Acknowledge the JmsMessage with MessageConverter in spring-jms - jms

I am using jmsTemplate.receiveAndConvert() method in spring-jms. This method returns the converted object (Person) but if i used Client Acknowledge then how can i acknowledge the message in this case.
Any pointers would be appreciated.

You can't because you don't have access to the Message.
Use receive(); then call messageConverter.fromMessage(message) (e.g. on a SimpleMessageConverter) yourself to do the conversion.
However you really shouldn't do that because the session will either be closed when receive() returns (or returned to a cache, in which case some other user might ack your message).
It's better to use jmsTemplate.execute() with a SessionCallback and only exit the callback after the message has been ack'd.


Spring Integration can’t use multiple Outbound Channel Adapters

I want to write to a channel adapter only if the previous channel adapter write has been written successfully. I’m trying to do this by:
public IntegrationFlow buildFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(someChannelAdapter)
But I’m getting the following exception: The ‘currentComponent’ (…ReactiveMessageHandlerAdapter) is a one-way 'MessageHandler’ and it isn’t appropriate to configure ‘outputChannel’. This is the end of the integration flow.
How can I perform this?
If your handler implementation is one-way, fire-n-forget, then indeed there is no justification to continue the flow. It can go ahead with the configuration if the current handler is reply-producing and there will be something we can build a message to send to the next channel.
In your case .handle(outboundChannelAdapter1) is just void, so the next .handle(outboundChannelAdapter2) is not going to have anything to continue the flow. So, the framework gives you a hint that such a configuration is wrong. It is called flow for a reason: the result of the current endpoint is going to be an input for the next one. If no result, no continuation. How else it could work in your opinion?
The point is that there need to be something to write to your channel adapter. One of the solution is a PublishSubscribeChannel which distributes the same input message to all its subscribers. If that is what would fit to your expectations, then take a look into its support in Java DSL:
Another way is a RecipientListRouter pattern:
You may achieve the same with WireTap as well, but it depends on a business logic of your solution:
But anyway: you need to understand that the second handler can be called only if there is an input message for its channel. In all those cases I showed you it is exactly the same message you send to a first handler. If your expectations are different, please elaborate what kind of message you'd like to have for a second handler if the first does not return anything.

Is there a possibility to set spring integration mail inbound adapter flags after handling the message?

We're currently using the spring mail integration to receive and send emails which works without flaws if there's no exception such as a connection error to the exchange server or the database.
These mails come in as Messages and are passed to a handler method which will parse the MimeMessage to a custom mail data object. JPA saves those entities as the last step to our database.
There's a problem if the database is down or the mail can't be processed for any other reason, as the IntegrationFlow will still mark it as /SEEN once the message gets passed to the handler.
Setting this flag to false won't fix our problem, because we want Spring to set the /SEEN flag if the mail is processed and saved correctly
Searching for:
Would there be a possibility to set flags AFTER successfully saving the mail to the database?
We'd like to process the failed email again after the cause for the responsible error is fixed, which won't work as long Spring marks them as /SEEN no matter the result.
The messages comes in and gets passed to the handler which will parse the mail and execute the CRUD-Repository save(mailDAO) method. The handleMimeMessage() is more or less just a mapper.
fun imapIdleFlow(imapProperties: ImapProperties): IntegrationFlow {
imapProperties.username.let { URLEncoder.encode(it, charset) }
return IntegrationFlows
.apply {
Is it even possible to mark the messages in the same flow afterward as you need to access the exchange a second time or would I need a second flow to get and flag the same mail?
I think it is possible with something like transaction synchronization:
So, you set transactional(TransactionManager transactionManager) on that Mail.imapIdleAdapter to the JpaTransactionManager to start transaction from this IMAP Idle channel adapter and propagate it to your handleMimeMessage() where you do those JPA saves.
Plus you add:
* Configure a {#link TransactionSynchronizationFactory}. Usually used to synchronize
* message deletion with some external transaction manager.
* #param transactionSynchronizationFactory the transactionSynchronizationFactory.
* #return the spec.
public ImapIdleChannelAdapterSpec transactionSynchronizationFactory(
TransactionSynchronizationFactory transactionSynchronizationFactory) {
To react for commit and rollback of the mentioned transaction.
The DefaultTransactionSynchronizationFactory with some TransactionSynchronizationProcessor impl can give you a desired behavior, where you take a Message and its payload from the provided IntegrationResourceHolder and perform something like message.setFlag(Flag.SEEN, true); on the MimeMessage.
You may consider to use the mentioned in docs an ExpressionEvaluatingTransactionSynchronizationProcessor.
To avoid folder reopening, you may consider to use a public ImapIdleChannelAdapterSpec autoCloseFolder(boolean autoCloseFolder) { with a false option. You need to consider to close it in that TX sync impl or some other way.

