Spring web services, JMS transport and replay-to - spring

I need to send a soap message to a queue and wait for the response into another.
The correlationId in the second one (the response queue) is the message Id in the first the message send to the request queue.
I'd like to use spring-ws but I am out of ideas. Could you please give me some advice or small example?

You can use spring integration like this example https://github.com/snicoll/scratches/blob/master/jms-request-reply/src/main/java/net/nicoll/scratch/spring/boot/jms/sync/JmsRequestReply.java
Or spring jms to do request-reply http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/html/jms.html


Create thread and route message from Camel to microservice and back

I'm using Camel with JMS and Spring Boot and would like to build a route for next scenario:
User 1 (MQTT client) sends a message (topic) to ActiveMQ Artemis.
Camel (by using from) catch that message and print it out with a help of log.
Thing I would like to do is - create a new thread (asynchronous) for caught message. Send that message from Camel to microservice (python program) that should take message and insert some extra strings, and then send changed message back to Camel and ActiveMQ.
On the end, from ActiveMQ changed message will be sent to User 2.
Can you give me some directions or route examples of how to do something like that?
So, key points are to create new thread for every message and create route to and back from that microservice.
The route could look like this
Some notes:
You can call a downstream HTTP endpoint with .to(). The current message body is used as request body. The response of the service overwrites the message body.
I don't know why you want to create a new thread for a synchronous call. You can leverage parallel processing by consuming multiple messages from Artemis in parallel with multiple consumers. Like this, every message is processed in its own thread. If your motivation is resilience, there is also a Circuit Breaker EIP in Camel
If you use Camel 2.x, use the HTTP4 Component ("http4://") to use the newer HTTP client lib. In Camel 3.x the old one was dropped and the new one is simply called HTTP component

Example of RabbitMQ with RPC in Spring Integration

After make a search about different ways to implement it, im stuck.
What im looking for is to realize this example (https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-spring-amqp.html) with Spring Integration.
I had found interesting post as this (Spring integration with Rabbit AMQP for "Client Sends Message -> Server Receives & returns msg on return queue --> Client get correlated msg") but didn't help me with what i need.
My case mill be a system where a client call the "convertSendAndReceive" method and a server (basede on Spring Integration) will response.
According to your explanation it sounds like Outbound Gateway on the Client side and Inbound Gateway on the Server side pair is what you need.
Spring Integration AMQP support provides those implementations for you with built-in correlation functionality: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/5.0.0.RELEASE/reference/html/amqp.html

Spring Integration - How to add message on topic before sending back acknowledgement for SOAP web service using declarative approach

I am consuming SOAP web service using inbound-gateway.We need to put message in kafka topic and return a synchronous acknowledgement to requestor using declarative way of spring integration. Is this possible ?
public Acknowledgement process(#RequestPayload MessagePayload payload) {
// perform validation & logic
// need to send message to kafka topic using declarative way
// sending synchronous ack to request originator
return new Acknowledgement();
The kafka outbound channel adapter has a sync property setSync(true) when using java config sync="true" when using XML.
The calling thread (web container) will block until kafka assumes responsibility. If you use a publish-subscribe channel, make the kafka adapter the first consumer, and a service to build the Acknowledgement the second consumer (use the order property in the consumers to ensure proper ordering).
Or you can use a KafkaTemplate directly from your controller.

Spring-boot app displaying JMS messages on WebPage via WebSocket

I need a simple web-app in spring-boot that listens for messages on a JMS queue and when arriving it should appear on a webpage via WebSocket.
I have searched for examples and found several individual; either WebSocket or JMS which I have tested on their own but have not succeeded in wiring it together.
I have searched for an example but not found any and in my mind I think it should be pretty easy since it's a very basic requirement.
Do you know about any example with JMS and HTML display via WebSocket that you can share or can give some hints or help for me to solve it?
The Spring Integration comes to the rescue.
You can write <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter> to read messages from JMS queue and forward them to the <int-websocket:outbound-channel-adapter>. Where the last one just sends messages to the connected WebSocket session(s).
See these Spring Integration samples on the matter:
To send the message to all subscribed WebSocket session you should do something like this:
<int:splitter input-channel="enricheMessage" output-channel="sendMessage" apply-sequence="false">
#serverWebSocketContainer.sessions.keySet().collect {
.setHeader('simpSessionId', it)
With this Groovy script I retrieve session ids from the serverWebSocketContainer (all those connected clients), iterate over them to build messages to send them over their websocket. And split finally, to send to the <int-websocket:outbound-channel-adapter> one by one.

Spring AMQP request-response across 2 web applications

I would like an example/sample code of 2 simple spring web/java applications where I need to send messages from the 1 and the 2nd application must receive the messages and respond back. I looked at few that had request/response in the same application but unable to separate them. I'm new to Amqp & RabbitMQ. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
See the stock trading sample, request reply messaging (client side) and MessageListenerAdapter which automatically handles request/reply on the server side (where your service is a POJO).
