How to set $TERM to a value when running /bin/bash via command line? - bash

When I run the /bin/bash process with 2 parameters -c and SomeUserInput,
where SomeUserInput is echo $TERM
The output is
Is there a way I can set the value of $TERM via a command line parameter to /bin/bash so the above invokation of echo $TERM would print something else that I specify?
(Yes, I've done a lot of digging in man bash and searching elsewhere, but couldn't find the answer; although I think it's likely there.)

First of all, since you used double quotes, that prints the value of TERM in your current shell, not the bash you invoke. To do that, use /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM'.
To set the value of TERM, you can export TERM=linux before running that command, set it only for that shell with either TERM=linux /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM' (shell expression), or /usr/bin/env TERM=linux /bin/bash -c 'echo $TERM' (execve compatible (as for find -exec)).
As for your edit of only using command line parameters to /bin/bash, you can do that without modifying your input like this:
/bin/bash -c 'TERM=something; eval "$1"' -- 'SomeUserInput'

Well, you can either set the variable on your .bashrc file, or simply set with the bash invocation:
/bin/bash -c "TERM=something-else; echo $TERM"


Saving the result of an echo command in a shell script?

I am attempting to store the result of an echo command as a variable to be used in a shell script. Debian 4.19.0-6-amd64
The command works in terminal: echo $HOSTNAME returns debian-base, the correct hostname.
I attempt to run it in a shell script, such as:
I have tried expansion:
And just to cover some more bases, I tried things like:
# or
# also, in case a problem with reserved names:
Works great in the terminal! Output is as follows:
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# TEST_HOSTNAME=$HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $TEST_HOSTNAME
root#debian-base:/scripts# TEST_TWO_HOSTNAME=$(echo $HOSTNAME)
root#debian-base:/scripts# echo $TEST_TWO_HOSTNAME
As soon as I run the script (as above):
root#debian-base:/scripts# sh
What am I doing wrong?
You are using bash as your terminal. Bash has the variable $HOSTNAME set. You run your script with sh. sh does not have a $HOSTNAME.
Or run it as a program:
chmod +x
But I think you need to change your first line to:
As I don't think bash is installed in /usr/bin in most cases. But you need to try. To figure out where bash is installed use which bash
Another option is to use the hostname binary:
Which works in both bash and sh.
You can start sh by just running sh. You will see it has a bash-like terminal. You can try to do echo $HOSTNAME. It will not show, because it's not there. You can use set to see all the variables that are there (as sh does not have tab completion it's harder to figure out).

Using /bin/bash -l -c with concatenated commands does not pass environment variables

I'm trying to execute a series of bash commands using /bin/bash -l -c as follows:
/bin/bash -l -c "cmd1 && cmd2 && cmd3..."
What I notice is that if cmd1 happens to export an environment variable, it is not seen by cmd2 and so on. If I run the same concatenated commands without the /bin/bash -l -c option, it just runs fine.
For example, this does not print the value of MYVAR:
$/bin/bash -l -c "export MYVAR="myvar" && echo $MYVAR"
whereas, the following works as expected
$export MYVAR="myvar" && echo $MYVAR
Can't find why using /bin/bash -l -c won't work here? Or are there any suggestion how to make this work with using /bin/bash -l -c?
variables are exported for child processes, parent process environment can't be changed by child process so consecutive commands (forking sub processes can't see variables exported from preceeding command), some commands are particular becuase don't fork new process but are run inside current shell process they are builtin commands only builtin commands can change current process environment export is a builtin, for more information about builtins man bash /^shell builtin.
Otherwise expansion is done during command parsing:
/bin/bash -l -c "export MYVAR="myvar" && echo $MYVAR"
is one command (note the nested quotes are not doing what you expect because are closing and opening quoted string, myvar is not quoted and may be split). So $MYVAR is expanded to current value before assigned to myvar.
export MYVAR="myvar" && echo $MYVAR
are two commands and $MYVAR because && is bash syntax (not literal like "&&"), is expanded after being assigned.
so that $ have a literal meaning (not expanded) use single quotes or escape with backslash.
/bin/bash -l -c 'export MYVAR="myvar" && echo "$MYVAR"'
/bin/bash -l -c "export MYVAR=\"myvar\" && echo \"\$MYVAR\""

How can you hide env variables when executing a bash script with -xe?

I have a bash script that I execute with /bin/sh -xe and I need to capture its output.
The problem is that inside the script I use some ENV variables that I would like to keep them from being displayed in the output.
Is there any way to do this?
Ie. if my script has touch $MY_ENV_VAR and MY_ENV_VAR=ok the output of /bin/sh -xe will be touch ok.
Is there any way to keep env vars from being replaced in the output of -x? So I would just get + touch $MY_ENV_VAR back.
There is nothing in the POSIX standard which allows this. All you could do is:
set +o xtrace # Switch xtrace off
some hidden code
set -o xtrace # Switch xtrace back on
Alternatively, use the verbose trace instead of xtrace, that's the -v option.
/bin/sh -ve
By the way, if you are executing with /bin/sh then it is not a bash script, it is a sh script.

How to specify zeroeth argument

I'm writing a bash script that starts the tcsh interpreter as a login shell and has it execute my_command. The tcsh man page says that there are two ways to start a login shell. The first is to use /bin/tcsh -l with no other arguments. Not an option, because I need the shell to execute my_command. The second is to specify a dash (-) as the zeroeth argument.
Now the bash exec command with the -l option does exactly this, and in fact the following works perfectly:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
Except... I can't use exec because I need the script to come back and do some other things afterwards! So how can I specify - as the zeroeth argument to /bin/tcsh without using exec?
You can enclose the exec command into a sub-shell of your script.
(exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command)
# ... whatever else you need to do after the command is done
You can write a wrapper ( script that contains:
exec -l /bin/tcsh -c my_command
and execute in your main script.

Using bash shell inside Matlab

I'm trying to put a large set of bash commands into a matlab script and manage my variables (like file paths, parameters etc) from there. It is also needed because this workflow requires manual intervention at certain steps and I would like to use the step debugger for this.
The problem is, I don't understand how matlab interfaces with bash shell.
I can't do system('source .bash_profile') to define my bash variables. Similarly I can't define them by hand and read them either, e.g. system('export var=somepath') and then system('echo $var') returns nothing.
What is the correct way of defining variables in bash inside matlab's command window? How can I construct a workflow of commands which will use the variables I defined as well as those in my .bash_profile?
If all you need to do is set environment variables, do this in MATLAB:
>> setenv('var','somepath')
>> system('echo $var')
Invoke Bash as a login shell to get your ~/.bash_profile sourced and use the -c option to execute a group of shell commands in one go.
# in
man bash | less -p 'the --login option'
man bash | less -p '-c string'
echo 'export profilevar=myProfileVar' >> ~/.bash_profile
# test in
/bin/bash --login -c '
echo "$0"
echo "$3"
echo "$#"
export var=somepath
echo "$var"
echo "$profilevar"
export | nl
' zero 1 2 3 4 5
# in Matlab
cmd=sprintf('/bin/bash --login -c ''echo "$profilevar"; ps''');
