Create thread and route message from Camel to microservice and back - spring-boot

I'm using Camel with JMS and Spring Boot and would like to build a route for next scenario:
User 1 (MQTT client) sends a message (topic) to ActiveMQ Artemis.
Camel (by using from) catch that message and print it out with a help of log.
Thing I would like to do is - create a new thread (asynchronous) for caught message. Send that message from Camel to microservice (python program) that should take message and insert some extra strings, and then send changed message back to Camel and ActiveMQ.
On the end, from ActiveMQ changed message will be sent to User 2.
Can you give me some directions or route examples of how to do something like that?
So, key points are to create new thread for every message and create route to and back from that microservice.

The route could look like this
Some notes:
You can call a downstream HTTP endpoint with .to(). The current message body is used as request body. The response of the service overwrites the message body.
I don't know why you want to create a new thread for a synchronous call. You can leverage parallel processing by consuming multiple messages from Artemis in parallel with multiple consumers. Like this, every message is processed in its own thread. If your motivation is resilience, there is also a Circuit Breaker EIP in Camel
If you use Camel 2.x, use the HTTP4 Component ("http4://") to use the newer HTTP client lib. In Camel 3.x the old one was dropped and the new one is simply called HTTP component


Can we restrict spring boot rabbitmq message processing only between specific timings?

Using Spring boot #RabbitListener, we are able to process the AMQP messages.
Whenever a message sent to queue its immediately publish to destination exchange.
Using #RabbitListener we are able to process the message immediately.
But we need to process the message only between specific timings example 1AM to 6AM.
How to achieve that ?
First of all you can take a look into Delayed Exchange feature of RabbitMQ:
So, this way on the producer side you should determine how long the message should be delayed before it is routed to the main exchange for the actual consuming afterwards.
Another way is to take a look into Spring Integration and its Delayer component:
This way you will consume messages from the RabbitMQ, but will delay them in the target application logic.
And another way I see like start()/stop() the listener container for consumption and after according your timing requirements. This way the message is going to stay in the RabbitMQ until you start the listener container:

Spring web services, JMS transport and replay-to

I need to send a soap message to a queue and wait for the response into another.
The correlationId in the second one (the response queue) is the message Id in the first the message send to the request queue.
I'd like to use spring-ws but I am out of ideas. Could you please give me some advice or small example?
You can use spring integration like this example
Or spring jms to do request-reply

JMS with Spring Integration or Spring Batch

Our project is to integrate two applications, using the REST API of each and using JMS (to provide asynchronous nature). Application-1 writes the message on the queue. The next step is to read the message from the queue, process it, and send it to application2.
I have two questions:
Should we use one more queue for storing messages after processing and before sending them to application2?
Should we use spring batch or spring integration to read/process the data?
Or you don't show the whole premise, or you really try to overhead your app. If there is just need to read messages from the queue, there is just enough to use Spring JMS directly... From other side with the Spring Integration and its Adapters power you can just process messes from the <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter> to the <int-http:outbound-channel-adapter>.
Don't see reason to store message somewhere else in the reading and sending process. Just because with some exception here you just rollback your message to the JMS queue back.

Spring Integration handle http outbound gateway failures

There are multiple servers that are listening to activemq. The chain is configured to make the http [outbound gateway] call. Suppose one of the server picks up the message and in-between if the http call fails for some reason. The message should be put back to the queue, so that another server can pick up the message and process. Can this be achieved using Spring Integration. I read lot on Transaction, however unable to find workable way.
Yes, simply set acknowledge="transacted" on the <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter/> and, as long as you use only direct channels (no <queue/> on the channel or task-executor on the channel's dispatcher) then any failure will cause the message to roll back.

Is it possible in Camel to set different request timeout for each message send to ActiveMQ?

I have a Request/Reply with ActiveMQ processing Camel Route where the time needed to process a message is different depending on the message. Is it possible to set the requestTimeout inside of the Camel exchange instead of in the route definition?
This is not possible.
What is your use-case for using different timeouts?
We could look into adding such functionality to camel-jms.
