the CMD column, write to /proc/PID/comm:
echo -n mynewname >/proc/$$/comm; ps
You cannot write to or modify /proc/PID/cmdline in any way.
Process can set their own "title" by writing to the memory area in which argv & envp are located (note that this is different than setting BASH_ARGV0). This has the side effect of changing /proc/PID/cmdline as well, which is what some daemons do in order to prettify (hide?) their command lines. libbsd's setproctitle() does exactly that, but you cannot do that in Bash without support of external tools.
I will just add that this must be possible at runtime, at least in some environments. Assigning $0 in perl on linux does change what shows up in ps. I do not know how that is implemented, however. If I can find out, i'll update this.
Based on how perl does it, it is non-trivial. I doubt there is any bask built in way at runtime but don't know for sure. You can see how perl does sets the process name at runtime.
Copy the bash executable to a different name.
You can do this in the script itself...
cp /bin/bash ./new-name
exec new-name $0
If you are trying to pretend you are not a shell script you can rename the script itself to something cool or even " " (a single space) so
exec new-name " "
Will execute bash your script and appears in the ps list as just new-name.
OK so calling a script " " is a very bad idea :)
Basically, to change the name
bash script
rename bash and rename the script.
If you are worried, as Mr McDoom. apparently is, about copying a binary to a new name (which is entirely safe) you could also create a symlink
ln -s /bin/bash ./MyFunkyName
This way, the symlink is what appears in the ps list. (again use PATH=$PATH:. if you dont want the ./)
