Websockets in Suave - websocket

I've been looking into using websockets with the Suave web server. Unfortunately, it's not very well documented, and all I've managed to find was this: https://github.com/SuaveIO/suave/tree/master/examples/WebSocket
However, that only shows the websocket responding to the client that made the request, and I want to basically have the socket respond to all connected clients. Something like a chat server.
I've used SignalR in the past, but would prefer to avoid it for this.
So, how would I go about having the Suave server send data to all connected websocket clients?

Suave doesn't provide anything like that out of the box, however you can easily extend the example to do so.
The socket handler ws passed to the handShake function can pass the client information outside, and you can build a send/broadcast API around it.
The ws function can be modified for example like this
let ws onConnect onDisconnect (webSocket: WebSocket) (context: HttpContext) =
let loop () = (* the socket logic stays the same *)
socket {
onConnect webSocket context
do! loop ()
onDisconnect context
Then it's up to you to inject the onConnect and onDisconnect handles to register/unregister clients.
I use a MailboxProcessor to serialize the Connect/Disconnect/Send operations, alternatively it's easy to use Reactive Extensions, or a shared mutable concurrent storage like ConcurrentDictionary...


ColdFusion API and Websockets

I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have a CF2021 Server which uses a Node.js websocket server and CF pages (via javascript) as a client. Messages from user to user work as expected, so no issue there.
This CF Server also has a custom API built using CFML that handles and routes inbound SMS messages. My question is; what would be the best way to send the SMS message (by now its json) to the Node.js websocket to it can send it to the user(s).
I tried using the same javascript that the browser client uses, but it appears that the CFML API script is "browser-less", so that doesn't work, or should it?
I thought something like Apache Groovy may be the solution, but I am having difficulties with any websocket example I have found.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
Flow matters.
If you want to handle an incoming message by delivering it to all currently logged in users who are subscribed to messages of the current sort: set up your message handler to deliver using lucee/adobe-coldfusion websockets. Be forewarned, Lucee takes some setup time, but once running, it is a great solution.
If you don't need immediate delivery, or you need a super simple solution: I actually have had some success with "Long Polling" you just have to remember to use "flush" early in the request, before any pause/sleep, then loop your message lookup requests for new data, with a 1-5 second delay between each loop. Once new data is found, I like to return the request to the client, close that polling request and start a new polling request using the client side. I typically won't poll for more than 60 seconds. Even if the returned json object is empty.

How to subscribe websocket by Chrome extensions?

I am try to implement a basic web socket app by following this tutorial:https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/
However, in that tutorial there was a client UI implementation. I don't want to use UI. Instead of the UI, I want to use a websocket client extension in Chrome for sending and seeing messages.
All codes same with the tutorial(except the UI part since I'dont want UI), so I don't rewrite all codes here.
I am able to connect and send message to the url: ws://localhost:8081/gs-guide-websocket for example,
However, I can't get response with this url: ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings. (I use this URL for getting responses by subscribing it. Because this topic/greetings path used in the UI side of that tutorial for subscription)
The Chrome extension that I used is Simple WebSocket Client.
Why I couldn't subscribe the ws://localhost:8081/topic/greetings url? and How can I get messages from the server by using the Chrome client websocket extensions?
Your application works with STOMP and SockJs, this plugin does not support that. It only works with ws. In this example, you can write a simple ws endpoint for your application:
example simple ws endpoint

Background processing on C# web api controller

I'm new on .NET technology and come into some problem. Currenlty i'm trying to build a REST API that handle long processing before sending the result to client.
What i'm trying to achieve is, i would like to do a background processing after receiving request from client. But, i would also like to send a response to client.
In short, it would be something like this.
Client Request -> Handled by controller ( doing some processing ) -> send response directly, ignoring the background that still running.
On Java, i can do this using Runnable Thread. How can i achieve this on C# Web API ?
Thank you.
In short, don't do this.
The job of an API is not to perform heavy duty, long running tasks.
You could simply let the API receive the request to perform something, then delegate that to another service. The API can then send a 200 response to show it received the request and maybe a URL to another resource which allows a user to track the progress.
The API needs to be available and responsive at all times. It needs to serve a number of users and if a number of them all request something that uses a lot of resources and takes a lot of time, chances are the API will simply go down and not serve anyone.
This is why you do not do such things in an API. Let other services do the heavy lifting.
Your api can call another async method and return 200/OK response without waiting for the request to complete.
You can learn more about async programing in c#.
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("coffee is ready");
var toastTask = MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(2);
async Task<Toast> MakeToastWithButterAndJamAsync(int number)
//Do something here.
This can be achieve this using loosed coupled architecture, by introducing service bus or blob storage, once you receive request in web api you can save it to blob/service bus and return acknowlegement response from web api. From service bus/blob storage use webjob/function/ durable function app to process the message using event.

socket.io to talk to server that is implementing RFC6455 in a strict fashion

I am trying to make my socket.io javascript client talk to a server implemented in cpp using websocketpp and its not working. Its surprising that I cant configure socket.io to fall back to real websockets when I need them.
Any one has any ideas or suggestions on this ? going back to websocket npm and re implementing my client is the only way ?
I tried this, but it does not work
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080', {
transports: [
socket.io is an additional protocol on top of webSocket so a socket.io client can ONLY talk to a socket.io server. While socket.io uses webSocket for the transport, it needs support for it's additional layer on top of webSocket to work properly.
If you want to talk to a plain webSocket server, then you should use a plain webSocket client.
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
// Connection opened
socket.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
socket.send('Hello Server!');
// Listen for messages
socket.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
console.log('Message from server', event.data);
You can probably find a socket.io server modules for cpp if you'd like to fix the server-side of things to talk socket.io.

Detecting client disconnect with PushStreamContent in Web API

Although HTTP is a stateless protocol, there's this PushStreamContent class that facilitates server-sent events, as you can read here. A Web API implementation may store client streams and periodically send push updates. However, it's a bit of a problem to detect when the client disconnects.
In this discussion, Henrik Nielsen states that:
Detecting that the TCP connection has been reset is something that the Host (ASP, WCF, etc.) monitors but in .NET 4 neither ASP nor WCF tells us (the Web API layer) about it. This means that the only reliable manner to detect a broken connection is to actually write data to it. This is why we have the try/catch around the write operation in the sample. That is, responses will get cleaned up when they fail and not before.
In .NET 4.5 there is a mechanism for detecting client disconnect but I haven't tried it out.
Fast forward two and a half years to today. Does anyone have any idea what this mechanism is, and whether it works?
An interesting response was post on this link : link to the article
this is a part of the answer
In .NET 4.5 there is a mechanism for detecting client disconnect but I haven't tried it out.
This (simplified) code works for me:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(HttpRequestMessage request)
// Register for client disconnect notifications
object clientId = ...; // this is the object passed to the callback
delegate (object obj)
// Client has cleanly disconnected
// obj is the clientId passed in to the register
// handle client disconnection
, clientId );
// Normal code from the sample continues
response.Content = new PushStreamContent(...);
The ClientDisconnect callback is called back if e.g. you close the client browser page cleanly, but if you pull the network cable out, it does not get notified. So for this unclean disconnection, we still need some other way of detecting this, such as monitoring failures during the timer callback.
