Substituting specific string using sed followed by a dot (.) - bash

I am doing some substitution in files as follows:
file: abc.txt
`include foo.h
int main
int foo
foo and bar
I want to replace 'foo' inside the braces, but I don't want to replace the 'foo' written in the include directive.
I tried using :
sed -i "s/\bfoo\b/my_foo/g"
Output :
`include my_foo.h
int main
int my_foo
my_foo and bar
Any suggestions ??

To match a string not followed by a . and optionally followed by an end of line
sed -E 's/foo[^.]?$/my_foo/g' test.txt
It needs extended regular expressions. The -E on macos or -r on linux (man sed).
There are regex testers such as that allow for exploration of regular expressions, or lots of IDE have them built in.
e.g. Regex to match URL end-of-line or "/" character

sed '/include/b; s/foo/my_&/' foo
include foo.h
int main
int my_foo
This means, if include is found, branch jump to end of the command.

I believe this command is what you are looking for:
If you want to replace all lines having foo excluding lines with include
sed -i '/foo/ {/include/! s/foo/my_foo/g}' test
If you want to replace all entries of foo excluding entries having foo.
sed -i '/foo/ {/foo./! s/foo/my_foo/g}' test
As the last line of question and title seems ambiguous, I have answered both situations.
Session output:
$ cat test
include foo.h
int main
int foo
$ sed -i '/foo/ {/foo./! s/foo/my_foo/g}' test
$ cat test
include foo.h
int main
int my_foo

Try this:
sed -i "/^[^`]/ s/\bfoo\b/my_foo/g"
What it does is "Only apply the substitution to lines whose first character is not ` (backtick)."


Replace text in file if previous line matches another text

My file looks like this:
foo bar
foo = bar
foo bar
foo = bar
foo bar
foo = bar
What I would like to do is to write a script that replaces the bar in foo = bar but only if it belongs to FooBarB. So in the example above only the second bar out of all foo = bar lines should be replaced.
I've played around with sed but I just can't get it done right. I would also like to avoid installing any tools that aren't necessarily pre-installed on the system (I'm on Mac OS), since the script will be used by other team members too.
One way to do it with sed (tested using macOS's sed and GNU sed), would be this:
#!/usr/bin/env sed -Ef
/FooBarB/,/^FooBar/ {
Here's what it does:
/FooBarB/,/^FooBar/ matches a range of lines where the first line matches the regex /FooBarB/ and the last line matches the regex /^FooBar/ (which is the start of the next "group"). The comma between the two regexes is the syntax for range matching in sed.
s/(foo[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*).+/\1new-value/ — [s]ubstitutes (in the matched range of lines) whatever matches the regex (foo[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*).+ with \1new-value, where \1 references the first capturing group in the search regex. The search regex looks for foo followed by optional whitespace, followed by an = sign, followed again by whitespace and then whatever else is there, which in your case is the old value.
You could do it all in just one line, but I wanted to show a version that's a bit more digestible (as far as sed goes, in any case):
sed -E '/FooBarA/,/^FooBar/s/(foo[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*).+/\1new-value/'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/FooBarB/{:a;n;/^$/b;/foo = bar/!ba;s//foo = baz/}' file
Match on the string FooBarB and start a loop.
Fetch the next line and study it.
If the line is empty the stanza is done, so break out of the loop.
If the line does not contains the string foo = bar, fetch the next line and continue the loop.
Otherwise, substitute the new value for bar and finish the loop.
Alternative (which may work for macos users?):
sed -e '/FooBarB/{:a' -e 'n;/^$/b;/foo = bar/!ba;s//foo = baz/;}' file
Since the OP changed the input data to the question another solution:
sed '/FooBar/h;G;/FooBarB/s/foo = bar/foo = baz/;P;d' file
Using any awk in any shell on every Unix box:
$ awk -v tgt='FooBarB' -v val='whatever' '
NF==1{tag=$0} (NF>1) && (tag==tgt) && sub(/=.*/,"= "){$0=$0 val}
1' file
foo bar
foo = bar
foo bar
foo = whatever
foo bar
foo = bar
For reference, the GNU awk variant:
awk -v v="newvalue" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\n";RS=ORS="\n\n"}$1=="FooBarB"{$3="foo = " v}1' file
By using the option -v, the variable v holds the wanted string.
The BEGIN statement sets respectively the input, output field separator, the input and output record separator to one and two carriage return.
That way a record is composed of the block of several lines containing the pattern Foobar[ABC].
The last statement sets the new value by rewriting the third line.

