Spring Integration can’t use multiple Outbound Channel Adapters - spring

I want to write to a channel adapter only if the previous channel adapter write has been written successfully. I’m trying to do this by:
public IntegrationFlow buildFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(someChannelAdapter)
But I’m getting the following exception: The ‘currentComponent’ (…ReactiveMessageHandlerAdapter) is a one-way 'MessageHandler’ and it isn’t appropriate to configure ‘outputChannel’. This is the end of the integration flow.
How can I perform this?

If your handler implementation is one-way, fire-n-forget, then indeed there is no justification to continue the flow. It can go ahead with the configuration if the current handler is reply-producing and there will be something we can build a message to send to the next channel.
In your case .handle(outboundChannelAdapter1) is just void, so the next .handle(outboundChannelAdapter2) is not going to have anything to continue the flow. So, the framework gives you a hint that such a configuration is wrong. It is called flow for a reason: the result of the current endpoint is going to be an input for the next one. If no result, no continuation. How else it could work in your opinion?
The point is that there need to be something to write to your channel adapter. One of the solution is a PublishSubscribeChannel which distributes the same input message to all its subscribers. If that is what would fit to your expectations, then take a look into its support in Java DSL: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-subflows.
Another way is a RecipientListRouter pattern: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/message-routing.html#router-implementations-recipientlistrouter.
You may achieve the same with WireTap as well, but it depends on a business logic of your solution: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/core.html#channel-wiretap.
But anyway: you need to understand that the second handler can be called only if there is an input message for its channel. In all those cases I showed you it is exactly the same message you send to a first handler. If your expectations are different, please elaborate what kind of message you'd like to have for a second handler if the first does not return anything.


How does ktor websocket flow api works?

I'm using ktor for server side development with websockets.
Documentations shows us this example of using incoming channel:
for (frame in incoming.mapNotNull { it as? Frame.Text }) {
// some
But mapNotNull is marked as deprecated in favor of Flow. How should I use this API and what problems could be there? For example, the Flow is a cold stream. It means that the producer function will be called on each collect. How does it work in context of websocket. Will it be reopened on second collect call, or maybe old messages will be delivered once after the next collect? How can I collect N messages, then stop collecting, then collect again?
Thanks in advance :)
How should I use this API and what problems could be there?
What I am using and what I have seen in one of the examples somewhere in the docs is the consumeAsFlow() method called on ReceiveChannel. Here is the entire snippet:
webSocket("/websocket") { //this: DefaultWebSocketServerSession
.map { receive(it) }
Haven't seen major issues with this approach. One thing you should be aware of (but that goes for the non-flow approach as well) is that if you throw inside your flow, then it will break the WebSocket connection, which is usually not something you'd like to do. It might be worth considering wrapping the entire thing in a try-catch.
Will it be reopened on second collect call, or maybe old messages will be delivered once after the next collect?
You open the websocket before you even start consuming the messages from the flow. You can see that inside webSocket() {} you are in the context of DefaultWebSocketServerSession. This is your connection management. Inside your flow you are simply receiving messages one by one as they arrive (after the connection has been established). If the connection breaks, then you're out of the flow. It needs to be re-established before you can process your messages. This establishing bit is done by the Route.webSocket() method. I do recommend taking a look at its Javadoc.
If you wish to add some clean up after the connection is closed you can add a finally block like so:
webSocket("/chat") {
try {
.map { receive(it, client) }
} finally {
// cleanup
In short: collect is called once per received message. If there is no connection (or it was broken) then collect won't be called.
How can I collect N messages, then stop collecting, then collect again?
What is the use case for this? I don't think you should be doing this with any flow. You can of course take(n) items from a flow, but you won't be able to take any more from it again.

