Woocommerce website very slow - performance

I'm testing a woocommerce website which should go online next week. I'm facing serious problems regarding the load time. Seems that the initial load time is really really slow slow (about 20sec). When activating the coming soon mode all seems normal.
18 sec go to waiting for the page being able to be displayed. I've already tried disabeling all plugins but that doesn't help.
Any ideas? I'm getting quite desperate :-)
link to pingdom speed test
link to gt metrix speed test


Random slow content download, while TTFB remains low

I'm developing a Magento2 website, everything is running well for now, except a random issue I can't figure out how to solve.
The website is using Varnish, and all pages have a varnish cache HIT, with a very low TTFB about 30ms and low content download too (about 40ms)
But randomly, the download timing increases to more than 2 seconds, and on the next page visit it will go down to normal 40ms.
Same issue on all browsers, so not a browser issue.
Would someone have an idea ?
Many thanks
There are so many factors at play. The most important thing is whether or not you can simulate the issue and predict when the issue will appear again.
Once you're able to simulate, you need to determine what type of resource is slow:
Is it the graphical rendering of the page in the browser?
Is there a 3rd party JS resource that is slow?
Is it the actual TTFB of the main page that is slow for that resource?
Please use your browser's development tools and check the breakdown in the networking tab. With enough attempts, you'll be able to spot the issue. When you do, please add a screenshot of the breakdown in this question.
In parallel, you can keep the following command running to identify requests that took more than 2 seconds to process:
varnishlog -g request -q "Timestamp:Resp[2] > 2.0"
You can also add the output to your question.

33 second load time - Optimized website, good host. This is KILLING ME....

So im crazy frustrated right now... I have applied all the speed-optimizing techniques I know and the site still takes 20+ seconds to load. The site even has ratings above 80 on pagespeed insights and gtmetrix. here is the site sthlmhotel.se and also ettsmart.se. Both are hosted on a decent hosting plan so I don't think thats the problem. there seems to be a long time-to-first-byte. But I dont really know what that means.
I will be so grateful for any help at all on this!

Slow Web site speeds

I am currently trying to fix some speed issues on a site for a client (not built by myself), but can't figure out how to increase the speed of the site. It is built on WordPress and I have tried multiple things to get it working - to no avail. Any help would be appreciated!
There is plenty of information here.
It the WP Loop.
The 7.69 second load time for index.php
It's the WP plug-ins in the WP Loop that are causing the long load time.
If the site is static then just save the pages and serve them as static.
It appears the waterfall is cut off. somewhere down below that there is very likely a CSS or font file being loaded that is delaying the Start Render.
Correction, this page is a basket case and it should be redesigned from the ground up.

Why does a cached file have a high Waiting (TTFB) or Content Loaded ms value?

I'm looking at a waterfall in Chromes Developer tools of several CSS and Javascript files.
When refreshing the page, several of the files load from the browser cache, as expected. These are taking 1ms to load most of the time. However some files, and it seems to be the same offenders each refresh, are taking quite a bit longer. Sometthing between 400ms and 800ms.
The waterfall timeline in Chromes network tab shows that this time is spent in the TTFB (time to first byte) in some cases. This doesn't make any sense to me, if it's getting it from the browser cache it should be getting it from the hard drive, not the server, why is there a TTFB?
For other files or sometimes on a different refresh I see the time is blamed on content dowloaded time. Again, coming from cache this should be pretty instantaneous, yet I'm seeing it take over half a second sometimes.
Can anyone shed some light on what's happening here?
This is a web app I'm working on so I don't have a link I can share I'm afraid.

Website running slow in IE with no specific reason why

We have a website that a few people are complaining about it running extremely slow. We're struggling to figure out why and to even recreate it. Most are mentioning that it's running slow in IE.
It's not limited to any specific section of the site, just the whole thing in general.
There's been several developers creating/adjusting the code so it's overly bloated but we can't see any specific reason why this should happen.
Can anyone see why?
We've also run a speed test:
I was running a profiling test with IE on your website and there is a call to:
Which is giving error 404 not found and taking 1 second to complete (0.91 sec).
If is found all around your css under this line:
Am no expert !! Am welcome to better suggestion and corrections of what i am about to say
You can try using a trial version of Borland Silk meter ..
They tend to measure the speed with which each element loads using various browsers and various geographical locations which are configurable by you.
Also , since only some of the user's are complaining about the speed being an issue you should also check the speed of their internet and their browser version and other addon etc of those users. Because sometimes the problem is not only with the server .
Try the above tool to confirm nothing is wrong in your server and then proceed to checking the client's browser and network.