Use `sed` to replace text in code block with output of command at the top of the code block

I have a markdown file that has snippets of code resembling the following example:
$ cat docs/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, world"
This means there there's a file at the location docs/, whose contents is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Hello, world"
I'd like to parse the markdown file with sed (awk or perl works too) and replace the bottom section of the code snippet with whatever the above bash command evaluates to, for example whatever cat docs/ evaluates to.
Perl to the rescue!
perl -0777 -pe 's/(?<=```\n)^(\$ (.*)\n\n)(?^s:.*?)(?=```)/"$1".qx($2)/meg' < input > output
-0777 slurps the whole file into memory
-p prints the input after processing
s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/ works similarly to a substitution in sed
/g replaces globally, i.e. as many times as it can
/m makes ^ match start of each line instead of start of the whole input string
/e evaluates the replacement as code
(?<=```\n) means "preceded by three backquotes and a newline"
(?^s:.*?) changes the behaviour of . to match newlines as well, so it matches (frugally because of the *?) the rest of the preformatted block
(?=```) means "followed by three backquotes`
qx runs the parameter in a shell and returns its output
A sed-only solution is easier if you have the GNU version with an e command.
That said, here's a quick, simplistic, and kinda clumsy version I knocked out that doesn't bother to check the values of previous or following lines - it just assumes your format is good, and bulls through without any looping or anything else. Still, for my example code, it worked.
I started by making an a, a b, and an x that is the markup file.
$: cat a
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello, World!"
$: cat b
#! /bin/bash
echo "SCREW YOU!!!!"
$: cat x
$ cat a
" b a z ! "
$ cat b
" b a z ! "
Then I wrote s which is the sed script.
$: cat s
#! /bin/env bash
sed -En '
/^```$/,/^```$/ {
# for the lines starting with the $ prompt
/^[$] / {
# save the command to the hold space
# write the ``` header to the pattern space
# print the fabricated header
# swap the command back in
# the next line should be blank - add it to the current pattern space
# first print the line of code as-is with the (assumed) following blank line
# scrub the $ (prompt) off the command
s/^[$] //
# execute the command - store the output into the pattern space
# print the output
# put the markdown footer back
# and print that
# for the (to be discarded) existing lines of "content"
' $*
It does the job and might get you started.
$: s x
$ cat a
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello, World!"
$ cat b
#! /bin/bash
echo "SCREW YOU!!!!"
Lots of caveats - better to actually check that the $ follows a line of backticks and is followed by a blank line, maybe make sure nothing bogus could be in the file to get executed... but this does what you asked, with (GNU) sed.
Good luck.
A rare case when use of getline would be appropriate:
$ cat tst.awk
state == "importing" {
while ( (getline line < $NF) > 0 ) {
print line
state = "imported"
$0 == "```" { state = (state ? "" : "importing") }
state != "imported" { print }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
See for getline uses and caveats.