Can we make JMS Producer to use "AmazonSQSAsyncClient" 's method "sendMessageAsync" to send the message?

I have a JMS producer which is using the AmazonSQSClient's sendMessage method to produce the message. I want to use the AmazonSQSAsyncClient's sendMessageAsync method in my JMS producer. How can I achieve that?
Obtain the AmazonSQSAsync client. In spring boot you can just Autowire it.
Now as you can see the sendMessageAsync returns a Future, so you need to wait for it.
amazonSQSAsync.sendMessageAsync("logical queue name", "message").get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
If you prefer you can also use the other method:
amazonSQSAsync.sendMessage("logical queue name", "message")
It won't return Future but it will timeout if the receive timeout is reached.

What is publisher Returns in Spring AMQP

I've been trying my hands on Spring AMQP. And I have a couple of questions:
I'd like to know what is Publisher returns and how is it different from Publisher Confirm. Of my understanding, we have a Publisher Confirm Callback that checks the status of acks. Now I looked at the documentation in Spring AMQP and Rabbit MQ. didn't really find or understand much on this.
And also why is it that if the message is tried to send to a non-existing queue, I don't get any sort of acknowledgement (ack/nack
) nor do I get any errors. Is there a way to setTimeouts for non-acknowledgements?
Short answer from the link :
"For unroutable messages, the broker will issue a confirm once the exchange verifies a message won't route to any queue (returns an empty list of queues). If the message is also published as mandatory, the basic.return is sent to the client before basic.ack."
In Spring AMQP if you set 'spring.rabbitmq.publisherReturns' to true this will mean messages will be 'mandatory' (unless you set mandatory to false) because of the following code:
private boolean determineMandatoryFlag() {
Boolean mandatory =;
return (mandatory != null ? mandatory :;
I suggest you to read this article. There is a good description of all possible acknowledgments scenarios, including returns for the unrouted messages, like your non-existing queue.
From the Spring AMQP perspective you should bear in mind:
This feature requires a CachingConnectionFactory that has its publisherReturns property set to true.

MassTransit fault consumer not invoked for request/response

What is the best practice for handling exceptions in MassTransit 3+ with regard to Request/Response pattern? The docs here mention that if a ResponseAddress exists on a message, the Fault message will be sent to that address, but how does one consumer/receive the messages at that address? The ResponseAddress for Bus.Request seems to be an auto-generated MassTransit address that I don't have control over, so I don't know how to access the exception thrown in the main consumer. What am I missing? Here's my code to register the consumer and its fault consumer using Unity container:
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "request_response_queue", e =>
e.Consumer(() => container.Resolve<IMessageFaultConsumer<IRequestResponse>>() as IConsumer<Fault<IRequestResponse>>);
And here's my attempt at a global message fault consumer:
public interface IMessageFaultConsumer<TMessage>
public class MessageFaultConsumer<TMessage> : IConsumer<Fault<TMessage>>, IMessageFaultConsumer<TMessage>
public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<Fault<TMessage>> context)
return Task.FromResult(0);
This approach DOES work when I use Bus.Publish as opposed to Bus.Request. I also looked into creating an IConsumeObserver and putting my global exception logging code into the ConsumeFault method, but that has the downside of being invoked every exception prior to the re-tries giving up. What is the proper way to handle exceptions for request/response?
First of all, the request/response support in MassTransit is meant to be used with the .Request() method, or the request client (MessageRequestClient or PublishRequestClient). With these methods, if the consumer of the request message throws an exception, that exception is packaged into the Fault<T>, which is sent to the ResponseAddress. Since the .Request() method, and the request client are both asynchronous, using await will throw an exception with the exception data from the fault included. That's how it is designed, await the request and it will either complete, timeout, or fault (throw an exception upon await).
If you are trying to put in some global "exception handler" code for logging purposes, you really should log those at the service boundary, and an observer is the best way to handle it. This way, you can just implement the ConsumeFault method, and log to your event sink. However, this is synchronous within the consumer pipeline, so recognize the delay that could be introduced.
The other option is to of course just consume Fault<T>, but as you mentioned, it does not get published when the request client is used with the response address in the header. In this case, perhaps your requester should publish an event indicating that operation X faulted, and you can log that -- at the business context level versus the service level.
There are many options here, it's just choosing the one that fits your use case best.