Timeout on replyChannel when wireTap is used

We are using wireTap to take timestamps at different parts of the flow. When introduced to the newest flow, it started causing a timeout in the replyChannel. From what I understand from the documentation, wireTap does intercept the message and sends it to secondary channel, while not affecting the main flow - so it looks like the perfect thing to use to take snapshots of said timestamps. Are we using wrong component for the job, or is there something wrong with the configuration? And if so, how would you recommend to register such information?
The exception:
o.s.integration.core.MessagingTemplate : Failed to receive message from channel 'org.springframework.messaging.core.GenericMessagingTemplate$TemporaryReplyChannel#21845b0d' within timeout: 1000
The code:
public MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway inboundGateway(Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller,
DefaultSoapHeaderMapper defaultSoapHeaderMapper) {
final MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway inboundGateway =
new MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway(jaxb2Marshaller);
return inboundGateway;
public IntegrationFlow querySynchronous() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(INPUT_CHANNEL_NAME)
//.transform( m -> m) // for tests - REMOVE
And the timestamp flow:
public IntegrationFlow registerTimestampFlow(String asyncRequestReceivedTimestampName) {
return channel -> channel.handle(
m -> MetadataStoreConfig.registerFlowTimestamp(m, metadataStore, asyncRequestReceivedTimestampName));
The notable thing here is that if I uncomment the no-operation transformer, everything suddenly works fine, but it doesn't sound right and I would like to avoid such workarounds.
Another thing is that the other, very similar flow works correctly, without any workarounds. Notable difference being it puts message in kafka using kafka adapter, instead of calling some web service with outbound gateway. It still generates response to handle (with generateResponseFlow()), so it should behave the same way. Here is the flow, which works fine:
public MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway workingInboundGateway(Jaxb2Marshaller jaxb2Marshaller,
DefaultSoapHeaderMapper defaultSoapHeaderMapper, #Qualifier("errorChannel") MessageChannel errorChannel) {
MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway aeoNotificationInboundGateway =
new MarshallingWebServiceInboundGateway(jaxb2Marshaller);
return aeoNotificationInboundGateway;
public IntegrationFlow workingEnqueue() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(WORKING_INPUT_CHANNEL_NAME)
.publishSubscribeChannel(channel -> channel
Then, there is no problem with wireTap being the last component and response is correctly received on replyChannel in time, without any workarounds.
The behavior is expected.
When the wireTap() (or log()) is used in the end of flow, there is no reply by default.
Since we can't assume what logic you try to include into the flow definition, therefore we do our best with the default behavior - the flow becomes a one-way, send-and-forget one: some people really asked to make it non replyable after log() ...
To make it still reply to the caller you need to add a bridge() in the end of flow.
See more in docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-log
It works with your much complex scenario because one of the subscriber for your publishSubscribeChannel is that generateResponseFlow() with the reply. Honestly you need to be careful with request-reply behavior and such a publishSubscribeChannel configuration. The replyChannel can accept only one reply and if you would expect a reply from several subscribers, you would be surprised how the behavior is strange.
The wireTap in this your configuration is not a subscriber, it is an interceptor injected into that publishSubscribeChannel. So, your assumption about similarity is misleading. There is the end of the flow after that wiretap, but since one of the subscribers is replying, you get an expected behavior. Let's take a look into the publishSubscribeChannel as a parallel electrical circuit where all the connections get an electricity independently of others. And they perform they job not affecting all others. Anyway this is different story.
To conclude: to reply from the flow after wireTap(), you need to specify a bridge() and reply message will be routed properly into the replyChannel from the caller.

Spring Integration Flow : Circuit breaker for each endpoints or at flow level

I have successfully implemented some spring Integration Flow.
I am looking to have a circuit breaker either the same one for each endpoints or either at the flow level.
I have already read this documentation https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/handler-advice.html, but I havent find my answer.
Should I use some AOP ?
I'm not sure what you have missed in the mentioned docs, but RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice is indeed over there: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/handler-advice.html#circuit-breaker-advice
The advises like this should be applied in the Java DSL with this configuration option:
.transform(..., c -> c.advice(expressionAdvice()))
Pay attention to that advice(expressionAdvice()) call. The expressionAdvice() is a bean method. So, you can do something similar for the RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice and any your endpoints in the flow which need to be guarded by the circuit.
And yes, you can use only a single bean for the RequestHandlerCircuitBreakerAdvice. It does keep a state for any endpoint it is called against:
protected Object doInvoke(ExecutionCallback callback, Object target, Message<?> message) {
AdvisedMetadata metadata = this.metadataMap.get(target);
if (metadata == null) {
this.metadataMap.putIfAbsent(target, new AdvisedMetadata());
metadata = this.metadataMap.get(target);
Thanks for your answer #artem-bilan.
I really appreciate that a spring integration team member anwsered to this.
After more thoughts, I have reformulated my problem.
Given an IntegrationFlow, with a specific error channel, if there are more than a given amount of errors in given span time (more than 10 errors in 10s), I want to stop polling the input channel.
So I redirect all the errors for this flow to the specific flow error channel.
An error counter is incremented, and then if the threshold is reached in the given span time, I stop the poller.
I have a second flow that monitor "stopped" pollers, and it restart them after some time.
I do have use your recommendations.
Mainly because I the framework dont solve your problem, your probably wrong.
And I was wrong.
Thanks !