Split text file basing on date tag / timestamp

I have big log file containing date tags. It looks like this:
[01/11/2015, 02:19]
[01/11/2015, 08:40]
[04/11/2015, 12:21]
[08/11/2015, 14:12]
[09/11/2015, 11:25]
[15/11/2015, 19:22]
[15/11/2015, 21:55]
and so on. I need to split these data into files of days, like:
[01/11/2015, 02:19]
[01/11/2015, 08:40]
[04/11/2015, 12:21]
etc. How can I do that using any of unix tools?
I don't think there's a tool that will do it without a little programming, but with Awk the little programming really isn't all that hard.
/^\[[0-3][0-9]\/[01][0-9]\/[12][0-9]{3},/ {
if ($1 != old_date)
if (outfile != "") close(outfile);
outfile = sprintf("%.2d.txt", ++filenum);
old_date = $1
{ print > outfile }
The first (bigger) block of code recognizes the date string, which is also in $1 (so the condition could be made more precise by referring to $1, but the benefit it minimal to non-existent). Inside the actions, it checks to see if the date is different from the last date it remembered. If so, it checks whether it has a file open and closes it if necessary (close is part of POSIX awk). Then it generates a new file name, and remembers the current date it is processing.
The second smaller block simply writes the current line to the current file.
awk -f script.awk data
This assumes you have a file script.awk; you could provide it as a script argument if you prefer. If the whole is encapsulated in a shell script, I'd use an expression rather than a second file, but I find it convenient for development to use a file. (The shell script would contain awk '…the script…' "$#" with no separate file.)
Example output files
Given the sample data from the question, the output is in five files, 01.txt .. 05.txt.
$ for file in 0?.txt; do boxecho $file; cat $file; done
** 01.txt **
[01/11/2015, 02:19]
[01/11/2015, 08:40]
** 02.txt **
[04/11/2015, 12:21]
** 03.txt **
[08/11/2015, 14:12]
** 04.txt **
[09/11/2015, 11:25]
** 05.txt **
[15/11/2015, 19:22]
[15/11/2015, 21:55]
The boxecho command is a simple script that echoes its arguments in a box of stars:
echo "** $* **" | sed -e h -e s/./*/g -e p -e x -e p -e x
Revised file name format
I wish have output as a [day].txt or [day].[month].[year].txt, based on date in file. Is that possible?
Yes; it is possible and not particularly hard. The split function is one way of dealing with breaking up the value in $1. The regex specifies that square brackets, slashes and commas are the field separators. There are 5 sub-fields in the value in $1: an empty field before the [, the three numeric components separated by slashes and an empty field after the ,. The array name, dmy, is mnemonic for the sequence in which the components are stored.
/^\[[0-3][0-9]\/[01][0-9]\/[12][0-9]{3},/ {
if ($1 != old_date)
if (outfile != "") close(outfile)
n = split($1, dmy, "[/\[,]")
outfile = sprintf("%s.%s.%s.txt", dmy[4], dmy[3], dmy[2])
old_date = $1
{ print > outfile }
Permute the numbers 4, 3, 2 in the sprintf() statement to suit yourself. The given order is year, month, day, which has many merits including that it is exploiting the ISO 8601 standard and the files sort automatically into date order. I strongly counsel its use, but you may do as you wish. For the sample data and the input shown in the question, the files it generates are:
This is my idea. I use sed command and awk script.
$ cat biglog
[01/11/2015, 02:19]
[01/11/2015, 08:40]
[04/11/2015, 12:21]
[08/11/2015, 14:12]
$ cat sample.awk
#!/bin/awk -f
FS = "\n"
RS = "\n\n"
date = substr($1, 2, 2)
filename = date ".txt"
for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
print $i >> filename
How to use
sed -e 's/^\(\[[0-9][0-9]\)/\n\1/' biglog | sed -e 1d | ./sample.awk
ls *.txt
01.txt 04.txt 08.txt
$ cat 01.txt
$ cat 04.txt
$ cat 08.txt
yet another awk
$ awk -F"[[/,]" -v d="." '/^[\[0-9\/, :\]]*$/{f=$4 d $3 d $2 d"txt"}
{print $0>f}' file
$ ls 20*
2015.11.01.txt 2015.11.04.txt 2015.11.08.txt 2015.11.09.txt 2015.11.15.txt
$ cat 2015.11.01.txt
[01/11/2015, 02:19]
[01/11/2015, 08:40]

