Website running slow in IE with no specific reason why - performance

We have a website that a few people are complaining about it running extremely slow. We're struggling to figure out why and to even recreate it. Most are mentioning that it's running slow in IE.
It's not limited to any specific section of the site, just the whole thing in general.
There's been several developers creating/adjusting the code so it's overly bloated but we can't see any specific reason why this should happen.
Can anyone see why?
We've also run a speed test:

I was running a profiling test with IE on your website and there is a call to:
Which is giving error 404 not found and taking 1 second to complete (0.91 sec).
If is found all around your css under this line:

Am no expert !! Am welcome to better suggestion and corrections of what i am about to say
You can try using a trial version of Borland Silk meter ..
They tend to measure the speed with which each element loads using various browsers and various geographical locations which are configurable by you.
Also , since only some of the user's are complaining about the speed being an issue you should also check the speed of their internet and their browser version and other addon etc of those users. Because sometimes the problem is not only with the server .
Try the above tool to confirm nothing is wrong in your server and then proceed to checking the client's browser and network.


why would delay my site load time?

It seems just recently my site's load-time is being delayed for about 30seconds due to Vimeo's
What i don't understand is that if i follow the link directly it loads up instantly so i am not sure why it would it cause load time delays on my site?
i already checked with my host and they see no problem on their end.
anyone have some insight?
For anyone who comes across this as well, for some reason that link just doesn't seem to work anymore, although I couldn't really find any news as to why, the newer link is this one:
That works as of today

Code Combat not interacting locally

I wanted to install Code Combat locally to be also able to understand it better. I have followed the steps (for Mac OSX, I have Yosemite) described at:
Everything worked. I have all the scripts running, without problems, mongo is up and running, the game is starting, but then, the game itself can't be proceeded.
I haven't restored the mongo dump, which is 2GB fat and which I can't download easily with my current internet connection, but it seems to be optional.
Looking on the console, I have a couple 404 that I can't explain, see below. If somebody could help me to get the game running locally, I would be very grateful.
GET /db/thang.type/529ffbf1cf1818f2be000001/version 404
GET /db/level/dungeons-of-kithgard/session 404
As well as the mp3 files, which I am fine not to have.
Thanks in advance,
PS: I would have liked to specify more tags, but as it concerns many languages and doesn't have a specific tag, I didn't know which one to add
OK, it's mandatory to have a mongo dump to have the base elements for the levels. But 2GB is too much and a solution will attempt to be found to be able to export only the required data. 200MB should be enough
UPDATE: With the following ticket being implemented, the size is reduced to less than 100MB:

Can someone explain this website speed test result?

I have taken over the management of a site - Expand in the USA. The site loads far more slowly than would be expected given its content and the fact that it has been optimized. When I run a speed test using Pingdom, I find that the bottleneck is the time that it takes to connect with the server (as highlighted in this screenshot). I am relatively inexperienced with this type of issue and was hoping someone might be able to suggest the root cause so that I can work on resolving it.
Hi instead of pingdom you please check with .Gtmetrix will give you exactly what is the problem.Try to install Pagespeed in your server which really helps to improve the performance and you will fell the difference even.

Monitoring Hosting Performance

I've been building a site, running Wordpress 3.2.1 and noticed
the performance is sluggish in the front and back end.
I believe the problem is hosting specific.
The problem seems to be the connection loading the actual HTML
which is taking about 5.5 seconds. It appears to finish after
about 500ms, but does not stop loading for 3-4 more seconds.
Here is the development URL:
Windows NT
PHP Version 5.2.10
There are a couple of jQuery select boxes that get
replaced and styled onload (in the footer), these take a
long time to get replaced after the page fully loads.
The hosts are claiming all is running properly. Is there
any thing I can try and tweak or monitor to see what
is going on? Or any suggestions?
For largely extrinsic causes, try YSlow. This will identify a number of things you can work on. It won't tell you anything about the internal behavior of your server, but it may help you narrow down what's going on.
The problem may be a specific plugin. Here's what I would recommend:
Try going through each plugin, deactivating it, and see if that makes your site load faster. Do this for each plugin, and if a deactivated plugin doesn't improve performance then just reactivate it and move to the next one.
Try temporarily activating the default Twenty Eleven theme. See if the default theme loads faster. If it does, then we can look at your custom theme.
These two things may help narrow down at least where the problem is coming from. Let me know how it goes!
Do you have CPanel access with your hosting account? If you do, look in the left side toolbar at the bottom you should see where it says server status (click to view) you will see various details about your server performance.

Drupal development: performance

as the single user / developer on a drupal website im experience serious performance problems. several issues occur:
usually i develop drupal on our company dev server but now im at a client's office. the IT guys installed a VM with WAMP on the server they usually use for .net development. on the first day of dev (installing drupal, required modules and configuring them) httpd.exe would max out the cpu and loading any page would take minutes. IT guys just scratch their heads.
i then just installed WAMP on the local machine they gave me: some 299,99 Win XP Dell piece of sh*t, nevertheless a P4 2.8Ghz 2GB Ram. the fan blows so loud the entire office is giving me dirty looks. Again httpd.exe maxes out. again, any page (esp admin ones) takes minutes to load
in firefox, the views UI is completely unworkable. alot of stuff is loaded with ajax and it again takes minutes to see the various html elements dynamically inserted in the UI to appear - try to imagine this.
Chrome seems to handle the JS a bit better but it still takes way too long to complete any kind of action.
the devel_themer module ads tons of markup to the page which leads to "Allowed memory size of X exhausted" errors (memory_limit = 128MB ).
now im at the themeing stage where i need to do a LOT of page refreshes. I NEED firebug which requires firefox which in its turn eats up CPU and RAM. What usually takes seconds now takes minutes and by the time whatever action is completed, i forgot what i was doing. im basically reading news stories in between every page reload.
now, i know drupal is resource intensive but that its impossible to develop on a typical Dell / Win XP machine is a bit much, no? at home i work on an iMac and everything runs silky smooth.
i cant imagine im the only guy with this problem since what im doing is basically drupal 101 (no custom modules so far ...). unless someone can offer a solution, im concluding that you basically can not develop a typical drupal site on a normal home desktop computer.
what gives?
So you have abandoned the VM,check you php.ini file for the memory limit, increase it and see if there is a performance boost. its usually set to a default of 16M.
I'd suggest you either make sure to spend some time actually tuning your XP system, because the default WAMP config is definitely suboptimal, or consider an alternative, like Zend Server community edition (ZCE). Although not completely free as in speech, it is free as in beer, and simply builds up on top of a better default config for Apache and MySQL.
Although less convenient than WAMP or ZCE since not bundled, a manual install of Apache 2.2 is also usually a good choice.
Also note that, that the way devel_themer works, it is constantly building files in your temp directory, meaning that unless that directory is cleaned regularly, files will accumulate and directory browses will become exceedingly slow. Only a cron.php run will cause drupal to clean those files, for an up-to-date version of devel. See my patch adding this cleanup at
Finally, you mention Firebug, and you might be using the Drupal for Firebug module, which has known performance issues, apparently related to infinite recursion in some cases; although recent versions are supposed to fix this problem. See for instance
A couple things I've run into that could potentially help.
Unless you actually need it, turn off Locale. It causes a ton of extra queries (at least the last time I looked into it, this may have changed) so if you're not using it then don't put the unnecessary load on your DB.
Just like on a regular development machine, make sure MySQL is properly tuned and configured. This goes for any setup; local, development or production. 3/4 of the time the database is the bottleneck so start there.
If you've got the devel module installed and enabled it should have a query log you can tell it to output at the bottom of the page, this should help you with number 2.