Spring Integration Usage and Approach Validation

I am testing out using Spring Integration to tie together disperate modules within the same Spring-Boot application, for now, and services into a unified flow starting with a single-entry point.
I am looking for the following clarifications with Spring Integration if possible:
Is the below code the right way to structure flows using the DSL?
In "C" below, can i bubble up the result to the "B" flow?
Is using the DSL vs. the XML the better approach?
I am confused as to how to correctly "terminate" a flow?
Flow Overview
In the code below, I am just publishing a page to a destination. The overall flow goes like this.
Publisher flow listens for the payload and splits it into parts.
Content flow filters out pages and splits them into parts.
AWS flow subscribes and handles the part.
File flow subscribes and handles the part.
Eventually, there may be additional and very different types of consumers to the Publisher flow which are not content which is why I split the publisher from the content.
A) Publish Flow (publisher.jar):
This is my "main" flow initiated through a gateway. The intent, is that this serves as the entry point to begin trigger all publishing flows.
Receive the message
Preprocess the message and save it.
Split the payload into individual entries contained in it.
Enrich each of the entries with the rest of the data
Put each entry on the output channel.
Below is the code:
IntegrationFlow flowPublish()
return f -> f
//Prepare the payload
.<Package>handle((p, h) -> this.save(p))
//Split the artifact resolved items
.split(Package.class, Package::getItems)
//Find the artifact associated to each item (if available)
e -> e.<PackageEntry>requestPayload(
m ->
final PackageEntry item = m.getPayload();
final Publishable publishable = this.findPublishable(item);
return item;
//Send the results to the output channel
B) Content Flow (content.jar)
This module's responsibility is to handle incoming "content" payloads (i.e. Page in this case) and split/route them to the appropriate subscriber(s).
Listen on the publisher output channel
Filter the entries by Page type only
Add the original payload to the header for later
Transform the payload into the actual type
Split the page into its individual elements (blocks)
Route each element to the appropriate PubSub channel.
At least for now, the subscribed flows do not return any response - they should just fire and forget but i would like to know how to bubble up the result when using the pub-sub channel.
Below is the code:
MessageChannel contentAssetChannel()
return MessageChannels.publishSubscribe("assetPublisherChannel").get();
//return MessageChannels.queue(10).get();
MessageChannel contentPageChannel()
return MessageChannels.publishSubscribe("pagePublisherChannel").get();
//return MessageChannels.queue(10).get();
IntegrationFlow flowPublishContent()
return flow -> flow
//Filter for root pages (which contain elements)
.filter(PackageEntry.class, p -> p.getPublishable() instanceof Page)
//Put the publishable details in the header
.enrichHeaders(e -> e.headerFunction("item", Message::getPayload))
//Transform the item to a Page
.transform(PackageEntry.class, PackageEntry::getPublishable)
//Split page into components and put the type in the header
.split(Page.class, this::splitPageElements)
//Route content based on type to the subscriber
.<PageContent, String>route(PageContent::getType, mapping -> mapping
.subFlowMapping("page", sf -> sf.channel(this.contentPageChannel()))
.subFlowMapping("image", sf -> sf.channel(this.contentAssetChannel()))
C) AWS Content (aws-content.jar)
This module is one of many potential subscribers to the content specific flows. It handles each element individually based off of the routed channel published to above.
Subscribe to the appropriate channel.
Handle the action appropriately.
There can be multiple modules with flows that subscribe to the above routed output channels, this is just one of them.
As an example, the the "contentPageChannel" could invoke the below flowPageToS3 (in aws module) and also a flowPageToFile (in another module).
Below is the code:
IntegrationFlow flowAssetToS3()
return flow -> flow
.publishSubscribeChannel(c -> c
.subscribe(s -> s
.<PageContent>handle((p, h) ->
return this.publishS3Asset(p);
IntegrationFlow flowPageToS3()
return flow -> flow
.publishSubscribeChannel(c -> c
.subscribe(s -> s
.<Page>handle((p, h) -> this.publishS3Page(p))
.enrichHeaders(e -> e.header("s3Command", Command.UPLOAD.name()))
First of all there are a lot of content in your question: it's to hard to keep all the info during read. That is your project, so you should be very confident in the subject. But for us that is something new and may just give up even reading not talking already with attempt to answer.
Anyway I'll try to answer to your questions in the beginning, although I feel like you're going to start a long discussion "what?, how?, why?"...
Is the below code the right way to structure flows using the DSL?
It really depends of your logic. That is good idea to distinguish it between logical component, but that might be overhead to sever separate jar on the matter. Looking to your code that seems for me like you still collect everything into single Spring Boot application and just #Autowired appropriate channels to the #Configuration. So, yes, separate #Configuration is good idea, but separate jar is an overhead. IMHO.
In "C" below, can i bubble up the result to the "B" flow?
Well, since the story is about publish-subscribe that is really unusual to wait for reply. How many replies are you going to get from those subscribers? Right, that is the problem - we can send to many subscribers, but we can't get replies from all of them to single return. Let's come back to Java code: we can have several method arguments, but we have only one return. The same is applied here in Messaging. Anyway you may take a look into Scatter-Gather pattern implementation.
Is using the DSL vs. the XML the better approach?
Both are just a high-level API. Underneath there are the same integration components. Looking to your app you'd come to the same distributed solution with the XML configuration. Don't see reason to step back from the Java DSL. At least it is less verbose, for you.
I am confused as to how to correctly "terminate" a flow?
That's absolutely unclear having your big description. If you send to S3 or to File, that is a termination. There is no reply from those components, so no where to go, nothing to do. That is just stop. The same we have with the Java method with void. If you worry about your entry point gateway, so just make it void and don't wait for any replies. See Messaging Gateway for more info.