awk substitution ascii table rules bash

I want to perform a hierarchical set of (non-recursive) substitutions in a text file.
I want to define the rules in an ascii file "table.txt" which contains lines of blank space tabulated pairs of strings:
aaa 3
aa 2
a 1
I have tried to solve it with an awk script "substitute.awk":
BEGIN { while (getline < file) { subs[$1]=$2; } }
{ line=$0; for(i in subs)
{ gsub(i,subs[i],line); }
print line;
When I call the script giving it the string "aaa":
echo aaa | awk -v file="table.txt" -f substitute.awk
I get
instead of the desired "3". Permuting the lines in "table.txt" doesn't help. Who can explain what the problem is here, and how to circumvent it? (This is a simplified version of my actual task. Where I have a large file containing ascii encoded phonetic symbols which I want to convert into Latex code. The ascii encoding of the symbols contains {$,&,-,%,[a-z],[0-9],...)).
Any comments and suggestions!
Of course in this application for a substitution table.txt:
aa ab
a 1
a original string: "aa" should be converted into "ab" and not "1b". That means a string which was yielded by applying a rule must be left untouched.
How to account for that?
The order of the loop for (i in subs) is undefined by default.
In newer versions of awk you can use PROCINFO["sorted_in"] to control the sort order. See section 12.2.1 Controlling Array Traversal and (the linked) section 8.1.6 Using Predefined Array Scanning Orders for details about that.
Alternatively, if you can't or don't want to do that you could store the replacements in numerically indexed entries in subs and walk the array in order manually.
To do that you will need to store both the pattern and the replacement in the value of the array and that will require some care to combine. You can consider using SUBSEP or any other character that cannot be in the pattern or replacement and then split the value to get the pattern and replacement in the loop.
Also note the caveats/etcץ with getline listed on and consider not using that manually but instead using NR==1{...} and just listing table.txt as the first file argument to awk.
Edit: Actually, for the manual loop version you could also just keep two arrays one mapping input file line number to the patterns to match and another mapping patterns to replacements. Then looping over the line number array will get you the pattern and the pattern can be used in the second array to get the replacement (for gsub).
Instead of storing the replacements in an associative array, put them in two arrays indexed by integer (one array for the strings to replace, one for the replacements) and iterate over the arrays in order:
BEGIN {i=0; while (getline < file) { subs[i]=$1; repl[i++]=$2}
n = i}
{ for(i=0;i<n;i++) { gsub(subs[i],repl[i]); }
print tolower($0);
It seems like perl's zero-width word boundary is what you want. It's a pretty straightforward conversion from the awk:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %subs;
open my $f, '<', 'table.txt' or die "table.txt:$!";
while(<$f>) {
my ($k,$v) = split;
while(<>) {
while(my($k, $v) = each %subs) {
Here's an answer pulled from another StackExchange site, from a fairly similar question: Replace multiple strings in a single pass.
It's slightly different in that it does the replacements in inverse order by length of target string (i.e. longest target first), but that is the only sensible order for targets which are literal strings, as appears to be the case in this question as well.
If you have tcc installed, you can use the following shell function, which process the file of substitutions into a lex-generated scanner which it then compiles and runs using tcc's compile-and-run option.
# Call this as: substitute replacements.txt < text_to_be_substituted.txt
# Requires GNU sed because I was too lazy to write a BRE
substitute () {
tcc -run <(
printf %s\\n "%option 8bit noyywrap nounput" "%%"
sed -r 's/((\\\\)*)(\\?)$/\1\3\3/;
s/^((\\.|[^[:space:]])+)[[:space:]]*(.*)/"\1" {fputs("\3",yyout);}/' \
