Xampp server issue: localhost/app_folder giving error 'connection reset' - xampp

Good morning!
My Xampp has been working fine till a few days ago.
i can access localhost/phpmyadmin - i see my db/tables all intact!
BUT i cant access localhost/ like i used to. it says connection reset.
when i try to access my application thru the site is not displayed as it is supposed to. images are missing and formatting is out. but i do know my php scripts are working since the menus are being correctly displayed and i am able to log in.
i dont use skype but i do have teamviewer and mu torrent
any ideas will be appreciated

I had the connection reset problem but I fixed it out by:
Disconnection from my WiFi
Uninstalling and re-installing the XamppServer
Checking if phpMyAdmin works (it did in my case)
Re-connecting to WiFi and enjoying the internet :)
Hope it might help


Some links refers to localhost but hosts file is fine

I am not sure what tags to add on this question. I will describe my situation as well as I can.
I open the virtual hosts at the chrome, run the phpstorm, read php code. After I searching the question of the code, then I refresh the page, and I am in trouble.
It is so sudden which is never happened before. I tried to figure out what is going on, but I got nothing.
All I know is some links refers to localhost automaticly and I have no idea about it.
The problem website is https://www.iviewui.com/docs/guide/install as far as I know.
I press f12, switch to Network panel and get these.
It seems https://file.iviewui.com/dist/main.9011c9acade2093b2da7.css not works well, so I visit https://file.iviewui.com directly then it shows me Access forbidden! . Ok, I visit http://file.iviewui.com, and it really confuses me that it shows the same result of localhost.
However I am not put the website into hosts file.
I have doubted that it might be caused by the proxy plugin. I open another brower firefox, still get the same result.
Also doubted that it might be caused by the virus, but it doesn't make sense. Actually I did use the safemgr software and still got nothing.
Tried stoping apache of xampp and get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED which means it really refers to localhost.
Before I ask this question, bootstrap website has the same problem.I was editing this question meanwhile I visited bootstrap website again and problem disappeared. I still don't know why and iView website still has the problem.
Tried restarting the computer and problem is still there.

500 error on local Laragon website

I usually don't have any problem with Laragon as it works pretty good. I had no problem using Laravel.
But recently, my laptop made a Windows update, and since it restarted, nothing works anymore.
By nothing, I mean that when I try to load my virtual host "foo.dev", I have a 500 error without any info. So I tried the old way by going on localhost/www/foo/public and it loaded my website. Great !
But new bad news, impossible to connect to the database, even using a software, as if the password had been changed...
I don't have any idea on how to fix these problems and where does the problem comes from...So I'm asking for your help, if anyone has already faced a similar problem and reached to solve it.
Thank you.
I guess when updated your windows, Chrom also updated and apparently Chrome made new release that forces .dev, .app, and a few other TLDs to use HTTPS. The best fix is to use .local instead of another TLD.
see this question for more info

Codekit with Ampps browser refreshing not working

Was hoping if someone could help me figure this out. When I click on "preview" in codekit I get
"Unable to preview
CodeKit's internal server is not running. Various network issues can cause this, including certain VPNs. Disable any VPNs and/or reboot your Mac and try again"
If I turn off the servers in Ampps, codekit attempts to but I just get an error since Ampps isn't running to serve the page.
Any ideas on what to do? I've been goig through all the settings in Ampps trying to find something, but I'm coming up empty.
Thanks in advance
Sorry. It was a firewall causing the issue. TCP block to be specific. I disabled it and all was good.

MAMP suddenly stopped working

My MAMP install on my local mac has suddenly stopped working.
By stopped working I mean that I can no longer access any of my sites nor can I load the MAMP WebStart page. I cannot access PhpMyAdmin either. All attempts to any of the pages result in the following:
The server at localhost can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
I have had MAMP installed on my machine for almost two years without a single problem.
I upgraded the OS to Yosemite a few days ago.
Now today it was working fine this AM and now at 9AM I can no longer access any of my sites or the start page to diagnose the problem.
The MAMP interface to start/stop servers is accessible and it shows and allows me to start and stop the servers.
What I've tried:
Changing the port ids
Upgrading MAMP to the latest version
Nothing I have attempted thus far has worked.
Has anyone ever experienced this and if so how did you resolve the issue?
Somehow my etc/hosts file had been completely wiped clean.
Not sure how or why or what caused the file to be blown away.
Luckily I had a copy to restore from.
After the restore everything is once again functioning properly.
Thanks to #emrys57 for the tip to look here: DNS Lookup failed - Error with all browsers

Windows 8.1 puTTY empty window

first post here.
I just got started on a windows 8.1 machine. I downloaded putty and ran the installer, but when I attempt to connect to anything, I just get an empty window. Attached is an image to clarify.
I tried a few other clients and got the same problem, although filezilla seems to work fine for ftp.
Does anyone know what might cause this problem?
(PS responses in super noob language would be appreciated. I am pretty new to these things.)
Looks like it won't let me add images because I don't have enough clout yet.
check that your device is not IP-access restricted. It would allow connections from existing devices, but not the new.