How to decide the sequence of actions in Netty channel pipeline

For example, if I want to build a websocket server, I wonder what should be put in the initChannel method. Then I found the websocket example in netty's sourcecode, in which I need to do the following:
public void initChannel(final SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
new HttpRequestDecoder(),
new HttpObjectAggregator(65536),
new HttpResponseEncoder(),
new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler("/websocket"),
new CustomTextFrameHandler());
But I have no idea why I need to put the objects in such an order. In the description of HttpObjectAggregator I found something like this:
Be aware that you need to have the {#link HttpResponseEncoder} or {#link HttpRequestEncoder} before the {#link HttpObjectAggregator} in the {#link ChannelPipeline}.
But in the above code HttpObjectAggregator object is before the HttpResponseEncoder object. I am confused. How do I know I am putting those objects in a correct order?
TLDR; You should put HttpServerCodec into your init method, to keep things simple. Do that before HttpObjectAggregator if you choose to use the aggregator.
I'm pretty sure the advice about putting encoders before the HttpObjectAggregator is a typo. The encoders are outbound only handlers, while the HttpObjectAggregator is an inbound only handler, which means an event will never interact with both of them; so it makes no sense that their relative order would matter.
The caveat here is that HttpObjectAggregator will write HttpObjects out (mainly a 100 CONTINUE) in certain cases, and for that HttpObject to be converted to a byte[] that can be sent on the wire it needs a HttpResponseEncoder before it in the pipeline. On outgoing the pipeline is traversed in reverse, so the encoder before it will receive a message sent by the aggregator, but an encoder after it won't. The sample code you posted has a bug in it that will only be hit if a 100 CONTINUE would need to be sent. Looks like that bug was fixed by replacing the encoder/decoder with a HttpServerCodec before the aggregator.
A decoder, like HttpRequestDecoder or HttpResponseDecoder is an inbound only handler, and they need to be before the HttpObjectAggregator for it to function properly. That's because those two decoders transform a byte[] into an HttpObject, while the HttpObjectAggregator is really a Message to Message decoder that transforms a HttpObject into a FullHttpMessage.
Netty introduced the HttpServerCodec which is a combination of HttpRequestDecoder and HttpResponseEncoder in one class. If you put that before your aggregator you'll save yourself a line of code and make sure you have the proper encoder and decoder for your server.
Good reference on understanding how a message works in the pipeline for inbound vs outbound handlers: https://netty.io/4.0/api/io/netty/channel/ChannelPipeline.html
Issue where this wording was first introduced (notice no mention of encoding, only decoding): https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2401
Issue where this wording is pointed out as a typo/bug: https://github.com/netty/netty/issues/2471