printf %s\\n "%%" "int main(int argc, char** argv) { return yylex(); }"
} | lex -t)
With gcc or clang, you can use something similar to compile a substitution program from the replacement list, and then execute that program on the given text. Posix-standard c99 does not allow input from stdin, but gcc and clang are happy to do so provided you tell them explicitly that it is a C program (-x c). In order to avoid excess compilations, we use make (which needs to be gmake, Gnu make).
The following requires that the list of replacements be in a file with a .txt extension; the cached compiled executable will have the same name with a .exe extension. If the makefile were in the current directory with the name Makefile, you could invoke it as make repl (where repl is the name of the replacement file without a text extension), but since that's unlikely to be the case, we'll use a shell function to actually invoke make.
Note that in the following file, the whitespace at the beginning of each line starts with a tab character:
%: %.exe
%.exe: %.txt
#{ printf %s\\n "%option 8bit noyywrap nounput" "%%"; \
sed -r \
's/((\\\\)*)(\\?)$$/\1\3\3/; #\
s/((\\\\)*)\\?"/\1\\"/g; #\
s/^((\\.|[^[:space:]])+)[[:space:]]*(.*)/"\1" {fputs("\3",yyout);}/' \
"$<"; \
printf %s\\n "%%" "int main(int argc, char** argv) { return yylex(); }"; \
} | lex -t | c99 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -O2 -x c -o "$#" -
Shell function to invoke the above:
substitute() {
gmake -f/path/to/substitute.mak "${1%.txt}"
You can invoke the above command with:
substitute file
where file is the name of the replacements file. (The filename must end with .txt but you don't have to type the file extension.)
The format of the input file is a series of lines consisting of a target string and a replacement string. The two strings are separated by whitespace. You can use any valid C escape sequence in the strings; you can also \-escape a space character to include it in the target. If you want to include a literal \, you'll need to double it.
If you don't want C escape sequences and would prefer to have backslashes not be metacharacters, you can replace the sed program with a much simpler one:
sed -r 's/([\\"])/\\\1/g' "$<"; \
(The ; \ is necessary because of the way make works.)
a) Don't use getline unless you have a very specific need and fully understand all the caveats, see
b) Don't use regexps when you want strings (yes, this means you cannot use sed).
c) The while loop needs to constantly move beyond the part of the line you've already changed or you could end up in an infinite loop.
You need something like this:
$ cat substitute.awk
if (NF==2) {
strings[++numStrings] = $1
old2new[$1] = $2
for (stringNr=1; stringNr<=numStrings; stringNr++) {
old = strings[stringNr]
new = old2new[old]
slength = length(old)
tail = $0
$0 = ""
while ( sstart = index(tail,old) ) {
$0 = $0 substr(tail,1,sstart-1) new
tail = substr(tail,sstart+slength)
$0 = $0 tail
$ echo aaa | awk -f substitute.awk table.txt -
$ echo aaaa | awk -f substitute.awk table.txt -
and adding some RE metacharacters to table.txt to show they are treated just like every other character and showing how to run it when the target text is stored in a file instead of being piped:
$ cat table.txt
aaa 3
aa 2
a 1
. 7
\ 4
* 9
$ cat foo
$ awk -f substitute.awk table.txt foo
Your new requirement requires a solution like this:
$ cat substitute.awk
if (NF==2) {
strings[++numStrings] = $1
old2new[$1] = $2
delete news
for (stringNr=1; stringNr<=numStrings; stringNr++) {
old = strings[stringNr]
new = old2new[old]
slength = length(old)
tail = $0
$0 = ""
charPos = 0
while ( sstart = index(tail,old) ) {
charPos += sstart
news[charPos] = new
$0 = $0 substr(tail,1,sstart-1) RS
tail = substr(tail,sstart+slength)
$0 = $0 tail
numChars = split($0, olds, "")
$0 = ""
for (charPos=1; charPos <= numChars; charPos++) {
$0 = $0 (charPos in news ? news[charPos] : olds[charPos])
$ cat table.txt
1 a
2 b
$ echo "121212" | awk -f substitute.awk table.txt -

