Troubleshoot SNMP communications issues - snmp

What is SNMP? What are the basic SNMP components?
How SNMP Works and How SNMP communication happens? How can I troubleshoot my SNMP communications issues?

The first 3 questions can be answered with a google search of "snmp". This page on wikipedia is a good starting point.
The last question is more interesting, and really depends on what the problem is. The most common issue is connectivity between SNMP agent and management app:
Can you ping it? If not, resolve that, google "cannot ping".
Does it respond to ANY request? If not, try a packet analyser such as wireshark otherwise google "cannot snmpwalk"
Anything else is problem-specific and can probably be googled.


Requests not going through the proxy

Heyo everyone !
I'm trying to reverse ingeneer an API using Burp. The problem is that I can't see any of the requests made by the software using the said API while I can see the requests made from Spotify, Discord, etc... I set the proxy parametter of windows to localhost:8080 and burp to listen to *:8080
Do you have any idea on what could make that happen ? I've been exploring the web I have yet to see an answer to my problem...
If I can improve by any means this question, to hesitate to let me know !
It is called SSL Pining and it's a method to protect against Man-in-middle type of attacks. It's very effective !
You can learn more about it through these articles:
I'm not related to any of these articles by any means. I just find them useful to understand SSL Pining

Can I send SNMP Traps to a different network?

I'm trying to send and receive an SNMP trap using an Ubuntu VM. Works well if I send and receive it in the same VM. But is it possible to send it to another Ubuntu VM in a different network or sending it through the internet?
Used a ton of tutorial like this but with no luck.
Any tutorials or guides for this? Been searching for days. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Yes, of course, but you will need to open up your firewalls and/or set up port forwarding so that the packets go where they need to go when they cross any network boundaries. The specific details depend on your network layout and cannot be further explained in the abstract.

How does a device become SNMP-enabled?

I have a general question but I could not find any useful information to answer it.
Just to be clear, I do understand how the SNMP works (Manager, Agent, MIB).
What I do not understand is how a device becomes SNMP enabled?
Does it happen at the manufacturing stage?
Can anyone explain this to me, please?
SNMP is a protocol (set of rules) for device communications. An application on the device opens a network port, listens for connections, and responds to those connections. It's similar, at least in theory, to a web server or any other kind of server. Usually the SNMP server software will be written into firmware on the device by the manufacturer, but for computers it may be loaded at boot time or on demand.

Sending Packets Using TCP/IP to Use in XCode

I'm very new to network programming, and would appreciate some help understanding what some good progress steps would be. I am designing an iOS app that requires real-time information to be delivered over a network from another machine. I know the IP address of this machine, as well as the API that the machine adheres to in terms of sending and receiving messages.
From doing some research, it seems like I need to open up a socket on one of the machine's ports, and open up another socket on my computer, and then use TCP/IP to send and receive packets between the two.
What is a good overview of the process that I need to do at this point? Which languages and environments would you suggest that would be most efficient for me to be able to get the information I need from this machine into my XCode project?
Thanks! Any help would be appreciated.
you just need to look for examples of how to do "socket programming" for IOS. here's one resource:

check whether a user connected to the Internet or not?

How do you check whether a user is connected to the Internet or not?
First define internet (e.g. sometimes only certain services are accessable, like when only HTTP traffic through a proxy is allowed).
In general, the only somewhat reliable solution is simply to try and check if the targeted service responds.
What flavor of Pascal are you using? You should have some Internet library available. If you want to know if there's a connection available, the easiest way to do that is to see if you can connect to anything. How exactly you do this depends on your internet library, but if I had to do this I'd simply try to ping and see if it succeeds or not.