Replace strings in multiple files with corresponding caps using bash on MacOSX

I have multiple .txt files, in which I want to replace the strings
old -> new
Old -> New
The first step is to only replace one string Old->New. Here is my current code, but it does not do the job (the files remain unchanged). The sed line works only if I replace the variables with the actual strings.
sed -i '.bak' 's/$old_string/$new_string/g' *.txt
Also, how do I convert a string to all upper-caps and all lower-caps?
Thank you very much for your advice!
To complement #merlin2011's helpful answer:
If you wanted to create the case variants dynamically, try this:
# Define search and replacement strings
# as all-lowercase.
# Loop 3 times and create the case variants dynamically.
# Build up a _single_ sed command that performs all 3
# replacements.
for (( i = 1; i <= 3; i++ )); do
case $i in
1) # as defined (all-lowercase)
2) # initial capital
old_string_variant="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<"${old_string:0:1}")${old_string:1}"
new_string_variant="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<"${new_string:0:1}")${new_string:1}"
3) # all-uppercase
old_string_variant=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<"$old_string")
new_string_variant=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<<"$new_string")
# Append to the sed command string. Note the use of _double_ quotes
# to ensure that variable references are expanded.
sedCmd+="s/$old_string_variant/$new_string_variant/g; "
# Finally, invoke sed.
sed -i '.bak' "$sedCmd" *.txt
Note that bash 4 supports case conversions directly (as part of parameter expansion), but OS X, as of 10.9.3, is still on bash 3.2.51.
Alternative solution, using awk to create the case variants and synthesize the sed command:
Aside from being shorter, it is also more robust, because it also handles strings correctly that happen to contain characters that are regex metacharacters (characters with special meaning in an regular expression, e.g., *) or have special meaning in sed's s function's replacement-string parameter (e.g., \), through appropriate escaping; without escaping, the sed command would not work as expected.
Caveat: Doesn't support strings with embedded \n chars. (though that could be fixed, too).
# Define search and replacement strings as all-lowercase literals.
# Synthesize the sed command string, utilizing awk and its tolower() and toupper()
# functions to create the case variants.
# Note the need to escape \ chars to prevent awk from interpreting them.
sedCmd=$(awk \
-v old_string="${old_string//\\/\\\\}" \
-v new_string="${new_string//\\/\\\\}" \
printf "s/%s/%s/g; s/%s/%s/g; s/%s/%s/g",
old_string, new_string,
toupper(substr(old_string,1,1)) substr(old_string,2), toupper(substr(new_string,1,1)) substr(new_string,2),
toupper(old_string), toupper(new_string)
# Invoke sed with the synthesized command.
# The inner sed command ensures that all regex metacharacters in the strings
# are escaped so that sed treats them as literals.
sed -i '.bak' "$(sed 's#[][(){}^$.*?+\]#\\&#g' <<<"$sedCmd")" *.txt
If you want to do bash variable expansion inside the argument to sed, you need to use double quotes " instead of single quotes '.
sed -i '.bak' "s/$old_string/$new_string/g" *.txt
In terms of getting matches on all three of the literal substitutions, the cleanest solution may be just to run sed three times in a loop like this.
declare -a olds=(old Old OLD)
declare -a news=(new New NEW)
for i in `seq 0 2`; do
sed -i "s/${olds[$i]}/${news[$i]}/g" *.txt
Update: The solution above works on Linux, but apparently OS X has different requirements. Additionally, as #mklement0 mentioned, my for loop is silly. Here is an improved version for OS X.
declare -a olds=(old Old OLD)
declare -a news=(new New NEW)
for (( i = 0; i < ${#olds[#]}; i++ )); do
sed -i '.bak' "s/${olds[$i]}/${news[$i]}/g" *.txt
Assuming each string is separated by spaces from your other strings and that you don't want partial matches within longer strings and that you don't care about preserving white space on output and assuming that if an "old" string matches on a "new" string after a previous conversion operation, then the string should be changed again:
$ cat tst.awk
for (fldNr=1; fldNr<=NF; fldNr++) {
for (stringNr=1; stringNr in oldStrs; stringNr++) {
oldStr = oldStrs[stringNr]
if (tolower($fldNr) == oldStr) {
newStr = newStrs[stringNr]
$fldNr = ""
for (charNr=1; charNr in fldChars; charNr++) {
fldChar = fldChars[charNr]
newChar = newChars[charNr]
$fldNr = $fldNr ( fldChar ~ /[[:lower:]]/ ?
newChar : toupper(newChar) )
$ cat file
The old Old OLD smOLDering QuICk brown FoX jumped
$ awk -v old="old" -v new="new" -f tst.awk file
The new New NEW smOLDering QuICk brown FoX jumped
Note that the "old" in "smOLDering" did not get changed. Is that desirable?
$ awk -v old="QUIck Fox" -v new="raBid DOG" -f tst.awk file
The old Old OLD smOLDering RaBId brown DoG jumped
$ awk -v old="THE brown Jumped" -v new="FEW dingy TuRnEd" -f tst.awk file
Few old Old OLD smOLDering QuICk dingy FoX turned
Think about whether or not this is your expected output:
$ awk -v old="old new" -v new="new yes" -f tst.awk file
The yes Yes YES smOLDering QuICk brown FoX jumped
A few lines of sample input and expected output in the question would be useful to avoid all the guessing and assumptions.
